The enemy was in a hurry, and the enemy was in a hurry.


"It's bad, the Xianbei cavalry is coming."

"Run, run!"

The sound of the urgent horn, accompanied by the anxious reminder, resounded far away.

On the dilapidated wall of Yanmen Pass.

A dozen old soldiers holding rusty weapons blew the horn while shouting anxiously at the people outside Yanmen Pass.

Outside Yanmen Pass, war horses galloped, smoke and dust rolled, and dozens of Xianbei cavalry, waving scimitars, rushed over with ferocious smiles on their faces.

The people who were rushing to harvest food turned pale when they saw this.

"Run! The Xianbei are coming."

"Go to Yanmen Pass."

The Han people ran towards Yanmen Pass in panic with panicked shouts.

However, two legs can't outrun four legs.

Soon, the Han people were caught up.

"An old man, why are you still running?"

The Xianbei soldier passed by an old man, waving his waist knife and grinning.


The panicked old man couldn't dodge, and the scimitar slashed his back fiercely. With a shrill scream, the old man fell to the ground.

The old man screamed and struggled, but the next moment, the hooves of the war horses under the crotch of the Xianbei cavalry stepped heavily on the old man, and there was another shrill sound, and the old man's body was stepped into by the heavy hooves.

The body twitched, and the old man was motionless.


Accompanied by a sly grin, the war horses galloped, and hundreds of Han people were all caught up by dozens of Xianbei cavalry.

The Xianbei soldiers were inhumane, and they swung their scimitars at the old and weak Han people without hesitation.


"Don't kill me!"

"Damn Xianbei people, ah!"

Puff! Puff!

Dozens of old and weak Han people had almost no power to resist and fell in a pool of blood.

"Han people are just like this, haha!"

"In front of my powerful Xianbei, they are as weak as a group of lambs, haha!"

The Xianbei soldiers laughed and waved their scimitars excitedly, as if slaughtering the old and weak people made them very excited.

Many Xianbei soldiers even came to Yanmen Pass, waving their bloody scimitars, riding their horses in circles, pointing at the guards of Yanmen Pass and laughing loudly:

"Hahaha, when my great Xianbei army arrives, we will break through your Yanmen Pass and enter the pass to plunder."

On the dilapidated Yanmen Pass wall, the Han guards who were familiar with the Xianbei language heard the words of the Xianbei soldiers, their faces were grim, and they tightened their weapons, but they could do nothing.

The terrain of Yanmen Pass is dangerous, and it can be said to be a strong pass.

If the troops were well-trained, no one would be able to do anything.

However, now the walls are dilapidated, the guards are old and weak, and they are useless.

When the real Xianbei cavalry arrives, they will break it with one blow.


After showing off their power to the guards of Yanmen Pass, the Xianbei soldiers began to reap the fruits of victory.

To the group of Han people who were surrounded.

Women carried war horses, men served as slaves, and all the food was taken away.

The cries of women and the laughter of Xianbei soldiers resounded.

A dozen old soldiers holding rusty weapons on the walls of Yanmen Pass saw this scene, but could only watch in pain.

"The two Xianbei tribes attacked in large numbers, with tens of thousands of cavalry. Now Yunzhong County and Dingxiang County outside Yanmen Pass are all ravaged by Xianbei cavalry. Alas, the people in the border areas of my Han Dynasty are suffering!"

"The news spread to Luoyang more than ten days ago. The Xianbei cavalry came too quickly. There is no news from the court yet. Alas, I am afraid that I can't count on the court this year."

The old soldiers guarding Yanmen cried sadly.

Although they were guards of Yanmen, they were just decorations.

The court did not allow them to repair Yanmen Pass or replenish soldiers.

And the Xianbei people led their army south to raid the valley almost every year, causing bloody storms.

Now, tens of thousands of Xianbei cavalrymen are heading south, and Yunzhong County, Dingxiang County, and Yanmen County all seem to be shrouded in a huge haze.


Just as the Xianbei cavalrymen outside Yanmen Pass were grinning and the guards of Yanmen Pass were grieving, the earth trembled.

The veterans of the Yanmen Pass guards were all startled. They were very familiar with this sound.

That was the sound of a large number of war horses galloping.

However, the direction of the sound made them suspicious.

Not outside the pass!

"It's inside the pass!" A voice sounded, and a group of veterans of the Yanmen Pass guards looked inside the pass in shock.

But they saw a large number of cavalrymen wearing red imperial guards armor galloping in.

"The Han general who conquers the north has arrived with the imperial guards, and the Yanmen Pass guards will come to see him quickly!"

A cavalryman of the imperial guards arrived at the pass first and roared loudly from afar.

"What?! My Han general who conquers the north has arrived

"It's the Imperial Guards!" The old guards at Yanmen Pass were shocked and exclaimed. When they came to their senses, they saw a large number of well-equipped Imperial Guards riding horses and burst into tears. "The Han general who conquered the north has arrived, the Imperial Guards have arrived, open the gate, open the gate quickly!" The excited and anxious voices resounded. Kakakaka~ Yanmen Pass finally opened slowly before the Imperial Guards cavalry arrived. Rumble~ The warhorse galloped and arrived in front of Yanmen Pass. Li Xiang, holding a double-edged spear and a hook halberd, and riding a red dragon, immediately saw dozens of Xianbei cavalry outside the pass committing atrocities against the Han people. In an instant, Li Xiang's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his momentum surged. "Kill! "

Li Xiang's cold voice resounded.

The next moment, he rushed out with his horse.

Behind him, Li Cunxiao, Li Jing, Huang Zhong and a group of imperial guards saw the Han people being slaughtered, their eyes also turned red, and they all rushed out of Yanmen Pass on horseback.


The earth shook.

The Xianbei cavalrymen who were grinning and reaping the fruits of victory were stunned, and when they looked up, they immediately saw a large number of elite Han cavalrymen rushing towards them.

"Han cavalry, it's Han cavalry..."

Before the Xianbei people could say After that, Li Xiang had already arrived, wielding his double-edged spear and hooked halberd, and the bodies of two Xianbei cavalrymen flew backwards.

Li Cunxiao, Li Jing, Huang Zhong and a group of imperial guards arrived.

In just a few breaths, dozens of Xianbei cavalrymen fell in a pool of blood with almost no resistance.

"The commander of Yanmen Pass greets General Zhengbei and asks General Zhengbei to send troops quickly. The Yunzhong County, Dingxiang County and Yanmen County of the Han Dynasty have all fallen under the hooves of the Xianbei people. The people of our Han Dynasty are being trampled by the hooves of foreign horses!"

The commander of Yanmen Pass, who was a little old and energetic in his thirties or forties, said to Li Xiang excitedly and sadly with tears in his eyes.

———— Typing hard

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