Just as Sol Bay was heading to the regeneration cabin with the soldiers with great fanfare, Lin Feng's figure was already constantly shuttling through the spaceship.

The security on this ship is also very high, and ten paces away is a soldier with a gun patrolling back and forth, looking very vigilant.

It's just that wherever Lin Feng went, these little Karami had already gone to another world before they could raise the alarm, and as Lin Feng gradually deepened, the combat power on this spaceship was also drastically reduced.

Lin Feng's purpose in doing this is very simple, come and not be rude, then Sol Bei dared to blatantly bring the spaceship to the earth, and deliberately made his dragon balls, for this, Lin Feng naturally wanted to pay tribute to it.

On the other hand, these people came to the earth with great fanfare, looking for the divine dragon, and the purpose was to resurrect that Frieza, and now they still have a fragment of Frieza in their hands, so Lin Feng naturally made up for this excitement.

Solbe had no idea what was happening on his ship, and he had already led his men down to the regeneration pod.

The layout of the chamber was not much different from the main control room, except for a slightly dimly lit room, but in the center of the room, a large solution instrument was prominently located.

The device resembles a large cicada chrysalis, with several thick lines connecting the interior above it, and a large amount of green fluid can be seen through the transparent glass.

Sol Bei's face was solemn, and he placed the refrigeration device in his hand in one of the ports of the instrument with some trepidation, and the two fit perfectly in an instant.

Seeing this, Solbe licked his lips lightly, and walked to the front of the instrument, as long as he pressed the huge red button in front of him, the regeneration device would be activated, and it was up to Master Frieza to resurrect or not.

But after all, Solbe still stood in front of the button, stunned for a long time, his solemn face and constantly rubbing his fingers still indicating his inner entanglement and struggle.

It was a very risky decision, and it was fine if it succeeded, but if it failed, the fragments of Frieza would lose their vital signs again, and it was clear that it was a gamble.

But after Frieza and the Kiner Four were all eliminated, many people in the universe began to stop obeying them, and even rebellions broke out on multiple planets, and even the discipline within the Frieza Legion became extremely weak.

But all this, as soon as Frieza is resurrected, with his thunderous means, this mess will no longer be a problem, thinking of this, Solbe gritted his teeth fiercely, and suddenly made up his mind.

I saw that his eyes were fierce and fierce, and when he was about to slap the red button in front of him, a hearty and free laugh came again.

"I said, without this fragment in my hand, even if you activate that instrument, the adult of your family probably won't survive!" Sol

Bei listened to this familiar voice, his heart suddenly lost his mind, and he turned his head to find Lin Feng lazily leaning against the door of the regeneration cabin, and there were two fallen soldiers with guns beside him.

"Why is this plague god here, come on

, take him down for me!" Sol Bei's pupils constricted, and he raised his hand to beckon the soldiers beside him, wanting to take Lin Feng down, while he took two steps back, wanting to take out the Frieza fragment in the instrument.

But Lin Feng just stood up straight, spread his hands, spread his ten fingers, and said with an evil smile: "Don't bother, I'll do it myself!" I

saw dozens of subtle red rays shot out from Lin Feng's fingertips, and the subtle rays did not cause much momentum, but quietly passed through the bodies of many soldiers.

The many soldiers didn't seem to notice, and when they reacted and looked down at their bodies, a fingertip-sized hole had appeared in their abdomen, and white smoke was still faintly emitting from the hole.

Lin Feng clapped his hands lightly, and after finishing a set, he called it a day easily, and many soldiers fell to the ground when they heard the sound, and their wide eyes were still revealing a thick look of horror.

Seeing that Lin Feng had dealt with his many subordinates so lightly, Sol Bei, who had been able to fight with a large number of people and a little confidence, suddenly wilted.

Lin Feng's face did not change after killing people, it was exactly the same as the terrifying Lord Frieza in his memory, he looked harmless to humans and animals, who would have thought that he was actually a master who killed people without blinking.

Lin Feng naturally didn't know what Sol Bei was thinking at this time, so he casually took out the fragment of Frieza, put it in his hand and threw it into the air casually, playing with it continuously.

Sol Bei's face darkened when he saw this, it was Lord Frieza, he was treated like this, but due to Lin Feng's terrifying strength before, he couldn't move at this time, he dared to be angry and didn't dare to speak, so he could only look at the latter helplessly.

"What the hell are you going to do?!"

Seeing that Lin Feng had been playing with Frieza's fragments like this, not speaking or taking the next step, Sol Bei was a little flustered, and he couldn't see that he had any intentions at all.

"What's the matter? Is this in a hurry?can't you bear it?" Lin Feng glanced at Sol Bei and sneered, still playing with the fragments in his hand.

Sol Bei's face was already extremely ugly at this time, staring at Lin Feng deadly, a pair of fists creaked, but then his face suddenly changed, and he quickly stretched out his hand to pick up something.

It turned out that Lin Feng casually threw the fragment to Sol Bei, who carefully took the fragment, and it just so happened that the fragment suddenly opened his eyes when it fell into Sol Bei's hand, which made Sol Bei's heart suddenly tighten.

"What do you mean by that?" Although Sol Bei, who was holding the last piece of Frieza in his hand, was surprised in his heart, he didn't show it, but pretended to look at Lin Feng with a blank face.

"Don't pretend, while I'm still interested, let's go and resurrect Frieza!" Lin Feng waved his hand lazily, and it seemed that Frieza's resurrection was just a small matter.

Although Sol Bei didn't understand what Lin Feng meant at all, his body was very honest and quickly put the last piece of fragment into the instrument.

When he completed the last step, a rare smile appeared on his face that had been nervous, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously set off a wicked arc.

"What an arrogant and ignorant fool, no matter what your intentions are, you dare to take the initiative to ask Lord Frieza to resurrect, hmph, wait until the resurrection of the Lord and then gather the strength of the whole ship, it is expected that no matter how great your ability is, you will not be able to escape from the palm of our hands!"

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