The battle was won, and the battle was over.


As soon as Li Jing led the army into Dai County, he received urgent reports.

"Report, General, urgent reports came from Youbeiping. The Wuhuan in Liaoxi County joined forces with the Xianbei. 70,000 cavalrymen attacked Youbeiping from Liaoxi. The General of the Central Army and Marquis of Duting Gongsun Zan led 3,000 cavalrymen and was defeated, but they are still resisting!"

"Report, 120,000 Xianbei cavalrymen went south to the north of Yuyang County. The governor of Yuyang County was trapped in the city and sent a request for help."

"Report, 60,000 Xianbei and Xiongnu coalition forces came to the north of Dai County. The governor of Dai County asked the general for help!"

In the vast camp, messengers came one after another to ask for help from all sides.

In the central army tent.

Li Daozong, Xingtu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xu Huang, Wei Yan and other generals listened to the urgent report from the messenger, and they couldn't help but gasp.

Li Jing and Li Cunxiao also looked a little ugly.

Until this time.

They were shocked to find that the three tribes cavalry attacking Youzhou were not tens of thousands, but an exaggerated 250,000.

250,000 cavalry from the three tribes came from Dai County, Yuyang County, and Youbeiping. It really gave people a sense of collapse and the whole Youzhou was shaking.

"General, what should we do now? The target of the alien race is probably not Bingzhou but Youzhou. 250,000 cavalry from three directions, we are under too much pressure, should we ask the lord for support!"

Li Daozong couldn't help asking Li Jing first.

Listening to Li Daozong's words, Xingtu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xu Huang, Wei Yan and other generals all looked at Li Jing.

Although they were all self-confident and brave, they would not be afraid to go to battle.

However, the 250,000 cavalrymen from the three tribes were coming in three directions, which was definitely not as simple as charging into battle.

They only had 45,000 troops!

Even more, most of the 35,000 beggars were soldiers without armor and wearing thin clothes.

If they collapsed in the face of 250,000 foreign cavalrymen, the consequence would be the fall of Youzhou.

Two to three million people in Youzhou would fall under the horses of foreign tribes.

Yes, two to three million people in Youzhou!

At this time in Youzhou, the Yellow Turbans had not yet started an uprising, and there were still two to three million people in Youzhou!

Therefore, this battle needs to be cautious!

All the generals looked at Li Jing in unison.

Li Jing's face remained calm, and he shook his head and said:

"There are 250,000 foreigners coming to Youzhou, and the total number of foreign troops is 300,000. The lord should have known that there are only 50,000 foreign cavalry heading to Bingzhou. If the lord wants support, we don't need to ask for help. I'm afraid the reinforcements are already on the way."

"Since the lord ordered us to resist the foreigners coming to Youzhou, then we must be prepared to resist the worst."

"I will report to the lord, but the military situation is urgent, and we need to make our own decisions. Generals, listen to my orders!"

Li Jing's face was cold and serious, and his voice was loud, which made the generals tremble.

"There are 70,000 foreigners in the direction of Youbeiping, and there are thousands of Youzhou border troops resisting. I will only give 2,500 imperial guards and 10,000 begging soldiers. Who has the confidence to rush to Youbeiping for the commander?"

In the big tent, Li Jing's voice came into the ears, which shocked the generals.

70,000 foreigners, only 2,500 imperial guards and 10,000 beggars, who dares to fight?

It is equivalent to 12,000 soldiers, fighting against 70,000 foreign cavalry, which is really difficult.

"Li Cunxiao, the last general, dares to fight!"

Just when everyone was shocked and doubtful about such a heavy task, a strong voice sounded, and the person who spoke was Li Cunxiao, who was tall and strong and exuded a strong momentum.

"Leave the foreigners in Youbeiping to me, and I will never let them enter Youzhou and wreak havoc!"

Li Cunxiao's face was cold and his voice was loud.

