Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

Thieves funny extra chapter 7

"I Am Naruto Madara" Chapter 7 "Nothing but a Dead End"

The four present hurriedly nodded, promising that they would never reveal any information about him. Otherwise, I will die a terrible death, and there will be five thunders from the sky!

Li Huo smiled lightly, turned around and walked to the smiling Xiao Wu, saying

"Let's go, go to Qishe."

Hey, Li Huo's heart is also a little happy, finally he can torture Tang San! Comfortable!

Xiao Wu nodded happily, seeing her heartless look, Li Huo also asked

"I have hunted eight soul beasts that are more than 100,000 years old, and one soul beast that is a million years old. Are you not afraid that I will catch you and use you as a soul ring for others?"

Xiao Wu looked at Li Huo's handsome face and said,

"There are still many good people in human beings. And if my brother knows that there are bad people coming to catch me, you will definitely protect me!"

Seeing such a heartless Xiao Wu, Li Huo was also drunk, he put his arms around his chest and said

"Yukaluo (yes). But did you approach me with this purpose?"

Xiao Wu hurriedly shook her slender pink hands vigorously

"No no no, I was threatened by you before, but then I felt that my brother would not hurt kind and lovely soul beasts! So the soul beasts you kill must be bad soul beasts that are heinous."

In fact, Li Huo didn't know who his soul ring was hunting for.

By the way, he completed the check-in task given by the system, and then bullied and bullied his cute little sister Xiao Wu. This little life is very comfortable.

However, the headmaster, who was intimidated by the possession of nine soul rings, seemed to say that

"The deluxe single room on the top floor of this dormitory building is given to Your Majesty, and I'm going to another one. I hope Your Majesty will live comfortably."

I have to say, it's really delicious! It's really fragrant! So arrogant before, now?

But what? Li Huo said that he wanted to go to the outside world for a while. But let's settle the matter with that person.

But the headmaster of Notting College wasn't scared to pee, which is not bad. Still a little bit of strength.

At this time, a person in the distance sensed the faint aura of the Titled Douluo after releasing the nine spirit rings,

But he didn't realize that the soul rings were eight red soul rings and one orange-gold soul ring.

At this moment, the voice of an uncle came out of Lihuo's head.

"come over!"

When Li Huo heard the voice coming from his head, he didn't have any emotional fluctuations.

White subtitles appeared in front of his eyes

[Release check-in task, give Tang Hao a taste of the beatings from society. Task reward: Increase the level of soul power by 0.2. 】

Lihuo felt pretty good about this check-in task.

At this time, Li Huo and Xiao Wu had already arrived at the door of the Seventh House,

Li Huo looked down at Xiao Wu

"When you enter Qishe later, whoever bullies you, tell me."

Before Xiao Wu could speak, Li Huo disappeared in place, hid in the distance and looked at Xiao Wu.

As for why he met Tang San, Li Huo said that he mainly wanted to torture Tang San and Tang Hao, to experience what is called invincible power.

Xiao Wu also pouted her pink lips angrily, and clenched her fists tightly.

"What's the matter with this man! My lovely sister just disappeared without listening to her words? Forget it, because my brother is so handsome, I'll forgive him."

Then when I went in, I met Tang San, knowing that the rule of the boss of Qishe is that if you win everyone, you can become the boss,

In this way, Uchiha Mai and Tang San started a battle.

"My name is Mai Uchiha, the dancing dancer."

In the end, it was Mai Uchiha who relied on her powerful melee soft skills to defeat Tang San.

Seeing that his dear sister defeated Tang San, and Xiao Wu didn't suffer the slightest injury, Li Huo felt relieved.

If Xiao Wu was really hurt, Tang San would have to kowtow three times!

If you resist? Li Huo doesn't mind letting him be his wronged soul.

But it also gave Lihuo a chance to beat Tang Hao violently. After all, the name is not right and the reason is not right. It is not good to be true.

In the primeval forest outside Notting City, two people appeared.

One is Li Huo, who is wearing a red layered shawl, with his arms around his chest,

One is Tang Hao, a decadent middle-aged man wearing a shabby robe, unshaven beard and hair like a bird's nest.

At this time, Tang Hao said in a majestic tone, "Who are you?"

Lihuo didn't answer, just said to himself

"How dare your son Tang San hit my Uchiha family, my Uchiha Madara's younger sister Uchiha Mai."

"You two let me beat you up, kneel in front of me, and kowtow three times! This matter is over."

"How dare you touch my dear sister! You really don't know how to live or die! If you still dare to resist, you will die."

