Start by giving Senju Tobirama an inventory of Naruto

Chapter 85 The Art of Spiritualization

[The character of Adan is the same as his father, Sakumo Hatake, in order to enrich the background story of the main character. 】

[By the way, let me convey the characters born from some fancy will. 】

Mito:? ? ? Tobirama, what does this mean?

Tobirama: The meaning is very simple. Before the light curtain appeared, we were all characters in a certain work.

Mito: So, we are virtual?

Tobirama: Yeah, virtual.

Mito: I don’t believe it. Please explain it to me.


[However, due to the small amount of information about these characters and the deliberate highlights placed by the author, they appear to be somewhat mysterious. 】

[In addition to being a Jounin of Konoha, Kato Dan is also well-known as Tsunade's first love. 】

[Logically speaking, Tsunade has an irresistible ladylike temperament in her balls. Coupled with her background as a princess of the Senju Clan, the number of people in the village who want to contribute to the descendants of the Senju Clan will probably be ranked as high as Broken Back. Go to the mountains. 】

"No way, Tsunade's figure can't be that good."

Seeing Tsunade's pair of huge evil figures on the light screen, little Jiraiya subconsciously retorted.

After he finished speaking, he reacted.

It seems, it seems, maybe, it shouldn't be said in front of the person involved.

"Um, Tsunade, can you be gentler?"

"Haha, what do you think?"

"I think it's okay."

"Ha, I don't think so."

Little Tsunade stared at little Jiraiya with a dark face, and after a few nonsense words, she punched little Jiraiya in the stomach, making him stick to the wall and unable to unbutton the button.

"I didn't expect that my Tsunade's figure would be so explosive in the future."

Everyone saw the "fighting" between little Tsunade and little Jiraiya, but they didn't care.

At most, it's just a few broken ribs, which is not a big deal.

"Grandma, what are you talking about?"

Little Tsunade, who was very angry just now, immediately became shy again after hearing what Mito said.

At the same time, she was also thinking, could she really become a mature big sister as shown on the light screen?

When he lowered his head and looked at his flat chest, his doubts became even worse.

[Not only the handsome young men in the second dimension have this idea, but the people in the third dimension also have the idea of ​​contributing to the reproduction of future generations of the Senju clan. 】

[So Tsunade, who is known as the Phantom God in the fandom, can like this elegant man in front of her, so this man named Kato must have some skills. 】

[And what’s outstanding about him is that he has an S-level ninjutsu that kills people invisible, called the art of spiritualization. 】

[You can see from the formula book that this move covers all aspects in addition to defense. The attack range can be near or far, long or short. 】

[You can also milk your teammates remotely at critical moments, which is a must-have ninjutsu for home travel. 】

[However, this move is unique in the whole article, which makes Kato Dan break out of the category of ordinary. 】

"The art of spiritual transformation?"

On the hanging surface of the light curtain, there was a formula book introduction to the spirit transformation technique, which made Tobirama very excited to read it.

The formula book says: The spirit transformation technique can separate one's spirit from the body, turn it into a spirit body, and possess the enemy, causing the enemy's spirit to collapse from the inside and die. At the same time, the spirit body itself also has the consciousness of the caster. .

Seeing this, Tobirama immediately realized that this spiritual transformation technique could make his resurrection method more perfect.

Originally, his original plan was to use cloning technology to clone the body of a person who needed to be resurrected, then use Earth Reincarnation to resurrect the person, and then let the person learn Orochimaru's corpse transformation and transfer his soul to On the clone.

In this way, true resurrection can be achieved.

However, this method has a drawback.

That is, the people of the dirty land cannot learn to turn around without corpses, so what should we do?

He was still having a headache about this problem, but he didn't expect that this issue of the light screen video would give him a big surprise.

The art of spiritual transformation can cause one's own soul to leave the body, so if it is used in reverse, can the soul of others also leave the body?

Tobirama knew this might be difficult.

But who is he?

He is a famous ninjutsu master in the ninja world. If you give him some time, this spiritual transformation technique may not be able to be transformed into what he wants.

"I just don't know whether this spiritual transformation technique is a blood inheritance limit or a family secret technique. I hope it is a family secret technique."

It is very difficult to transform the blood succession limit. In comparison, transforming the secret technique is not that difficult, and it can save him a lot of time in transforming the ninjutsu.

Tobirama has decided that after the video is finished playing, he will go to the Kato family and have a good chat with their head, Kato Taka.

[With this move, Kato Dan stepped into the threshold of flirting with Tsunade. 】

[Of course, one skill alone was not enough to impress Tsunade, the village beauty at that time. 】

[After all, our brother Jiraiya has grown up everywhere, but in the end, Kato Dan, this scheming boy, got in first. 】


Little Jiraiya touched the place where he was beaten, and felt very unhappy when he heard the word "quick start".

It was as if the lamb he had raised for so many years was eaten by someone else before he even ate it.

In short, little Jiraiya was very unhappy with this man named Kato Dan.

"Hmph, judging from his appearance on the light screen, he should be the same age as us."

"It's decided, I will find him tomorrow and beat this guy up."

As he said that, little Jiraiya seemed to have thought of something. He came to Xiaoshemaru's side and said, "Orochimaru, you come with me tomorrow."

"Not going."

Kouchimaru decisively rejected Jiraiya.

"No, if I go alone, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with him."

".At this time you are self-aware."

As we all know, Jiraiya was a loser when he was a child. Although his strength is definitely much stronger than that of civilian ninjas of the same age, Kato Dan and others are not civilian ninjas either.

No matter how small the Kato family is, it is still a serious ninja family.

"Orochimaru, can you bear to watch your good brother get beaten?"

"Then it's okay if you don't go?"

"Impossible, I have to beat this guy up, otherwise I won't feel comfortable."

Looking at the rogue little Jiraiya, Kouchimaru knew that if he didn't agree, he would definitely be annoyed by this guy later on.

"Okay, okay, I'll go with you tomorrow."

"Hahaha, I saw you right. From today on, you are my half-brother."

"If you keep harassing me, I won't go there tomorrow."

".Okay, I'll shut up right now!"

On the other side, little Tsunade, who was sitting next to Mito, curled her lips in displeasure when she heard little Jiraiya and Orochimaru "conspired".

She wanted to reprimand the two men, but Mito stopped her.


"Hey, hey, little Tsunade, don't you think this is fun?"

"Fun? What's so fun about this?"

"Isn't it fun enough to watch men fight over you and get jealous?"

"Grandma, how could you say that?"

"What's wrong with me saying that? I don't believe you are not curious about this Kato. Just as it happens, follow Jiraiya tomorrow and let's go together to see what kind of person the person who can impress you in the future is. "

"Grandma, if you keep doing this, I will ignore you."

"Hey, our little Tsunade is so shy!"


Little Tsunade: (〃'▽'〃)

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