The two of them were sitting on the ground, and the two of them were sitting on the ground.

Lin Tian and Luo Bingning entered the house.

Yang Li came out of the kitchen and said with a smile: "Xin'er, Bingning came to our house when she was a child. She is a talented girl from Peking University."

"Xiao Lin, Bingning, you sit down for a while. The food will be ready soon. Xin'er's father should be back in about five minutes."

Luo Bingning said quickly: "Okay, Aunt Yang."

"Brother Tian, ​​why do you call Sister Xin the instructor?"

The three of them sat down, and Luo Bingning said with some confusion.

Lin Tian chuckled and said, "The beauty driving the car when I video-called you that day was her. She taught me how to shoot for three hours."

"Instructor, this is my girlfriend Luo Bingning."

Tan Xin shook hands with Luo Bingning, and she smiled and said, "Bingning, before you came, I heard from my mother that you came to our house when you were a child, and we took a photo together at that time."

"That's really a coincidence."

Luo Bingning smiled.

Lin Tian laughed, coincidence?

At first he thought so, but after thinking about it carefully, it was probably arranged by Yang Zhiheng. There were more than just Tan Xin who had good shooting skills in the army.

Besides, he had a girlfriend, which General Yang Zhiheng also knew.

Yang Zhiheng arranged this because he wanted him to get to know the Tan family, which would be a good thing for him and the Tan family.

He was in S City, and Tan Zhenguo was the boss of the S City police system. It would definitely be good for him to get to know Tan Zhenguo.

He had excellent medical skills, and it would be good for Tan Zhenguo to know him.

Originally, connections are just lines, but when they are woven together, they form a network. A strong network of connections has amazing power.

There are many things that ordinary people may not be able to do even if they run themselves to death. With a strong network of connections, a phone call may easily solve them.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are Bing Ning's boyfriend, so you are not a soldier?"

Tan Xin said with some doubt.

Lin Tian has a strong shooting talent. She thought he was a good seedling found by the higher-ups and would join the army after confirming his shooting talent.


"I am just an ordinary citizen."

Lin Tian shook his head.

Tan Xin said regretfully: "That's a pity. You have such a strong shooting talent. You will definitely become a sharpshooter if you train and cultivate."

Luo Bing Ning said in surprise: "Sister Xin, does Brother Tian have a strong shooting talent?"

Tan Xin nodded.

"Very strong, much stronger than me."

"He only practiced for three hours. His pistol shooting skills are not inferior to mine, his rifle is better than mine, and his sniper rifle is only slightly weaker than mine."

Luo Bing Ning glanced at Lin Tian.

Another great advantage of Lin Tian was discovered.

However, this shooting talent is not usually used, and she does not hope that Lin Tian's talent in this area can be used in the future.

"Ding Dong--"

The doorbell rang, and Tan Xin hurried to open the door.

"Dad, Uncle Tang."

Tan Xin called out. There were two people outside the door. Tang Pengyuan knew that Lin Tian and the others were having dinner here, so he followed them.

"Director Tan, Second Uncle Tang."

"Uncle Tan, Second Uncle Tang."

Lin Tian and Luo Bingning also stood up and called out.

Tan Zhenguo shook his head and said, "Xiao Lin, this is not right. You call Old Tang Second Uncle Tang, and you call me Director Tan, which is alien."

"You call me Uncle Tan just like Bingning."

Lin Tian nodded: "Uncle Tan."

Tan Zhenguo said with a smile: "That's right. We'll have a few drinks later, and Old Tang, you should eat two more bowls of rice."

Tang Pengyuan was a little helpless. Who told him that his injury was not healed yet?

"Old Tan, clear the table, it's time for dinner. Xin'er, you serve the food."

Yang Li said with a smile.

Soon, dishes were brought out from the kitchen.

A few people sat down, and Tang Pengyuan picked up the teacup: "Xiao Lin, I'll have tea instead of wine first, thank you for saving my life."

"I'll drink with you after my injury heals in a few days."

Lin Tian quickly picked up the wine glass: "Uncle Tang, you're too polite, it's just a small favor, we're all family."

Tang Pengyuan smiled and said: "Xiao Lin, this is what you said, we're all family, if you need help with something, don't be embarrassed to ask, you can ask me or Old Tan."

"Uncle Tang, that won't happen."

"I'm thick-skinned."

Lin Tian smiled.

Tang Pengyuan took a sip of tea, and Lin Tian finished a glass of wine.

Tan Zhenguo said with a smile: "Xiao Lin, you are too honest. He drinks tea, and you drink a full glass of wine with him."

"Don't drink with him, let's drink."

Lin Tian nodded.

Yang Xin smiled and said to Luo Bingning: "Bingning, my father has good red wine, can I drink a little red wine with you?"


. "

The dinner was a great success.

Lin Tian drank a pound of white wine, but nothing happened. Tan Zhenguo was about 60% drunk, and Luo Bingning and Tan Xin were also a little drunk.

"Ding, ding!"

Tan Xin's phone rang.


"Tan Xin, I know you are on vacation. But there is an urgent task. One of our servers is under a strong attack."

"You provide support immediately."

Tan Xin's boss said hurriedly on the other end of the phone.

Tan Xin was a little dumbfounded. She had just drunk a lot of wine. She had a normal alcohol tolerance. How could she provide support at this time?

"Boss, I'm afraid it won't work."

"Although I'm at home, I just drank a lot of wine. I'm not in good condition now. I'm afraid it's easy to mess things up."

Tan Xin said hurriedly.

"You go first, I'll find someone else. "

Lin Tian was thoughtful. Cyber ​​attack?

Nowadays, several big countries have mushrooms. They dare not fight hot wars, but on the Internet, several big countries probably have confrontations every day.

"Uncle Tan, Aunt Yang, we will go back first."

Lin Tian and Luo Bingning said goodbye and left.


When the two went downstairs, they saw Tang Yan before calling a designated driver. Tang Yan stretched out her hand and said, "Lin Tian, ​​bring me the car keys."

"My second uncle sent me a message. You all drank. He asked me to come and be the driver."

Lin Tian gave the car keys to Tang Yan: "Bingning, you go back first. I have something else to do. I will go home later."

Ten minutes later, Lin Tian arrived at a nearby Internet cafe.

It has not been long since he got the hacker skills. Lin Tian is now very curious about this aspect. He also wants to verify his level.

The moment his hand touched the keyboard.

Lin Tian felt that the cells in his body were cheering.

A lot of information floated to his mind.

"I am the emperor of the Internet! "

Lin Tian muttered to himself, and an inexplicable confidence emerged in his heart.


Lin Tian quickly tapped the keyboard. He knew Tan Xin's home address, and soon he found traces of Tan Xin in the network.

Following the traces left by Tan Xin, Lin Tian soon arrived at a battlefield.

This is a battlefield without gunpowder smoke.

There are only endless data.

Some of these data are like a raging flood.

Some are like spies, infiltrating in various ways.

Some are like assassins, killing the enemy invisibly.


Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

He has obtained the hacker skills of the grandmaster level. He can understand these methods, which are even more interesting in his eyes.

As Lin Tian observed, his skills were quickly and completely digested.

"Tan Xin and the others are in a bad situation."

Lin Tian said in his heart.

Tan Xin's side is very strong, but the enemy has been prepared and is more powerful.

"Help them. "

Lin Tian acted quickly.

Tan Xin and his team are from the Chinese military. If the military's server is hacked, important secrets may be stolen.

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