I have to say, Wang Kun suddenly felt that eating melons in the audience was delicious, and tea with melon seeds is great!

Seeing that she finally had a companion, Yue Zhongmian ran up to Papa Ye excitedly, and encouraged him to go crazy with her.

Seeing that Papa Ye was sitting there reservedly and not making any movement, I had no choice but to take out a sign that said "God I Love You" and hold it for him, while I stood up and cheered loudly.

Papa Ye couldn't understand it, he thought it was just a competition, there was no need to be so happy, Sleeping Moon told him excitedly,

Don't underestimate this game, it can eliminate the age difference, and it can awaken the dream of heroes in a tired life,

A boy like Ye Xiu can be made a spiritual idol for everyone.

Father Ye was a little moved when he heard these words. He always thought that playing e-sports meant that his son was not doing his job properly.

Unexpectedly, someone could still see such an inspirational side from him. He felt that it was necessary to re-understand his son and his profession.

After Ye Xiu left the field, everyone gathered around him curiously asking why he took off the mask he had worn on the field for nine years.

Ye Xiu didn't want to go into details, but he just said perfunctorily that the temperature in the competition room was too high. After hearing this, everyone gave him a blank stare.

Wang Kun punched him.

"I have to say, you still look handsome wearing a mask.


In the next group arena, Xingxin's first player was Wei Chen. Wei Chen was full of confidence, while Xuan Qi's pupils fell in love with each other.

He was instructed by his own captain, don't listen to Wei Chen's trash talk, just fight him hard on the field and it's over.

But Luotong Xiangyi complained secretly: I am a warlock, and the other party is also a warlock, how can you be so tough?

After the match started, Wei Chen didn't talk too much nonsense, he just stood quietly in the middle of the field,

This trick fooled Luotong Xiangyi. If the mountain does not come, Alexander will be fine. If Alexander comes, the mountain will be fine.

He cautiously moved forward a few steps, and stopped when the opponent was not within his range,

But Wei Chen suddenly raised his hand of death, and immediately trapped Luotong Xiangyi,

He took people away with just one move.

Luotong Xiangyi couldn't believe it, he couldn't figure out what the problem was, Wei Chen didn't hesitate to explain it to him,

Although he did not enter within his range, but he has entered his range,

This is the power of the hand of death designed by myself - the range has been increased by at least two positions.

Wei Chen successfully defended the ring, and next Xuan Qi came on stage was the assassin Deng Yinan.

Wei Chen was a bit cocky after winning a round, he didn't pay attention to his opponent, this time he didn't wait in the middle of the field,

Instead, he hid. Deng Yinan quietly walked around behind him, Wei Chen didn't notice for a while,

Being approached by an assassin and beheaded by manpower without time to clone himself, he still tried his best to use Death's Gate,

Killed 50% of the opponent's HP.

Since Wei Chen is usually careless and out of shape, no one came to comfort him when he lost the game. Ye Xiu and Chen Guo even teased him in unison, but Wei Chen wasn't annoyed at all.

Concealed Light, as a summoner, has no advantage against assassins. He summoned the ice wolf after he entered the field.

After the opponent easily avoided it, he didn't even give him a chance to summon him again, and directly assassinated him at close range, taking Concealed Light away.

Xingxin's fourth player is Xiao Tang, her profession is a battle mage. As soon as he entered the field, Xiao Tang used a fierce style of play, completely disregarding,

She quickly hit the opponent's blood volume to 30%, but her own blood volume also dropped very quickly. She didn't give the opponent a chance to counterattack, and scored a point in a quick fight.

Although he won the game, Xiao Tang's rapidly declining blood volume is a bit worrying.

Xiao Tang himself was a little uncertain,

Originally, her plan was to use the least amount of blood to deal with the first one, and then devote herself to the second one, but now it seems that it is a bit difficult.

Xuan Qi's next player was Wang Xing. Xiao Tang was worried that he didn't have enough blood, so he changed to a more conservative style of play.

But in this way, a situation of being beaten passively was formed. She still couldn't reverse the defeat and was quickly taken away.

Xiao Tang didn't return to the team after the game, but went to the vending machine to buy a can of Coke. Ye Xiu knew that she must feel bad because of her strong nature, so he followed.

He helped Xiao Tang analyze the reasons for her failure, and told her that in fact, everyone has a style of play that suits them, and there is no need to change it by force.

And Wang Kun stopped by to have a look, and went to the vending machine to buy a bottle of Coke, Sprite, Fanta,

By the way, "Just think about Ye Xiu's opinion. After all, you are not Ye Xiu, just a reckless man."

After making Tang Rou angry, Wang Kun ran away immediately.

I have to say, it's great!

After the group arena match, Happy fell one to five behind, which put them in a very dangerous situation, and people couldn't help but feel a little sweat for God Ye Qiu.

The two teams agreed on a strategy to kill the captain of the opponent with all their strength. Ye Xiu knew that the opponent's overall strength was strong, and he would definitely suffer in the regular season.

Therefore, they decided to take it by surprise, without a healer on the field, and use their full output. Let Mo Fan, a surprise soldier, break out a way for everyone. Hearing this, Mo Fan secretly worked hard and vowed to fight well in this game.

The team competition started soon, and everyone discovered that Xingxin did not have a healer.

Moreover, the ten players on both sides were all damage output. As Xingxin's substitute, the warlock was deployed against the wind, and the mysterious one was the healer who had no distractions.

As soon as the match started, Xuan Qi decided to use the drag formula to consume the HP of Xingxin's team members. Xingxin was also led by Ye Xiu,

Developing their own tactical thinking, they held each other down and fought each other, but judging from the previous individual and group arena matches, it seemed that Xingxin did not have the advantage in terms of personal strength.

Of course, if Wang Kun didn't join, it would be true.

The two people on Xuan Qi's side held Ye Xiu back, and Ye Xiu dealt with them calmly,

When the opponent was not paying attention, Mo Fan attacked suddenly, took away one person steadily and ruthlessly, and scored a point first.

The other three of Xingxin seem to be fighting alone, but they are actually watching each other and are constantly tightening the battle circle.

Soon, Qiao Yifan took Tiandi Xuanhuang away. But Wang Kun took four heads away, and Ye Xiu didn't get a single head.

Sleeping Moon and Papa Ye, the only fans in the auditorium behind Xingxin, were overjoyed to see the situation on the field.

I have to say that this Mysterious Fantasy team is too rubbish.

With the perfect teamwork, Xingxin quickly wiped out the opponent, scored five points, and became the winner in the end.

This beautiful team game amazed the audience and hosted the commentary. Sleeping Moon was so happy that she jumped up and applauded loudly.

After the game, Ye Xiu went to find his father immediately, but found that there was no one in the auditorium. He couldn't help but feel extremely disappointed.

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