Lin Feng looked at the precision instrument in his hand and smiled, sure enough, he was still looking for the Dragon Ball, but then he muttered in his heart.

"I made an appointment with a very important person today? Anyway, Vegeta knows..."

However, Boomer didn't say much about this matter, just motioned for Lin Feng to press the protruding button in front of the instrument.

"This instrument is called the Dragon Ball Radar, and it can detect the specific location of the Dragon Ball on the earth with great accuracy.

Lin Feng did so, and then he found that two small flickering yellow dots had appeared among the many grids on the screen, presumably this should be the location of the Dragon Ball.

"This little yellow dot represents its own location, and this one is the location of the Dragon Ball, as long as it is a Dragon Ball within a radius of thousands of miles, this instrument can accurately detect its location.

Boomer pointed to the small yellow dot on the screen and patiently explained to Lin Feng, with a rather proud tone in his words, after all, this was a device she had invented with her own hands.

"There's no way, you know, the dragon balls I collected with great difficulty before have been used by you last time, and it will be very troublesome for me to collect them again as a weak woman, so I can only ask you!"

Speaking of this, Boomer sighed deeply again, and there was no way to do that kind of thing.

Lin Feng thought about it, last time, he used up the dragon balls that Boomer had worked so hard to collect, and now he should also help Boomer collect them again, which is reasonable.

"You're right, don't worry, Boomer, the matter of collecting the Dragon Balls is on me, and the task will definitely be successfully completed!"

After making up his mind, Lin Feng patted his chest and agreed to the matter.

When Boomer heard this, a deep joy suddenly appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Hello, Lin Feng, you said that they are also Saiyans, why is the gap between Vegeta and you so big?" "

Don't say ask him for help in this kind of thing, I'm afraid that if I bring it up with him, he will immediately refuse..."

After that, as if sensing that he was talking too much, Boomer quickly reached out and covered his mouth, and his clumsy appearance exuded the cute charm unique to middle-aged women.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you, then again, he really seems to be coming, I'll go first!" Boomer looked down at the time, then changed his expression and hurried away.

"I'm probably going to have a busy day today, so please find the Dragon Balls and put them in the lab!

Listening to Boomer's voice from afar, Lin Feng smiled knowingly, not to mention, this Boomer is indeed quite tasteful.

"Since I've already made a package ticket with Boomer, it's naturally going to be completed, let's take it as a tour, I've been here for so long, just take this opportunity to wander around..."

Lin Feng said and took off, first lowered his head, carefully checked the specific location of the dragon ball on the instrument, and then accelerated and left this place.

At the same time, in a primeval forest covered with high forests, three figures lined up, walking in an orderly manner, and the person in front was also holding a Dragon Ball radar, the same style as Lin Feng.

At this moment, he was staring closely at the radar in his hand, carefully identifying the current position.

"This way, keep up!" As he spoke, he led the three of them in another direction, and just like that, the figures of the three of them continued to shuttle through the forest.

"Mistress Pirav, have you made a mistake, we've been walking for so long, and we haven't even seen a shadow of a Dragon Ball?!".

The three of them were tired of walking, and when they sat down on an empty stone to rest, a dog-like man wiped beads of sweat, sighed and whispered.

"There's absolutely no way to go wrong, trust me, Ashu, we'll get the Dragon Balls in no time, so that our grand plans can all come true!".

Pirav's face changed, and he jumped to his feet, and then he began to talk incessantly, like a river.

"King Pirav is here again, when will it be a head if this continues! I knew that after leaving the cruise ship, I would follow the rich middle-aged woman, so that it would not fall to such a point..."

The only woman among the three also sighed, this kind of life is simply not a human life, tired and hungry, and the exhaustion on her face is even more visible to the naked eye.

Ah Xiu on the side also nodded heavily when he heard this, and soon fell into a burst of good memories: "But then again, the food on that boat is really rich! I regret not packing some..."

Seeing that his two team members were so decadent, Pirav immediately yelled and drooled.

"Don't forget the ambitions of our Pirav team, even though the environment is very harsh, we can't be deterred by that, after all! But the existence that wants to rule the whole world!

Although Pirav looked like a child at this time, his tone was very old-fashioned, and not only that, but his every word was full of passion and blood!

However, as soon as he finished speaking, his stomach began to rumble uncontrollably.

"But then again, I'm a little hungry now...," Pyrav wilted again, and touched his sleek little belly, his face bitter.

"This damn Dragon Ball, why is it so hard to find, the instrument clearly shows that it is in this place...", and then he looked at the detection instrument and complained quietly.

At the same time that Pirav and the three of them were deflated, Lin Feng had also arrived in this forest, and he looked at the Dragon Ball Radar in his hand again, and the expression on his face was even more affirmative.

"The instrument shows that this first dragon ball is near here, over there!" Lin Feng looked in a certain direction in the depths of the forest, and then his body moved and swept away in that direction.

In the Western Capital, in a beautiful private room in a luxury villa, Boomer warmly entertained the people in front of him, only to see the exquisite fried golden tempura on the table, burnt and crisp, and the color was delicious, which looked mouth-watering.

"Well, you're welcome, I'm sorry, I'm going!".

As he spoke, the man across from Boomer carefully stretched out his chopsticks and grabbed a tempura, first dipped it in the soy sauce in front of him with a sense of ceremony, then looked at the golden color in the chopsticks, and put it in his mouth.

"It's crunchy on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside, and when you enter the mouth, the two become one, and the taste is really amazing!"

As soon as the tempura entered his mouth, his face changed, and then he couldn't help but shake his body from side to side.

"Hey, it seems to be the breath of Ves?"

Lin Feng was on top of a towering tree at this time, he first stretched out his hand and took out the dragon ball in the bird's nest in front of him, and then looked at the direction of the Western Capital in confusion, and muttered a few words softly.

"Wait, that Booma said that he made an appointment with a very important person, wouldn't it be Weiss?!" Lin Feng was suddenly overjoyed and jumped down from the tree.

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