Wang Ge still failed to find Chen Yanxi in the end.

This was not because Chen Yanxi ran fast, she did not have that much physical strength.

She knew very well that she could never outrun Wang Ge, and if she kept running, she would definitely be caught.

In that case, it would go against her original intention.

She came here today just because she heard that today was Wang Ge's entrance banquet - the news that the second young master of the Wang family won the top score in the college entrance examination and was going to hold a large-scale entrance banquet had spread everywhere, and it was easy to find out - so she wanted to come back to see him,

She wanted to come back, so she came back.

She could also send a letter by the way and save the express delivery fee.

So in order not to be caught by Wang Ge, she found a room to hide.

But hiding can only be temporary.

With Wang Ge's IQ, he would definitely guess that she could not run far, and then launch a carpet search.

Therefore, she used some tricks.

When making the hangover soup, she gave the letter to the front desk lady in advance. When Wang Ge chased out, the front desk lady happened to deliver the letter, thus misleading Wang Ge, making Wang Ge think that she went downstairs and left after leaving the letter.

Wang Ge is usually very smart and will not be fooled by such simple misleading, but he is drunk and unconscious now, which gives Chen Yanxi the possibility of success.

But even so, it can only deceive for a while, and Wang Ge will definitely react soon.

Therefore, Chen Yanxi wants to escape before he reacts.

Pull up the hood, put on the mask, take off the big frame glasses, and replace them with sunglasses prepared in advance.

She opened the door and just walked out a few steps, but a casual voice came from behind:

"Are you leaving now, little girl?"

Chen Yanxi frowned slightly, looked back, and saw a man who looked a bit like Wang Ge leaning on the sofa next to him, lazily crossing his legs, holding a can of Sprite in his hand, looking comfortable.

Seeing Chen Yanxi looking at him, the man smiled cheerfully and raised the Sprite in his hand to her:

"Hello, nice to meet you."

"I'm Wang Ge's brother, my name is Wang Sheng."


Wang Ge felt a headache.

The impact on the door frame just now was really severe. His mind was full of Chen Yanxi and he didn't feel anything. Now that he got the letter, he relaxed, and the belated pain and the loss of not being able to see Xixi overwhelmed him.

Looking at the letter in front of him, his brain seemed to explode.

Why can't you let me see you?

We haven't seen each other for such a long time, what's wrong with letting me see you? As for leaving the letter and running away?

He covered his head and limped to the seat and sat down.

He rubbed his face to make himself as sober as possible, and then slowly opened the envelope.

Revealing the very familiar and neat handwriting inside:

Wang Ge:

Seeing is like seeing.

First of all, congratulations on getting the top score in the college entrance examination.

When I heard the news, I was sincerely happy, not just for you.

Although I guessed that you would choose to take the top prize, I didn't have much confidence in you.

After all, your study attitude has never been correct, and you personally sent me away the night before the college entrance examination - this should be a big blow to you, right?

But you still got it.

I underestimated you, you are more powerful than I thought.

Next, I want to explain to you why I am writing to you now.

This month after leaving Changchuan, my situation is not good, and can even be described as very bad.

In less than a month, I have experienced many failures.

Living alone is indeed the best way to train a person. Even though I have enough knowledge reserves, the failures I have experienced in this month are almost more than all the failures I have experienced in my past life combined.

It was not until recently that I got a little better that I had time to write to you.

I hope you don't blame me.

After leaving Changchuan, I went to a small city that is relatively remote but has quite good scenery.

The landlord is a kind and gentle mother-in-law. Her husband died young, her children worked hard outside all year round, and she was alone, so she often invited me to her home and cooked delicious meals for me.

This is one of the few beautiful things in my life now, and it is also the thing I think is most worth sharing with you.

Another thing worth sharing with you is that I adopted a stray cat.

At that time, I was overwhelmed by work, and it happened to appear nearby, so I shared my lunch with it.

I didn't want to adopt it, because my financial situation really didn't allow me to keep an extra cat.

But it rubbed my feet with its little head, circled around my legs, and followed me all the way to my door.

It looked at me with pitiful eyes, which made me think of you inexplicably.

When you accidentally take off your disguise, you will also reveal this pitiful and lonely look as if you are homeless and can only wander around.

So I adopted it.

I named it Xiaoge.

Xiaoge is a blue and white tabby cat with a gray tinge. She is still young and lively, but a little shy.

When the landlady came to visit, she was so scared that she hid in the corner and didn't dare to come out.

Very cute.

With a new member in the family, my financial situation has become more difficult, but I don't regret it.

Xiaoge is very well-behaved and smart. She always comes to accompany me and heal me when I am tired.

When I wrote this letter to you, it was lying next to me, lazily basking in the sun.

Also, I remembered your instructions and put a pair of men's slippers at home.

This was initially misunderstood by the landlady, who thought I had a boyfriend and wanted me to introduce him to her.

The landlady is a very good person. If there is a chance in the future, I really want you to meet her.

Apart from these, the rest are just some trivial things.

This is my first time living alone, so it is inevitable that I will make some stupid mistakes in some small things. It is too complicated to write about them in a letter. If you want to know, I will tell you next time.

Now, my situation has gradually stabilized and I have a relatively stable job.

Don't worry about me, this is the path I chose.

I will fail, and I will experience many failures, but I will never fail all the time.


I heard that you are going to hold a graduation banquet, so I decided to go see you and send you a letter.

At the end of the letter, I will leave you an address, and you must remember to write back to me.

Don't come looking for me at the address. You promised me, don't break your promise.

But the address is not my home, so you can't find me even if you come looking for me.

I read it carefully again and found that the wording seems a bit too formal. It doesn't seem like a letter to someone you like.


I miss you very much, Wang Ge.

That's all.

Chen Yanxi.

June 27th at noon.

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