Everyone was cheering, but Eric in the crowd looked sad.

Awakened beasts are not scary. What is scary is the awakened beast that has super intelligence and knows how to play with people's hearts.

Obviously, the Tiger King in front of him is this type.

It is different from all the awakened beasts I have encountered before.

With just a few words and a small price, he gathered a team of several thousand people for himself.

Of course, this is mainly because Lin Tianwei has little intention.

It's quite outrageous, it just requires these people to provide some labor.

Almost all the people who can come here are from the bottom of society.

Where are you not selling your labor?

Since Lin Tianwei could offer such an attractive price, it was naturally impossible for them to refuse.

Thinking of the abilities Steven had just displayed, a trace of jealousy flashed in Eric's eyes.

This scumbag received such a generous reward just for being the first to stand up and support King Tiger.

Not only was the direct awakening successful, but he also gained powerful powers.

Reflect on yourself.

As an excellent warrior, he works hard all day long but cannot get a place for awakening.

Not to mention Shuguang No. 1 nutritional medicine.

I am not qualified to use even the most common awakening liquid.

This huge gap made Eric doubt his own beliefs.

Why are you working so hard for yourself?

I am so silly.

If only I were the first person to stand up for Tiger King.

I am so silly.

Why should we adhere to those ridiculous and illusory beliefs?

I am so silly.

After all, he is a warrior with strong willpower, and Eric finally found himself from this powerful sense of loss.

But a certain thought, like the most vicious seed, still took root in his heart.

As long as the time is ripe and watered, it can grow into a soul-devouring demon.

Pretending that nothing happened, Eric clicked quickly on his phone.

Not long after, a message recording what happened here was sent to an unknown distance.

Little did he know that his performance was completely noticed by Lin Tianwei.

Lin Tianwei, who has a variety of perception methods, seems to be staying quietly in the warehouse.

Eat and sleep, sleep and eat.

It’s all about growth and development.

His thoughts are in charge of the overall situation, and he can have a panoramic view of every corner of the farm.

Are you doing something small here?

When the net is closed, those people will be surprised! ——

Earls frowned as he read the message from Eric.

The information recorded in the message was so horrifying that he even thought it was just a story made up by Eric.

Thinking of this, Earls mobilized the satellite monitoring on the farm.

Not long after, he saw an incredible scene.

Countless workers, under the command of Euro, are working diligently in the fields.

Most of them are black guys who work extremely hard.

It's hard to imagine that these hard-working people can actually be the scum at the bottom.

If they had worked so hard, how could they have ended up where they are now.

Combined with the news just received.

A possibility flashed through Earls' mind.

Everything Eric said is true!

How can this be?

What kind of fantasy means can make these people undergo earth-shaking changes in a short period of time.

You know, less than a day has passed.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Earls would have had a hard time imagining that this happened in such a short period of time.

Such a terrifying method of demagogueing people's hearts is simply appalling.

Things have developed to the point where they are no longer within his control.

He could only transfer the news directly to Pato.

This is my new boss.

Pato also had a headache after seeing the message from Earls.

His face was full of shock.

Perhaps the only difference from Earls is that Pato has no doubt that Lin Tianwei can possess such means.

This tiger can always surprise people.

The ability to awaken successfully with 100% success.

Just listening to it is enough to make people greedy.

However, considering that the captured Crowe also has the same ability.

Pato thought this might just be a show.

A show directed and performed by Euro.

After hesitating for a moment, Pato still had no intention of taking action.

He decided to follow the original plan and continue to select candidates to implement the infiltration plan.

There are advantages to having too many people, but there are also disadvantages to having too many people.

Tiger King is a bit too stupid after all.

he does not know.

A creature as complex as human beings has never been so easy to control.

If he thinks he controls people's hearts, he will only get backlash.

Of course, the news had to get out.

Or maybe no release is needed at all.

With such a huge movement in the Tiger King's territory, how could others remain indifferent?

A 100% successful awakening is not tempting to yourself.

But for many people, it is a huge benefit that is enough to take risks!


Ignore the existence of those who covet you.

Under Lin Tianwei's deliberate arrangement, his territory entered a period of rapid development.

It is easy to change a country but hard to change its nature.

These people are not so honest when working.

The matter of cheating and cheating is not a bad thing.

But as an excellent farmer, Euro is best at how to use these laborers.

Under his management the farm soon returned to an orderly state.

A large number of crops were grown.

Large numbers of livestock were purchased and pastured.

As long as there is time, this place will definitely become a paradise.

Lin Tianwei's food is much better now than before.

Two adult sheep a day.

Such a terrifying amount of food is simply unimaginable for ordinary tigers.

For Lin Tianwei, it is an existence that can be easily digested.

With the gift of rapid digestion, the bottleneck for his growth is not how much food he can eat.

