Start by giving Senju Tobirama an inventory of Naruto

Chapter 125 The despised immortal body

[After obtaining Shikamaru's blood, out of professional needs, Hidan began to draw a formation, intending to sacrifice Shikamaru to the evil god, and activate the Death Division to stab himself with the blood.

[In the end, Hidan was attacked by Shikamaru, who was not injured, and his throat was cut. 】

[Shikamaru jokingly informed Hidan that the blood he licked was actually Kakuzu's. 】

[Kakashi drew Kakuzu's blood in advance and handed it to Shikamaru. 】

[When Shikamaru was beaten, it dripped onto Hidan's weapon. 】

[The deceived Hidan could only fight back with hand-to-hand combat, but was immobilized by Shikamaru using the Shadow Technique. 】

[In the end, Shikamaru used a bunch of detonating talismans to blast him into the deep pit that had been dug long ago, and he fell directly into the ground. 】

[According to the original words of the author of "Naruto" in the formula book: Hidan is still alive, but if he doesn't get nutrition, he will die. After so long, this guy is starting to stink, haha. 】

[The word "stinky" is very spiritual, Hidan is really miserable. 】

"Isn't this immortal body a little weak?"

Looking at Hidan being buried alive, Orochimaru looked slightly disdainful.

"It's a bit weak. It recovers from injuries too slowly and cannot automatically suture its body. The most outrageous thing is that it will starve to death without nutritional supplements."

"Haha, I'm really laughing to death. The immortal body will starve to death. What kind of hell joke is this?"

After watching the video, everyone knows almost all the information about Hidan.

To be honest, the combination of immortality and death by blood is indeed very strong, especially if one does not know Hidan's information. Once the blood is collected by the opponent, just like Asuma in the picture, he will be directly counterattacked by Hidan. Wounded to death.

However, once all the information about Hidan is known, Hidan will be a fool who only knows taijutsu when targeted.

In a taijutsu duel, just be careful not to collect blood from your opponent.

If that doesn't work, you can always use ninjutsu to fly a kite from a distance.

If he takes a step back, Hidan's blood can be collected, and he can destroy his formation, or pull him out of the formation circle, so that the effect of Shi Si Ping's blood will not work.

"In the final analysis, Hidan's fighting style is still a bit too simple."

"Yes, I can only use physical skills to collect blood. I don't know illusions or ninjutsus. My fighting method is really simple."

"Okay, if everyone accidentally encounters Hidan and Kakuzu when they go out on a mission and cannot defeat them, remember to run away. It is still not appropriate for us to conflict with the Akatsuki organization now."

Hearing this, Asuma rolled his eyes at the Third Hokage and said, "Old man, we have almost instigated Obito to rebel. Doesn't this count as a conflict with the Akatsuki organization?"

"According to Bai Zetsu's explanation, Obito has not openly joined the Akatsuki organization, and as long as the Akatsuki organization does not know about it, it does not count as a conflict. Of course, we cannot place our hopes on the other party. We still have to be prepared to start a sudden war. preparation.”

Having said this, the Third Hokage looked at Orochimaru and asked, "Orochimaru, how is your cloning going?"

Orochimaru nodded and replied: "Everything is going well, but because the first batch of clones are made quickly, their quality and lifespan will be slightly compromised."

"It doesn't matter, just wait until we solve the Akatsuki organization and restore the peace of the past to the ninja world, and then clone a healthy body to them again."

"Okay, I get it."

Regarding cloning, no one had any in-depth communication.

This topic is actually a bit sensitive.

The purpose of cloning the bodies of the Fourth Generation and others and resurrecting them was to deal with the Akatsuki organization and to bring peace to the ninja world.

So, when there is peace in the ninja world, do old people like the Third Hokage who are too old need to clone a body as a backup?

Once they start doing this, they will become immortal in disguise.

Is this kind of behavior that goes against the natural laws of life really good?

They don’t know, so they subconsciously don’t discuss it.

Tobirama's office.

Like the Third Hokage, everyone was also laughing at Hidan's immortality.

"It's so funny. It's the first time I've heard that immortals will starve to death."

"Isn't such an immortal body a bit too inferior?"

"Just tell me if he is immortal."

".As a member of the immortal duo, I feel that Kakuzu's immortality is better than Hidan's. At least Kakuzu can use the Five Elements Escape Technique, and each heart can turn into a clone to fight. It's not like Hidan. , just like a fool."

"This is different. If Kakuzu's five hearts are gone, he will die. If Hidan's heart is gone, he will not die."

"So, he will just starve to death, right?"

"Haha, this joke seems to be unbearable, haha."

Senju Tobirama did not join in the crowd's ridicule of Hidan, but judging from the slightly raised corners of his mouth, he also quite disliked Hidan's immortal body.

"I just don't know if this immortality ability can be improved."

Dislike it as it is, the ability of immortality is still very good.

If there was a chance, he would like to study Hidan to see if his immortality ability could be replicated.

[To sum up, Hidan, who can easily reveal his immortality in a life-or-death situation, is a piece of shit. 】

[There is nothing wrong with being ridiculed by Shikamaru as a fool who screams blindly. 】

[Looking at Hidan's strength, Hidan's physical skills are not easy to judge. 】

[Because of his immortality, he always trades injuries for injuries during battles. 】

[Hidan's taijutsu score is the same as Asuma's, both at nine, but Asuma's blaster is being assisted by Shikamaru, something is obviously wrong. 】

[Had it not been for his immortality, Hidan would have been burned to death by Asuma's ashes. 】

[Hidan's special ability is somewhat overestimated. Although his immortal passive can save his life, the upper and lower limits of his healing ability are very low. 】

[When the Death Si is turned on, the healing ability within the formation based on blood is quite impressive, but outside the range of the spell, the damage received may even leave scars. 】

[At this point, this UP believes that he is the man who sublimated the plot. 】

[The formula book sets the speed of seven and the flying level of nine, and Shikamaru, who has five speeds and four body skills in a one-on-one challenge, just didn't notice that his weapon was dripping blood from the enemy. 】

[To be honest, this battle really doesn’t follow the basic rules and can only be attributed to the plot. 】

"The plot is killer. It seems that the work "Naruto" is not very rigorous."

After watching so many issues of character inventory, everyone has seen so-called plot kills several times.

The first one to bear the brunt was the time in Senju Tobirama.

As he said himself, he was so full that he didn't prepare anything. Taking six disciples directly to the Kingdom of Thunder to sign the contract was really too smart.

Senju Tobirama: It’s hard to look back on the past!


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