The soft warm wind enveloped Shrek Academy with a little scorching heat. You can see many students wearing that special green school uniform shuttling through the academy.

The shit green school uniform that was once criticized has now become the iconic costume of Shrek Academy. Young soul masters are proud to be able to wear such school uniforms.

At this moment, at the very middle of the day, a man and a woman came to the gate of Shrek Academy.

He looks to be around twenty years old, the young man is a little older, the young man has long golden hair, unrestrainedly scattered behind his back, with double pupils, with a little excited expression on his face, standing there Staring at the special monster carving on the plaque at the gate of Shrek Academy.

The girl has a cold face, her extremely fiery, perfect body is in stark contrast to the chill on her face, making her even more attractive. Contrary to the black clothes of the young man, she was wearing a black leather jacket, covering most of the white skin of her body.

The blond young man sighed, "Time flies so fast, it will be five years in a blink of an eye. I don't know what happened to them. Zhuqing, how have you been these five years?"

"One hundred levels will become a god."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai understood that Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul was already a god-level martial soul. And Dai Mubai saw that Zhu Zhuqing's bright eyes were exuding a kind of brilliance, a kind of divine brilliance, which made Dai Mubai couldn't help being fascinated.

Seeing Dai Mubai's appearance, Zhu Zhuqing also suddenly remembered his martial soul,,, no, it was the spirit cat. She restrained her breath.

Two Shrek Academy students on duty at the gate noticed these two people, and seeing them standing right in front of the academy gate discussing each other, a student strode up.

"What are you two doing? Please don't stand in front of the gate of our college. If you are here to apply for our college, then you are late. The time has passed."

The students who walked up also looked about twenty years old. After all, generally speaking, the students of the Advanced Soul Master Academy are around twenty years old.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help smiling, "We're not here to sign up. Are Dean Flender and Master here?"

The student on duty frowned, "I don't know if the dean and the vice-dean are here. But the college stipulates that outsiders are not allowed to enter. If you want to see the dean, please register first. If you want to enter the college through the back door, You two can invite them back, our Shrek Academy does not welcome such students."

From the outstanding appearance and temperament of the young woman in front of him, the trainees on duty can be sure that these two people are nobles, and immediately classify them as people who go through the back door.

Dai Mubai smiled, "Student, you are very conscientious. However, I don't think I need to go back to the academy anymore. Please inform the headmaster that Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing are back. I think, headmaster will welcome us."

It's been five years, and they haven't forgotten the agreement made five years ago, even though Dai Mubai still has a lot to do in the Star Luo Empire. And Zhu Zhuqing originally wanted to come with Ning Rongrong, but Ning Rongrong still had to deal with sect affairs. Seeing this scene, Wang Kun, who was hiding his figure, had to say that his eyes were a little moist.

Wang Kun has already regarded the Douluo Continent as his home, and the other worlds have lost his play, but in the end he still has to come to his warm home!

They will not forget the five years at the beginning, and those years of living in Shrek Academy will leave deep marks in their lives.

Five years have passed, and they all hope to come back to see Shrek Academy, to see Flender, Master, Liu Erlong and others who have taught them.

Of course, the more important thing is to look forward to the exciting moment when the seven monsters and the big devil get together.

So, they're back. The excitement in Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's hearts has even been revealed from their expressions.

To the surprise of the two, the student on duty had a calm face before, but now he was full of disdain, "You are Dai Mubai? Then I am still senior Tang San.

Stop pretending, you are already the twenty-third batch of pretending to be seniors planning to enter the academy. I will not be fooled. Get out of here quickly. Otherwise, I will drive people away. "

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment, he certainly wouldn't be angry with the student in front of him who was about the same age as him, and rubbed his nose, "Someone pretends to be us? Zhuqing, it seems that we really left a deep impression on the academy impression."

Compared with five years ago, the current Dai Mubai is even taller, standing there without anger and prestige, subtly exuding the air of a king. Zhu Zhuqing also grew from a young girl back then to a stunning girl.

Although it is not mature yet, it already looks like a country and a city. If he doesn't restrain his aura, no man can refuse her request in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

The reason why the students on duty have always been polite is inseparable from their appearance.

The student on duty finally got a little impatient, and looked at Dai Mubai with a bit of jealousy, "Let's go quickly. Otherwise, I won't be polite."

"Oh? This junior has such a temper, he actually wants to be rude to our Boss Dai. You are quite courageous!" A strange voice came from one side.

The gazes of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were attracted to them. Under the shade of the tree next to the gate of the college, a big fat man was standing there, looking at them jokingly.

This guy looks like he is eight feet tall and has an eight-foot waist. Tall and fat, with a round head, short hair centered in a Mohawk style, and a wretched smile on his face.

Even though five years have passed, even though he has changed so much, Dai Mubai still recognized this fat man at a glance. The little fat man has grown into a big fat man, isn't he one of the seven monsters, the evil fire phoenix Ma Hongjun?

"Damn, fat man, you're getting fat again." Dai Mubai strode towards Ma Hongjun. Ma Hongjun laughed, stretched out his fat arms, bumped into him violently, and hugged Dai Mubai fiercely. From the crackling sound of bones that can be heard on both of them, it can be known how hard they are hugging.

"Boss Dai, why are you still so violent? In fact, I'm going to hug Zhuqing."

"Ah—" the scream...

"Okay, I was wrong, let me go. Brother Kun. My petite body can't bear this kind of abuse from you. Could it be that it was the same when you cleared the bamboo, ah—" continued to scream...

Zhu Zhuqing was watching from the side, but the circles of his eyes were already slightly red. Wang Kun came back, this time he seemed to be very serious, and with a green shirt, he tapped lightly on Ma Hongjun's head with a gold fan.

Dong dong dong, that is, the sound is very loud, every time Ma Hongjun hit the ground. Now half of his body fell to the ground.

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