Start by giving Senju Tobirama an inventory of Naruto

Chapter 311 Video Review of the 15th Episode

Time is like a speeding train. In the blink of an eye, it comes to the day when the light curtain opens twenty days later.

Night, time and space between Tobirama.

Uchiha Madara and Izuna, who had changed their bodies and regained their youth, arrived at the Hokage Building with inexplicable expressions.

"Hashirama, why did you ask Izuna and I to come here?"

As soon as he entered the office and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, Madara's brows instantly wrinkled.

Even though he has been in Konoha for the past twenty days, he is really not used to staying with too many people.

For this reason, he didn't even go back to the Uchiha clan.

Izuna followed Madara's footsteps closely. His eldest brother didn't even return to Uchiha, so he didn't bother to return.

Especially knowing that the Uchiha clan betrayed his eldest brother back then, he was even less interested in going back.

"Hey, I asked you to come, of course I want to show you something good."

Hashirama waved his hand, motioning for Madara and Izuna to sit next to him.

Madara did not refuse and brought Izuna to Hashirama's side.

"Today is already the twenty-day deadline. Why don't you try your best to persuade me? Are you still thinking of wasting time here?"

"Well~ you'll understand when eight o'clock comes."

"Oh? Then I'll wait and see."

Sitting on the chair, Madara began to close his eyes and rest.

Izuna was different. He saw Kagami who was whispering something to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Are you from the Uchiha clan?"

On the back of the clothes Kagami wore, there was the emblem of the Uchiha clan.

It was difficult for Quan Na to pretend not to see it.

"Yes, Master Izuna."

Jing nodded calmly.

Regarding Madara and Izuna, Tobirama had informed him when he and Hiruzen returned to the village.

To be honest, Kagami has very complicated feelings about Madara and Izuna, the two family seniors.

Fortunately for Izuna, after all, he died young and there is very little information about him in the family.

But Uchiha Madara was different.

As the previous patriarch of the Uchiha clan, his evaluation within the family can be described as mixed.

Those who praise him believe that without Madara, there would be no Uchiha today.

Uchiha might have been wiped out by the Senju clan as early as the Warring States Period, so there would be no chance of joining Konoha.

Those who belittled him believed that Madara's temperament was too arrogant and did not change at all after joining the village. He was still so wanton and reckless. It was just the slightest thing that did not go as he wished, so he left the village without any identity at all. Responsible for the patriarch.

The number of these two factions is obviously greater than that of the former.

Having lived in such a public opinion environment since childhood, one can easily imagine Jing’s impression of Madara.

Fortunately, he still has his teacher Senju Tobirama.

Although Tobirama hated Madara very much, he would not deliberately belittle Madara and told Jing a lot of things about Madara in a matter-of-fact manner.

Two completely different statements made Mirror's impression of Madara very confusing.

This is why he whispered to Hiruzen after seeing Madara and Izuna appear.

He wanted to ask the other party whether he should talk to Madara and Izuna.

As a result, he didn't wait for Hiruzen's advice. Instead, Izuna came to talk to him first.

"Lord Izuna, do you have any instructions?"

Seeing that she was a little nervous in the mirror, Quan Nai was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I just came to say hello to you."

He gently patted Jing's shoulder to relieve the other party's tension, and then continued: "I want to know the current situation of the Uchiha clan. Can you tell me?"

"Of course there's no problem, but it's almost eight o'clock. Let's wait until the light curtain ends before we can talk, right?"

"Okay, it's settled."

Quan Nai smiled calmly, patted Jing's shoulder again, and then returned to his seat and sat down.

"Why are you looking for that junior?"

"Nothing, I just want to know about the current situation of the family."

Madara knew his younger brother Izuna very well.

As soon as he heard this, he immediately opened his eyes, looked at Quan Nai and said, "Brother, it's been such a long time, I no longer blame them."

Madara understands Izuna, and Izuna understands Madara.

He knew that Madara really did not blame those who betrayed him, because those people had changed from tribesmen to strangers in his heart.

This is also the reason why in the original work, after learning from Black Zetsu that the Uchiha clan was destroyed, he was not angry.

A group of strangers were exterminated, why should he be angry?

But Izuna is different.

He still regards himself as a member of the Uchiha clan, so he must punish those clan members who betrayed his brother.

"Don't worry, brother, I'm measured."

Seeing that Izuna was determined to find trouble, Madara said nothing more.

He didn't want to affect his relationship with his brother because of those strangers.

[Hi, hi, hi~, hello dear viewers, I am taking stock of UP A Tian. 】

At eight o'clock in the evening, the light curtain appeared in the Hokage's office in both time and space on time.

When the light curtain appeared, Madara stood up instantly.

With his perception ability, he didn't realize how the light curtain appeared.

This shocked him very much.

"Madara, don't be so surprised, just watch with peace of mind."

Seeing that everyone in the office was used to it, Madara, who had always wanted to be strong, forcibly resisted what he wanted to ask and sat back down again.

[Last time, we reviewed the heroine Haruno Sakura in "Naruto" and Uchiha Obito, one of the masterminds behind the scenes in the ninja world. ]

[This time, let's review the other two masterminds behind the scenes. ]

[The Shura of the ninja world, Uchiha Madara, and the great director Black Zetsu. ]

When the light curtain said his name, Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows and couldn't help looking at Hashirama Senju.

Hashirama chuckled and said the same thing.

"Just watch it with peace of mind."

[There are a lot of slutty and ruthless people in "Naruto", but the one who stands at the top is still me, old Madara. ]

[As the second-to-last big devil at the end of the level, Madara crushed the final BOSS Aunt Kaguya with his temperament alone, relying on his slutty operation, bluffing ability and appearance that deserves a hammer. ]

[Compared with Madara who is keen on dancing, Aunt Kaguya is just a stupid and useless person who has forgotten her family. 】


Finally, Madara couldn't help himself and crushed the armrest of the chair with a slap.

He pointed at the light curtain with a very ugly face and asked: "Hashirama, can you explain to me what the appearance that the light curtain said is?"

"Hey~? The second-to-last big devil didn't ask, and the final BOSS Kaguya didn't ask, but only asked about appearance?"

Hashirama looked at Madara in surprise, and then suddenly remembered something and suddenly realized.

He said to Madara teasingly: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect you to pay attention to your appearance. What, are you interested in a girl from a certain family? Do you need me to help you propose marriage?"

".Don't talk nonsense, you bastard."

Madara opened his right hand angrily, clasped it on Hashirama's face, and asked viciously: "Who is talking in the light curtain? Tell me, I want to chop him."

Back home.

I thought the mourning hall would be set up for three days, but it was only set up for one day. It was carried up the mountain and buried at six o'clock this morning.

It was just past 9 o'clock when I got back to my cousin's house. I thought I should be able to write one, so I asked my cousin if I could use their computer.

I thought he would agree readily, but he said that his computer was full of work materials and he was afraid that I would lose it.

His son's computer had a password, and he didn't know it.

He said so, and I was too lazy to ask him what the password was. I went out and went to the town to find an Internet cafe.

It was also unlucky. I went to the Internet cafe and wrote for almost an hour, and suddenly the power went out. They said they were repairing the line and it would be turned off until 11:30.

Once the power went out, the manuscript was all spent. I got the remaining Internet fee back, had lunch, and took the train back.

I will not have any contact with my cousin's family in the future.

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