After returning to Hogwarts, there were only Leon and Hagrid in the car, and Snape had already used the Phantom Transfiguration to go to Gringotts to count his possessions after learning the news.

“Shall we move these together into Snape’s Potions office?” Hagrid looked at the potions of the three carts and asked Leon.

Leon did not speak, silently took out the fully automatic crucible, and stored all the potions in the storage area under Hagrid’s eyes.

Hagrid grinned, “In that case, then I’m leaving.” ”

No inquiry, no curiosity, after all, Hagrid is not unseen in the world, the box that his most admired magizoologist Newt Scamander carries has the same effect, and the internal space is even comparable to a small country, and the crucible of Lyon is naturally used by him as a prop that also casts the Traceless Expansion Charm.

Watching Hagrid lead the nightbuckle away, Leon shook his head and turned back to Hogwarts, at this point, he could still catch breakfast.

But as soon as Leon sat down, he found that Hermione actually ran over and sat down next to herself, and before he could speak, Hermione directly asked, “What the hell are you doing?” Yesterday’s Transfiguration class didn’t come, and this morning’s herbology class didn’t come, do you want to get two Ds (fail) or P’s (fail) at the end of the semester? ”

Leon shrugged, pulled out his wand, turned the empty dinner plate in front of him into a goblet, and then looked at Hermione without speaking.

Hermione stared at the crystal clear goblet that Leon had conjured, biting her lip tightly, and finally, she could only snort and run away.

“This is a relative?” Leon looked at Hermione’s departing back and complained rather speechlessly.

Dissipating the effect of Transfiguration, he restored the plate, picked up the knife and fork, and Leon, who was just about to attack the chicken leg, found that next to him, another person sat down, not Hermione, Leon smelled the familiar scent of jasmine, it should be Penelope.

“That Gryffindor girl just now, is it your friend?” After Penelo sat down, he naturally took a cutlery and got himself an apple pie.

“Yes, have you already sent the potion back there?” Leon asked casually, and then inserted the chicken leg into the plate, slowly starting the process of disassembly and transportation, the craftsmanship of the house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchen was as good as ever.

“Well, tonight is the full moon, I hope Hamport will not be hurt again this time.” Penelo took a small bite of apple pie, and his tone was a little low.

“Don’t worry, it will be useful, you have to believe me, the potions genius held by the Daily Prophet.” Leon made a joke, he didn’t like the dreary atmosphere.

“Thank you.” Penelope smiled when he heard this, and then looked at Leon: “Are we friends now?” ”

“Forget it, but if you want the White Wolf Poison Potion in the future, you can’t.” Leon replied casually.

“Then how can it be free?” Penelo asked curiously, although it was not that she couldn’t afford to pay for potions.

“Your own talent is free, you are still far behind.” Leon replied perfunctorily while spitting out a smooth chicken thigh bone and aiming for the next delicacy.

“Your own?” Penelo tilted his head, looking confused, and then seemed to think of something, two red halos appeared on his face, but unfortunately, Leon, who was dealing with fish bones, did not pay attention.

On the other side, Harry returned from Hermione’s Slytherin table breathlessly, and began to pay close attention to Leon’s movements, and when he saw that the last time Lakvenlau senior, who was said to have forcibly kissed Leon, actually sat next to Leon, he subconsciously looked towards Hermione.

Sure enough, Hermione’s expression was even more terrifying now than when she had just returned, and Harry shrunk his neck and leaned close to Ron on the side, afraid that he would encounter the same near-injury situation as last time.

“Hermione, since you are so dissatisfied, why don’t you go over and make trouble?”

“That is, instead of watching here, it is better to go in and declare sovereignty.”

At this time, George and Fred, who smelled the melon, came over to provide the fire.

Hermione frowned and glanced at her twin brothers, then at Penelope, who had been peeking at Leon, and finally seemed to have made a decision, getting up and walking directly towards Leon.

“Whew, there’s a lively look.” Fred looked in Leon’s direction and cheered.

“I think that Penelo will win, Harry, what do you think?” George asked with a wink at Harry on the side.

“I don’t know and don’t want to know, I just want to pray for Leon now.” Harry shook his head repeatedly, and then, as he said, clasped his hands together and closed his eyes and prayed.

“I really don’t understand what’s good about that guy.” Looking at Leon, who had been wrapped left and right at this time, Harry would actually worry and pray for him, Ron muttered enviously and jealously.

“Because you’re not smart enough.” Fred laughed and teased Ron, and then faced Ron’s angry eyes, stuck out his tongue, and the angry Ron almost didn’t raise the pudding in his hand and smashed it in his face.

On the other side of the Slytherin table, Leon had stopped eating, because he clearly sensed that the atmosphere around him was bad.

On the left is Hermione with a straight face, on the right is Penelope, who is nibbling on apple pie with his head bowed like a little squirrel, and Leon, who is caught in the middle, is now panicked and does not understand how to suddenly make such a scene after eating lunch by himself.

“Well, if there’s nothing to say, I’ll go first.” Feeling that the air pressure nearby was getting more and more dull, Leon took the lead in speaking.

“Hey? Have you eaten enough? Penelo raised his head and looked at Leon, while wondering how much Leon had eaten, he actually ate only one chicken leg and half a fish, and he was full, and he didn’t eat much himself.

Of course, Leon didn’t eat enough, but now this scene, the ghost can eat it! Leon is not a fool and an emotional idiot, now this is obviously a classic scene in the Asura field, no matter how you see that you stay, there is no good result, it is better to hide as far as you can.

It’s just that Leon doesn’t quite understand, Hermione has a good impression of himself, he knows, but Penelo is just a senior who has seen both sides, why can this open the Asura field? Could it be that Hermione felt that the two of them were ambiguous? But Leon feels that his relationship and communication with Penelope are quite normal.

Except for that time Penelo inexplicably kissed his cheek, and then on today’s small talk, neither side seemed to care about this kind of thing, after all, he just kissed his cheek, and even this could be targeted by Hermione? Is she so possessive?

“It’s good that I don’t control Lori.”

Feeling that Hermione’s eyes became more and more gloomy since she said she was leaving, Leon hurriedly left her seat and ran away quickly, feeling extremely glad for her mate selection criteria.

Thanks to his lack of Hermione complex, he pretended to be deaf and dumb after knowing that Hermione had a good impression of him, otherwise if he changed Hermione’s control and couldn’t wait to confirm the relationship, Hermione’s possessiveness, then the future days would not pass?


Today’s last chapter, haggard, of course, not because of writing, family reasons, I went out at night to relax alone, you don’t wait.

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