The Ice and Fire Liangyiyan refers to the uniquely blessed spring in front of you. One eye has twins, and the two can restrain each other. It may not be possible to form a treasure land in the same place for thousands of years!

In one's life, one of the three cornucopias where the essence of heaven and earth gathers can be seen,

Binghuo Liangyi Eye not only nourishes food, but also has a very special effect on the human body. Once humans or animals live next to the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye, their bodies will be impacted by the two extreme attributes of heaven and earth aura within a short period of time. If they cannot leave in time, they will definitely explode and die.

Around the Binghuo Yinyi Eye, there are all kinds of plants all over the place. It looks like a plant paradise. But the plants here are all rare things.

Near the edge of the milky white hot spring, there is a clump of what appears to be a small bug. The best product of Cordyceps sinensis, snow silkworm.

In front of Wang Kun and Xiao Wu, there was a topless Tang San and a Dugu Bo in trousers. Wang Kun took out Dou Di Zhu, glanced at Xiao Wu and blushed, after all, he was looking at a man's body.

It's still his brother's.

Tang San greeted Xiao Wu intimately, while Wang Kun put Doudizhu behind him and left.

He waved the colorful wings behind him, and a white subtitle appeared in front of his eyes [Random system has been activated, the host is invited to go to the Wuhun Pope's Palace to moles Bibidong. 】

Wang Kun showed a wretched smile, and flew over directly, and when he arrived at the mighty Pope's Palace, there was a man of short stature, dressed in a black and luxurious robe inlaid with gold patterns, wearing a nine-curved purple gold crown, holding a long about Two meters long, a scepter inlaid with countless precious stones. Fair skin and almost perfect face make her look so different.

Especially the intangible nobility and holiness that exudes from the body, it is even more unbearable to give birth to the emotion of worship.

When he teleported to the front of Bibi Dong, he realized that the Pope in front of him was so amazingly beautiful, noble, elegant, tranquil, all kinds of beautiful words seemed to be applicable to this woman. Although she is no longer young, the traces of time do not seem to be left on her body.

At this time, Bibi Dong was instructing Hu Liena to teach things.

She has long blond hair, but she doesn't think she is very beautiful at first glance; upon closer inspection, her appearance is also very beautiful, only slightly inferior to the three girls Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, and Xiao Wu, but compared to them, she is still beautiful. A little more mature, charming and sexy.

And when these two saw this handsome man teleporting here, Bibi Dong instantly released himself at least to the realm of Titled Douluo. Wang Kun is also "the seventh door opened!"

The two sides were tied, and Wang Kun immediately opened the game.

"Open, the Eight Doors Dunjia Technique."

Wang Kun's hair turned blood red, his skin was also extremely red, his muscle tissue collapsed, but he recovered, and at the time of death, Bibi Dong was also making a fuss.

Only then did Wang Kun close the eight doors, and his body was already scorched at this time, but the physique of Hash Hot Mom made him recover quickly, mainly because as long as the eight doors were opened quickly, death would not be able to catch up with him! Wang Kun teleported directly in front of Bibi Dong, squeezed her chin and kissed her forcefully. After the kiss was over, he even touched Hu Liena's jade body, and then disappeared in front of the two pretty blushing beauties .

[The host's soul power level is 50, please take the initiative to go to the capital of killing to hunt the ten-headed blazing sun snake, take its inner alchemy, and you can get the host's million-year-old soul ring spiral pill! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

[At the same time, the host gets the killing knife, killing hundreds of people to upgrade to one level! 】

Fuck! Ruthless! Just flirting with a beautiful woman like this? Wang Kun said, I love it, I love it! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! It was really difficult to increase the soul power before! It is really difficult!

Directly become level 50? Can you still go to the capital of killing? ojbk! The murder knife is also a good thing!

Then he flapped his wings and headed for the killing capital, which was very murderous.

Ahead is a small town.

The town didn't look that big, so Wang Kun landed two and retracted his wings. But as soon as he stepped in, Wang Kun felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit strange. He couldn't tell why, but he always felt that the people around him had a special chill

The air in the tavern was very turbid, and Wang Kun noticed that all the decorations here were actually black. Although it is daytime outside, once you walk in here, there is a cold and dark feeling.

At this time, about 30% of the tavern was seated. Although the air here was turbid, few people spoke, so it seemed very quiet.

The arrival of Wang Kun attracted a lot of attention, but most of them just passed them by with a glimpse.

Wang Kun found a seat in the corner and sat down. A waiter in black with an indifferent face came over.

"What do you want?"

Wang Kun thought about the process of Tang San and Tang Hao coming here in the original book, and said, "Give me a Bloody Mary."

The waiter's face changed slightly, "Are you sure?" After being swept away by Wang Kun's cold eyes, he didn't dare to say anything, and turned his head away.

After a while, two cups of cloudy liquid were brought up. The liquid was dark red, exuding a strong fishy smell, as pungent as fresh blood.

Wang Kun immediately threw away the human blood, then took out the duck blood clot, and after a simple conditioning, he ate it deliciously.

Wang Kun's different behavior broke the calm in the tavern and attracted the attention of all the guests. There was a roar of laughter.

"Where did this chick come from? Go home. This is not where you should be."

"You can't stand a glass of Bloody Mary, and you still want to get in?"

"Haha, go home and find your mother for breastfeeding."

All kinds of nasty voices filled the tavern, those drinkers seemed to have found a point of release in the depression, and hit Wang Kun unreservedly.

Wang Kun has no face or skin, "Damn it, human blood always tastes good? Don't duck blood clots taste good? You all have to pay the price for laughing at the taste of duck blood! Your end can only be dead!"

The laughter stopped abruptly, and everyone's eyes on Wang Kun became weird.

Wang Kun stood up slowly.

Tang "Being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself. None of the people who can come here has no way to die. Therefore, I will kill you and leave no one behind. I have no regrets, and I am even very happy!"

Before Wang could make a move, a big man who was closest to him jumped up, "I'll kill you first."

A ox-eared sharp knife pierced out from a tricky angle, straight for Tang San's heart. This man was obviously very experienced, and the position of the knife was just able to penetrate through the gap between Wang Kun's ribs.

Wang Kun clasped his hands together, "Wood escape, tree binding and eternal burial, become my strength!"

At this moment, he had already seen clearly that besides himself, there were twenty-three guests in the tavern,

Among the twenty-three people, five people were releasing their soul power quickly, and the remaining seventeen people also drew their weapons without hesitation. No one escaped

"This is a test, a test given to us by the Slaughter City. If we kill him, we can enter the Slaughter City." Someone shouted, and everyone's eyes turned red. It looks like it is madly rushing towards Wang Kun.

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