The straight stems are covered with sharp thorns.

Fat leaves.

Extremely green.

It appears to be growing and developing very well.

A red flower bud is in bud.

Releases a light rose fragrance.

No matter how you look at it, this looks like the most ordinary rose.

Yet it is very unusual.

The rose was first discovered in Droop's yard.

Edna, Delop's wife, was very fond of flowers and plants.

The garden of roses in full bloom was his greatest pride.

Just one early morning.

Edna was horrified to discover that something was wrong with her rose garden.

The beautiful rose plants that had spread over a large area immediately met their demise.

All the roses were withered and looked like they had been killed by someone secretly adding pesticides.

Edna shouted in horror, "Who, who is it?"

"Who did this to my rose garden?"

His favorite wife was angry, and Delop naturally wouldn't let the matter go.

However, after investigation, it was found that no one had the opportunity to commit the crime.

As her favorite rose garden, Edna has always taken care of it herself.

Not only that, but it is also equipped with surveillance.

Displayed according to the monitoring screen.

An unknown change occurred in this rose garden overnight.

All roses die quickly.

It was as if all the life force had been drained away by some kind of terrifying existence.

During this period, no one came near this place except Edna herself.

Such a bizarre incident naturally spread throughout the entire circle like an anecdote.

In the end, after cleaning the entire rose garden, only one plant slipped through the net.

This is a newly transplanted rose.

It hasn't even had time to grow a few leaves.

But he survived the disaster that destroyed the flower garden.

Edna, who is religious, felt that this might be some kind of instruction from God.

Take good care of this rose yourself.

From then on, Edna gave up growing other roses.

Turn to caring for this rose alone.

But the most amazing thing is that this rose grows extremely slowly.

Half a month didn't make it grow much.

It barely managed to grow a tiny flower bone.

It exudes a faint scent of roses, which smells very good.

I don’t know how long it will take before it fully blooms.

But after that, Edna seemed to be possessed, frantically taking care of the rose.

Sometimes I even do nothing all day long.

Just wandering in the rose garden, looking at this rose obsessively.

This weird behavior of his wife Edna also left Droppe quite speechless.

In a sense, Delop didn't like the rose.

This is why Pavel can be obtained so easily.

After all, this rose is not simple at first glance.

The Delop family is not short of money, so there is no need to forcefully sell it in exchange for some dispensable money.

The most likely possibility is that it was just to help Edna get rid of the influence of this rose.

Although there is nothing unusual about it, there is no doubt that this rose is no ordinary plant.

Especially when it was unearthed, it was extremely terrifying.

No one could have imagined it.

Such a tiny plant actually has extremely terrifying roots.

Densely packed, like devil's tentacles, firmly attached to the ground.

Seeing this, Delop, whose scalp was numb, felt that there was something wrong with this rose.

It was it that bewitched his wife!

Immediately without caring about anything else, he directly ordered his awakened ones to cut down the rose.

In the end, only a small part of the terrifying root system remained close to the stem.

Finally, it was placed in an exquisite small flowerpot and delivered to Lin Tianwei.

Smelling the faint floral fragrance in the air, Lin Tianwei carefully looked at the seemingly ordinary rose in front of him, secretly thinking that there was indeed something wrong.

With his talent for poison, he could easily distinguish the terrifying substance contained in the fragrance of this rose.

It is a substance that can affect the brain and confuse people's hearts.

Long-term absorption will have terrible effects on the human brain.

Maybe become its puppet.

It's not an exaggeration to say it has a deadly floral scent.

Of course, this level of toxins is nothing to Lin Tianwei.

His terrifying poison resistance and strong spirit are enough to make him immune to the influence of the floral fragrance.

The fragrance of flowers is highly poisonous. Is it a simple poisonous plant, or is it an awakening plant that is not simple?

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei stretched out his tiger claws towards the rose in front of him without hesitation.

To touch the terrifying spikes shining with cold light.

No feeling at all, or rather no pain or itch.

The sharp thorns of the rose were unable to break through Lin Tianwei's defense.

We can only look at the tiger and sigh.

With Lin Tianwei's powerful mental perception, he even discovered that the rose was moving while he was in the tiger's palm.

He seemed to take the initiative to move the spike in his direction.

It seemed like he was launching an active attack on Lin Tianwei.

If you are an ordinary person, you may think that this is just your illusion.

It's just a plant.

How could it be possible to have the ability to actively attack creatures?

But who is Lin Tianwei?

His terrifying strength allows him to easily discover the secret of this rose.

There is no doubt that this is an awakening plant.

And it is also a very deeply hidden awakening plant.

It has its own simple consciousness.

After coming to the conclusion, Lin Tianwei should think about how to treat this awakening rose.

After hesitating for a moment, he looked at the truck containing a large number of awakened beasts.

He directly grabbed the awakening rose, uprooted it, and threw it towards the awakening goat closest to him.

The living awakened creatures that Pavel can provide are generally awakened creatures such as livestock.

