Although Xing Daorong's suggestion was crude, it really gave Li Xiang a better idea.

Yes, to conquer the Yellow Turbans, after all, is to solve troubles and problems for the noble families and even the government in various places.

Why should Li Xiang's troops charge ahead and conquer the Yellow Turbans for them?

As Xing Daorong said, if you want to conquer the Yellow Turbans, you can, but you have to work together!

With almost no hesitation, Li Xiang went to the palace again and asked Liu Hong for people and policies.

All the noble families in Luoyang were relieved and began to look forward to Li Xiang's return to Luoyang with 30,000 cavalry and the upcoming expedition against the Yellow Turbans.

But they all expected Li Xiang to make achievements and destroy the Yellow Turbans.

The aristocratic families had great opinions about the hatred of the Yellow Turbans.

The Yellow Turbans were really too violent and rampant.

They destroyed states and counties, not only slaughtered the government, but also besieged the Wubao of the aristocratic families and smashed the shops of the aristocratic families. How could they tolerate this?

Just when the aristocratic families in Luoyang breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed happily.

One by one, the guards of the Yulin Army and the Imperial Army came to the door and knocked on the doors of a large number of famous aristocratic families.

The emperor has an order: go to the palace to discuss matters!

Facing the oral imperial edicts conveyed by the Yulin Army and the Imperial Army guards, many heads of aristocratic families were full of doubts.

If the court officials received the oral order, they had official status and went to the palace to discuss matters, they would not be confused.

But many aristocratic families did not have official status, or their official status was very small, and they were not qualified to go to the palace to discuss matters.

However, they received the emperor's oral order, which made them very surprised and puzzled.

However, no matter what these officials from noble families thought, whether they were happy, surprised, or worried and afraid, they all went to the palace one by one.


Chengde Hall.

In the court, Liu Hong sat at the top.

Below, a group of civil and military officials gathered.

There were also one or two hundred heads of noble families gathered.

Hundreds of people gathered together, and the hall was crowded and full.

Yuan Feng, Yuan Wei and other civil and military officials were very confused. They didn't understand why Liu Hong summoned them and why he summoned so many heads of noble families.

They also understood that these heads of noble families were all heads of famous families in various states and counties of the Han Dynasty, or they had close connections, and they were all well-known figures.

"Marquis Shenwu, I have invited all the noble families in the world to come to you. Can you tell me your strategy to defeat the enemy?"

Liu Hong, sitting on the dragon throne, looked down at the densely packed heads of the noble families and couldn't help but take a few more glances, because he, Liu Hong, rarely saw such a scene.

When Liu Hong asked, all the civil and military officials and heads of the noble families looked at Li Xiang, who was standing next to the general.

Did Li Xiang ask them to come?

Strategies to defeat the enemy?

All eyes were focused on him, but Li Xiang was not in a hurry. He bowed to Liu Hong and said:

"Your Majesty, the Yellow Turbans are powerful and turbulent, and my army is dozens of times smaller than the enemy, so it is not easy to deal with them. I do have a plan to defeat the enemy. However, it was not proposed by me, but by Xing Daorong, a military commander under my command. I think it makes sense. If it is really as Xing Daorong said, the day of the Yellow Turbans' defeat is not far away!"

Li Xiang's voice resounded in the hall, making Liu Hong, a group of civil and military officials, and even a group of aristocratic family heads' eyes light up.

What did they hear?

Xing Daorong, a military commander under Li Xiang, proposed a suggestion to destroy the Yellow Turbans. Li Xiang thought it made sense and said that if it was really as Xing Daorong said, the day of the Yellow Turbans' defeat would not be far away?

"Oh. Who is this Xing Daorong? He can actually make a suggestion that makes the Marquis of Shenwu feel so sure. Tell me quickly, how did you destroy the Yellow Turbans?" Liu Hong became interested and immediately asked Li Xiang eagerly.

Not only Liu Hong became interested, but also a group of civil and military officials and even the heads of the noble families were full of energy.

Luoyang is the imperial capital.

People strive for higher places, and the noble families in various places are like this, so those who can take root in Luoyang are the real powerful people.

But it does not mean that the noble families in various places have no relationship with them. On the contrary, all the financial resources they need come from various places.

Therefore, when the Yellow Turbans were rampant, these noble family heads hated the Yellow Turbans.

Now they heard that Li Xiang had a plan to defeat the enemy, they were very happy and excited, and looked at Li Xiang expectantly.

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