After defeating the foreigners, the exhausted soldiers rested. The next day, they cleaned up the battlefield and treated the wounded.

On the third day, they gathered the soldiers and generals.

In the big tent.

Li Guangbi, Li E, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, Li Nan, Liu Yu and other generals gathered excitedly.

They all felt very happy to defeat 50,000 foreigners in one battle.

Especially for Dian Wei, Li Nan, Liu Yu and other generals who went to the battlefield for the first time, the great victory in the first battle was a great encouragement!

That was 50,000 foreigners. They were defeated in one battle. It was a rare victory in the history of the Han Dynasty.

Like Dian Wei, he couldn't help but touch his head and laughed:

"I, Dian, killed more than 180 foreign cavalrymen. Who can help me write a letter and send it back to Chenliu Jiwu."

"My wife and my parents will be very happy if they know!"

The first battle was a victory, and all the generals were excited.

Li Xiang entered the big tent and sat down at the top.

"What are the results and casualties of this battle? Have you counted them?"

Li Xiang scanned the faces of the generals and saw that Dian Wei, Li Nan, Liu Yu and other generals who were on the battlefield for the first time were very excited. He smiled slightly and then looked at Li Guangbi.

Listening to Li Xiang's question, Li Guangbi did not dare to neglect and said to Li Xiang:

"My lord, this battle was a great victory, 50,000 foreign cavalry were defeated, and our army killed more than 28,000 foreign enemies, captured 13,000 foreign people, more than 83,000 war horses, more than 41,000 scimitars, and more than 18,000 stones of other beef and mutton."

"As for our army's casualties, 752 soldiers died, more than 1,800 were injured, and a total of more than 2,500 casualties!"

Li Guangbi reported the results and casualties of this battle to Li Xiang. When talking about the results, he had a smile on his face, but when talking about casualties, his voice was a little low.

752 soldiers died, more than 1,800 were injured, and a total of more than 2,500 casualties!

This is definitely an indisputable victory for killing more than 28,000 foreign enemies and defeating 50,000 foreigners.

However, when hearing about the casualties of the Imperial Guard Expeditionary Force, Li Guangbi's voice was still a little low.

You know, these soldiers of the Imperial Guards Expeditionary Army were selected from 200,000 or 300,000 young and strong men of the Han Dynasty. Each of them is a good player from each county and township. Losing one of them is a huge loss.

Moreover, these people are all good men of the Han Dynasty!

In the big tent, Li E, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, Li Nan, Liu Yu and other military officers and lieutenants were also a little depressed when they heard about the casualties of their own soldiers.

However, Li Xiang, the leader, took a deep breath and said:

"Casualties in war are inevitable. This battle is a bloody battle. After this battle, the morale of the whole army will be greatly boosted, and it will be invincible and unstoppable!"

"All the soldiers who were injured and could not continue to fight will be transferred to Yanmen for treatment and recuperation."

"As for the soldiers who died in battle, all of them will be recorded in the book, and the bodies will be collected. After returning to the court, they will be awarded the title of "Han Hero" and compensate their families."

Li Xiang's steady voice resounded, and Li Guangbi bowed his hands and agreed.

"The war is still not over. There are still 250,000 foreign troops in Youzhou. What's coming next is the highlight, so we still need to cheer up and prepare for war with all our strength!"

Li Xiang's voice reached the ears of the generals, causing them to tremble and instantly look at Li Xiang.

Yes, the war is still not over. In the direction of Youzhou, they have received news that 250,000 foreign troops are attacking Youzhou in three directions. This is too terrifying.

"General, give the order, how should we fight!" Lieutenant Li Nan couldn't help but ask Li Xiang first.

"Let Li Xiaozong transfer all the captives and horses to Yanmen."

"This marquis wants to split his troops into two groups. One group will raid the Xiongnu base camp tribe, and the other group will attack the Xianbei base camp tribe, causing the 250,000 alien tribes in Youzhou to be in disarray. Then, we will gather our army and Li Jing's army to attack from the front and back!"

