Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 133 The unknown giant beast from the universe

Project Beta?

Professor Janos's eyes were full of disbelief.

Are things serious enough to implement Project Beta?

As the name suggests, Project Beta is a plan with Beta genes as its core.

Speaking of beta genes, we have to talk about gamma genes and alpha genes.

And their origin...the starry sky beast that wandered to Blue Star from unknown places.

In a daze, Professor Janos seemed to have returned to that evening many years ago.

A meteor streaked through the Blue Star's atmosphere and hit the American soil heavily.

Just when everyone thought it was some kind of foreign object like a meteorite.

The first people to arrive found that there was no meteorite in the crater, but instead a mass of flesh and blood.

A ball of flesh and blood that was beating strangely like a heart.

It's still alive!

This discovery was beyond shocking.

You know, this mass of flesh and blood, which is suspected to be a meteorite, may have been floating in the universe for countless years.

After an unknown number of years, it was finally captured by the gravity of the blue star, passed through the atmosphere, and arrived at this land.

Not only that, the most terrifying thing is that it is still alive!

What kind of terrifying vitality is it that can support it to complete this long journey and survive tenaciously.

Conservative estimates suggest that at its peak, it might even have been several hundred meters high.

It is undoubtedly a terrifying behemoth from the universe.

In horror, human beings are faced with a choice that can change their destiny.

That's what to do with this mass of flesh and blood.

It is to provide it with enough nutrients to allow it to grow.

Or should we completely destroy it when it has just completed its infinite journey and is at its weakest?

There is no doubt that humans have chosen the latter.

No one can underestimate the malice coming from the universe.

It is this choice that allows humans to see the horror of the universe.

high temperature?

How can flesh and blood that can withstand the friction of the atmosphere be afraid of high temperatures?

Low temperature?

Even at a low temperature of about minus two hundred degrees, this mass of flesh and blood still has no tendency to freeze.

Still beating strangely.

It seems that this little temperature can't cause any harm to it at all.

strong acid!

strong base!


Humans have tried all possible methods, but they can't cause any harm to the flesh and blood of the giant beast.

It keeps beating, using the simplest method to mock human ignorance.

Just when everyone is at their wits' end and at a loss.

Something unexpected happened!

The seemingly powerful flesh and blood suddenly began to self-destruct.

Like a genetic collapse, it gradually melted, turned into terrifying blood, turned into thick smoke, and completely dissipated in the air.

The self-destruction occurred too quickly. By the time everyone reacted, only a few residues were left where the giant beast's flesh and blood was.

Had it not been for timely rescue, humans might not have been able to obtain even a little bit of the residue.

The alpha gene, beta gene, and gamma gene are the three genes extracted from the residue after human science and technology developed.

Three genes that do not belong to Blue Star and are extremely terrifying.

The degree of terror gradually decreases.

Even the reason why the United States conducted such a huge experiment on mutant beasts was because of this incident.

No one knows what surprises they will bring the next time extraterrestrial visitors visit Blue Star.

Work hard to become stronger.

Being powerful enough to compete with all forces is their pursuit.

But it's obvious that Blue Star's technology is not too advanced compared to the universe.

At least the three genes extracted from the flesh and blood remains of the giant beast have not been fully studied until now.

This is just the remains of the giant beast.

No one can imagine how terrifying it was in its heyday.

After reading the Beta Project plan in front of him, Professor Janos was the first to stand up and object:

"It's not yet to the point of using beta genes."

"The use of gamma genes has been like opening Pandora's box, creating countless monsters."

"I simply can't imagine what the world will look like once more powerful beta genes are used."

"Perhaps this is the beginning of the destruction of the earth."

"Even to deal with King Tiger, high-tech weapons are the most effective means."

"Instead of using so-called beta genes."

As the first user of gamma genes, Professor Yaros was extremely afraid of these three genes.

He never imagined that just a simple experiment on Heisha could cause the storm that was about to sweep the world.

If he had known that this would be the result, he would never have used the gamma gene on Heisha.

They even got the effect of the gamma gene wrong.

It's not the legendary infinite resurrection.

It is an ability that can make people physically stronger and awaken their magical talents.

None of these three terrifying genes are something they can control.

Shelving it may be the most correct choice.

As soon as Professor Janos finished speaking, Professor Stead stood up and retorted, saying:

"Disaster? In my opinion, this is not a disaster, but an opportunity."

"The emergence of gamma genes is the greatest opportunity in human history."

"Perhaps we were too conservative before. If we used the gamma gene earlier, humans might have become more powerful."

"Not only the beta gene, I even think the alpha gene must be used."

"Otherwise, if things get to the point of no return, if you want to use your trump card, you won't have a chance."

"If it's just to deal with King Tiger, there's certainly no need to use beta genes."

"But don't forget the despair we faced that night many years ago."

"We can't destroy just a little bit of remaining flesh and blood."

"Not to mention the beast in its prime."

