Cai Yong glanced at Yuan Feng. Although Yuan Feng was the prime minister of the dynasty, Cai Yong confronted him head-on: "Prince, many of the Yellow Turbans are ordinary people in the fields. They were directly taken away by the Yellow Turbans. Are they really willing to rebel? And if they can avoid starvation, will they risk their entire family being killed to rebel?" "At least in Yong's opinion, many Yellow Turbans were forced to rebel because of the failure of my court to provide disaster relief and the lack of grain in the treasury. Didn't Emperor Gaozu rebel because of the various Qin Dynasty Only then did the officials force the people to rebel? Fortunately, the Qin Dynasty did not have the Marquis of Shenwu, but the Han Dynasty did. What we need to do more is to face the Yellow Turbans, face the disaster, and solve the problem of people's lack of food, rather than strongly suppress them. In Yong's view, the Marquis of Shenwu did a good job. On the one hand, he suppressed the Yellow Turbans, and on the other hand, he guided the Yellow Turbans. He could not only protect the Han Dynasty, but also care about the people! "

Cai Yong said something that shocked everyone in front of Yuan Feng and even in front of everyone in the hall.

"Cai Yong, what do you mean? Are you saying that the Yellow Turbans rebelled or it was your Majesty's fault?"

Yuan Feng was also furious that Cai Yong pleaded for the Yellow Turbans, and was even more shocked that Cai Yong actually said such treasonous words in front of civil and military officials and Liu Hong, and turned the words around and directed the disaster to Liu Hong.

Liu Hong, who was sitting on the dragon throne, was also provoked by Cai Yong's words and his face darkened, as if he was slapped in the face.

Cai Yong actually compared the Han Dynasty with the tyrannical Qin Dynasty when he was in power.

He even compared the Yellow Turbans with Chen Sheng and Wu Guang?

Is Liu Hong the second emperor of Qin?

Cai Yong glanced at Yuan Feng who was provoking a fight, and his chest was also heaving violently.

As a counselor, he always spoke frankly when advising, and never considered his personal safety.

He would say what he thought was right, even if he pointed at Liu Hong and scolded him, he had to say it, and this was the case since the first day Cai Yong became an official, otherwise he would not have been repeatedly demoted from Luoyang.

Looking at Yuan Feng, Cai Yong immediately shouted:

"I am not just talking about Your Majesty, but also you, Sikong!!!"

"As Sikong, have you ever seen where the Yellow Turbans came from? How did they become Yellow Turbans!!!"

"They exchanged their children for food. They had no way to survive, so they were forced to become Yellow Turbans. If they had food, would they risk the death penalty and the death of their entire family to rebel? As Sikong, have you fulfilled your duties as the head of all officials and the parent of the people? Where is the disaster relief? What have you done for them?"

"Cai Yong risked his life to invite you, Your Majesty, to select and forgive those who were forced to become captives of the Yellow Turbans, and to give comfort to the people of the world."

In the hall, Cai Yong spoke fiercely, directly scolding Yuan Feng, and then, he made a death remonstrance to Liu Hong.


In the hall, all the civil and military officials were stunned by Cai Yong's performance.

He cursed Yuan Feng directly, slapped Liu Hong in the face, and gave Liu Hong a death-defying remonstration!

Liu Hong, who was sitting on the dragon throne, also had a violent rise and fall in his chest, and his face was very ugly. Although he knew that what Cai Yong said should be right, but, wasn't this a slap in his face?

He still slapped him!

Yuan Feng came back to his senses, his face was extremely ugly, looking at Cai Yong, and said angrily:

"Cai Yilang, you have deceived me too much, and you and I cannot coexist."

"Your Majesty, Cai Yong slandered me and your Majesty, comparing the Han Dynasty with the tyrannical Qin. He even compared the Yellow Turbans with Chen Sheng and Wu Guang? Isn't it saying that your Majesty is the second emperor of Qin? This old minister asks your Majesty to punish Cai Yong for treason!"

Yuan Feng directly asked Liu Hong to punish Cai Yong, but he still chose to expand Cai Yong's guilt.

He could not compare with Cai Yong in cursing people, and the Yellow Turbans' rebellion was indeed his unfulfilled duty. He lacked the confidence to curse Cai Yong.

Liu Hong looked ugly, took a deep breath, and looked like a stinky stone, smelly and hard. Cai Yong, who was not pleasing at all, said coldly:

"Cai Yilang cursed me and all the civil and military officials in the court. The Han Dynasty was a tyrannical Qin, I was the second emperor of Qin, and all the ministers were like Zhao Gao and Li Si. Only you, Cai Yilang, loved the people. In this case, Cai Yilang will go to Youzhou to take up your post. All the Yellow Turbans surrendered soldiers will be sent to Youzhou. I will see how Cai Yilang governs these people."

Liu Hong's cold voice resounded, and everyone in the hall was in turmoil.

Cai Yong was exiled to Youzhou again?

But, did Liu Hong promise to spare the lives of the Yellow Turbans' surrendered soldiers?

Cai Yong was stunned for a moment, but then he was delighted and didn't care at all that he was exiled to the bitter and cold place of Youzhou.

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