Thinking about it, soon Leon fell asleep, and in his sleep, Leon seemed to find himself in a dark and damp underground, holding a torch in his hand, walking along this path towards the front, and not long after walking, he saw a tomb with a coffin placed in the center.

Leon was not afraid, pushed away the coffin board, and saw the corpse lying in it, but the next second, he was attracted by the silver shining funeral objects next to the corpse.

Just when Leon was about to go to retrieve a wave of funeral goods, the lying corpse suddenly burst out, whimpered and bit directly on Leon’s neck, Leon suddenly opened his eyes, a cold sweat, only to find that he was dreaming, at this time the sky outside was already dark.

“The grass is all the sequelae brought by the mantra last night, but it’s a pity that I didn’t touch those funeral items.” Leon muttered with a look of chagrin, but the focus was very strange.

“Wizards’ dreams have some struggles, is this God guiding me, if you want to get rich, you have to dig people’s ancestral graves?”

Leon continued to dwell on the dream just now, but then left it behind, this kind of thing is too shady to lose life, and the wizard’s tomb is not much safer than those non-existent magical tombs in the previous life online novels.

Curses, trigger-type magic traps, magical animals guarding the tomb, etc., are all dangerous roadblocks, and Leon is not going to take risks.

At this time, since he had woken up, Leon did not mean to continue sleeping, got up to wash, ran to the public bathroom to take a shower, faded the sticky feeling left by the cold sweat on his body, and finally, put on his underwear and robes refreshingly, and rushed to the library first with the book list that Professor McGonagall handed him last night.

At this time, the time was about five o’clock in the morning, there was silence inside Hogwarts, even Filch, who was responsible for capturing the little wizard, was still asleep, and it was estimated that the only people who could get up at this time and start working were the house-elves in the kitchen, oh, and maybe some ghosts.

The library was as Leon thought, and it did not open the door, which gave Leon a little headache, anyway, he was idle, and he walked around the castle, just right, he had not seen Hogwarts properly until now.

Hogwarts is very large, and there are many magical secret rooms and secret passages inside, most Leon does not know the location and the method of entry, but there is no plan in the past, what he mainly wants to see, or the architectural style and interior decoration of Hogwarts.

“You don’t sleep early in the morning, what are you wandering around here?” As soon as he arrived on the fourth floor, Leon saw Snape come out of a room, and asked Leon with a gloomy face.

“Go to bed early and get up early, it’s not that you wake up and have nothing to do, get up and wander.” Leon replied with a smile.

“Do you want to go to that room on the fourth floor?” Have you forgotten what Dumbledore said when he started school? Professor Snape asked with a straight face.

“Professor Dumbledore wishes that others would go over, otherwise he wouldn’t have specifically reminded him, and what’s the point of that broken room, isn’t it just a Philosopher’s Stone that is about to be consumed.” Leon replied nonchalantly, but what he said shocked Snape.

“How do you know?” Snape asked as he looked at Leon with a serious look.

“Not only do I know, I also saw that you laid out a logic problem below and prepared a bunch of poison.” Leon continued, a smile on his face.

This was a good opportunity to brush up on Snape’s perception of himself, and after seeing Snape running out of the room on the fourth floor, Leon knew that his head of house had run down to improve the level.

“Look? You also used the Illusion Charm? Hearing this word, Snape’s face turned dark, yesterday he only used the illusion spell to follow him all the way, but now he didn’t expect to be followed all the way by this kid with the same routine.

“Ahem, professor, you look up to me, the phantom spell is a powerful spell that can only be learned in senior grades, I am a young wizard who has just entered the school, and I don’t have this strength.” Leon was choked by Snape’s words and coughed repeatedly, if not for seeing the serious expression on Snape’s face, Leon felt that Snape was a yin-sex talent, and he mocked himself.

“So what do you think? With a crystal ball? “Snape is still the same Snape, even though he and Leon already have a good relationship, the yin and yang weird will not be vague.

“No, dreamed of it.” Leon shrugged and then explained.

“Dreaming? Prophecy! You actually have a talent for prophecy. “Worthy of being a well-informed old teacher, Leon’s words, Snape guessed the conclusion Leon wanted him to get, so Leon did not refute it.

“I don’t know clearly, I just had a dream last night, so I stopped by to see it, but I didn’t expect to really meet you.”

“This can’t be, aren’t the prophecies all some hints and metaphors of nothingness? How can you see the picture so clearly?! Snape frowned, feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn’t say what was wrong.

“Maybe it’s because I’m so talented?” Leon bragged shamelessly to himself.

“It is possible, after all, there are too few people with prophetic talents, and most of them are swaggering liars.” Snape nodded when he heard this, as if he felt that no matter how good Leon was, it was a matter of course.

“Although this talent is excellent, it is better not to disclose it to others, otherwise your situation will be very dangerous, including Dumbledore.” Snape looked at Leon with a serious face at this time, and warned Leon very seriously.

“Don’t be deceived by your headmaster’s kind appearance, he’s completely different than you think.”

“Understood, I also think that Professor Dumbledore is too deep, and I thought it was my own illusion.” Leon knew no less about the details of the old bee than Snape, and naturally he would not think of believing Dumbledore unconditionally.

“Then follow your instincts.” Hearing that Leon actually did not angrily refute his words and shout injustice to Dumbledore, but nodded with empathy, Snape’s heart was furious, as if he had found a confidant.

Now he, looking at Leon, is more and more satisfied.

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