“Magical Tyrant (Personality): You are born to be the king of the wizarding world, but your tyrannical heart prevents you from becoming a wise king, greed and cruelty have been carved into your soul, beware, those civilians who are crushed by your tyranny, they are ready to push you off the throne at any time.

Spellcasters who oppose your kingship are 50% more hostile to you and 50% more fearful.

Spellcasters who recognize your kingship have 50% more respect for you and 50% more support.

Personality Bonus: The Magic Tyrant increases your mana cap by 100%, mana recovery efficiency by 100%, magic damage bonus by 100%, magic mastery proficiency by 100%, and your magic will deal 200% extra damage to low-personality lifeforms.

Additional Ability 1: Personhood Granting, as a king, you have the right to canonize other beings and make them feel the right to be king! Rank of personality: Baron (available title 50/50), Viscount (available title 35/35), Earl (available title 15/15), Marquis (available title 10/10), Duke (available title 5/5), Prince (available title 2/2).

Additional Ability 2: Personality Deprivation, as a king, the authority is in your hands, you can deprive anyone of the title at any time, drive it into the abyss, and grant the title of rebel, all holders of the title will increase the hatred and killing intent of the traitor by 100%!

Additional ability 3: Magic control, as a magic king, you have the right to deprive and grant the ability to cast spells to anyone, limited to the existence of a person lower than you, each grant and deprivation needs to consume your magic king, each consumption depends on the goal of giving or depriving, currently holding 100% of the magic king.

Additional ability 4: Mana favor, as a magic emperor, magic favors you is unique, every year the magic source will send you a gift, increase your mana limit by 20%, no upper limit, gift increase mana upper limit can be stacked.

Additional Ability 5: Tyrant Realm, as a magical tyrant, you are unscrupulous, greedy, and in control of everything! All your hostile casters double the mana cost per cast, increasing the efficiency of your favorite caster by 50%. ”

The golden quality reward has stunned Leon, after all, the reward is too rich, and the doomsday and heavenly punishment are basically equivalent to the death penalty.

In the battle with ordinary wizards, as long as the magic is maintained enough, Leon can stand on the sidelines and watch the cannibalism between them, and sit firmly on the fishing platform.

The Nine Dragons are completely a collection of mounts and offensive props, and the wolf cavalry that has been drawn makes Leon feel very fierce, so what about the nine dragons?

is that after dying in battle, it needs to be repaired with money, which is a bit of a pit, but Leon only needs to ensure that he has money, then, he is equivalent to having nine undead dragons as pets, basically invincible.

The Son of Heaven seal is also the same summoning effect, the power of the shadow guard Leon cannot be confirmed for the time being, but as a reward for golden quality should not be much worse, and the name of the shadow guard is very good, it may be that assassins such as assassins of the assassin stream exist, and what is the mage afraid of? Of course I’m afraid of assassins.

Frost’s sorrow is more speechless, after all, this sword, also called the father’s filial piety sword, although the B is very high, but the previous owner who held this sword, killed his own king father, Leon does not understand why the king series of UP card pool can draw this king-killing blade.

And the curse effect of Frost Sorrow is also quite terrifying, demagogic and changes the personality of the holder, but it can also awaken the army of the undead, which makes Leon very hungry, it can be regarded as a double-edged sword weapon.

After all, he really has no fixed assets now, the only thing that counts his territory may be all the property handed over to him by the Traverse family, the cabin in the forest is considered an illegal building, and the land still belongs to the British.

Although controlling nature and being able to modify the environment at will is quite high, it is meaningless, unless Lyon can occupy the entire territory of the LinkedIn country, the effect of this weapon is really not good.

Two passive, the ancestral dragon army is not strengthened, but belongs to Leon’s subordinate troops, which makes Leon quite speechless, he is now a loner, if he can add summons, maybe it is still a little useful.

As for the second passive, beautiful three thousand, Leon didn’t even have the idea of complaining after seeing it, he had already been hurt by Hermione and Penelope’s brain, and now he also gave him a boost to masculine charm and a bunch of dispensable bonuses.

Is this forcing yourself to open a harem? Although it is every man’s dream to sleep together and hug left and right, adults know that such a waist cannot stand it.

The Dragon Bloodline solved this problem, after all, his physical fitness has been doubled, and now Leon is already a little superman in terms of physical strength.

But Leon pays more attention to the 30% mana resistance and 50% magic recovery bonus, which is a real magic-related bonus, no matter how strong the body is, for Leon now, in addition to being useful in fighting with girls, it is not used at all in the battle of the Eight Classics.

After all, he is a noble and elegant mage, the kind of righteous mage who throws magic with a shield, not a barbarian who rolls up his sleeves and throws flares to carry his sword up to Xia Ji and slash.

This kind of rude thing, Leon can not do to kill, after all, the image of the law master in his mind has always been a master who can kill the reckless man who rushes towards him with a wave of his wand.

And what Leon cares about the most is the crimson reward in this king-limited UP reward, Leon never thought that this play wild is actually a personality.

This is an extremely serious thing in Western culture.

The Personality is identified as a manifestation of an intelligent being and can be called the “center of life.” Everyone has and only one person, and so do angels; The personhood of a person is also called personality; And God has three life centers, that is, one entity and three persons, so it is called the Trinity.

Now Leon, in addition to personality, has an additional personality, which means that Leon has surpassed the limits of mortals and has the qualifications to be called a transcendent being.

And this magic emperor’s personality brings Leon’s promotion, part-time can be said to be terrible, in terms of bonuses alone, a hundred percent magic improvement is enough to make Leon soar, and other doubling improvements are also real.

The most terrifying thing is that with this person, all personalities without Leon’s high existence will encounter Lyon’s critical damage, an ordinary disarming spell can play three times the power, if the ordinary disarming spell is a disarming wand, Leon’s disarming curse, I am afraid that it can be taken together with the other party’s arm.

And don’t mention those additional skills, basically determined Leon’s throne among ordinary wizards, even if Dumbledore is now at war with himself, Leon is sure to kill the old bee.

It’s that hatred and fear is quite painful, Leon feels that he is such a kind person, how can it be impossible to make people hate at a glance, now inexplicably become a tyrant, maybe the future will be quite troublesome.

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