It's about how much energy his body can absorb.

In less than a month, Lin Tianwei's body was already the size of a normal half-year-old tiger.

With some more time, he will be able to fully grow into the size of an adult tiger.


Even bigger.

After all, Lin Tianwei's current body is many times stronger than that of an ordinary tiger.

Growing bigger is also a very reasonable thing.

At that time, Lin Tianwei can also try, bit by bit, to unlock the talent: super multiplication (advanced) ability.

Let yourself grow into a larger and more terrifying existence.

At that time, those things that once could pose a threat to themselves.

Maybe it's just a toy that I can crush easily.

The only pity is that Lin Tianwei does not have the talent for rapid growth.

Otherwise, his growth rate can be further compressed.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei suddenly felt regretful.

I regret that I acted a little too forcefully.

For these people, just hearing their own name is enough to scare them.

Naturally, it is impossible to send out a team of awakened people to eliminate themselves on behalf of love and justice.

The lack of a major channel for acquiring talents is also something that makes Lin Tianwei extremely depressed.

Looking at the prosperous territory, Lin Tianwei was also full of joy.

When there are more animals and plants in the territory, I might be able to try using awakening liquid on them.

To achieve the purpose of artificially creating awakened creatures.

The flesh and blood of awakened creatures contains more powerful power, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a treasure of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, awakened animals can only provide one-time flesh and blood.

The value of awakening plants is a bit too high.

A plant that produces a steady stream of fruit that contains powerful energy?

Just thinking about it makes Tiger excited.

This is why Lin Tianwei wants to develop a farm.

These artificially awakened creatures can provide Lin Tianwei with more growth energy.

You can even extract talents and talent fragments that are better than nothing, which is totally a blood profit.

There are even legends.

Long-term consumption of the flesh and blood of awakened beasts, coupled with the supplement of Dawn No. 1 nutrient, can increase the success rate of awakening to 50%.

However, Lin Tianwei, who has black and white, does not need such an awakening method, so there is no need to try it.


However, Lin Tianwei obviously underestimated these people's desire for profit.

Some people couldn't sit still when they heard that Lin Tianwei had 100% ability to awaken people.

This ability seems simple, but it has a fatal temptation for those who are greedy for life and afraid of death and have the ability.

Spend a lot of money to buy the flesh and blood of the awakened beast, plus a large amount of Dawn No. 1 potion.

If it is consumed horribly, it can only increase the success rate of awakening to 50%.

The mortality rate, which was as high as half, daunted them.

But awakening is a major problem they have to face.

In the short term, they can also use other means to suppress the awakened ones and let them be used for their own purposes.

But as time goes by, the number of awakened people increases, and these methods will lose their original effect.

The number of ordinary rich men who died at the hands of the Awakened was not small at all.

Those who are not awakened are ordinary people after all!

With the support of this cruel reality, the ability to awaken people 100% successfully is naturally extremely tempting.

Even if the one who possesses it is an extremely terrifying Tiger King who has just wiped out a team of three-in-one A-level awakeners!

This has also led to Lin Tianwei's territory having many new faces recently.

They are constantly inquiring about possible news, in order to seek the ability to be 100% awakened.

If Lin Tian is weak, they will take action without hesitation.

If Lin Tianwei is too strong and they cannot fight, they will choose methods such as interest exchange.

As for working as a laborer here?

It's impossible to be a laborer, and they can't help it.

I would rather wait for the research on awakening to reach a higher level and find a way to awaken with a higher success rate.

However, because there are too few creatures that have enjoyed 100% awakening treatment, they have been unable to obtain relevant information.

On the contrary, because he behaved too abnormally, he was discovered by the alert Euro and was thrown out of the territory.

As a result, the intelligence spying work has been unable to be carried out.

Now they are faced with a choice.

That's how to get the benefits you want.

A meeting began quietly.

The surrounding topic is naturally how to target the special existence of Lin Tianwei.

Maybe Lin Tianwei's record is too strong, or maybe these people don't want to offend an opponent whose strength is unknown.

This time, the result of the meeting was actually to try to communicate first.

If negotiation fails, consider other methods.

No matter how barbaric a person is, no matter how powerful he is, he can only return to reason in the end.

This is probably the essence of reasoning.

In Euro's villa.

As the representative of these people, Nobbs went directly to Lin Tianwei's spokesperson, Euro.

Along the way, wherever you look, you can see workers working hard.

They were full of hope and worked hard in the fields.

Of course this is not how conscious they are.

But thanks to Euro's powerful domestication technology.

As a former farmer, he knows best how to let them fully exert their power.

Nobbs was filled with doubts.

It is really difficult for him to understand why agriculture should be developed here.

The world has mutated, so what is the use of developing agriculture?