This time, he brought three awakening goats to Lin Tianwei.

When Lin Tianwei deliberately put away his power, the three awakened goats were frantically rushing into the iron cage.

Try to break the cage that restrains you.

Go to a wider, freer land.

Little did they know that they would never be able to escape the fate of becoming food.

The appearance of the Awakening Rose undoubtedly attracted the attention of the three Awakening Goats.

They looked at each other and attacked their cage mates without hesitation.

Since there is only one food, they must compete to win.

Perhaps there is a huge gap in strength.

Or maybe the allure of this awakening rose is not very great.

This battle ended faster than Lin Tianwei imagined.

In just five minutes, the results were announced.

The strongest awakened goat drove away the other two awakened goats.

He didn't mind it either, so he directly bit the awakening rose and shook it vigorously.

After getting rid of most of the soil, he was satisfied and swallowed the awakening rose in several mouthfuls.

See things start to develop in the direction you want.

Lin Tianwei dragged out a dead awakened goat and began to feast on it.

While tasting it, I observed the changes in the awakened goat that ate the awakened rose.

If it is just a garbage awakening rose, there is no need to cultivate it at all.

It must prove to Lin Tianwei that it is worthy enough.

Only then could Lin Tianwei vigorously cultivate it.

Let it cover most of the land.

In a sense, plants and animals are the result of domestication of each other.

It seems like you have tamed the plant into what you want it to be.

But it is the result of plants themselves actively evolving in the direction that animals need.

The animals get the food they want.

Plants also gained the opportunity to spread widely.

Lin Tianwei eats very quickly.

Not long after, an awakened goat was eaten by him, leaving only some skeletons.

Even so, Lin Tianwei still felt that it was not enough.

The flesh and blood of awakened creatures can provide Lin Tianwei with a lot of energy.

But it still couldn't keep up with his rapidly growing body.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked aside again.

This time, he took a fancy to an awakened cow.

The beef will taste more chewy, which is very suitable for Lin Tianwei's teeth.

After all, his teeth are too sharp, and ordinary flesh is no challenge to him at all.

When I swallowed, I really felt nothing.

A crazy eating spree happened again.

This time, Lin Tianwei ate a little slower.

But it also quickly swallowed all the flesh and blood of the awakened cow into its belly.

The dry stomach began to become full due to the large amount of food.

But when Lin Tianwei looked at the Awakening Goat again, he frowned.

The expected counterattack did not happen.

On the contrary, the awakened goat hesitated and ate the awakening rose, gained energy replenishment, and became more active.

He was using his sharp goat horns to hit the iron cage crazily.


Mental power mixed with sound waves gave Lin Tianwei terrifying detection capabilities.

Able to easily penetrate flesh and blood and gain insight into the situation inside the awakened goat.

Just by looking at it, he saw an extremely magical scene.

The Awakening Rose, who was originally thought to be dead, was not dead at all.

At this time, it has taken root in the body of the Awakening Goat and is growing rapidly.

The terrifying roots became stronger and stronger after being nourished by the flesh and blood of the awakened goat.

And not only is it thick, but it is also growing rapidly.

New roots are constantly growing and spreading throughout the body of the awakened goat, constantly devouring its flesh and blood.

In just ten minutes of eating, the roots of the Awakening Rose had already covered 30% of the Awakening Goat's body.

The most deadly thing is that the thickest root has invaded the awakened goat's brain from the inside out.

Dense roots sprouted and wrapped around the brain of the awakened goat.

Lin Tianwei believes that it won't take long for the evidence of the Awakening Rose to spread throughout the entire body of the Awakening Goat.

In the end, it was completely swallowed up and completely turned into his own energy.

Or there is another possibility.

At this time, the Awakening Goat is no longer himself, but has become a puppet controlled by the Awakening Rose.

I can't help myself.

Constantly executing the orders of Awakening Rose.

In this way, it makes up for the fatal flaw of the Awakening Rose being a plant and completely unable to move.

Even through the eyes of this awakened goat, Lin Tianwei could vaguely see the shadow of the roots of the awakened rose.

It may have lost itself long ago.

According to this development trend.

As long as the Awakening Rose is given some development time, it will have a promising future and be terrifying to the extreme.

Keep growing.

It wasn't until he encountered an extremely terrifying opponent that he couldn't shake that he reluctantly stopped his expansion.

Compared to the awakening beast that goes straight ahead, this awakening rose looks even more terrifying.

In particular, roses are plants that can be propagated by stems.

After gaining enough energy and growing to a certain level.

It can even reproduce quickly through this method.

Constantly devouring the prey that enters its own territory in ignorance.

This is the horror of awakening plants.

Some of the special abilities they possess are abilities that awakened beasts cannot possess at all.

The potential is far beyond human imagination.

Unfortunately, before this awakening rose had a chance to grow, it met its lifelong enemy... Lin Tianwei.

