Jiang Chen’s figure left with the omega beast x, but the figure of the demon beast did not dare to move at all, it was really frightened, an extreme body, but also a paladin’s extreme body, it only felt an infinite fear spreading.

And the depths of fear are even more inexplicable.

As a subordinate of the Clown Emperor.

Demon beasts are no strangers to humans.

But this is not a strange question.

It was that Jiang Chen’s existence was too strange, as if he was the ruler of the entire world, and in the face of Jiang Chen, the demon beast had an instinctive sense of submission.

Even a little resistance, a little other mind is difficult to rise.

“Who the hell is it?”

It couldn’t help but have this thought flickering in its heart.

It’s just that obviously, no one can answer it, and even the demon beast doesn’t even have the courage to investigate.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already left the Infinite Mountain and came to Fayilu Island.

The refinement is almost complete.

The rest just needs to push forward and be able to do it.

And this is no longer a big problem.

However, for Jiang Chen, before advancing the plot, he still planned to do something.

With the omega beast, his figure came to the ancient ruins.

In the plot, the ancient ruins are not many eye-catching existences, some of them are not weak, but not too strong, or in other words, the entire Fayilu Island is actually only a trial for the children novice village, the only complete body, has not yet exploded strength, was beaten awake.

The others are all mature Digimon.

However, the importance of ancient ruins here is extremely important.

Or rather, it is here that children learn part of the message of the divine plan.

The Divine Project, also known as the “Digimon Tyrannosaurus”, is a digital world created to connect the minds of Digimon and the chosen children, so that Digimon can verbally communicate with people.

It is children who have the real power to fight the darkness.

Among the ancient ruins, the Divine Plan icon is the first generation, or the first generation of Tyrannosaurus machines known to appear in Digimon Adventures (the previous generations are actually similar in style).

DIGIVICE, abbreviated as DV: The most primitive digital Tyrannosaurus machine, shaped like an alarm clock. In fact, there is also an alarm clock function, and it can also show the location of nearby companions. Its main role is to connect the chosen children and their partners, connect them with each other, and promote the evolution of Digimon. It can also be used with the Evolution Key for Hyper-Evolution, and a certain number of situations are enough to communicate reality with the Digimon World gate.

At this time, Jiang Chen and the Omega Beast had already appeared under the pattern of this divine plan.

As for the purpose of coming here, it is also very simple.

Jiang Chen needed a divine plan.

It’s just that his divine plan is naturally not this one of the first generation.

Jiang Chen intends to be the fourth generation.

D-Scanner, the Cryptography Armed Tyrannosaurus machine, appears in Digital Tyrannosaurus 4 Infinity. It is a machine that combines a Tyrannosaurus machine and a digital terminal. It was transformed by the Divine Heavenly Female Beast into the mobile phones of Takuya and others in some way.

Different from the first generation.

The first generation is just an evolutionary, and this fourth generation is enough for humans to evolve into Digimon.

And this is still very important for Jiang Chen.

This allows him to have a certain ability to protect himself.

Omega Beast X is indeed powerful, but in fact, he actually has no guarantee, in this case, he must add some strength to himself, and in the digital world, there is undoubtedly no more feasible guarantee than the fourth-generation Tyrannosaurus machine.

And as a world creation, the Tyrannosaurus machine he can create must be much stronger than in the original work.

As for coming here, this is to extract the data here for evolution.

He doesn’t have much to create today.

It is not feasible to rely solely on the creation point to make a Tyrannosaurus machine.

But now, in this ancient ruin, there is already relevant data of the divine plan, and extracting these data and evolving into a tyrannosaurus machine, although it is obvious to change, the creative points required are undoubtedly much less.

In fact, it is.

When Jiang Chen’s thoughts communicated on the mural in front of him.

The entire ancient ruins have been covered with white light.

Jiang Chen raised his hand slightly.

There are less than fifty creation points left, which are almost completely emptied.

And the white light quickly became restrained.

In the end, it was completely gathered in Jiang Chen’s hands, and a tyrannosaurus machine was immediately presented in Jiang Chen’s hands.

It is oval in appearance, has no antenna, and has a black finger slot in the lower right. The electronic screen above the machine is inside the outer circle, and there are three buttons below, which is different from the plot, Jiang Chen’s one, which belongs to white, is completely different from the color of Takuya and others.

And it’s not just a matter of color.

In fact, the effect of his Tyrannosaurus machine is also more powerful.

Cut some messy functions, only have the ability of armed evolution, and this ability is also extremely large.

There is no need for the evolution of the War Soul armor, in theory, as long as he is in the digital world, some Digimon, he can complete the evolution and transform his state into its form.

It can be said to be extremely powerful.

Although at present, because the creation points are still too rare, coupled with the data of the divine plan, after all, it is impossible to fully support the power of this rule, he does not need to think about the polar body, but under the polar body, his evolution will not be affected by anything.

And even if it is completely physical, in the current situation, it still gives him a real ability to protect himself.

More importantly, as long as he waits for tomorrow’s achievement points to arrive, then he can further improve, and then even the extreme body will not have the slightest problem.


((Second, add some strength to the protagonist!) ))

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