After leaving the principal’s room, Leon couldn’t wait to return to the dormitory, closed the door of the room, and stared at the extra 300,000 chips on the account, which is hard currency worth 1.5 million gold gallons, and can draw a golden card pool one hundred and fifty times.

Moreover, in his own treasury, there are also Dumbledore’s labor fees of 500,000 gold galleons, which can add up to two million gold gallons.

But Leon’s expression was very awkward, and he had fallen into an unprecedented entanglement at this time, that is, whether he used this money for a lottery or to revive the old hunter.

Although he has always disliked the old hunter in his mouth, after all, he is the only one who has reached out to him when he is most desperate and hungry, and under the care of the old hunter, Leon can live until now, it is impossible to say that Leon has no feelings for the old hunter.

Especially the happy and happy expressions after witnessing Dumbledore and Snape resurrecting the person they cared about the most, stimulated his emotions.

The reason why people are called people is because people have rich feelings and wisdom, although the old hunter is old and dead, but this is still a life that can be recovered, it is a big deal to spend more money to extend the life of the old hunter, as long as the chips are enough, these are not a problem.

Therefore, the collision of reason and sensibility gives Leon an abnormal headache at the moment.

“Check the chips needed to exchange the resurrection of the old hunter in my memory and the additional twenty years of the old hunter’s lifespan.” (Although the equivalent exchange has a cooldown period, the consulting cost does not, which is accompanied by passive skills and the ability to evaluate.) )

In the end, emotion triumphed over reason, Leon directly asked about the price of resurrecting the old hunter and extending his life, the money can be earned again, but once the regret in his heart remains, perhaps, he will not be able to understand it in this life.

Leon felt that he should repay the old hunter for his selfless dedication, at the very least, let his old age live a wonderful and happy life, and let him leave without regrets.

“There can be no resurrection.”


Seeing the reply given by the system, Leon was stunned and could not be revived? How can it be? The human Lily can be resurrected as a wizard, and Arianna as a wizard, with the addition of extracting bad memories and silently can also be resurrected, why an ordinary person cannot be resurrected.

Leon could not understand it, and even more unacceptable, but at this time reason once again prevailed, allowing Leon to analyze why he could not resurrect the old hunter.

The first possibility is that the old hunter is a big guy, not within the rules of equivalent exchange, just like he wants to return to the world before he crossed, but obviously, unlikely, living with the old hunter for so many years, Leon knows the details of the old hunter best, in winter will be afraid of cold, will get sick, cough, and the older he gets, the slower his actions are, and even his eyes are not very good, how can this kind of person be a big guy.

And if the old hunter guy is not within the rules of equivalent exchange, he should also prompt that he is not within the scope of the rules to execute, instead of answering directly that he cannot be resurrected.

Then, there is only one answer left, that is, the old hunter, who is not dead, only those who are not dead cannot be resurrected.

But this made Leon feel even more confused, he personally watched the old hunter swallow his breath and bury the old hunter with his own hands, could it be that the old hunter faked his death and got up from the cemetery by fraud? It’s not scientific.

But the more this thought echoed in Leon’s mind, the more ingrained it became, so he decided to go back and see for himself.

Heading straight to Snape’s office, the little wizard had to ask for leave and had to enter his own headmaster’s permission, and Leon knew that Snape would not refuse him.

“You want to take a leave of absence to go back? Why, did something happen at home? When Snape knew Leon’s intentions again, he asked a little confused, “Do you want me to help?” ”

“I just want to find an answer to an answer.” Leon shook his head and replied, then remembering that his journey back was quite far: “But I really need your help, I won’t phantom transfiguration.” ”

“The most I can do is send you to King’s Cross Station, your home, I haven’t been there, you know, the Apparition Transfiguration can only go to places where he has memories.” Snape directly agreed, as for the leave slip, what leave slip? Whether Lyon needs to take a leave of absence or not is not a matter of his own words.

“Can we go now?” Leon immediately suggested.

“Yes.” It was rare to see Leon so urgent and impulsive, although he didn’t know what happened, but Snape knew about this matter, it must have had a profound impact on Leon, and at the same time unconsciously asked: “Really don’t need my help?” ”

“It’s really not a big thing to be dangerous, but if you have a lot of time, it’s okay to want to accompany you.” Leon originally wanted to refuse Snape’s proposal, but considering that he wanted to dig a grave, he still agreed to Snape, after all, multiple people, the efficiency will be higher.

“Okay, I’ll accompany you.” Snape replied without hesitation, even if he really didn’t have time, he had to squeeze out time, he was really a little worried, Leon was too abnormal now.

The two did not hesitate, went directly to Professor McGonagall’s office, borrowed Professor McGonagall’s fireplace and teleported to the Leaky Cauldron, and then walked out of the bar door non-stop and rushed towards Leon’s house.

Although he has not been to Leon’s home, Snape has also traveled to many places in London, and after knowing whether there are any places near Leon that he has been, he directly took the Lyon Phantom to transshape, and soon, the two came to the forest familiar to Lyon.

Seeing this simple cabin in the woods, Snape’s expression was a little complicated and he asked, “Is this your home?” ”

“Yes, don’t look at him small, but there is a big basement underground.” Leon replied that the Christmas snow did not collapse the cottage, which made him feel a lot calmer, but now Leon was more eager to know whether the old hunter was dead or not.

Without going back to the house, Leon took Snape directly towards the depths of the forest, the old hunter’s graveyard, on the edge of a stream in the forest.

February was already spring, and Leon soon found the place where the old hunter was buried from a freshly budding dandelion meadow, a simple little dirt bag, not even a tombstone, only a cross that was about to weather.

“Are you here to worship?” Seeing this grave, Snape said with a solemn expression: “Still, you plan to resurrect the people buried in this tomb.” ”

“Neither, I just came to dig his grave.” Leon’s words were almost said through gritted teeth, and then Leon transformed two shovels with transfiguration, threw one out to Snape, and he directly took it and began to plan.

Hearing this, Snape was stunned, especially seeing that Leon was actually already hot, he didn’t know what to say.

Feelings Leon ran out in such a hurry, just to planing graves? But this shouldn’t be, it stands to reason that the remembrance and inadvertent sadness that Leon showed just now were all in Snape’s eyes, and it was obvious that this cemetery should be buried with a person who was very important to Leon.

But what happened to make Leon make such a move to disturb the peace of the dead, Snape could not imagine, but since Leon was already dry, it was not appropriate for him to stand like this, so he followed Leon and began to dig the earth.

It’s a pity that there is no one else around at this time, otherwise they will definitely spit on these two big fools, obviously wizards, who have mysterious magic, why do they have to manually plane the pit themselves.


Big pit, big pit, if this pit is to be filled, it is estimated that after a million words, I don’t know how many people will accompany me there.

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