Wang Kun smiled and said, "I know hundreds of transformation methods, do you deserve it?"

Qian Renxue unleashed her Titled Douluo's coercion, and the first, second, third, and fourth soul rings on Wang Kun's body shone brightly. Wang Kun smiled and said, "Okay, you twenty-four-year-old aunt, don't make things worse."

Wang Kun directly opened his seventh door, startled. Wang Kun's skin suddenly turned crimson, and the blood vessels all over Wang Kun's body protruded, and white steam radiated from the surroundings, and when it was released.

This strong air pressure oppressed Qian Renxue. Wang Kun felt that the pressure of the soul power released by Qian Renxue was gone, so Wang Kun withdrew the eight armor-defunct techniques.

Qian Renxue was a little shocked, "Is this your own soul skill?"

Wang Kun lay on the grass and yawned, "Well, it's okay, let's go. I want to sleep. They are both born at level 20, why is there such a big gap? One is a Titled Douluo, the other is a four soul ring Soul Sect, hey, it's a real dish!"

Qian Renxue couldn't help being a little angry, but still held back, "Wang Kun, why do you know my identity?"

Wang Kun didn't answer, Qian Renxue walked over and took out her holy angelic sword, "Say it or not!"

Wang Kun also took out his feathered white fan, "It's easy to know your identity, but if you ask me how I make racing cars and gliders, I might tell you."

"Hehe, are these important? A racing car can be easily made as long as you know how to do it, and a glider? I can fly by myself, do I still need it?"

Wang Kun fell asleep, I have to say, this woman's voice is really nice, she fell asleep when she closed her eyes, and Qian Renxue looked at the sleeping Wang Kun and wanted to kick him, but she couldn't be so childish .

So she had no choice but to go to that room and practice on her own.

And Wang Kun slept like this for more than a day. Wang Kun opened his eyes, it was already dark, and when he opened his eyes, he looked at the sky full of stars, bright and dazzling.

At this time, Wang Kun was suddenly covered by a beautiful golden shadow, "Hey, I want to see the stars, get out of here!"

"Wang Kun, don't go too far! I've been waiting for you for a day! Tell me! How do you know my identity!"

Wang Kun laughed, "Why are you so stubborn? Do you know what's wrong? Little Shabby."

"You still scold me!"

Seeing Qian Renxue's desperate and helpless look, Wang Kun smiled and said, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Knowing your identity is actually quite simple. Knowing the news of the Tiandou Empire's royal family, knowing the Qian family's trail The news is fine, after all, your grandpa Qian Daoliu's ninety-ninth level peak Douluo is not bad, but he can beat me."

Qian Renxue was a little shocked, but said calmly, "Then you also dare to tease me?"

Wang Kun laughed loudly, "It's one thing to defeat, and it's also another thing to fight hard. If I try hard, he will die. Well, maybe it's just a tie."

Qian Renxue couldn't help being shaken when she heard the words of the person lying on the grass, and her three views collapsed a little. "Okay, one last question! After asking, I'll leave! I won't bother you."

Wang Kun sat up and took Qian Renxue's hand | "I want to leave after I came? Who told you?"

That Qian Renxue just wanted to break free, but was dragged directly to the grass by Wang Kun, who lay on top of Qian Renxue, "Why are you so red? Xue'er?"

"Don't call me by that name!"

"Okay, once you're born, you don't even have parents. Do you like being an orphan? Let me be your boyfriend, so that you won't be lonely forever."

"No, you are not worthy!"

"Then why don't you break free? Your strength is stronger than mine, if I don't use my self-created body technique soul technique profound meaning."

"Hurry up and get down for me! If you are like this, I can't use my strength!"

"Okay. But, I want your first kiss!"

Wang Kun directly kissed Qian Renxue forcefully, and Qian Renxue hurriedly pushed Wang Kun away, "You, you, rascal!"

Wang Kun smiled slyly, "Okay,

let's go,"

That Qian Renxue's body was numb, her face was blushing, and she stood up quickly, Wang Kun looked at her and said, "Well, the taste is good, it's a little worse than my angel, but it's just a little bit."

"How can you be so scumbag? You obviously have someone you like! And those two girls!"

"Hey, it's normal for a man to have three wives and six concubines."

Qian Renxue finally asked, "You said I would like a boy with blue hair, is it true?"

Wang Kun walked in front of her slowly, pinched her chin, his hair suddenly turned dark blue, it was the thought of Li Xin

The duck with the exclusive skin of the 2020 World Crown.

"When the gods are powerless, it's the magic crossing all beings. You are an angel, but you kill people. Qian Renxue, do you yearn for the devil in your heart? Or is it the purest angel in the deepest part of your heart?"

"Could it be that the person you're talking about is you?" Qian Renxue felt shy when she saw Wang Kun's transformation into a god and demon, Li Xin, when he transformed into a demon, and Wang Kun's bloody eyes.

"Yes and no, because in the entire Douluo Continent, besides me, there is another one of the same age who is also very powerful, of course, if you don't compare with me."

"who is he?"

"Xiao San, a straight man, the kind who can kill women as long as he has a wife."

"Oh? You two are also very strange."

After finishing speaking, Qian Renxue's question is over, and of course there is the last one, "Remember to keep it secret."

Wang Kun lay on the ground, thought for a while, and gave her a plate of sashimi and a plate of vinegar, "Take it as my compensation for kissing you forcefully. I like Qian Renxue, who can be both a devil and an angel."

Qian Renxue gave a necessary hum, turned into Xue Qinghe, and hurried away without even riding the racing car.

Wang Kun thought about the smell of an angel, "It's comfortable, but when I asked Na'er for the first time? It's okay."

After Wang Kun finished speaking, he remembered a few things. Didn't Wang Kun remember that he had the eight skills of armor? That is to say, it can increase its strength dozens of times,

I don't know if my hundred-level god queen can fight the god king after opening the eight doors of Dunjia. It shouldn't work, maybe a first-level god can.

Wait a minute, after opening the dead door, I have the physique of a hash hot mom, so I should be able to last for about an hour, right? After persisting, there is no more text,

Then it turned into a blue soul, and the clothes turned into dots of golden light. Just wait a day.

Wang Kun went to the river to catch a few fish, cut them up, and went to Yandi Grocery Store to buy some tomato juice and ramen. Let’s eat tomato fish today, and order some tomato ramen.

In this way, Wang Kun returned to Shrek Academy after staying for three days. When he arrived, the atmosphere was a little gloomy, but there was no cry. No one cried when the scumbag master died. It was Wang Kun's first murder.

The burden on my heart is also much less.

Then Flender also gathered everyone in the square and announced, "Since the death of the master, the academy has no money, so we are going to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy to study."

And Ning Rongrong also blamed Wang Kun when he saw him coming back, "Where have you been these few days, and you don't even know to come back, stay with me!"

Wang Kun gave her a plate of sashimi, and she stopped making trouble. Wang Kun looked at everyone, although he was a little depressed, but he was not sad. When the scumbag Yu Xiaogang died, he didn't know how he died. Anyway, Tang San is very uncomfortable now.

After all, he became a father.

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