"Perhaps swallowing Blue Star is just a matter of His mouth."

Professor Janos certainly won't forget that night.

It was also after experiencing despair that the name of the giant beast was changed to him.

This is absolutely something that humans cannot understand and cannot observe.

Like a high-altitude god, humans can only look up to Him.

At this moment, Professor Stead said inspiringly:

"Is it possible that you plan to pin your fate on luck?"

"Go and gamble."

"Bet there won't be another giant beast visiting Blue Star?"

Professor Stead's words directly silenced Professor Janos.

I can only argue rationally: "The matter has not developed to that serious level yet."

"We can probably do it gradually."

"Waiting for the improvement of technology, we can analyze the secrets of beta gene and alpha gene bit by bit."

But at the end of the sentence, Professor Janos's voice was so low that it was inaudible.

Leave the fate of Blue Star to luck?

What a ridiculous joke is this?

The reason why I didn't execute this plan before was just because I didn't know what would happen after opening Pandora's box.

Now that Professor Janos has demonstrated, the gamma gene is not only harmless to humans, but also has infinite positive effects.

How could the higher-ups not implement the Beta plan?

Professor Janos thought it was Lin Tianwei's appearance that disturbed Project Beta.

However, this is just his illusion.

As early as when the gamma gene showed positive effects, the owner of the Ismail Research Institute had already begun preparing for the Beta Project.

Perhaps, a more exaggerated Alpha plan is already on the agenda.

Just wait for the results of the Beta plan to be implemented in one fell swoop.

Assist the evolution of the entire human race.

Break out of the universe?

Or dominate the galaxy?

Human ambitions may be realized bit by bit based on the three major genes.

Professor Stead looked at the silent Professor Janos and said, "Janos, I understand your worries."

"But if you don't do it because you are worried, then you are really wasting your time."

"The unknown enemy hidden in the universe will not give us time to develop slowly."

"The only thing we can do is to study the beta gene as thoroughly as possible."

“Keep it within control.”

"Let it be like the gamma gene, a stepping stone for human evolution."

Slumping down in his seat, Professor Janos finally accepted this fact.

In fact, even if he doesn't accept it, Professor Janos has nothing to do.

Ismail, the owner of the Ismail Institute, has spoken.

At most, he would not participate in the Beta Plan, but he could not prevent the execution of the Beta Plan.

As for not participating?

If he was destined to launch Project Beta, how could he be willing to let go of this opportunity to come into contact with Beta genes?

In his impression, Beta genes seemed to have a terrifying strengthening effect on the body.

Perhaps the reason why His flesh and blood has such terrifying defensive power comes from this.

Of course, this may just be an appearance.

Just like the gamma gene does not show the ability to be infinitely resurrected.

There may also be unknown secrets hidden in the beta genes.

Strengthening the body is nothing more than a false ability that it exhibits.

Thinking of this, Professor Janos' eyes suddenly became hot.

It is also an existence that humans cannot understand. There seems to be another one in front of me.

That is Lin Tianwei, the Tiger King!

It is also getting stronger in a way that I can't understand.

Although his genes seemed ordinary, there was nothing special about him at all.

But maybe it's just like Him that I can't understand.

The Tiger King also has secrets hidden in him.

Perhaps the focus of his research should be on the clone of King Tiger.


Lin Tianwei had no idea that so many changes had taken place in this short period of time.

All he knew was that the farm had become lively recently.

Under the lobbying of Euro, who is gifted in language, more and more people come here.

What they covet is the awakening liquid that seems precious but is actually cheap.

Some people may still question Euro's words at first.

But after a bucket of awakening liquid was poured on the ground as if it was free of charge, they shut up completely.

The unique performance of Awakening Liquid cannot be faked at all.

How rich and how wealthy does one have to be to pour a large bucket of awakening liquid directly onto the ground?

But before they could think about this problem clearly, they found that countless people seemed to be crazy and rushed towards the awakening liquid that fell on the ground.

Especially those Xiaohei, they rushed very fast.

Without caring about the image or the dirt on the ground, he frantically licked the arousal liquid on the ground.

This is three million horses worth of awakening fluid. If one licks it, one can awaken. Wouldn’t that be a huge profit?

With this idea in mind, countless people began to scramble for the awakening liquid on the ground.

He couldn't wait to lie on the ground and stuck out his tongue.

Licking the precious "awakening fluid" that might awaken them.

Ouch, roar.

A black guy seemed to have grabbed enough awakening fluid and actually entered the awakening state directly.

After roaring twice, he began to roll on the spot, writhing in pain.

Not only that, roaring sounds came and went, and several people actually entered the awakening state in an instant.

At the beginning, most people thought too highly of themselves and did not let themselves go and join the competition.

But when he saw this situation, he didn't care about his own face and joined the frantic scramble.

Some people even dug up the dirt from the ground and swallowed it in big mouths.

