“What Colosseum?” Maxim was a little confused, but in the next second, she knew the meaning of the word.

The ground in the doorway where Leon was standing suddenly tilted, pushing them towards the center of the field, originally Leon was going to use the levitation charm, but strangely found that he could not mobilize the magic in his body and could not use magic.

Until it slipped into the center of the venue, the position of the entrance to the gate had been blocked by the same high wall around it.

Now it is a truly closed environment, and in the most central flat field, Leon once again feels the magic in his body come alive.

“There are magic restriction enchantments arranged all around, only here is not.” Dumbledore explained with a grim look at this time.

Not only Leon, but also Dumbledore and Maxim sensed the magic blocking problem just now.

“yes, it should be that damn goblin king who wants to see a just cage fight.” Leon pouted, “Can Fox take us away?” ”

“No, at least not here, it was okay outside the castle before.” Dumbledore replied shaking his head.

“It seems that it can only be beaten.” Leon sighed, then pulled out his wand and looked around warily.

And Dumbledore and Maxim also took out their wands and waited for it, since they all guessed that this was the Colosseum, what would happen next, basically don’t think about it.

Sure enough, the next moment, the high wall directly in front of the three of Lyon opened two gates ten meters high and five meters wide, one left and one right, and then two giant armors came out of them, and the face armor was empty, but it could move freely.

The two armors are at least five meters tall, and the whole body is shining with a metallic luster, one full body has a metallic luster is purple, and the other is a full body with a metallic luster that is green, the same style, and both hold a door panel sword in their hands.


“Hengjin Golem: 40W chips, non-host-held items, cannot be redeemed.”

“Magic Steel Golem: 40W chips, non-host held items, cannot be redeemed.”

The purple Evergreen Golem is the same material as the Magic Gate that Leon just exchanged for chips, and it is all materials for magical immunity, while the material of the green Magic Steel Golem Leon is the first time to see it.

“The purple one is immune, the green one I don’t know, I guess it should be physical immunity, do you want to try it?” Leon looked at the two puppets and said with a solemn expression.

“Physical immunity doesn’t matter, we are wizards, but magic immunity can’t deal with it, can you charge them the same as the previous door?” Dumbledore’s expression became more serious.

“No, I guess you have to smash the core of the manipulation of their actions.” Leon speculated.

After all, the gate has no owner, there is no reason why the owners of these two puppets are still alive, then there is only one possibility, that is, the core of the actions of these two puppets restricts the exchange of Leon, and the current two puppets, in the judgment, should belong to the type of living creatures.

“This is troublesome, how to fight magic immunity?”

Maxim looked remorseful, she shouldn’t have come down with Leon, this is good, now you can’t run, you can’t fight, isn’t it equivalent to falling into a desperate situation.

“The green one is given to you, the purple one is magically immune, I will come.” Leon took a deep breath and then dispensed.

“Can you also fight magic immunity?” Dumbledore was surprised.

“Could it be the kind of magic that manipulates nature that you showed earlier? But in this kind of place, there is no natural creation. Maxim was also very puzzled.

“Who told you I’m just a wizard.” Leon rolled his eyes at the two, then pulled out a single-barreled rocket launcher from his wallet.

“Yes, Muggle weapons are basically physical damage.” Only then did Dumbledore react to why Leon had a way to deal with the puppet who was immune to magic.

And Maxim did not expect Leon to come up with such a thing, but it undoubtedly gave her hope in a desperate situation.

Dumbledore and Maxim got together, took out their wands and directly began to attack the green puppet, while Leon, after loading the rocket, shot directly at the puppet’s head.

Unfortunately, these two puppets are not targets, the green one, although huge, but the movement is very flexible, raising the door panel sword in his hand can not only resist the magic of Dumbledore and Maxim, but also take the time to swing the giant sword towards the two.

The purple one fends off Leon’s rockets in the same way, but unlike its companions, Leon’s rockets are not magical creations and explode.


Almost head-on withstood the explosion of a rocket, although the door panel big sword blocked most of the gas waves and flames brought by the explosion, but the power of the explosion still shook the purple Hengjin puppet back one after another, if not relying on the support of the door panel big sword, I am afraid that I would have to brush my head to the ground.

“It works.”

Dumbledore and Maxime, who were dodging the Magic Steel puppet, were relieved to see Leon take Muggle weapons and cause damage to the Hengjin puppet, and at the same time paid more attention to the Magic Steel puppet on their side.

After all, the two principals beat a puppet, and if they were still pressed and beaten, it would be a shame.

Dumbledore and Maxim fought hotly here, but Leon was secretly crying.

Dumbledore only saw that he repelled the Hengjin puppet, but he didn’t see the appearance of the Hengjin puppet at all, the rocket did hurt, but in the face of the terrible armor and the solid door panel sword, Leon really didn’t have much certainty.

But it still has to be hit, Leon raised his hand is another rocket, this time the Hengjin puppet learned to be obedient, did not stubborn, but collided with the rocket with the tip of the door panel sword, although the rocket still exploded, but the aftermath of this explosion did not affect him much.

“Will you still learn?” Leon’s face turned dark when he saw this, and then he no longer loaded the rockets, since this game can’t cause effective damage, why do useless work

“Freezing Curse.”

Looking at the Hengjin puppet rushing towards him, Leon threw his hand was a freezing spell, of course, the target was not the Hengjin puppet, but the ring at its feet.

Although the Hengjin puppet is indeed immune to magic attacks, it does not mean that he will not be affected by magic, and in the next second, the Hengjin puppet with his feet on the ice is a rush and falls to the ground.

Thanks to Leon’s multiple casts, the freezing spell was triggered three times in a row, freezing the ice very thick, otherwise the size of the Hengjin puppet was afraid that it could smash the ice with one kick.

But soon, the Hengjin puppet rolled over with one hand, moving terribly and terribly, and at the same time, it continued to rush towards Leon, but directly brandished its giant sword, shattering the ice.

“What the hell is this wild play? There is actually combat wisdom. ”

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