The southern part of Yunzhong.

The vast camp of the Imperial Guards was bustling with people and horses neighing.

The central army tent.

Li Xiang sat at the top.

Below, Li Xiang, Li Cunxiao, Li Jing, Li Xiaogong, Li Daozong, Li Guangbi, Li E, Huang Zhong, Mi Zhu and others gathered.

"My lord, all the Imperial Guards have returned to the camp."

"In addition, the scouts reported that as we chased the Xianbei cavalry to the north and as our army stopped, there were about 30,000 Xianbei cavalry gathered in the north."

Li Jing bowed and reported to Li Xiang.

Li Xiang listened to Li Jing's report, narrowed his eyes and said:

"30,000 Xianbei cavalry is not a lot. After our army was divided, what are the casualties and results?"

Listening to Li Xiang's question, everyone in the big tent was shocked.

Fighting all the way from south to north, the fighting lasted for half a month.

Li Cunxiao, Li E, Li Daozon, Huang Zhong and other generals were all dusty and exhausted.

However, everyone was still very excited when they heard that they were going to summarize the casualties and results.

Li Jing did not hesitate and said:

"In half a month, the various divisions of the Imperial Guards cleared the looting Xianbei cavalry in Yanmen and Dingxiang counties."

"The eight divisions of the Imperial Guards killed a total of 23,000 Xianbei cavalry, captured more than 23,400 usable war horses, and 24,000 scimitars. My Imperial Guards suffered more than 900 casualties. The casualties were small, but the consumption of arrows was quite large. The 300,000 arrows brought from Luoyang were almost used up!"

Li Jing told the losses and results of both sides.

Listening to the losses and results of both sides, Li Cunxiao, Li E, Li Daozong, Huang Zhong and other generals either smiled or showed excitement on their faces.

Obviously, they were quite satisfied with the results.

Killing 23,000 Xianbei cavalry, capturing more than 23,400 usable war horses, and more than 900 casualties, this is definitely a great victory in the Han Dynasty.

They were all on the battlefield for the first time, and they were definitely qualified to have such a result.

Didn't you see that Li E and Huang Zhong were both excited?

In the big tent, in addition to Li E and Huang Zhong, there was another person who was also shocked and excited.

Mi Zhu!

When the Imperial Guards went out, they naturally needed someone to manage the logistics and supplies.

Li Xiang directly pulled Mi Zhu up.

So, Li Xiang and others were charging in the front, and Mi Zhu was coordinating the logistics in the rear.

Supplying logistics to the eight Imperial Guards was definitely a huge challenge for the logistics officer.

Obviously Mi Zhu was competent.

Along the way, Mi Zhu only knew that Li Xiang, Li Cunxiao and others were invincible, and he didn't know the real results of the battle!

Now, when he really heard the results of the battle between the two sides, more than 20,000 Xianbei were killed and more than 20,000 war horses were captured, and he only suffered 900 casualties, Mi Zhu was directly stunned.

He knew that Li Xiang, Li Cunxiao and others were very strong, and the Imperial Guards were also very strong, but now they are too strong.

This record can be fought at any time!

Mi Zhu was shocked, and looked at Li Cunxiao, Huang Zhong and others with shining eyes, and then looked at Li Xiang with passion.

The potential is too great!

At the top, Li Xiang listened to Li Jing's report on the results of the battle, but he was not too surprised by this result.

The Xianbei cavalry sounded very powerful, but that was all.

With thin clothes covering their bodies and broken weapons, the only hope was that their cavalry and archery were strong!

But what about the Imperial Guards?

As the emperor's guards, the equipment standard is top-notch.

Everyone wears fine armor, has excellent weapons, and is equipped with powerful crossbows that can cross hundreds of steps.

Not to mention the bonus of a group of famous generals!

Of course, Li Xiang's strategy has been achieved in this battle.

That is, the Imperial Guards will attack in a dispersed manner to eat, attack, and weaken the Xianbei cavalry.