Tang Hao joked

"A kid who has just been named Douluo, how could he speak so loudly?"

Suddenly, a burst of fierce soul power rushed towards Li Huo with lightning speed, and Li Huo's eyes turned into rippled eyes of reincarnation.

The coercion of the soul force was instantly absorbed by one of the abilities of the reincarnation eye, the hungry ghost said, and the sealing technique was absorbed into Li Huo's body.

Tang Hao felt that his soul power pressure was actually absorbed?

Li Huo pulled out his twined hands, "Wanxiang Tianyin."

Tang Hao, who didn't know Lihuo's skills, was obviously caught off guard, his body quickly floated in the air, moving towards Lihuo,

But the seasoned Tang Hao didn't panic, he summoned his top martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer,

After grasping it with his right hand, he made a big circle and smashed towards Li Huo who was very close at hand.

Li Huo suddenly smiled slyly,

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

That Tang Hao's body was suddenly hit into the sky by a strong repulsive force. hands together from the fire

"Earth Explosion Star"

Earth Explosion Star: A very powerful sealing technique in the reincarnation eye ability.

Create a black energy ball with a huge gravitational force between your hands, throw it into the air, and absorb all objects with gravity on the ground to the sphere,

It ends up as a giant ball of rock that seals the target in its center, rendering it incapacitated.

A black energy ball flew towards Tang Hao, and Tang Hao also understood at this time that the martial soul skill of this young person who became a Title Douluo should be to control gravity.

Tang Hao's seventh soul skill was activated,

"Avatar of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul!"

The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, which was less than one meter big, instantly grew to at least twenty meters in size.

Hugging it with both hands, it hit the black energy ball with a huge gravitational force forcefully from top to bottom.

After destroying it, he used his 20-meter Clear Sky Hammer avatar to smash it directly at the young boy.

Li Huo is a little confused, the black energy ball can only be deciphered by the power of the energy explosion, but is Tang Hao a fool?

Directly that hammer hammer?

This is like an egg and a piece of plasticine, one is easily smashed with a hammer, and the plasticine?

You can't smash it no matter what.

The most important thing is, this Tang Hao looks down on Li Huo!

Look down on Madara's power! ?

His Big Sumeru Hammer and Haotian Jiujue don't even need to explode a ring!

Just simply use the Clear Sky Hammer Avatar! You don't even need a Haotian real body! You look down on Lihuo too much, don't you?

Lihuo didn't bother to use the sky to hinder Zhenxing, and the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu was completely capable of Zuo Neng.

At this moment, when Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer hit the black energy ball, it was like hitting water, it was completely useless,

And the woods in front of Lihuo and the clods on the ground were all moving towards the black energy ball, frantically converging.

Li Huo also walked out of the range of the Earth Explosion Star, quietly admiring the dying struggle of the ninety-five-level assault system Titled Douluo,

He smashed the black energy ball with his real body of the twenty-meter-sized Clear Sky Hammer,

But he suddenly found that his twenty-meter-sized Clear Sky Hammer had been attracted by the huge gravitational force of that black energy ball.

And Tang Hao couldn't pick up that huge gravitational force, so he had to defecate it,

At the same time relying on Title Douluo's ability to fly through the air to resist the powerful gravitational force.

But can't break free!

But he used the cloaked wind hammer method 81 hammers by using the clods of soil and the trees rising from the ground close to him.

After Li Huo saw it, he also understood that Tang Hao wanted to use the 81st hammer of the Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique, that very powerful last hammer, to hit the black energy ball and destroy the Earth Explosive Star.

Li Huo raised his right hand, raised his index finger and middle finger, and put the other three fingers together, forming the simplest knot to produce the most effective output.

"Fire Escape. The Art of Dust Concealment"

Gray high-temperature dust was spit out from Lihuo's mouth, and the huge high-temperature dust instantly enveloped Tang Hao, who had only hit more than 20 hammers.

But what's interesting is that the strong wind brought by Tang Hao's cloaked wind hammer technique actually made it impossible for a huge amount of high-temperature dust to get close.

Li Huo was not flustered, he bit the corner of his mouth, a burst of sparks instantly caused a huge amount of high-temperature dust to explode, and the clods and trees around Tang Hao were all turned into powder,

Seeing this, Tang Hao quickly smashed his Chaos Cloak Haotian Hammer, which he had hit more than 40 times, on the black energy ball.

But to be honest, it's only a little stronger than the twenty-meter-sized Clear Sky Hammer just now.

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