However, as the victim, Euro not only did not feel lucky, but felt that they were noisy.

What God's blessing?

It's almost enough to say it's the devil's blessing.

But no matter whose blessing it was, he, Euro, finally survived with his daughter Lolonia, which was a blessing among misfortunes.

"Idiot, take me to the hospital quickly."

"Don't you see that I'm injured now?"

Faced with Euro's abuse, Alex came up to him with a flattering face and said flatteringly:

"Master Ouluo has the blessing of God, how could something happen to this little injury?"

"You don't even need to go to the hospital, you can get back on your feet with a little rest."

After speaking, Alex looked at the sky devoutly, as if praying.

Pray to God and ask for His protection.


Big idiot.

After hearing what Alex said, Euro almost cursed.

With the anger in his heart, another mouthful of old blood spurted out.

He shouted loudly: "I told you to take me to the hospital quickly, did you hear me?"

At the same time, I complained in my heart.

God's blessing?

I might as well believe in the devil if I believe in such a thing.

At least he was very trustworthy and saved himself at the most critical moment.

Euro couldn't even imagine what would happen to him and his daughter if she stayed alone on this farm.

Those little black workers who are ignorant, greedy, arrogant, and have chaotic genes hidden in their bones may do very crazy things.

Although in the end, they were only suppressed.

But if something goes wrong with Geli, letting these little black workers die ten thousand times will not make up for it.

Thinking of this, Euro's eyes became pious.

Facing the direction of Lin Tianwei, he bowed respectfully and prayed: "Merciful Lord, thank you for your blessing."

"Under your protection, your most loyal followers will be safe and sound."

Although he knew that the terrifying existence might not hear his prayers at all.

But this does not prevent Euro from doing that.

Sometimes, attitude is very important.

But when Ou Luo turned around, his face suddenly changed again, and he cursed: "Hurry up, hurry up and send me to the hospital."


It's not that Euro likes to curse.

But this is the case for these little black workers who don’t want Bilian.

Is it good for them?

Then you just wait for these little black workers to kick you in the face.

Under Euro's crazy output, these idiots finally started to move.

Panicking, rolling and crawling, Euro was sent to the hospital. .


It's quiet at night.

Ouluo, who was still bandaged, pushed a trolley to the warehouse where Lin Tianwei was located.

The cart was covered with a large sheet.

But it can still be seen from the hem of Meng Bu's clothes that the trolley is full of food.

Especially the half-dead awakened sheep is particularly conspicuous.

Because the injury was so severe, every time Euro took a breath, he felt as if his lungs were about to be torn apart.

Extremely painful.

However, despite this situation, he still insisted on being discharged from the hospital and pushed the trolley to the warehouse.

Obviously, in Ouluo's heart, providing food for Lin Tianwei is more important than his own injury.

After looking around to make sure there was no one there, Euro opened the door to the warehouse.

But he didn't realize that a pair of black eyes had been staring at him.

That's Alex!

As Xiao Hei, he enjoys racial talent bonuses in the dark.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the light is not too bright and his teeth are exposed, it is basically impossible to be discovered.

Looking at the sneaky Euro, Alex's eyes were full of excitement.

Since yesterday, he felt something was wrong.

Why did the farmer Euro suddenly build a strange warehouse?

He must be hiding his beauty in the golden house!

In this warehouse, his mistress is hidden.

Thinking of this, Alex spit on the ground.

He cursed in a low voice: "What are you pretending to be? Who are you showing this affectionate look to?"

"After you leave, I will sneak over and look for evidence."

"I believe Ouluo believes that you don't want your extramarital affair to be exposed."

"When the time comes, the superior farm owner Mr. Euro will not let me control him?"

Thinking of this, Alex laughed wildly.

If he wasn't afraid of being heard by Euro, he could even laugh more wildly.

As for Euro's warning, don't go near this warehouse?

it's so funny.

In Alex's eyes, this undoubtedly means that he must get close to this warehouse.


Lin Tianwei was a little surprised when he saw Ouluo appearing in the warehouse.

He secretly said that this person is really hardworking.

With such a serious injury, he did not stay in the hospital, but chose to continue to transport food for Lin Tianwei.

However, Lin Tianwei liked this attitude very much.

Especially the Awakening Goat, which is a very good food.

Because the awakened body becomes more powerful, it can also provide Lin Tianwei with more energy.

Holding back the pain in his body, Ouluo knelt down on one knee and said to Lin Tianwei: "Thank you Mr. Giant Panda for your generosity."

"If it weren't for you, I might have told you here today."

Lin Tianwei said nonchalantly: "You should be lucky, I'm in a good mood today."

"Otherwise I may not save you."

Lin Tianwei's words undoubtedly admitted that he was the tiger who took action today.

After getting the expected answer, Euro was relieved but also a little shocked.

You know, there is a distance of several kilometers between here and the place where he died.

However, it is at such a terrifying distance.

In front of me is this seemingly naive giant panda.

But he achieved the incredible operation of killing sheep from a distance.

This also means that if the other party wants to kill him, he may not be able to escape even if he is tens of thousands of meters away.

So scary.

Ou Luo was extremely lucky at this time that he had chosen to compromise before.

Just paying a lot of food calmed the fearful giant panda in front of him.

Not only that, but he also gained the other party's blessing in exchange.

This is simply a matter of making money without losing money.

Looking at the food that had completely disappeared, Euro said to himself that the other party's appetite was greater than he thought.

But it doesn't matter, he has plenty of money.

You can afford it!

Thinking of this, Ou Luo opened the curtain boldly and asked carefully:

"Dear Mr. Giant Panda, I wonder if you are satisfied with today's food."

"Do you have any special requirements for tomorrow's food?"

"As long as I can do it, I will definitely do my best to meet your needs."

Looking at the rich food on the trolley, especially the awakened sheep, Lin Tianwei was very satisfied and said:

"I don't have high expectations for food."

“As long as the portion is adequate.”

"Of course, I will be even more happy if you can provide the flesh and blood of awakened creatures."

Awakening creature?

Euro looked at the half-dead sheep and secretly thought that the other party might be referring to this kind of creature.

Then he showed a bitter smile and said, "Mr. Giant Panda, you really think highly of me."

"Awakened creature? If we really encounter it, I will only die."

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