The plan was a long one, but the plan was still in place.

As Li Xiang made the decision, Zhen Yi and Mi Zhu immediately implemented it.

First, the Zhen and Mi families mobilized the forces of the various states of the Han Dynasty, recruited people who could not survive, and expanded the production scale of Yuye wine and soap.

At the same time, they began to sell Yuye wine and soap to many important towns such as Yingchuan and Nanyang Wancheng.

On the other hand.

Li Sheng received the support of Li Xiang, the Zhen family, and the Mi family, and also selected young and strong people from the poor people living as refugees to form a guard team.

The Han Dynasty had no shortage of refugees.

The most lacking thing was young and strong people who could not survive.

There was sufficient food support.

Li Sheng quickly selected and raised a huge 8,000-man guard team from Luoyang, Yingchuan, Nanyang, Hedong and other places.

However, despite the 8,000-man guard team, Li Sheng's pace of recruiting young and strong people has not stopped.

Because the sale of soap and Yuye wine is not limited to one county or one place.

Instead, it should be spread all over the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty, and even to the grasslands.

Therefore, although 8,000 people seem to be a lot, it is not enough when divided.

Moreover, the task given to him by Li Xiang is not just to guard the caravan.

He, Li Sheng, also has to send people to be responsible for the porridge and grain distribution and guarding work in various states of the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, 8,000 people are really not enough!

Li Sheng continued to recruit young and strong people.

While training young and strong people and guarding caravans, he also began to set up porridge points along the official roads in various places with Luoyang as the center, and provide relief to the poor, lonely, old and weak.

On a wide official road from Yingchuan to Luoyang.

A large number of hungry, pale and skinny refugees lined up in a long queue, each holding a worn-out bowl, looking at the porridge distribution point in front of them with greedy eyes and constant saliva.

Although hungry and eager to drink porridge, the refugees did not dare to move rashly.

Because at the porridge distribution point, there were still 20 or 30 strong guards holding cold long swords to maintain order.

The leader of the group of strong guards.

It was a young man with a waist and a waist sword, who was 2.06 meters tall.

The muscles on his body were smooth and exuded a strong momentum.

"Don't worry, I am Li Meng, the captain of the Longxi Marquis' personal guard."

"I promise you that everyone will have porridge to drink. Line up. If anyone dares to cut in line and disrupt order, don't blame me for not recognizing people with my sword!"

The voice of the young man, who was two meters and six meters tall and full of muscles, resounded far away, making the refugees in the queue feel a little scared. However, after a moment of fear, they looked at Li Meng with respect and goodwill.

Even the guards looked at Li Meng with envy.

The Longxi Marquis' personal guards are not many, only thirty people now!

They were selected by Li Xiang from the soldiers of the Imperial Guard.

They were organized into a team, and everyone was brave and fierce. They could be said to be Li Xiang's disciples.

If they were released, they would be responsible for the protection of the Li family in a county or a place.

Wealth and power are inevitable.

Of course, what is enviable and respected is Li Meng's identity as the Emperor James Guard.

"Captain Li said there must be porridge to drink, so it must be. Captain Li was trained by Longxi Hou. Even if we don't believe him, we have to believe Longxi Hou!"

"Longxi Hou is really a kind man. If it weren't for Longxi Hou's porridge, I would have starved to death the day before yesterday."

"Yes, my child was almost starving to death, and I gave up, but Captain Li suddenly came to my house and saved my child's life with porridge. No, he saved my family. Longxi Hou is our family's savior, and I can't repay him."

"I heard that Longxi Hou is recruiting guards, and I give money. Give food, and make sure you are full. I plan to eat the porridge for a few more days, and then try it after I get well. The Marquis of Longxi saved my life. If I can serve the Marquis of Longxi, it will be worth it even if I die. "

"The Marquis is really a kind man. I heard that these porridges are earned by the Marquis from the noble families with the Yuye wine. For every jar of 100 dan sold, he will take out 30 dan to help the people. He will keep doing it. The Marquis really saves countless lives."


The refugees who lined up and looked pale and thin whispered, but their words were all respect and gratitude for Li Xiang.

As the porridge was distributed to help the people, the news that Li Xiang would take out 30 dan to help the people who couldn't survive for every jar of Yuye wine he sold and earned 100 dan of food also spread.

Many people were shocked.

More people who couldn't survive were grateful to Li Xiang for his kindness.

In the cannibalistic era of the Han Dynasty, if you didn’t work hard, you wouldn’t be able to have enough food. Not to mention having enough food, there was a high possibility that you wouldn’t even have anything to eat.

They felt

Remember Li Xiang's good deeds.

