The doctor said that the treatment was successful.

Yang Zhiheng was extremely surprised.

Ninety-nine percent sure, what's the difference between that and one hundred percent?

"Xiao Lin, please."

"You don't need to discuss it with other doctors, just start the treatment directly, other doctors don't have a good treatment plan."

Yang Zhiheng took a deep breath and said.

Now even if someone said there was a 10% chance, he would happily accept it, not to mention that Lin Tian said there was a 99% chance.


Lin Tian nodded slightly, and he closed the door of the intensive care unit.

"You just heard what General Yang said, prepare the silver needles."

Lin Tian ordered.

"Okay, Doctor Lin."

The older nurse quickly took out the needle box, in which the short silver needles were only one or two inches long, and the long silver needles were more than one foot long.

Such long silver needles are not used by ordinary doctors at all. The silver needles are relatively soft, and it is not easy to control their direction.


Lin Tian ordered.

He came to the bedside: "Old Yang, it will be a little bit stinging, can you bear it? Otherwise I have to make you unconscious."

"But the effect will be better when you are awake."

Old Yang nodded slightly: "Yes."

He was a veteran revolutionary who was often injured.

A little pain was nothing to him.

"That's fine."

"Don't worry, your problem is just a small problem. It can be solved in three minutes if it's fast, and five minutes if it's slow."

Lin Tian took the disinfected silver needle and smiled.

Soon Lin Tian inserted the silver needle into Old Yang's neck, and his internal force entered the silver needle, and the silver needle turned and moved forward flexibly.

Controlling the silver needle to turn, those who can turn it once or twice are masters.

The bleeding point of Elder Yang is in the brain, and the silver needle must avoid all blood vessels and nerves, and cannot damage the brain at all.

This cannot be done by turning it once or twice.

Lin Tian used his internal force to explore the way, and the silver needle followed like a spirit snake. In just half a minute, the silver needle turned nine times and reached the bleeding point of Elder Yang's brain.

Lin Tian's internal force attached to the bleeding point, and the internal force has a healing effect. The bleeding was only slight, and the bleeding stopped in less than ten seconds.

The next step is how to let the blood out.

If there is no internal force, even if the silver needle reaches the blood stasis, it is difficult to guide it out, but this is not a problem for Lin Tian.

The silver needle has pierced a channel, Lin Tian flicked his finger, and the silver needle kept trembling, and there was a gap in the pierced channel.

Lin Tian's internal force attracted, and the blood stasis was led away along the silver needle.

There was soon dark red blood stasis outside the silver needle.

The two nurses next to him stared with wide eyes.

They seemed to be watching a miracle.

"Disinfectant cotton balls."

Lin Tian ordered.

"Oh oh."

One of the nurses quickly took out the disinfectant cotton balls, and she carefully wiped the blood clots guided by the silver needle.

The amount of bleeding was not large, and soon all the blood clots were drawn out.


Lin Tian quickly withdrew the needle.

It took less than three minutes in total.

"Mr. Yang, how do you feel?"

Lin Tian asked with a smile.

Mr. Yang raised his hand and gave a thumbs up: "Little doctor, you are amazing. I had a headache before, but now it doesn't hurt at all."

"Mr. Yang, please pay more attention in the future."

Lin Tian quickly left the intensive care unit.

Luo Yongqian and Yang Zhiheng were outside, and they looked nervous.

Lin Tian smiled: "General Yang, it's solved. If you are not sure, you can ask Mr. Yang to take another X-ray."

"Mr. Yang's old injury can also be cured. Let's wait until he recovers."

Yang Zhiheng was extremely surprised.

"Xiao Lin, thank you so much!"

Yang Zhiheng held Lin Tian's hand and said.

He didn't think Lin Tian was lying to him. There was no need to lie about this kind of thing.

"General Yang, I don't have a medical qualification certificate. Please don't introduce other patients to me. If something happens, we will be in trouble."

Lin Tian smiled and said.

Yang Zhiheng was stunned. Lin Tian didn't even have a medical qualification certificate?

"Brother Yang, Xiao Lin doesn't have a medical qualification certificate, but his level is no problem. I guarantee this with my life."

Luo Yongqian coughed lightly.

"Grandpa Luo, you probably have to sit here for a while. I'll leave first. I haven't been to the imperial capital. I'll go around."

Lin Tian smiled.

Luo Yongqian nodded, and Lin Tian left quickly.

Yang Zhiheng and Luo Yongqian went to the intensive care unit. Yang Zhiheng clearly saw that his father's face looked much better.

"Zhiheng, that young doctor just now is amazing."

"After he treated me, my headache went away."

Old Yang, who was lying on the bed, said.

Soon, several people from the sanatorium

The doctor came over, and Old Yang took another X-ray, which came out in a few minutes.

"The blood clot in Old Yang's brain is gone, and the bleeding has stopped."

"How was this treated?"

One of the old doctors said in disbelief.

The older nurse said, "Doctor Lin only used a silver needle, which was inserted into the neck, and the blood clot came out soon."

"That's impossible."

"The silver needle entered the neck and had to turn ten times before it could reach the blood clot, and even if it did, how would the blood clot come out?"

Another doctor shook his head.

The young nurse said, "We saw it clearly, Doctor Lin only used a silver needle, and it took less than three minutes."

An old Chinese doctor next to him muttered to himself.

"Ancient books record the silver needle nine-turn acupuncture method, which is actually true."

Everyone looked at him.

"Silver Needle Nine Turns Acupuncture?"

"Yes, the silver needle can be controlled to turn more than nine times after entering the body. I have studied acupuncture for decades and can only do four turns of the silver needle."

The old Chinese doctor looked respectful, "Silver Needle Nine Turns, such a realm, even if I am given another hundred years, I can't reach it."

Everyone was shocked.

Yang Zhiheng said in a deep voice: "Since father has recovered, this matter ends here, and you all don't discuss it anymore."

"How father was cured, you must keep it a secret!"

The people around nodded.

It was about Mr. Yang, they didn't dare to say anything casually.

When everyone dispersed, Yang Zhiheng looked at Luo Yongqian: "Brother Luo, you said Xiaolin is your grandson-in-law, he is Bingning's boyfriend?"

Luo Yongqian shook his head: "Not boyfriend, they are married, but this has not been made public, don't tell anyone."

"Why not?"

Yang Zhiheng said puzzledly.

Luo Yongqian said, "They had an engagement before. Although they have obtained a marriage certificate now, their relationship has not yet been cultivated."

Yang Zhiheng said with a strange expression, "You made an engagement with Bingning?"

Luo Yongqian laughed, "Isn't it good?"

Yang Zhiheng nodded slightly, "You are lucky. Xiaolin is really good. He has such a high level of medical skills at such a young age."

"He will be great in the future."

"Brother Luo, I owe you and Xiaolin a favor this time."

Luo Yongqian waved his hand.

"Don't involve me. Given the relationship between our two families, it is my duty to bring Xiaolin here. It is his ability to cure Old Yang."

"Just owe him a favor. Most of my body is buried in the soil. Why do I need your favor?"

Yang Zhiheng smiled, "Okay, then I only owe Xiaolin a favor. He is your grandson-in-law, and I guess there is no way around it."

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