Seeing Li Cunxiao asking for a fight, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xu Huang, Wei Yan and other generals all had admiration in their eyes.

They all regarded themselves as brave and brave, and when they entered the barracks, they also regarded others as villains.

However, as soon as they entered the barracks, Li Cunxiao taught them a lesson.

More than 30,000 imperial guards watched in the army.

The eight newly promoted lieutenants came together. In the eyes of other soldiers, they were extremely brave, but they were directly defeated by Li Cunxiao.

It was not until then that the whole army had a clear concept of Li Cunxiao's unparalleled martial arts.

With Li Cunxiao, no one dared to be proud and indulgent!

Now, hearing that Li Cunxiao was willing to lead 12,000 soldiers to fight against 70,000 foreign cavalry, they only had admiration in their eyes.

Li Jing heard Li Cunxiao's request for battle, and the seriousness on his face eased a little. He still trusted Li Cunxiao.

"Okay, then I will let you go.

"Aid Youbeiping!"

Without any hesitation, Li Jing made the decision.

"Yes!" Li Cunxiao bowed.

"There are 60,000 foreign tribes in the north of Dai County. I will give 2,500 imperial guards and 10,000 beggars. Who has the confidence to resist for the commander?"

After making arrangements for Youbeiping, Li Jing did not stop. He changed the subject and talked about the 60,000 foreign tribes in the north of Dai County.

The generals in the big tent were silent again after hearing this.

Still 12,000 soldiers have to face 60,000 foreign tribes.

Li Daozon, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xu Huang, Wei Yan and other generals clenched their fists, but none of them stepped forward.

Although their inner impulse told them that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lead an army alone, their reason told them not to be impulsive. With their current level, they could not lead an army. Twelve thousand soldiers, facing sixty thousand foreigners, the outcome is likely to be defeat.

After all, no one is as powerful as Li Cunxiao.

They can't act on impulse, because if they lose in Dai County, it will cause a chain reaction, which may affect the entire Youzhou war.

It will cause two or three million Youzhou, and even the north of the Han Dynasty, to fall under the hooves of foreigners.

Li Daozong, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xu Huang, Wei Yan and other generals looked serious and solemn, and none of them took the initiative to stand up.

"General, the prisoners ask for a fight! "

Suddenly, just when the generals were silent, a voice rang out.

The generals were all shocked and turned around, only to see that the person who spoke was a tall young man. What was impressive was that he had a deep and terrifying scar on his face, and he exuded a sinister aura.

The deputy commander of the Qihuo Army, the deputy general of the army, the prisoner!

At this time, the prisoner bowed solemnly to Li Jing and asked to fight the foreign tribes in Dai County!


The generals looked at the fearless prisoner and took a breath.

Li Jing looked at the prisoner's request for a fight, and his brows were also tightened, but he still said:

"You are the deputy commander of the Qihuo Army, you are more familiar with the Qihuo Army, and you are the deputy general appointed by the lord. Since you ask for a fight, you will resist the foreign coalition forces in Dai County. However, you can use a defensive formation, mainly for defense, and wait for changes in the situation!"

Compared to Li Cunxiao's reassurance, this time, Li Jing said more to the prisoner.

"Yes! "The prisoner bowed and agreed, his face still indifferent.

After arranging the commanders of Youbeiping and Daijun respectively, Li Jing's face became serious and he said loudly:

"Okay, there are still 120,000 foreigners in Yuyang, and the whole army has 5,000 imperial guards and 15,000 begging soldiers left. All generals will follow me to help Yuyang County!"


In the big tent, a group of generals were shocked when they heard the words, and bowed and agreed loudly.

In the direction of Youzhou, Li Jing's army was divided into three, heading towards Youzhou Daijun, Yuyang County, and Youbeiping.

Just as Li Jing's army was divided into three.

In Bingzhou, Li Xiang and Li Guangbi led 20,000 imperial guards to meet 50,000 foreigners in Bingzhou, and a war broke out directly.

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