If we really want to develop agriculture, wouldn't high-tech machinery be more suitable?

In this era of advanced technology, human productivity has completely failed to keep up with mechanical productivity.

Only some places that are not suitable for the use of large machinery will rely on human power to a large extent.

Why does the Tiger King tie so many people to his territory?

Nobbs couldn't figure out the reason and finally gave up.

He didn't need to worry about these unimportant things.

He just needs to complete the tasks arranged by the meeting.

After announcing your home address and explaining your intention.

Unexpectedly, Nobbs was quickly summoned by Euro.

It seemed as if the other party had been waiting for his arrival.

This feeling is similar to taking a long time to catch a big fish.

And he himself, or everyone behind him, is the fish that was caught.

Especially after seeing Euro's expression that he had everything under control, Nobbs believed in his idea even more.

I also became more uneasy in my heart.

In the end, it was Euro who spoke first, interrupting the silence between them, and said:

"Your request is very simple and reasonable."

"As long as you are willing to pay a sufficient price, I can agree to your request."

Very simple?

The 100% chance of awakening that countless people dream of, Euroluo actually says it's very simple?

Nobbs looked at the ordinary middle-aged man in front of him with some surprise.


Or why the Tiger King behind him has such incredible abilities.

This is simply unscientific!

Although Euro was once a farmer.

But in the eyes of truly powerful people, it is simply not enough.

However, there seemed to be some kind of magic power in Ouluo's light words.

It made Nobbs subconsciously want to believe it.

But Nobbs reacted instantly.

There was something wrong with my reaction.

This is the power of the awakened one!

He immediately asked warily: "What price do you want?"

"If you, the lion, open your mouth, there is no way we can agree to you."

"Don't think that you alone have the ability to awaken 100%."

"There are other places, but we don't want to spend such a huge price."

Euro looked at Nobbs playfully and said, "Mr. Nobbs, you'd better not say such self-deceiving words."

"I understand your anxiety."

"But please relax, Mr. Tiger King, he is the most kind creature in the world."

"You don't need to pay much to realize your awakening wish."

Euro didn't believe a word of what Nobbs said.

If the other party really had similar abilities, how could he lower his head and come here.

Seeking cooperation from themselves, an inferior person they despise?


Nobbs sneered inwardly.

Tiger King?

You actually said that the Tiger King, who kills without blinking an eye, is merciful?

But he also knew that he was the one seeking cooperation.

In addition, this place is other people's territory, so naturally they don't dare to be truly sarcastic.

He could only say bitterly: "The Tiger King is indeed kind and willing to use his boundless power."

“Awakening for those who believe in Him.”

"But Mr. Ouluo, please don't beat around the bush. Just tell us what the price will be."

"If the price is really right, we will prepare early to complete this transaction."

"It's a great thing for both of us."

Oulu nodded. It seemed that the other party didn't want to talk too much nonsense with him.

After sorting out Lin Tianwei's instructions, he slowly said: "It's very simple."

"As long as you can provide enough flesh and blood of awakened beasts as offerings to please Lord Tiger King."

"Then the Tiger King will not be stingy in showing his divine favor."

"One thing you have to pay attention to is that Mr. Tiger King prefers fresher food."

"If you offer a living awakened beast, Lord Tiger King will be even happier."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have enough Awakening Beast flesh and blood."

"Lord Tiger King is also very interested in some magical awakening plants."

God stick!

Nobbs complained in his mind.

It is obvious that the quota of 100% awakening is traded with the flesh and blood of awakened beasts or awakened plants.

If you offer a living awakened beast, you will get more places.

He insists on speaking so loftily, as if he is begging for a favor from the other party.

However, since it is an exclusive monopoly, Nobbs feels that if it is only this level of request, it is acceptable.

The flesh and blood of an awakened beast?

This kind of thing seems valuable, but it is not.

As long as you are willing to pay for the awakening liquid, it is almost very simple to get it.

Humans may be afraid of the 95% mortality rate.

But you can impose your will on animals, making them actively sacrifice themselves and awaken.

Take the initiative to contribute your own more nutritious flesh and blood.

Moreover, even without the use of awakening liquid, ordinary animals still have a probability of awakening.

As long as the number increases, a large amount of awakened beast flesh and blood can also be harvested.

and other awakening opportunities that cost a lot of resources to obtain.

Compared with the chance of not being 100% awakened, it is simply not a good deal.

As for awakening plants?

Nobbs had never heard of this kind of thing.

I just vaguely remember that there seems to be a strange plant in Delop's house.

For a moment, no one thought about awakening plants.

Can plants also awaken?

Nobbs was horrified.

This is not impossible!

But he couldn't accept that it was King Tiger who thought of this faster than them.

This feeling as if his IQ was being crushed made him very unhappy.

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