“Little wizard, you should know to respect the elders, I used to be a king.” The goblin ghost did not retort, but reprimanded Leon.

“You are also dead now.” Leon complained, he thought it was some special existence, it turned out to be just the ghost of Arlo.

Unfortunately, because it is communicated in English, no one gets this homophonic meme, which makes Leon quite regretful.

“But I’m still in charge of everything here.” Arlo replied, then raised his hand, and a large flame suddenly erupted in the furnace, and then from the inlet of the furnace, a huge fire element avatar tens of meters high appeared.

“As long as I want, I can use this elemental spirit to kill you directly.”

“So, what do you want to do?” Leon looked at Arlo and pretended to be forced, and asked helplessly.

“Don’t do anything, it’s just rare to meet a wizard again, or a wizard who can walk through the Colosseum. I want to talk to you. Arlo waved his hand, and the fire element drilled back into the furnace.

Dumbledore and Maxim looked at each other, then looked at Leon and said, “Leave it to us.” ”

“No, no, no, an old man who is about to enter the earth, the heir of a half-blood giant, I don’t like you.”

Arlo shook his head and looked at Dumbledore and Maxim with a look of disgust, and then the two were directly swallowed by the earth.

“They were killed by you?” Leon’s expression was a little strange when he saw this.

After all, Dumbleley was blown so badly outside, how did he look so weak, he looked weak when he fought the Magic Steel Puppet before, and now he was taken away by a wave of ghosts who had died for thousands of years, which was also too humiliating.

“No, I just sent them outside.” Arlo replied.

“I’m in a somewhat awkward situation right now, I’m Arlo, I’m not Arlo, can you understand me?”

“Similar to an avatar?” Leon asked rhetorically.

“No, no, no, I’m much more advanced than an avatar. Arlo died here, and his soul should have been taken away by death, but he accidentally merged into this mountain range, controlled this mountain range, and became me, so I am now a spirit of nature. ”

Arlo patiently explained that he seemed excited that he had not communicated with anyone for a long time.

“I have Arlo’s memory, but I’m not Arlo, my duty is to guard this mountain, I am beyond the limits of your concept of life, well, how can I explain it to you?”

“Needless to say, I understand.” For Arlo’s state, Leon still knows very well, after all, this play is not the mountain god land gong, familiar with it.

“Do you understand? Oh, sure enough, young people, just smart, I admire you. ”

Arlo patted Leon’s shoulder excitedly, leaving Leon speechless, obviously this product looked similar to a ghost, but it could touch himself.

It’s no wonder that Arlo can use that strange ability to send Dumbledore and Maxim out, this cargo is not a ghost at all, but a mountain spirit.

“So, you sent them away, what did you keep me for?”

Although Arlo was very kind, Leon didn’t believe that this guy was just bored and wanted to talk to someone.

“Asking you for a favor, of course, is paid.” Arlo said with a smile.

“You already have control of this mountain, why else do you need my help?” Leon asked rhetorically.

“That’s true, but there are some things I can’t accomplish, like weeding out some things that I hate, things that belong to Arlo.”

Arlo introduced, but the way he spoke was very strange, after all, he admitted that he was Arlo, but he showed that he disliked Arlo’s identity.

Hearing this, Leon did not speak, he had already made up a lot of things in his head, such as this guy who called himself Arlo, in fact, he just wanted to trick him into helping him unlock some kind of seal so that he could escape from what bound him and so on.

After all, this kind of broken thing is not uncommon in all kinds of novels, biographical myths, and theories.

“Your expression is very wrong, I can see that you are disgusted and wary of me.”

Arlo is not a fool, Leon’s changeable expression makes him see Leon’s guard against himself, but he is very strange, why when a person thinks, his expression is so rich.

“That’s a damn setting.”

Leon looked at Arlo speechlessly, another bastard who complained that he couldn’t control his expression when he was thinking, someone was really idle and painful, and added this setting to him, is it because he is afraid to explain more inner drama, is it considered to be in the water word count?

“Don’t worry, I don’t have any interest in the outside world, I am this mountain range, this mountain range is me, and if I leave the mountain range, I am not me, can you understand?”

Arlo continued to explain to Leon, just saying the words that made people scratch their heads like tongue twisters.

“So, leaving this mountain range, you don’t even fart?” Leon concluded.

“Very incisive summary, although the way of speaking is not very good, but this is also a fact.” Arlo replied as he looked at Leon with disgust.

“So, what the hell do you want me to do?” Leon asked, looking at Arlo.

Although he still didn’t believe Arlo’s words, he could first see what Arlo was afraid of, and maybe this was also his chance.

“Well, get rid of some Arlo’s things, I’ll take you to see you.”

After Arlo, the spirit of the mountains, finished speaking, the manipulator earth wrapped Leon and sank into the ground, and when Leon opened his eyes again, he was shocked by everything that appeared in front of him.

“This is what Arlo left behind, something very scary, I can’t get too close, otherwise I will be contaminated by this thing.”

The Mountain Spirit Arlo pointed to the center of this space and said, his expression was very jealous.

In the center of this space is a hole, but the hole has been filled with blood-red liquid, just smelling Leon, you can know that these liquids are blood.

And in the very center of this blood pool, there is a mass of bloody and blurry sarcoma, countless blood vessels inserted in the blood pool, absorbing the essence of the blood pool, the sarcoma trembles, like a heart.

“Arlo, that bastard doesn’t know where he found such an evil sacrificial ritual, which cultivates a terrible evil god, chaotic and greedy and tyrannical, once it does recover, I and this mountain will be finished, and besides, you wizards will not have a good time.”

Pointing to this play field, the spirit of the mountains, Arlo, shivered unconsciously.

“You find a way to kill it, I withdrew first, I stayed, I felt like I was going crazy, the chaotic thoughts that this evil god emitted all the time were too deadly for me.”

Saying that, the spirit of the mountain range, Arlo, ran directly away, leaving Leon alone in this space, speechless.

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