"In this battle, this marquis wants to destroy the 250,000 alien coalition forces of the three tribes in one battle!"

In the big tent, Li Xiang's voice resounded, shocking the generals. They all showed surprise on their faces, but they were shocked by Li Xiang's appetite!

Destroy the 200,000 alien coalition forces in one battle!

"Li Guangbi, listen to my order!"

Without waiting for the generals to react, Li Xiang's serious voice resounded.

Li Guangbi hurriedly bowed to Li Xiang and said, "I will obey your orders!"

"I will still order you to be the commander of the Western Route Army. Lead 7,500 imperial guards on an expeditionary force, each with three horses, into the Xiongnu territory. Kill them, turn the Xiongnu upside down, and make them tremble at the mention of the name of the Han people. Make the Xiongnu people in Youzhou panic and want to retreat. Can you do it?"

Li Xiang was full of murderous intent.

The voice was cold, and it reached the ears of the generals, making them tremble.

But they felt cold all over because of Li Xiang's bloody order.

It is conceivable that the main force of the Xiongnu army was outside, and the territory was raided or slaughtered. What kind of scene would that be?

Li Guangbi trembled slightly, his face was solemn, and he bowed to Li Xiang solemnly and said:

"Yes, Guangbi will not let the lord down. The Xiongnu people will be trembling with killing, and the Han people will change color when they mention us, and they will never dare to invade our Han again!"

Seeing that Li Guangbi obeyed the order, Li Xiang's face became colder, and he uttered words that made the generals cold all over again.

"The remaining 10,000 cavalry, one person with three horses, will follow me to kill into the Xianbei. The Xianbei people have been rampant on the border for decades, and it is time to pay the price."

Yes, Li Xiang is going to be ruthless and raise his butcher knife!

Those who openly offend our Han will be punished even if they are far away!

Since you dare to invade the Han Dynasty, you will have to pay a heavy price for failure!

Of course, this time Li Xiang resolutely killed outside the domain, in addition to the intention of causing chaos in the formation of 250,000 aliens in Youzhou, there is also the consideration of completing the task.

[The aliens attacked in large numbers, the Han Dynasty was shocked, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the people of the Han Dynasty were worried. The host was named the General of Chariots and Cavalry, carrying the hope of the Han Dynasty, resisting the aliens, and making a name for himself outside the domain. Reward: [A piece of Dragon Rising Land], [A piece of fertile grassland within a thousand miles]. ]

[Land of Dragon Rising]: The land of a state is improved. After the improvement, the land is fertile and rich in fertility. In addition, the weather in a state is good, the harvest increase is one to two times the original, and the population fertility probability is increased to one time and lasts for twenty years!

[Fertile grassland within a thousand miles]: Improve the grassland within a thousand miles, grow fresh and lush wild grass, and the weather is good. The fertility probability of cattle, sheep, and horses within the range is increased to one time and lasts for twenty years!

[A piece of land for the rise of dragons], [a piece of fertile grasslands for thousands of miles], this is too heaven-defying. If he wins this battle and can really get such a reward, then he, Li Xiang, can lay the foundation for his hegemony in this troubled time.

Whether it is to fight for hegemony in the country or to point the spearhead to the world, it will be of great help.

Li Xiang is so excited!

He must win this battle, and he must also spread the power of the Han Dynasty outside the region!

As Li Xiang's order was issued.

Li Xiaozong, who was already the governor of Yanmen and guarding Yanmen, brought all the wounded and dead soldiers, as well as 13,000 captured foreigners, more than 83,000 captured war horses, and more than 41,000 scimitars back to Yanmen.

The Imperial Guards Expeditionary Force, which had rested for a day, was divided into two again. One way, 7,500 people, led by Li Guangbi, killed the Xiongnu territory.

Another 10,000 Imperial Guards Expeditionary Force followed Li Xiang and advanced to the south of the desert.

The two expeditionary forces of the Imperial Guards charged into the foreign land at an extremely fast speed.

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