The news that Li Xiang led his troops to defeat the 200,000 or 300,000 Yellow Turbans in Nanyang in just a dozen days spread rapidly in Luoyang City with the spread of the messenger, causing a great sensation.

Luoyang City, Cai Mansion.

Back Garden.

A beautiful, quiet, and beautiful woman who seemed to have some literary aura was playing the guqin in the pavilion.

The melodious sound of the guqin made the birds on the branches in the distance and the rabbits on the ground listen motionlessly.

However, this beautiful tranquility was broken by a surprise sound.

"Miss, Miss, the Marquis of Shenwu won a great victory. In eleven days, he defeated hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans in Nanyang, beheaded the leader Zhang Mancheng, and captured more than 200,000 Yellow Turbans. Huh... Huh~ Huh, Miss, the Marquis of Shenwu won a great victory!"

A maid ran over excitedly, and the sound scared away the birds on the branches, and the rabbits also ran away.

The pleasant sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

Cai Yan looked at the maid who ran over in shock.

"Huan'er, what did you say? The Marquis of Shenwu won? The Yellow Turbans in Nanyang were pacified?"

Cai Yan asked her maid in disbelief.

Although Cai Yan was not a general who led troops to fight, she also knew that there were hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans in Nanyang, and the leader of the Yellow Turbans, Zhang Mancheng, killed the governor of Nanyang and occupied the imperial hometown of Nanyang.

The Yellow Turbans in Nanyang were definitely a big problem for the court.

But, Li Xiang won?

Eleven days?

"Miss, the Marquis of Shenwu really won. Just now, the news spread quickly, and the streets of Luoyang City were in an uproar. Everyone was exclaiming how powerful the Marquis of Shenwu was." The maid excitedly shared this shocking news with Cai Yan.

"Oh my God, he... he is really so powerful." Cai Yan was stunned, shocked by Li Xiang's strength.

Since Li Xiang attacked the foreign tribes on the grassland, she has admired Li Xiang and thought that Li Xiang is a brave and good general.

However, she found that it seemed that she still underestimated Li Xiang?

In just eleven days, he defeated hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans in Nanyang, killed Zhang Mancheng, and surrendered more than 200,000.

This record is really terrifying!

"He really didn't disappoint many people. He captured more than 200,000 Yellow Turbans. I wonder how he will deal with them. Has he seen the letter I sent..." Cai Yan's beautiful eyes sparkled. She unconsciously had a better impression of Li Xiang and was worried about him. Thinking of the letter she had sent to Li Xiang not long ago, Cai Yan's heartbeat quickened and she was worried.

She did have some selfish motives in sending letters to Li Xiang.

But the letter was also very important.

If it were a general, more than 200,000 Yellow Turban captives, they would have to be killed and buried alive. This was normal.

After all, these Yellow Turbans had rebelled.

It was impossible to let them go easily.

But if they were not released, the court could not afford to support them.

So many mouths to feed.

So it was almost likely that they would be dealt with in a bloody way.

Buried alive!

Therefore, Cai Yan's heartbeat quickened and she was worried.

"You must see the letter!" Cai Yan's beautiful eyes were filled with worry, and her silver teeth were clenched.

Just when Cai Yan was worried about Nanyang, the messenger entered the palace with a commotion along the way.

"What? The Yellow Turbans in Nanyang have been pacified? How is this possible? It's too fast. Didn't Li Xiang just go to Nanyang? This is absolutely impossible!"

In the court, with this unbelievable victory being reported, from Emperor Liu Hong to the ministers and officials, there was an uproar.

Liu Hong, who was sitting on the dragon chair, stood up.

"Your Majesty, Nanyang has won a great victory. The Marquis of Shenwu has already broken through Wancheng. This is the head of Zhang Mancheng, the leader of the Yellow Turbans in Nanyang!"

The dusty messenger saw that all the civil and military officials did not believe it, but he was a little anxious. The next moment, he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly took the box on his back and pretended to present it.

"The head of Zhang Mancheng, the leader of the Yellow Turbans in Nanyang, has been brought here!"

Liu Hong and a group of officials were even more shocked when they heard this, and they vaguely knew that this might be true.

They were shocked and surprised.

Liu Hong waved his hand and the guards opened the box, revealing a processed skull specimen.

If it wasn't Zhang Mancheng, who else could it be?

However, no one in the court had seen Zhang Mancheng, but looking at the skull did not affect their shock and surprise.

Undoubtedly, this good news was true! !

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