Start by giving Senju Tobirama an inventory of Naruto

Chapter 224 About Xiaonan’s thoughts

"What a shame."

Tobirama's office.

Senju Tobirama also felt very sorry for Konan's death.

If she learns her own mutual multiplication detonating talisman, she only needs to channel a few detonating talismans each time. As long as she continues to explode, so many detonating talismans can kill Obito.

It's a pity that Xiaonan doesn't know how to use the detonating talisman between Senju Tobi.

She also couldn't calculate as accurately as Orochimaru, and used the detonating charm sparingly.

She could only choose to explode a large number of detonating symbols at once, so as to increase her fault tolerance rate.

But she didn't know that the ninja world actually had a bullshit technique like Izanagi's, which turned her plan into a joke.

"Jiraiya, why don't you let Konan become my disciple? Let her continue to follow you like her destiny. I always feel that her talents will be wasted."

Little Jiraiya, who was staying next to Mito to avoid little Tsunade's entanglement, suddenly looked confused when he heard this.

"No, Nidaime-sama, you can't do this."

Little Jiraiya ignored everyone's surprised looks, hugged Tobirama's thigh, and started crying with runny nose and tears.

"If you want to cry, cry well and don't take the opportunity to wipe your nose on my pants~"

Tobirama threw little Jiraiya out in disgust, telling him not to harm his pants.

His pants are from a brand: Bannilu.

But he waited in line for three minutes to buy it.

"No, Nidaime-sama, you must have taken a fancy to Konan's "financial ability", right?"

Just after wiping the snot from his pants, Tobirama heard Jiraiya say this and immediately turned his head to look at the light screen.

".Why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

Seeing the Second Hokage pretending to be stupid, little Jiraiya did not compromise. He gave the other party a thumbs up and said sarcastically: "As expected of Tsunade's second grandfather, the two of you are simply carved from the same mold. "

"Ahem, actually, Tsunade is more like the elder brother."


Senju Hashirama, a melon-eater, heard that his brother had implicated him, and immediately quit, "Why do you and little Jiraiya involve me?"

"Do you admit it or not, Tsunade is more like you."


"Tsunade became a gambler because of you."

"How can we say that playing cards and gambling for money is harmful?"

Recalling Tsunade's appearance when he taught her young Tsunade how to play cards and gamble for money, Hashirama's voice became softer and softer.

"But Tsunade's personality is not like Hashirama."

"Sister-in-law, you."

Tobirama looked at Mito who was speaking in surprise, as if he was very surprised by what she said.

Also, when he usually talks to his eldest brother Hashirama, his sister-in-law Mito basically won't interrupt.

Unexpectedly, this time, he was choked by his sister-in-law and could not refute.


Hearing this, Hashirama's eyes lit up, "I can bear to say that Tsunade is as good at gambling as me, but in terms of personality, she is not like me."

"Hmph, it sounds like I have a bad temper."

"Who knows, maybe you are a slut?"

"You're the one who's boring."

"You're boring."

"It's you who's so sullen."

"It's you."

The Senju brothers were choking each other, and little Jiraiya couldn't get a word in at all.

In this way, the matter about Xiaonan was fooled by the Qianju brothers who cooperated tacitly.

Poor little Jiraiya, let us mourn for him.

Amitabha Buddha, Infinite Heavenly Lord, Holy Mother Mary, Amen!

[During the Fourth Ninja War, Nagato and Itachi were reincarnated by the dirty earth together. 】

[As a wild man whom Konan didn't know well, Nagato didn't mention Konan at all when he met Naruto. On the contrary, Uchiha Itachi even asked a few questions about Sasuke. 】

[As for Xiaonan’s idea of ​​600 billion detonating talismans, in essence, these 600 billion are the product of the sand sculpture author’s boasting. 】

[If I have to give this sand sculpture author some credit, he can really relate to Kakuzu. 】

[We will talk about this later. 】

[The next step is the strength part that I love to see. 】

[Xiaonan himself is very thoughtful and well-organized, and does not fight unprepared battles. 】

[But the combat effectiveness is not outstanding because the "Naruto" work is not a battle of wits style. Otherwise, with Xiaonan's deployment ability, Hidan would have to lie down and kowtow to explode the scale, and Deidara would have to lie down and call her sister. 】

[Konan is contracting the toilet building project of Shinobu Village or wholesale toilet paper, which is more reasonable than Hidan driving a blood donation truck. 】

[The detonating talisman was disguised as toilet paper. Even the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan could not see through it. The five major countries were directly blown up. 】

[Then there is the economic strength. Not to mention that the detonating talisman costs at least three hundred taels a piece. Xiaonan only sells it for one tael a piece. The economy of the entire ninja world will collapse. 】

[What kind of tailed beast does Nagato want? One hundred billion detonating charms in each of the five major ninja villages, let the ninja world know what explosion is and art. 】

[In front of the real rich woman Xiaonan, does it matter whether you can fight her or not? 】

[The key depends on whether Nagato, the leader, can use Konan. 】

[To sum up, Xiaonan’s experience also reflects the experience of war orphans. The happiness that was originally within reach of a thought has become out of reach because of the consequences of the war. 】

[Until Konan's last moment, the deepest part of his heart was still the childhood days with Jiraiya, Yahiko, and Nagato. Everything was close at hand, but he couldn't return to reality. 】

"Xiao Nan is contracting the toilet?"

"Toilet paper wholesale?"

"This is nothing."

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard UP Atian's thoughts on the light screen.

"But if I think about it carefully, it seems to be feasible."

As soon as Minato Namikaze finished speaking, several people subconsciously touched their anus parts.

"That scene must be very exciting."

Wouldn't that be exciting?

How is this different from dropping a bomb in the toilet?

Others use detonating charms to kill people, but you use them to blow up shit, right?

"Stop talking, Sakumo, I feel a bit off just thinking about it."

"Sandaime, can't you just not think about it?"

"That's easy to say."

The Third Hokage did not argue with Hatake Sakumo and simply muttered that the topic was over.

"I actually want to know if Xiaonan really wants to sell these 600 billion detonating charms, will the economy of the ninja world really collapse."

"Orochimaru, don't think about such horrible things."

"In no mood?"

Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya and continued playfully: "Then let's continue discussing the matter of placing the detonating charm in the toilet?"

". Let's discuss economic issues first."

"Do you understand economics and want to discuss it?"

Sasuke looked at Jiraiya and Orochimaru with contempt, and continued: "With all due respect, if we ninjas understood economics, we would not let the daimyo be responsible for people's livelihood, and we would be responsible for fighting."

Sasuke made sense.

Ninjas learn everything in ninja school, but none of it is related to issues such as economy, people's livelihood, and development.

All they learned was how to fight.

Discussing the economy?

Let’s first figure out what fifty thousand multiplied by fifty thousand equals.

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