“Do you think he’s going to die? So the great Dark Lord was so easily planted in the hands of a baby waiting to be fed? End your own black reign once and for all? ”

Leon opened his hands and said in an enthusiastic voice.

“Do you believe that such a great Dark Lord, the overlord of the wizarding world you have been following, is really dead?”

“I, I don’t know, you… Are you also an admirer of the Dark Lord? ”

Lucius was shocked by Leon’s impassioned words, and at the same time his brain was a little confused, after all, listening to Leon’s tone, he seemed to worship Voldemort, but when Voldemort’s prestige was the strongest, he should still be a babbling child.

“Me? Of course I’m not. Leon withdrew his hand, put his hands in his pockets, and replied with a relaxed look.

“And what do you mean?” Seeing Leon so relaxed, Lucius was stunned.

“I just think it’s funny to say that, don’t you? As for little Tom, he has a feud with me, do you think I will like him? ”

Leon explained with a smile, then clapped his hands to catch Lucius’s gaze.

“You don’t need to worry about little Tom, he is not a threat now, even if he is resurrected, I will personally send him back to the soil, last time I fought him, if it wasn’t for Dumbledore’s disturbance, I could have played him to collapse, it’s a pity.”

“You are indeed very powerful.”

Lucius shivered unconsciously when he heard this, although he still didn’t believe it, but he didn’t dare to question Leon, after all, Leon’s performance just now, like a deranged madman, he was afraid that he would provoke Leon and be taken away by a fatality spell.

“What do you think of me becoming a third-generation Dark Lord?” Looking at Lucius’s expression, Leon couldn’t help but want to tease him, after all, this process is too interesting, and the face of this product always makes him think of a certain Brother Teng, who called you over.

“Well deserved.” Lucius hurriedly echoed, and at the same time his heart was full of sourness, was he being targeted by the third generation of the Dark Lord before he escaped from the second generation of the Dark Lord?

“So you’re calling me bad?” Hearing this, Leon felt out the fake wand he had used to serve as a façade, and pointed at Lucius and asked rhetorically.

“No, no, no, I just think that your strength is strong, and you are more suitable as the ruler of the wizarding world than the mysterious man, if you don’t like the title of the Dark Lord, the title of the king of the British wizarding world is also okay.”

Lucius showed a strong desire for survival at this moment, his brain was racing, and he quickly gave Leon a very reasonable explanation.

“It’s a pity, you were born in the wrong era and world, and if you were to go to the Muggle world to participate in politics, you would at least be a member of Congress.”

Listening to Lucius’s answer, Leon was a little surprised and admired, and laughed and teased.

“If you have that need, I will.” Lucius hurriedly chimed in.

“Oh, forget it, it’s not interesting, if you have the backbone of Professor Snape, maybe I will look up at you.”

Looking at Lucius’s vigorous appearance licking the dog, Leon lost interest in teasing him, after all, there was no resistance at all, it was not interesting, and immediately mocked Lucius and turned to ask about business.

“Tell me, who did you give that note to, don’t give me a sloppy eye, you don’t say, I asked myself with the Soul Reaper Curse.”

“Weasley, the Weasley family’s child, but which one, I really don’t know, Arthur and I got into a fight in Diagon Alley, and I conveniently stuffed this thing into the textbook they bought.”

Lucius hurriedly replied, while unconsciously hunched over, he was really afraid that Leon would use the Soul Reaper Charm on him.

“Weasley?” Leon raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, touched his chin and muttered.

Ginny, who just entered school this year, should be rid of suspicion, after all, she suspected that everything was developed according to the original plot from the beginning, but after looking for Ginny and Luna to return to the trial, Leon found that Ginny did not get Little Tom’s notes.

But the Weasleys went to Hogwarts quite a bit, and besides Ginny, her four older brothers, Ron, the twins, and Percy were all suspects, which was a bit troublesome.

“When you and Arthur clashed, who were the children next to you?” Leon asked again.

“Yes, several children who attended Hogwarts were there, and Draco also got into a fight with the youngest of the Weasleys, Harry Potter was also on the scene, he can prove that I didn’t lie.” Lucius immediately added when he heard this.

“Okay, got it, you can go back, by the way, tell you, although Voldemort is still alive, he is my prey, so if he does appear and finds you, tell me directly.”

Leon nodded, then waved at Lucius, signaling that he could leave.

Lucius, on the other hand, looked at Leon with some fear, making sure that Leon really let him leave, so he quickly shrunk his head and left the scene quickly, just turning back three times in one step, for fear that Leon would change his mind and shout to himself, or throw a big melon at himself.

Looking at Lucius’s embarrassed appearance, Leon sighed and sighed, “Is this the so-called pure-blood family? No wonder little Tom didn’t succeed, with such a group of two or five, what a big thing can be done. ”

At the same time, Lucius’s performance also reminded Leon, after all, Leon himself also has plans to recruit a team, the promotion brought by the personality of the magical tyrant, and the power of the knighthood, let him know that he can condense an extremely reliable but huge private army.

The rewards opened by the king series UP card pool, and there are also some skills to strengthen the power of his subordinates, these are things that Leon does not intend to give up, after all, it is difficult to stand alone.

The truth that everyone collects firewood and flames is high, Leon has mastered since childhood.

And in the future, Leon himself also needs some people to help him make money, everything is on his own, too tired, if there are tools that people can use, who likes to do it himself?

But Lucius’s behavior told him that the wizards of the pure-blood family definitely did not need to be considered in the future, and this gang of two or five was too pitted, it was better to catch a minor wizard from the side of the road and cultivate it himself, and the loyalty was higher.

It was determined that Little Tom’s notes may now be in the hands of several brats of the Weasley family, and Leon naturally did not ink, and returned directly to Hogwarts, and the first thing he needed to find was naturally Dumbledore.

Because only Dumbledore, the headmaster, can he get these four brats together, and when the time comes, let the old bee be a wicked person, and the truth will be revealed.

As for whether Dumbledore would break his promise not to use Dementor on the little wizard, Leon did not think about it at all, as long as he had a relationship with Little Tom, even if it was Arianna, Dumbledore would not hesitate to use Dementor.

And the dementor is not some unforgivable black magic, just look at the memory, what is there to be shy, if it were not for the book sent by Dumbledore without the analysis of this spell, he planned to come himself.


At the end of this chapter, I will be ready to rest, tomorrow morning at four o’clock I have to get up and drive, I don’t want to drive tired accidents, after all, there are thousands of roads, safety first, driving is not standardized, relatives two lines of tears.

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