“I don’t understand.” Harry was still confused.

Leon just wanted to say something, but noticed that a scarlet-eyed, scrawny cat crawled not far from Le: “Filch’s cat is here, let’s leave with me first, find a place to talk.” ”

Saying that, Leon turned away directly, Harry also put on the invisibility cloak and followed, and in a moment, the two went around the grove behind the academy, although it was strange for the two old men to come to the grove, but the main reason Leon came here was that this place could shelter from the wind, and there were finished stakes for people to sit on.

“Do you often come out for night tours?” Looking at Leon’s familiar appearance, Harry asked expectantly, now he is quite excited about this situation, after all, he has long wanted to make friends with Leon, and now that he has this opportunity, he naturally wants to find some common topics.

“No, in my opinion, there is no need, our current physical state, go to bed early to nourish the spirit, let ourselves grow faster and higher.” Leon sat on the stake, looking at the crescent moon and the starry sky in the sky, but he felt a little novel, he had not seen the sky so calmly and leisurely for a long time.

Even if I wanted to see it, all kinds of smog and light pollution also covered the sky tightly, and at most I could see the moon, and at this point in 91, although heavy industry is developing around the world, the situation is not so serious.

“Oh.” Harry was a little embarrassed, although Leon used the word us, but he still felt that Leon was talking about himself again.

“Continuing with what we just said, I’ll tell you a story.” Leon was not idle to teach Harry a lesson, there were some things that must be made clear, so as not to have an uncontrollable situation later, and now this opportunity was just right.

Harry nodded, he didn’t know what to say, but as a good listener, he could still do it.

“Do you know that your mother and Snape are childhood sweethearts?” Without hesitation, Leon was the first to drop a bombshell, and Harry also cooperated in showing shock.

“But I heard that my mother was a Muggle-born wizard, and Snape…” Before Harry could finish, Leon interrupted directly.

“Snape is a Slytherin, so you think he’s a pure-blood wizard? But I’m also a Slytherin. Leon replied with a smile, although he didn’t say it explicitly, but Harry could still understand the meaning of the words.

“I have to take it slowly.” Harry sighed with a strange expression, he had not digested the news that Snape and his mother were childhood sweethearts until now.

Without waiting for Harry to calm down, Leon continued, “Professor Snape went to school with your mother, but like me and Hermione, one was sorted into Gryffindor and one into Slytherin. ”

When Harry heard this, he felt a little strange, but he still nodded and did not speak, signaling Leon to continue.

“In the beginning, the two have always maintained a very close connection, but on the train at the beginning of school, your father, James, fell in love with your mother at first sight, but because children at that age did not know how to express their affection, they could think of a way to attract the attention of girls, which was to bully her.”

Speaking of this, Leon glanced at Harry, and Harry also showed a helpless and expectant smile, he heard someone talk about his parents’ past for the first time.

“Being bullied Lily, that is, your mother, was discovered by Snape, so Snape began to help, and James also knew about Snape’s close relationship with Lily, became jealous of Snape, and began to transfer his fire to Snape instead.”

“This…” Hearing this, Harry was confused again, it turned out that the former Professor Snape was actually bullied by his own father? Just because of the mother.

“In the beginning, the two fought equally, but Snape was studious and talented, so in the first year, he basically suppressed James.” Leon continued, then continued to look at the sky: “But then, James befriended Sirius, your godfather, who was wrongly blamed for framing Lily and James, and has now been locked up in Azkaban for eleven years, along with Lupin, a werewolf wizard, and his meanest friend, Peter Pettigrew, a sewer rat who usurped his heroic status. ”

“I still have a godfather? He was locked up in Azkaban ?! You say he was framed? Why? Harry was completely shocked by this series of names and information, and unconsciously stood up and questioned Leon.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t told the story about him yet, if you want to continue to understand everything, then, sit down.” Leon didn’t care about Harry’s reaction, he could understand Harry’s mentality, but now the home court was in his own hands, and he had to solve the problem about Snape.

Harry clenched his fists unwillingly, but still forced himself to sit down quietly, but his trembling body was still betraying the excitement in his heart at this time.

“So, the four of them got together and helped James strike at Snape, and Snape who was a dozen and four was powerless to resist, and could only be pressed to the ground again and again, that feeling, that anger and despair, you should have had it.”

After Leon finished speaking, he looked at Harry, after all, Harry also went to elementary school before coming to Hogwarts, and he was bullied by the small bully gang led by Dali in elementary school.

Harry nodded, his face was a little complicated, at this time he understood why Snape hated himself so much, but he didn’t hate Snape anymore, because of the same experience, he had more sympathy and empathy for Snape.

“But Lily will protect Snape every time, but this did not make James retreat, but because of jealousy, and suffered such a grievance in front of the girl he liked, Snape began to go crazy, he blindly pursued the power that could defeat James, so he began to study the Dark Arts.”

The story continues, and at this time, Harry is completely immersed in it, and before he knows it, he actually enters Snape’s character.

“Not only learning black magic, the talented Snape even invented some weak black magic with its own sequelae, which made people have to sigh Snape’s talent, so Snape, who mastered black magic, began to seek revenge from James, this time James suffered a big loss, but this also let Lily know that Snape has stepped into the vortex of black magic.”

Here, Leon paused, and then said disdainfully: “But Lily did not understand Snape’s approach, but asked Snape why he studied the Dark Arts, Snape stubbornly did not explain, just said that he was a Slytherin, and scolded Lily for an extremely ugly word, and since then, the two have completely parted ways.” ”

“The grievances and confusion of this feeling of not being understood, Harry, can you understand?”


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