And dealt a fatal blow to the Xianbei cavalry that was rampant in Yanmen and Dingxiang!

Originally, the Western Xianbei and Central Xianbei coalition forces numbered 50,000 to 60,000. If they fought directly, even if they won, the Imperial Guards who had just entered the battlefield would suffer heavy casualties.

However, after a split battle, the Imperial Guards adapted to the bloody battlefield, obtained a large number of war horses, and weakened the Xianbei by more than 20,000 people. Undoubtedly, this was the benefit of splitting the troops.

"Nine hundred casualties of the Imperial Guards, remember their names, and after the war is over, draw up a compensation regulation. These people are martyrs who fought for our Han Dynasty against foreign races, and we cannot let them die in vain!"

Li Xiang took the lead in speaking for the nine hundred casualties of the Imperial Guards.

There was nothing Li Xiang could do about the more than nine hundred casualties of the Imperial Guards.

Where there is war, there are casualties.

As a general, you can only reduce casualties as much as possible, and give effective compensation to your family after the casualties, so that later

People will remember their glory!

"Yes!" Li Jing bowed.

Li Xiang then looked at Mi Zhu and said:

"Our army has assembled. There are still 30,000 Xianbei troops in the north. The decisive battle is just around the corner. Can the baggage and arrows be replenished?"

Mi Zhu listened to Li Xiang's question and did not dare to neglect it. He bowed and said:

"My Lord, the food is enough for the army for a month. In addition, 400,000 arrows have been replenished, and a large number of arrows are on the way."

"This battle is mainly for the court to supply baggage. Of course, the Mi family, Zhen Yi and the Li family also have a certain amount of food and baggage. If the court's baggage can't keep up or is not good, we will supply it at any time. My Lord can rest assured to fight!"

Mi Zhu's words made Li Xiang, Li Jing and others feel relieved, and soon their eyes flashed with excitement and fighting spirit.


The most feared thing for military officers and soldiers is fighting on the battlefield!

The most feared thing is that the logistics and supplies can't keep up!

If the logistics and supplies can't keep up, there will be no food, no weapons, and no equipment. Even if the God of War is alive, he can't do anything!

A good cook can't cook without rice!

Fortunately, the court attaches great importance to this battle, and Liu Hong attaches great importance to it. The logistics and supplies are sufficient.

Of course, even if the court's supplies can't keep up, Li Xiang is not without a backup plan.

The Zhen family, the Mi family, and the Li family also prepared some, aiming to win this battle!

"Since food and arrows are ready, the whole army will rest for three days and head north to fight a decisive battle with the Xianbei army!"

"In addition, send a victory report to the court. After the Imperial Guards arrive at Yanmen, they will immediately start fighting. After half a month of fighting, they will drive the Xianbei out of Yanmen County and Dingxiang County. A total of 23,000 Xianbei cavalrymen will be killed, and more than 900 of them will be killed and wounded. Prepare to fight a decisive battle with 30,000 Xianbei cavalrymen!"

Li Xiang's decision was resounding, and all the generals agreed, with excitement flashing in their eyes.


Three days passed in a flash, and the rested Royal Guards, who were full of vigor and vitality, rode north on two horses.

On the Yunzhong Plain, 30,000 western and central Xianbei gathered in a mighty force.

Hearing that the Han army was coming and killing a large number of their people.

The high-ranking officials of the western and central Xianbei were all shocked and angry.

They were used to going south to raid the valleys, and the Han people either didn't resist or sent a large army to attack and were defeated. How could they have suffered such a heavy blow?

All the cavalrymen in the central and western Xianbei gathered together and went south immediately. They wanted to defeat the Han army together.

They still didn't believe it and didn't want to admit that the Han people could make any waves!

7,100 imperial guards went north!

30,000 cavalrymen from various Xianbei tribes went south!

The huge grassland in the clouds, the grass and the sky were the same color, and the two huge armies met!

———— Trying to type

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