Start by pursuing a talented beautiful girl

Chapter 150 I am the only me, the best in the world, the best here

"Then what?"

Wang Ge had finished his barbecue rice, wiped his mouth, and asked, "Since then, you no longer believe in horoscopes? But this doesn't seem to have much to do with you becoming an ordinary believer now, right?"

"Oh, brother, don't be impatient, just listen to me slowly."

"Okay, you talk, I'll listen."

"Hey, so good."

Li Zhimeng said with a smile, and then continued to narrate: "At that time, I only had initial doubts, and I didn't completely stop believing in horoscopes."

"I'm stupid, you can see from the fact that I couldn't get into the top ten even if I tried my best, so I couldn't understand what Yan Yanzi said to me at that time. I could only understand the most simple and easy-to-understand part of it."

"That's the part where she said I was avoiding it."

“But I didn’t take it seriously, because the astrology book says that Capricorns have poor stress resistance and often avoid problems, so I think it’s not my problem, it’s because Capricorns are like this, so I just continue to avoid it with peace of mind.”

Li Zhimeng covered her face again: “Ah, I was really stupid at that time. Now I feel ashamed when I think about it. I want to travel back and kill myself at that time.”

“It’s really stupid.”

Wang Ge nodded in agreement, and then smiled, “But, it’s normal in junior high school. Who hasn’t done a few stupid things in junior high school?”

Li Zhimeng stuck out her tongue, “Fortunately, I didn’t know you, brother, at that time, otherwise you would definitely hate me.”

Wang Ge smiled and shook his head, saying nothing.

This kind of thing is hard to say, at least the Li Zhimeng he knows now is confident, emotionally intelligent, loves life, is silly and happy every day, and is full of charm.

He can’t imagine what Li Zhimeng, who uses astrology to escape reality, looks like.

Just like he can’t imagine what the sweet and lovely Yan Bao looks like without experiencing school violence.

"I completely stopped believing in horoscopes later, at the end of May."

Li Zhimeng continued: "At that time, because my grades dropped, and my personality became a little weird because of believing in horoscopes, my brothers and sisters, as well as the uncles and aunts in the hospital, were a little worried about me, so I wanted to do better in the final exam so that they could be assured, so I kept studying hard."

"But at that time, something happened in the hospital."

Her eyes showed a trace of disgust, "The son of our director took the funds given to our welfare home by the state and the donations from kind-hearted people in the society and ran away abroad."

"The director was so angry that his old heart disease recurred, but his money was taken away by that bastard, and he didn't even have the money for hospitalization."

"Fortunately, we all have poverty subsidies from the state, and several powerful brothers and sisters have scholarships. We don't spend much on weekdays, so we saved them all and finally paid enough for the director's hospitalization expenses."

"But the hospital is completely out of money."

Li Zhimeng held her cheek with her hand, recalling what happened at that time, "We don't lack food and drink, because that part of the money is used to purchase supplies aunt, our director is still more cautious and will not put all his eggs in one basket. "

"At that time, we also opened a kindergarten. That kindergarten was originally for the children in our welfare home. It was a private kindergarten with no tuition, no profit, and no subsidies from the state. Our director paid for it himself and hired teachers to run it. "

"After there was no money, the kindergarten could not be maintained. It was impossible to pay the kindergarten teachers, and several teachers ran away. "

"The teachers ran away, and some of the nurses in the courtyard also ran away. The courtyard was short of manpower. The younger brothers and sisters, as well as those who suffered from congenital diseases and could not take care of themselves, could not be taken care of by the remaining uncles and aunts. "

"This is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that after the director fell ill, although the other uncles and aunts had feelings for the welfare home, they were all of a low culture type and panicked. No one could stand up to stabilize the situation, and no one could take charge of the overall situation. "

Wang Ge listened carefully, nodded slightly, and asked softly: "What happened next?"

Li Zhimeng felt that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, and she didn't like this heavy atmosphere. So she shook her little head and laughed, "After that, of course, it was me, Zhizhi, who showed my divine power and saved the collapsing building!"

"Oh?" Hearing her start to make fun of him again, Wang Ge showed a smile in his eyes, "Are you so awesome?"

"Of course, I'm super awesome, okay!"

She snorted and continued to tell the story, "At that time, among the people who were still in the welfare home, the younger brothers and sisters who were younger than me were ignorant, and the older brothers and sisters who were older than me were basically in the third year of high school and were about to take the college entrance examination. I was afraid of affecting them and didn't dare to tell them about it."

"So, no one was more suitable to stand up than me."

"In fact, I was very nervous at the time. I felt that I couldn't do it, because I am a Capricorn with very poor stress resistance. I was a little waste who couldn't get into the top ten even if I tried hard."

"But these are not my excuses to escape. I can't escape this time."

Li Zhimeng shook her head and said seriously, "No matter how poor my stress resistance is, I have to resist it. Even if I am really a waste, I have to contribute all my value."

"I didn't go to school during that time. I had a lot of things to do."

"If there is no one to stand up and take charge of the overall situation, then I will do it; if there is no one to take care of the younger brothers and sisters, I will take care of them; if there is no one to teach in the kindergarten, then I will teach it."

"I also called back some of my brothers and sisters who were studying in college away from home, but it was still very difficult. Many times I was so busy that I couldn't even take care of eating."

"But we still persevered and persisted until our director was discharged healthy."

After saying that, she raised her white chin and looked at Wang Ge triumphantly: "How about it, am I good?"


Wang Ge said sincerely.

It was just a few children who stood up when the adults were sick and hospitalized and had no money to maintain the entire orphanage and even a kindergarten.

It's really amazing.

"That's when I realized that the zodiac signs were all fake."

Li Zhimeng sighed with emotion, and then hummed, "Why are Capricorns so weak to withstand stress? I have endured all this hard work and difficulty. My ability to withstand stress is obviously super strong, okay!"

"Yan Yanzi is right. The reason why I believe in zodiac signs so much is not that the characteristics of the zodiac signs match mine, but that I deliberately cater to those characteristics, so the zodiac signs appear to be accurate."

"It was also at that time that I truly understood what Yan Yanzi said to me."

"If I blindly believe in horoscopes, I will really become what the horoscope book says is a Capricorn who is not good at learning and expressing, cannot accept criticism, and has extremely poor ability to withstand stress."

Li Zhimeng laughed and told Wang Ge what she gained from this experience:

"After I no longer believed in horoscopes, I finally reconciled with myself and came out of the shadow of my sister's death and my inability to make her happy before she died."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not the protagonist of the world who can do whatever I want. I'm a little loser who can't get into the top ten even if I try hard."

"I'm just an ordinary person, and I can't do anything about a lot of things."

"But, brother, being ordinary is not an excuse to escape; being powerless is not a reason to sit back and wait for death."

"Even if I know that no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to get into the top ten, if I am given another chance, I will still try hard."

"Because if you try hard, you still have a chance of success, but if you feel from the bottom of your heart that you can't do it, you really can't do it, just like I believed in horoscopes at the time."

She said seriously: "Not just zodiac signs, but any labels and definitions are like this. They are shackles that restrict our abilities and a guillotine that kills our infinite possibilities."

"So I have to be confident. I don't want to be defined by anyone. Today I am a sweet girl, and tomorrow I am a cool sister. I have unlimited possibilities. I am a versatile Zhiwei!"

"I am not the protagonist of the world, but I am the protagonist of my life!"

"I am alone, the best in the world, the best here!"

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