“You don’t understand the art of communication.” The Ravenclaw avatar glanced at Leon, his tone filled with contempt.

“Communication is an adjective for communication between people, do you think you are in your current state, is it appropriate to use this word?”

Leon is also not polite, he does not have to find the inheritance of Slytherin, and this place is so big, it is a big deal to plow it directly, Leon does not believe that he cannot find the hidden room.

“Rude brat.” The Ravenclaw avatar flew away from Leon’s shoulder and hovered above Leon’s head: “If you want to find the Slytherin laboratory, come to me again when you learn to be polite.” ”

After saying that, it turned into fluorescence and dissipated in the air.


Leon gave a middle finger to the Ravenclaw avatar, and then did not intend to go down such an ink, directly opened the word of nature, summoned a large area of vines, and began to search inch by inch along the wall.

Including those snake-headed spouts Lyon did not let go, the vine encountered a gap and directly drilled in, and when all the places that could grow were occupied by vines, Leon still did not find the so-called secret room.

Taking back the vine and the words of nature, Leon felt out the fist-sized Nine Dragon Dragon, and when the mana was full, he directly consumed the mana to summon nine golden five-clawed dragons and ordered: “Destroy everything here.” ”

When the dragon got the order, he began the demolition plan, impacting, tearing, spraying magic bullets, flicking his tail, almost everything, and in an instant, what was originally a clean secret room, was directly demolished.

Even the statue of Slytherin shattered into stones and smashed on the broken floor, and the entire Chamber of Secrets could not see a single intact lot.

Unfortunately, Leon still did not find any hidden rooms other than the room where the basilisk was entrenched, which left him a little speechless, and also guessed that the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, perhaps located in another plane like the Room of Requirement, could only be summoned by special methods.

“Cut, trouble.”

Leon pouted unpleasantly, and then directly phantomed back to Hogwarts on the surface, the Slytherin chamber, who loves to go and who goes, he has lost patience anyway.

And not long after Leon left the secret room, the avatar of Lakvenlau appeared in the already messy secret room, looking at the devastation, the eagle head swayed humanely, as if to express helplessness.

At the same time, a transparent giant python also condensed from the void, curled up on the ground, looked at the unrecognizable secret room in front of him and spoke: “This kid should not enter Slytherin, he does not have the grace and nobility of pure blood, such a brutal personality, only the stupid house of Gryffindor is most suitable for him.” ”

“The Sorting Hat is our common masterpiece, and since it identifies this kid as belonging to Slytherin, it means that there is something in common between you, at least I don’t think he has a problem as a Slytherin.”

The Ravenclaw avatar landed on the ground, stood beside the giant python and asked, “Why didn’t you come forward to meet him?” ”

“Because my heir is above us, although I am very dissatisfied with the use of the crude magic of Horcruxes as a means of immortality, he is still my only heir.” The python replied that it seemed to be the same as the Ravenclaw incarnation, the embodiment of the Patronus Charm.

“I think you’re scared.” The Ravenclaw avatar teased at the Slytherin avatar.

“You are still so sharp, I am indeed afraid, this child has now embarked on the road of detachment, basically equal to our existence, do you think he will care about my information and research?”

The Slytherin avatar also did not veto Ravenclaw’s view, and as the embodiment embodied in the condensation of wisdom, it had no emotions, only reason.

“If you have a large sum of gold, maybe he will accept everything from you.”

Since the revival, the Ravenclaw avatar has been peeping at everything inside Hogwarts, and naturally knows what others say about Leon and Leon’s personality.

“I haven’t dropped that yet, now that you and I have woken up, how long will it take for the incarnations of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff?” The Slytherin avatar asked.

“I don’t know, I was because of an accident, and you, because of the offerings of the basilisk, the means they reserved, I don’t know, Ravenclaw didn’t leave me with relevant memories, if it wasn’t for the death of the basilisk, I didn’t know that you had awakened.” The Ravenclaw avatar replied with a shake of his head.

“Has the wizarding world grown so rapidly now? A little wizard is so strong. Looking at the traces of destruction around him, the Slytherin avatar sighed.

“He is a special case, the current Headmaster of Hogwarts is only at this level, but he is still known as the greatest wizard of this century, do you think the wizarding world is strong now?” The Ravenclaw avatar spat disdainfully.

“After all, the source of mana has been banned, and it is already very good to have such strength.” The Slytherin avatar said, “And I have a feeling that the seal of the source of mana is gradually being lifted, and a new era is coming. ”

“The thousand-year wait is for this moment, I hope you can live until that time, even if your snake nest is destroyed, don’t try to go to my research room to stay.” The Ravenclaw avatar warned at the Slytherin avatar.

“No, he just destroyed the periphery, the core area has not yet touched, I have a place to rest.” The Slytherin avatar said and disintegrated and disappeared, as did the Ravenclaw avatar.

Only the ruined Chamber of Secrets still exists here, witnessing the conversation between the two Hogwarts founders just now.

And Leon, completely unaware that his every move just now was completed under the supervision of the avatar of the owner of the secret room, but knowing Leon, he didn’t care, the incarnation was just that he had never seen it.

Now he is in the Great Hall, listening to Dumbledore’s report on the commotion caused by the basilisk just now, and all the young wizards who studied in Hogwarts are also there.

“The commotion just now is a basilisk hiding in Hogwarts for nearly a thousand years, but don’t worry, the basilisk has died, killed by the familiar Leon Chris, let’s applaud his bravery and strength.”

With Dumbledore’s explanation, the little wizards applauded numbly, as if they had become accustomed to Leon’s shock.

“At the same time, the appearance of the basilisk can be regarded as revealing a secret that has been hidden for fifty years, that is, the little witch Myrtle who was killed at Hogwarts that year did not die regretfully because of the attack of the eight-eyed giant spider, but because of the attack of the basilisk, I will appeal for our Forbidden Forest warden, Mr. Hagrid, and return him a belated justice.”

Dumbledore announced again, which surprised Leon a little, but he didn’t expect that the old bee could also be used as an excuse to catch Hagrid, should he sigh that fate should have gone this way, or did Dumbledore have such plans for a long time? Leon couldn’t know.

“For Leon’s performance in killing the basilisk, Slytherin deserves a hundred points! But I don’t recommend you imitate, after all, there is no second basilisk in Hogwarts. ”

At the end of the concluding remarks, Dumbledore paid only one hundred House Cup points as a reward, which made Leon very contemptuous, and the old bee was too stingy.

But the little wizards of Slytherin applauded wildly, and the already backward score surpassed the first place Ravencla at this time, and occupied a great advantage, if there is no accident, this year’s House Cup should still belong to Slytherin.

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