Perhaps for Li Xiang, earning 100 dan or 70 dan from a jar of Yuye wine does not make much difference.

However, for tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people in the Han Dynasty, this is the food for survival.

Li Xiang, the name of benevolence and righteousness, spread far and wide!


Just when Zhen Yi, Mi Zhu, Li Sheng and others were working hard to stir up the situation for the Li family in the Han Dynasty.

Imperial Palace, Yangxin Palace.

On the dragon throne.

Liu Hong, with a pale face, looked at Cao Zhengchun, who was full of white hair, energetic and flattering smile in front of him, and asked Li Xiang uncertainly:

"Longxi Hou, you say, only he can draw a beauty for me?"

After the Zisungen could not be used, Liu Hong did not panic, or even anxious.

The reason is that Li Xiang held the carousel wind chime and the extraordinary psychedelic incense in his hand. The combination of the two can even make Liu Hong date the celestial fairy and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady, which is extremely real.

The fairy girl's every frown and smile is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary women.

Therefore, Liu Hong couldn't stop, and even felt disgusted with ordinary women.

Of course, Liu Hong, who was curious about dating fairies every day, would not be obsessed with one fairy.

Let Li Xiang draw several more for him.

A few months passed.

Li Xiang drew and unlocked four fairies for him.

But just when he continued to ask Li Xiang to draw the next one for him.

Li Xiang suddenly told him that he couldn't draw it anymore, and his brain storage was only enough to draw four people.

If he wanted to continue to draw the next one, he had to let others draw it for him with carousel wind chimes and extraordinary psychedelic incense.

Now, the eunuch in front of him with white hair, energetic and flattering smile on his face was the one who Li Xiang said could use the carousel wind chimes and help him draw other fairies.

The little eunuch in the harem, Cao Zhengchun!

At this time, Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and others looked at Cao Zhengchun and Li Xiang with uncertain faces and suspicion.

It seemed that they were doubting Li Xiang!

Before, Li Xiang told Liu Hong that if he wanted to continue to construct the next fairy, he had to let others use the carousel wind chimes and extraordinary psychedelic incense. Zhang Rang, who had been eyeing the wind chimes for a long time, immediately stood up and said that he would draw a fairy for Liu Hong.

However, Zhang Rang shook the wind chimes for a long time, and Liu Hong, who had fallen asleep, found that there was no fart.

Zhang Rang was unwilling to give up, so he asked the other eleven palace attendants to try one by one.

Unfortunately, none of them could draw a character for Liu Hong and could not use the wind chimes.

Liu Hong asked Li Xiang to find someone who could use the wind chimes.

He found this eunuch with white hair.

"Your Majesty, the person pointed by the wind chime is him. If you don't believe me, look!"

As he spoke, Li Xiang took out the bronze wind chime and pointed it at Cao Zhengchun. Suddenly, the originally dim wind chime immediately flashed with green light.

"This... is true!" Looking at the bright light of the wind chime, Liu Hong's eyes lit up slightly. He looked at Cao Zhengchun carefully, but he did not find any disgust. Even the other party's flattering smile made Liu Hong feel comfortable.

"Okay, whether it can work or not, we will know after a try. Let's start. I want to try a new fairy. If you can do it, I will make you a constant attendant and serve me!!"

Liu Hong waved his hand and said to Cao Zhengchun indifferently.

Undoubtedly, in Liu Hong's view, the joy of love is more important.

However, when Liu Hong finished speaking, Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and other ten constant attendants were instantly uneasy.

What did they hear?

If Cao Zhengchun can draw a fairy for Liu Hong, Liu Hong will make Cao Zhengchun a constant attendant!

You know, among the ten constant attendants, twelve of them are constant attendants.

Now, is there one more?

Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and others looked unhappy, but no one dared to say anything. They just looked at Cao Zhengchun with a smile on his face.

"This... Thank you, Your Majesty. I will definitely draw a very beautiful fairy for Your Majesty!" Cao Zhengchun pinched her orchid fingers and smiled at Liu Hong.

"Well." Liu Hong found a comfortable position to lie down.

In the hall, wisps of scarlet smoke began to float.

Li Xiang handed the wind chime to Cao Zhengchun, looked at Cao Zhengchun and said:

"The wind chime is handed over to you. Just draw it according to the method I gave you!"

"Thank you, Lord. Zhengchun will not let you down!"

Cao Zhengchun smiled at Li Xiang and took the wind chime.

Under Li Xiang's indifferent gaze, Cao Zhengchun slowly shook the wind chime, and the wind chime emitted a faint green light.

————Working hard on typing

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