The news from the imperial court soon reached Wancheng.

While waiting for the imperial court to reply, Li Xiang was not idle. With Wancheng as the center, he received the young and strong people and food from the noble families.

Li Nan, Liu Yu, Zhao Yu, Han Xiao, Yuan Han, Lin Yuhao, Lin Yuan, Duanmu Jing, Liu Bo and other generals all came to Wancheng, bringing a large amount of food and young and strong people.

Wancheng was flooded with young and strong people for a while, and it was overcrowded.

The number of young and strong people gathered alone reached more than 100,000 in a short time, and there were still a large number of young and strong people coming. The food collected also reached 400,000 stones, and it was still increasing.

Sitting still every day, countless young men and food gathered, and that feeling was really refreshing.

However, Li Xiang did nothing and asked Li Cunxiao and other generals to disperse these young men and reorganize them into the new recruit camp for large-scale training.

He originally had not many soldiers and horses under his command, and he had previously taken the route of elite soldiers.

This time, Li Xiang decided to form an army with the young men supported by these noble families and wealthy families, and train them and bring them under his command.

However, Li Xiang discovered that these young men from all over the country were not the private armies, troops, and guards of those noble families. On the contrary, these young men had a bad relationship with their local noble families. They were all recruited and used as tasks or even corvée by the noble families.

In fact, if you think about it, you can know that the young men that Li Xiang wanted at the beginning were going to the battlefield and dying.

They would even become cannon fodder.

How could the noble families from all over the country send their own private soldiers, followers, and guards? Most of them came to bully the honest people, or even to have grudges.

Therefore, these young and strong men are really rare. After they are trained, they can expand Li Xiang's army in one fell swoop.

I am afraid that the army under Li Xiang's command will quickly expand to 300,000 or 400,000 people.

"My Lord, there is news from Luoyang. His Majesty has pardoned the captured Yellow Turbans, and also appointed General Li Sheng as the governor of Youzhou, in charge of the military and political affairs of the four counties."

In the hall of the Wancheng County Governor's Mansion, when Li Xiang and Li Cunxiao, Li Guangbi, Li Sheng, Huang Zhong, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhu Jun, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Xu Yuanzhi and other 20 to 30 people gathered together to discuss the training of the new army and study the situation of the Yellow Turbans in Julu, Mi Zhu's excited voice came from outside.

Everyone in the hall was silent. Li Xiang also looked up at Mi Zhu who came in excitedly. His eyes flashed with joy and he said:

"Your Majesty agreed to my memorial?"

"My Lord, the Mi family's people in Luoyang just sent me news that, under the advice of Cai Yilang, His Majesty has issued an edict to forgive the surrendered Yellow Turbans and appointed General Li Sheng as the governor of Youzhou." Mi Zhu bowed to Li Xiang and said excitedly.

Li Xiang has defeated the Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan and Nanyang in succession, and has gathered a large number of young and strong troops. The morale is surging. Now Li Sheng of the Li family has been appointed as the governor of Youzhou. The Li family can be said to be more prosperous. How can Mi Zhu not be excited?

"Okay, His Majesty forgives the surrendered Yellow Turbans, which is enough to increase our chances of pacifying the Yellow Turbans by 20%." Li Xiang said with a satisfied smile.

At this time, Li Sheng also stepped out of the line and bowed to Li Xiang:

"Thank you for your recommendation, brother. I will not lose your face!"

In the hall, Zhang Fei, Zhu Jun, Cao Cao, Sun Jian and others did not feel too much about the pardon of the surrendered Yellow Turbans.

However, they were quite envious of Li Sheng who became the governor of Youzhou under Li Xiang's recommendation.

Li Sheng actually left the army before and was the captain of the guard of the caravan established by Li Xiang. Now, under Li Xiang's recommendation, he has become the governor of a state, which is a height that ordinary people may not be able to reach in their lifetime. How can they not envy him?

Envy is envy, but Zhang Fei, Zhu Jun, Cao Cao, Sun Jian and others understand that this is because Li Xiang and Li Sheng and others are from the same clan, so they can't envy it.

"My Lord, because Cai Yilang strongly advised His Majesty to agree to Your Majesty's request to pardon the Yellow Turban captives, he had a fierce conversation with Sikong Yuanfeng in the court. Sikong was scolded away, which also angered His Majesty. His Majesty exiled Cai Yilang to Youzhou as a county magistrate."

Suddenly, Mi Zhu remembered something and hurriedly took out the letter from Luoyang.

"Because of this, Cai Yilang had a fierce conversation with Sikong Yuanfeng in the court? Sikong was scolded away, which also angered His Majesty? He was exiled to Youzhou?"

After Mi Zhu finished speaking, Li Xiang, who was sitting in the main seat, was startled and read the letter from Luoyang. It was the quarrel between Cai Yong and Yuanfeng in the court of Luoyang.

"This... This has implicated Cai Daru, which is really wrong.


"Brother Sheng, when you arrive in Youzhou, you must take good care of Cai Yilang and never neglect him!" Li Xiang turned to look at Li Sheng and made arrangements.

Li Xiang did not expect that Cai Yong would be so honest. He was happy in his heart, but he could not help but smile bitterly.

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