The two sides of the border have been in chaos.

"Look at this. The Chinese, Korean, and Dongying youth martial arts conferences will be held at the city gymnasium."

Someone in a dormitory of a college in S City exclaimed.

Several people in the dormitory immediately came over.

"This is a screenshot sent to me by a friend in Dongying. Dongying announced this news in public."

There is a screenshot in the chat dialog box.

Soon this screenshot was passed on by them, and it didn't take long for this news to spread among college students.

"Our country actually has martial arts competitions with South Korea and East Sakura."

"Now that everyone knows that ancient martial arts are real, don't hold it privately. I want to go and watch and cheer."

Not long after, the relevant topic was pushed to the hot search on Weibo, and many people left messages, and many people wanted to go to the scene to watch.

But the official remained silent.

A high-rise hotel in S City.

"Father, it's just as you expected. We released the news in China, and the Chinese like to join in the fun and they want to watch the scene."

A young man in a samurai costume said with a smile.

A middle-aged man in the room said: "Ueno, you have to come forward and let the Chinese officials agree to let ordinary people watch."

The young man's name is Fujiwara Ueno. He smiled and said: "Father, this is easy. I just stand up and provoke publicly."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly.

"With your strength, you will definitely win. This is a good time to bring honor to our East Sakura country and our family!"

"If you perform well, our family will benefit a lot."

The middle-aged man smiled.

Fujiwara Ueno said proudly: "Don't worry, father. The most powerful players from China in recent years are only in the middle stage of dark energy."

"I'm already in the late stage of dark energy!"

"There may not be any fighters in China this year who are in the middle stage of dark energy."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly.

After all, it's just a youth martial arts competition. It's good to have a fighter in the middle stage of dark energy. Sometimes the most powerful fighter is only in the early stage of dark energy.

There is an age requirement for the youth martial arts competition. The maximum age cannot exceed 24 years old, and you can only participate three times at most.

The most powerful fighter in China last year was in the middle stage of dark energy, but he is 24 years old and can't participate this year.

"Fujiwara-kun, you really live here."

"We heard that you are one of the fighters representing our Dongying country this time. Do you have confidence?"

Two reporters from Dongying country "blocked" Fujiwara Ueno at the door of the hotel.

In fact, they were secretly arranged by Fujiwara Ueno's father.

"You media reporters are really well-informed. I am naturally confident about this martial arts tournament."

Fujiwara Ueno said as he straightened his clothes.

"Fujiwara-kun, the Chinese government has not agreed to hold martial arts competitions publicly. What do you think about this?"

The reporter asked.

Fujiwara Ueno smiled faintly and said, "It's a wise choice. It's not good for ordinary people to see their people defeated."

"I have something else to do. Please let me go."

The relevant news was soon exposed, and public opinion was in an uproar.

"With a population of more than one billion in our country, will we lose in a martial arts competition?"

"This guy from Dongying is too arrogant. Who does he think he is?"

"The official still doesn't agree to open it. Is it true that, as Fujiwara Ueno said, our Chinese martial arts are not as good as Dongying?"

Many people on the Internet were indignant.

S City Secretary Chang Qinghe called Tang Pengyuan over: "The Youth Martial Arts Conference jointly held by our three countries is no small matter."

"This time it is held in our S City. We have to decide whether to make it public or not. Pengyuan, you are a martial artist, please give me your opinion."

Tang Pengyuan sat upright with a tangled expression.

"Secretary, this is quite troublesome."

Chang Qinghe said: "Can you tell me how troublesome it is?"

Tang Pengyuan said in a deep voice: "It seems that this matter was deliberately exposed by the East Ying Country. Since they did this, the East Ying Country should have some powerful masters."

"In addition, in recent years, they have often joined forces with the United States to target us, and it is more likely that our China will suffer losses."

"It may not be a good influence for ordinary people to watch."

Chang Qinghe frowned slightly: "Don't we have masters? If we don't make it public, we may lose both people and battles."

Tang Pengyuan's eyes showed worry.

"Secretary, I'm worried that the people of Dongying Country will be ruthless. This is real martial arts, a killing skill, and people may die."

"If it is made public and people die, the impact will be huge."

Just then there was a knock on the door.

Chang Qinghe's secretary quickly entered the room.

"Secretary, the Korean side has given

"The secretary replied that we are the organizer this time and it is up to us to decide whether to open the event or not."

Chang Qinghe nodded slightly, and the secretary withdrew.

"Pengyuan, it seems that we can't not open the event. I will order some tickets to be issued at various universities in S City."

"You must ensure the security work."

"Considering that there is a high possibility of injuries, prepare several more medical teams and try not to cause major casualties."

Chang Qinghe said in a deep voice.

Tang Pengyuan stood up: "Yes, Secretary. I will try my best to avoid major casualties among our people. As for the people from Dongying Country and Bang Country, they will have doctors. "

Chang Qinghe nodded.

Soon the official announced the news.

Not long after, all the universities in S City received a batch of tickets, and the total number of tickets was only one thousand.

Some of these tickets were given to students from Bangguo and Dongyingguo, and only about eight hundred tickets were given to Chinese students.

Many people were naturally dissatisfied with this.

But it was good that the official released so many tickets. What if more serious situations really occurred when more were released?


"Brother Lin."

Ouyang Fei looked at Lin Tian eagerly.

"Say whatever you want. I get goosebumps when you look at me like this."

Lin Tian said unhappily.

Ouyang Fei coughed lightly: "Brother Lin, why don't you take action when the time comes? I don't think the current situation is good."

"Dongyingguo was not so high-profile in the past. They are so confident this time. I guess they have a dark energy late warrior."

Lin Tian said: "Why don't you guess that they have dark energy perfection? ”

Ouyang Fei shook his head repeatedly.

“Do you think everyone is as perverted as you? It’s amazing to become a martial arts master before the age of 40!”

“In the past ten youth martial arts competitions, the most powerful one was a genius martial artist from our country seven years ago. He was in the late stage of dark energy. There is no late stage of dark energy after that.”

Lin Tian asked curiously: “Who is that genius martial artist? Is he a martial arts master now?”

Ouyang Fei sighed.

“His name is Long Wanli. The Long family is an ancient martial arts family and is also very strong in the military. Long Wanli has joined the army a long time ago.”

“Long Wanli died accidentally three years ago.”

“The specific cause of his death is still a mystery.”

Speaking of this, Ouyang Fei paused: “Brother Lin, you’d better not take action. Although you are a martial arts master, if your strength is exposed, you may not be able to withstand assassination.”

Lin Tian said with a smile: “You want me to take action, but you are afraid that something will happen to me. "

Ouyang Fei said helplessly: "This time the commotion is too big, I don't want our country to lose too badly."

"But you are a martial arts master now, and it is entirely possible that you will become a martial arts master in the future. If something happens to you, the country will suffer huge losses."

Lin Tian smiled: "Is there a possibility that I am already a master?"

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