Start by giving Senju Tobirama an inventory of Naruto

Chapter 368 On the eve of the Fourth War

On the side, Jiraiya, who was pushed away by the third generation Tsunade, was about to climax when he saw the two Tsunade fighting each other for him.

Orochimaru took the opportunity to tease: "Jiraiya, do you feel good now?"

"Orochimaru, don't talk nonsense."

"Hehe, you are so happy that your saliva is flowing out, and you still say I am talking nonsense?"


After wiping his lips, Jiraiya pretended to cough twice and said seriously: "Let's put Tsunade's matter aside for now. Do you have any ideas about the manpower for the support over there?"

Orochimaru rolled his eyes at Jiraiya.

The topic change was too abrupt, not smooth at all.

"I don't have any idea, but I must go."

"Why do you want to go?"

"I want to verify an idea."

Jiraiya stared at Orochimaru carefully and nodded slowly, "If you want to go, then go, but be careful, don't die."

"Don't worry, although there is a resurrection technique, I won't really die, but I won't do such a shameful thing as being killed by the enemy."

On the light screen, seeing the two Tsunades arguing for Jiraiya, Senju Tobirama, who thought for a while, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Enough, you two stop arguing."

As soon as this was said, it worked immediately.

The two Tsunades stopped arguing after a cold snort.

"Tsunade, you go down first and let Orochimaru come up."

".Okay, second grandpa."

The third generation Tsunade left indignantly and replaced Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru, while there is still some time, let's discuss the time of crossing."

This time is different from before.

The Fifth Generation Tsunade was about to start the Fourth Ninja World War.

And they only had one hour to stay there.

Fortunately, because of the connection to the new time and space, the range of places they could choose to cross was also expanded. They could directly cross to the border of the Land of Fire, and then rush for more than ten minutes to reach the place of battle.

Otherwise, just rushing would take up a lot of their time.

At that time, let alone helping in the battle, they might be teleported back before they could say a few words as soon as they arrived at the battlefield.

"Indeed, if we go too early, Uchiha Madara might not have come out of the Impure World Reincarnation. If we go too late, if the battle is over, it will be embarrassing."

There was no way. Neither Tobirama Senju nor Orochimaru had the exact time of the Fourth Ninja World War, and they could only analyze it according to some videos given above.

Because the communication time was limited, the two only analyzed that the duration of this war might be very short.

Seeing that the communication time was about to end, the two decided on the time of crossing.

The time set by Orochimaru was around 2 pm two days later.

The time set by Senju Tobirama was around eight o'clock in the evening three days later.

In their opinion, it was very reasonable to set such a time.

In the early stage of the battle, with the participation of the Konoha ninjas of the Third Hokage's time and space, the situation of the Ninja Alliance would definitely be much better than that in the original "Naruto".

Even if the duration of the Fourth Ninja World War would be very short, it would not be as short as one or two days, right?

After the Third Konoha Ninja World helped the Alliance to gain the upper hand, how could the Impure World Madara appear on the second day of the war?

As long as they could deal with the Impure World Madara in time and then deal with Black Zetsu, they could avoid facing Kaguya, the final BOSS.

Of course, in case of unexpected situations, if they really had to face Kaguya, Tobirama decided to take action tonight and merge the Ten Tails.

With two days and three nights, they were enough for them to go to the major ninja villages to get a wave of tailed beast chakra.

Senju Tobirama did not think about whether other ninja villages would give it.

First, he was not going to kill the tailed beast or the Jinchūriki, just a little chakra.

Second, he was not acting alone.

In order to fuse the little Ten-Tails with Uchiha Madara and make him the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, Madara must go, right?

Since Madara went, Hashirama, as his best friend, must go too, right?

Separating the chakra of the tailed beasts is a delicate job, so Uzumaki Mito, who is familiar with various sealing techniques, must go.

So, who dares to say no in front of the God of Ninjas, Hashirama Senju, the Shura of the Ninja World, Uchiha Madara, the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Mito, and the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama?

After confirming the personnel who traveled through time, Tobirama said to Madara and others: "Let's set off now without further delay."

Hashirama: "Well, two days and three nights are indeed a bit tight."

Madara: "Then don't dawdle, let's set off quickly."

The next day.

When the sun just rose, the Konoha ninjas of the fifth generation of time and space had gathered, and led by their Hokage Tsunade, they began to rush to the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Lightning.

On the way, Kakashi noticed that the Fifth Hokage Tsunade, who was originally very worried about this war, was smiling and confident about this war.

"Did something happen?"

Kakashi thought about it and couldn't figure out what happened to make the Fifth Hokage change his usual worried look overnight.

"Kakashi, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Kai ran over.

He saw Kakashi was silent and thought he was nervous.

So, in order to ease Kakashi's nervousness, Kai hugged him and said, "Don't be nervous, Kakashi. I participated in the Third World War. It's just that."

Kakashi rolled his eyes at Kai and replied, "It's as if I didn't participate in the Third World War."

"Uh, hahaha, you are worthy of being my lifelong enemy. You are so sharp."

Kai smiled awkwardly. He realized that Kakashi also participated in the last Ninja World War like him.

"Don't worry, Kai, I'm fine."

"Well, I'm glad you're okay."

After saying that, the embarrassed Kai immediately disappeared and began to take care of his three lovely students.

At noon, Konoha's large army arrived at the location of the Ninja Alliance.

At the Alliance Command, the Fifth Generation Tsunade met the Fourth Generation Raikage Ai, the Third Generation Tsuchikage Ohnoki and the Fifth Generation Kazekage Gaara.

Sitting at a table, the fifth generation Tsunade poured herself a cup of tea, and after taking a sip, she asked, "Haven't the people from the Land of Water arrived yet?"

"According to the time, they will probably arrive before the sun sets in the afternoon."

Onoki replied to Tsunade.

As an old and experienced man, he could see that Tsunade was neither excited nor serious, but rather gave people a rather comfortable feeling.

This feeling made Ohnoki feel something was wrong, and he immediately asked tentatively, "Does the Hokage have any good news to share with us?"

"Oh? You figured it out?"

Onoki raised his eyebrows. He was just trying casually, but he didn't expect there would be an unexpected surprise.

"Can you tell us about it?"

Hearing the good news, Raikage Ai and Gaara also came to the table and sat down.

"Well, I can't reveal anything extra. I can only say that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, a group of reinforcements that you can't imagine will arrive."

"Reinforcements? You Konoha actually hid troops?"

The one who could say this was obviously Raikage Ai, a brainless and reckless man.

If it were normal times, Tsunade would definitely fight back against him.

However, the situation was special at this time, so she just shrugged and replied calmly: "You will know when the time comes."

After saying this, Tsunade ignored them and thought about what Orochimaru had asked her to do yesterday with 20 death row prisoners.

"What does he want 20 death row prisoners for?"

"Is he planning to use the Impure World Reincarnation?"

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