Greedily obtaining the awakening liquid absorbed by the soil.

For a time, the scene was chaotic.

There were even terrible riots.

If it weren't for the ban on carrying guns, this place would probably turn into a hell in a matter of minutes.

Euro looked at the scene in front of him.

I just find it very funny.

It's just some water, but these people can actually grab it like this.

But for these uninformed people, water is an extremely precious awakening fluid.

As the fight escalated, the fighting got harder and harder.

Finally, some unscrupulous person targeted Euro.

Since Euro can pour a bucket of awakening liquid directly on the ground.

Doesn't that mean that he has more awakening liquid?

As long as I hold him hostage, wouldn't the awakening liquid be at hand?

Thinking of this, a black guy rushed forward, trying to grab Euro directly and force him to hand over the awakening liquid.

Looking at Xiao Hei rushing towards him, Ouluo sneered.


That's a little too naive.

If I dare to sit here confidently, I will naturally not be afraid of these little black men.

As long as there are no firearms.

As an awakened person, beating them is not the same as playing?

But Euro had no intention of moving.

This is rather out of character.

Of course, he doesn't need to move, because Black Back will take action.

Turning into a black lightning, Black Back rushed directly towards Xiao Hei who was rushing up.

A swoop.

The huge force directly knocked down the rebellious Xiao Hei.

Hei Bei didn't look like he was begging for mercy in front of Lin Tianwei at this time.

Extremely cruel.

He opened his mouth wide and bit down on Xiao Hei's neck.

The sharp teeth completely penetrated Xiao Hei's neck without encountering any obstacles.

The fear of death made Xiao Hei's potential explode and he struggled hard.

But with the strength of an ordinary person, how could he possibly compare to Xiao Hei, who is an awakened beast?

After a slight struggle, he was completely suppressed.

In the end, he completely lost his life due to lack of oxygen.

The pungent smell of blood is like the most useful warning.

Warning these people who are trying to riot, think about whether you have the strength to grab the awakening liquid in Euro's hands.

It's just that no matter how powerful Black Back is, it's just a beast.

There is simply no way to stop the thousands of people here.

Just when these people's malice is about to overflow and they start another riot.

Euro stood up.

With just one punch, the wooden table next to him was smashed into pieces.

Only then did people discover that the friendly-looking farmer in front of them was actually an awakened person.


How could a person with so much awakening fluid not be an awakened person himself?

Just when everyone was in shock, Ou Luo said: "I believe I have made it clear to you before coming here."

"As long as you complete the basic tasks assigned by me, you will receive an awakening liquid."

"Complete more tasks, and you will be able to survive the Dawn No. 1 nutrient solution, which will greatly increase the success rate of awakening."

"If your performance can satisfy the owner here."

"There is even a 100% chance of surviving and awakening successfully."

As soon as Ou Luo finished speaking, the whole place was in an uproar.

One hundred percent chance of successful awakening?

Why does this adjective sound so tempting?

Even though they thought it might just be a scam, someone still asked:

"What do you want us to do?"

"If it is something too difficult, I will never agree to it."

Similar sounds came and went.

To put it simply, these people want strong power.

And don’t want to take the risk of responding.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most rubbish scum.

After all, those with real courage would have already chosen three million bottles of awakening liquid.

Activate your language talent!

Although he looked down on these scum in his heart, Euro didn't show it.

Smiling slightly, showing a fairly kind smile, he said:

"As I said before I came here, I won't ask you to do anything difficult."

"After all, I'm just a farmer, so what bad things can I do?"

Having said this, Euro pointed to the land in front of him and said:

"This is the land of Lord Tiger King."

"It's just that the desolate look really doesn't make him like it."

"So I need some labor, hard labor."

“Create the land and plant great plants here.”

"By the way, we will raise some excellent livestock as food for Lord Tiger King."

"That's all I want you to do."

"As long as you can complete the task well, the nutrient solution is not a problem at all."

Hearing this, Steven couldn't hold it back and asked, "Is it that simple?"

Euro said matter-of-factly: "It's that simple."

"To be honest, awakening fluid is not something that is difficult for me to obtain."

"On the contrary, some useful labor is extremely scarce."

That's a bottle of awakening liquid worth three million horses!

If anyone else had said that, they would never believe it.

But these words come from the mouth of Euro, a person who has just poured out a bucket of awakening liquid, so the credibility is very high.

Coupled with the bonus of language talent, Euroluo's words are even more bewitching.

For a moment, everyone actually believed what Ou Luo said.

However, before they could react, they heard several painful wails.

Maybe it's because they drank the awakening liquid at the same time, or maybe their bodies are about the same.

Those who were the first to grab the awakening fluid actually ended their awakening.

But it can be heard from the constant screams that their ending is not good.

A total of nine people, all failed to awaken!

They paid with their lives.

I will never die with my eyes in peace.

This situation, for a moment, scared those who were eager to try to stop moving forward.


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