Lin Feng took the communication crystal from Weiss's hand and carefully stored it, this time the conversation between the two can be said to be quite harmonious, and the process went very smoothly.

After agreeing on the specific matters, Lin Feng originally wanted Wukong and Vegeta to leave immediately and return to Beerus with Ves, but considering that Wukong was with Kiki at this time, he was afraid that he would not be able to do it for a while, so he could only give up.

After all, Kiki has always been opposed to Wukong being obsessed with cultivation and ignoring family affairs.

So Lin Feng agreed with Vis to come back to Earth in three days and take Wukong and the two away, and Vis readily agreed.

After Weiss left, Lin Feng also explained the matter to Boomer, who knew his husband's temperament very well, and once he decided, things could not be changed so easily.

But what's more, Vegeta is still going to cultivate, probably because he doesn't want to make himself angry, Boomer not only has the slightest intention of stopping it, but has a strong attitude of support.

Such a sudden and enlightened change in thinking made Lin Feng secretly admire in his heart, this Boomer is reasonable, not to mention, he is still a rich woman, Vegeta, this kid is indeed blessed.

On Wukong's side, Lin Feng also went to inform him, and he set off for Beerus Star to cultivate three days later, as for how he went to get Qiqi, then Lin Feng didn't know.

However, looking at Wukong's excited look after learning the news, it must not be impossible even if it is hard for Kiki.

Three days ...... fleeting

Weiss appeared in the garden of Boomer's house on time as agreed, and Lin Feng had already taken Wukong and the two to wait there in advance.

Vegeta changed into a brand new battle suit, the costume was beautifully made, low-key and luxurious, calm and rich, obviously from Boomer.

Although Vegeta looked a little disgusted, she still cherished this dress very much.

According to Boomer's words, if her husband goes out of the house, he naturally wants to dress up more exquisitely, and if he wears tattered clothes, he will be laughed at by other cosmic people.

Goku looked a little sluggish, with no blood on his lips and a slightly pale face. The two dark circles under the eyes looked unusually obvious, and the previous passionate demeanor was gone, replaced by a thick tired color.

Even Weiss frowned slightly when he saw Goku, a little surprised by the latter's current situation, which was clearly hollowed out.

In fact, Lin Feng was also shocked when he first saw Wukong like this before, there was no trace of blood on this pale little face, it was hard not to imagine that Wukong was indeed Kiki.

In contrast, Lin Feng looked much more relaxed, he specially asked Boomer to prepare two bags of exquisite instant noodles, there were more than two hundred boxes, all kinds of flavors, braised beef, spicy beef, Laotan sauerkraut, golden soup fat beef, the names that could be called were basically in it.

Wei Si looked at the contents of these two bags of hemp with some surprise, and didn't understand what Lin Feng meant, he had never seen these things before.

Seeing this, Lin Feng smiled and explained: "I know that Weiss likes to taste all kinds of food, this is what I specially prepared for you, the best food on the planet, there is no one. "

By the way, that sack is for Lord Beerus, Goku, Vegeta, quick, you two, each carrying a sack. "

Obviously, in terms of human accidents, Lin Feng is still very good.

Looking at Lin Feng's sworn and recommended appearance, Weston's eyes lit up, he had tasted a lot of food on this earth, but he had never tasted this so-called best food.

"You still know me best, Lin Feng, don't worry, you can rest assured that Wukong and Vegeta are practicing with me.

Weiss smiled and thanked Lin Feng, and then motioned for Wukong and the two of them, who were carrying two bags of instant noodles, to come to him.

"Where is this, politely, I am the most relieved for Wukong and the two to go to you, come to the earth to find me at any time after eating instant noodles, here is enough!"

Lin Feng confidently gestured to Weis, who suddenly smiled even more happily when he heard Lin Feng's words.

After that, Lin Feng explained some things to Wukong, probably revealing some of Weis's not simple, so that the two of them must follow Weiss to practice well, Wukong and Wukong are both understanding people, and immediately looked solemn and nodded heavily.

After the explanation, Lin Feng exchanged pleasantries with Weiss again, and then watched Weiss leave the earth with Wukong and two sacks of instant noodles.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the three of Weisi left, Lin Feng suddenly frowned and looked in the direction of due north, where there seemed to be a faint flash of evil aura, which made him slightly uncomfortable.

But Lin Feng didn't care too much for a while, although that aura was evil, it was really a little weak, almost imperceptible.

At the same time, due north is a ring-shaped mountain, in which there are several wandering caves, which are dark and damp, and from time to time there are swarms of bats passing from above.

In the cave, three figures were slowly advancing, and the leader was holding a torch to drive away the bats overhead, muttering something to himself, as if he was really calculating how far away.

The cave seemed to have no end, and the further you went, the narrower the passage became, and the darker and more damp it became.

One of the three seemed to want to retreat, and stopped moving forward several times, but was angrily reprimanded by the leader and had to put away the idea of giving up.

The three of them walked in the cave for an unknown amount of time, and suddenly felt a burst of brightness in front of them, and then looked up to see that the narrow cave had suddenly opened up, and the dazzling light filled the huge space in front of them.

The three of them were overjoyed when they saw this, and the leader quickly threw away the torch in his hand and ran quickly forward, and the two people behind also showed joy and immediately followed.

"Wow! Great! Finally found!Xiao Wu, Ah Xiu!" An

excited voice blurted out from the mouth of the leader of the man, it turned out that these three people were the three Pirav who had been entrusted by Lin Feng three days ago to find the Dragon Balls.

"Yes, Lord Pirav, this is the last Dragon Ball.

"In this way, all seven dragon balls have been gathered!" Xiao

Wu and Ah Xiu both surrounded at this time, and in front of the three of them there was a high raised stone platform, on the stone platform, a dragon ball was lying quietly on it, and it was the light emitted by this dragon ball that illuminated the entire area.

As he spoke, Ah Xiu took out the black duffel bag in his hand, and when he opened it, he saw that the remaining six dragon balls were stored inside.

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