The moment they met each other, it was destined that they would never escape Lin Tianwei's control.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei's powerful mental power turned into spikes.

Directly across the body of the Awakening Goat, attack towards the Awakening Rose.

As long as they can mentally connect to the location of the awakened rose consciousness, they can achieve barrier-free communication.

Sometimes, intelligent creatures communicate better than non-intelligent creatures.

Also easier to tame.

As for what if Awakening Rose can't communicate?

So sorry, Lin Tianwei will not let plants that are worthless to him grow on his territory.

Let it grow?

Although there is no threat to Lin Tianwei, it will waste the resources in his territory.

It's just that it doesn't feel good to be swept away by Lin Tianwei's mental power.

Every contact was like a steel needle pricking into Awakening Rose's body.

Nothing else.

Lin Tianwei's mental power is too terrifying.

There is simply no existence that this fragile plant consciousness can contend with.

Moreover, Lin Tianwei had no intention of pitying the other party at all.

He just violently used his mental power to penetrate the body of Awakening Rose.

The intense pain even caused Awakening Rose to struggle painfully.

Unfortunately, it was still just a seedling, unable to resist Lin Tianwei's mental power.

He could only passively bear the terrifying attack from Lin Tianwei.

In the end, Lin Tianwei found his goal where the rose bones were.

A fragile and ignorant consciousness.

Since it was just born, it only has some instincts.

A harmless smile.

He smiled his trademark harmless smile.

Lin Tianwei's mental power directly penetrated into the chaotic consciousness.

This newly born consciousness.

I haven’t had time to feel the beauty of this world yet.

For the first time, I felt the horror of this world.

Lin Tianwei is like a terrifying demon god, able to annihilate its consciousness.

The instinct of survival made the awakening rose's consciousness begin to beg Lin Tianwei for mercy.

Begging Lin Tianwei to let it live.

Feel the fear, fear and surrender that the Awakening Rose constantly conveys.

Lin Tianwei finally regained his consciousness.

He believes it.

After this shock, Awakening Rose would never dare to disobey her own consciousness in a short period of time.

As for what happens next?

That depends on Lin Tianwei's training methods.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

These newborn lives are the most daring.

It is easy to do things for which it cannot bear the consequences.

"From now on, you can call me Thorns!"

These were the words Lin Tianwei left behind when he left Thorn Consciousness.

It can be regarded as the recruitment of Thorns as one of his subordinates.

Take back your thoughts.

Lin Tianwei found that the originally arrogant Awakening Goat was curled up in a corner of the iron cage.


The eyes looking at Lin Tianwei were full of fear.

It seems that just as Lin Tianwei guessed, this awakened goat has become the puppet of Thorns.

Once the tiger's power comes out, all beasts will surrender!

The powerful pressure immediately silenced all the awakened goats in the iron cage.

Lying in the cage, shivering.

Especially thorns.

It was lying on the ground with its head lowered, not daring to look at Lin Tianwei.

It seemed that if it took one more look, it would be instantly killed by Lin Tianwei.

Lin Tianwei is very satisfied with the performance of the Thorns.

The tiger's claws swung, like cutting tofu, and instantly cut through the iron cage that bound the thorns.

The three awakened goats tried their best to hit the iron cage which remained motionless for a long time.

But it was easily cut open by Lin Tianwei's tiger claws.

The gap in combat effectiveness is really too big.

"follow me."

Lin Tianwei gave the order expressionlessly.

Then he walked towards the distance on his own.

After receiving Lin Tianwei's order, Jingjiang looked at Lin Tianwei's claws that had been retracted in fear.

Without hesitation, he followed directly.

The biological instinct tells it not to disobey the terrifying existence in front of it.

Otherwise death is its only fate.

Following Lin Tianwei's guidance, not long after, they arrived in front of a piece of land.

I don't know why, but this land seems to be colder than other places.

It is full of traces of compaction, and it is obvious that people have often moved here.

"You will grow up here temporarily."

"Under this land, all materials are nutrients for your growth."

"But outside of this land, you can't step out even one inch without my permission."

After much deliberation, Lin Tianwei decided to use this land as the initial development site of thorns.

Coupled with Crowe and Steven, who have the ability to make plants grow quickly, I believe the thorns will soon grow.

By then, maybe I will be able to obtain enough crops with powerful energy produced from awakening plants.

Anyway, the nutrients that the thorns absorb are waste that cannot be absorbed.

In this way, it can be regarded as maximizing the utilization of this land.

After sniffing the smell in the air, Thorns was ecstatic.

It can feel that this land contains powerful energy.

Without hesitation, under Lin Tianwei's order, it started taking action directly.

Controlling the Awakening Goat, he involuntarily walked to the middle of the land.

Digging the ground with their hooves, the thorns quickly dug a hole large enough to fit themselves into.

Looking around at the flesh and blood that had not yet completely corrupted, Thorns lay down without hesitation.

It will take root and sprout under the supply of these flesh and blood, and then grow into an existence that can destroy the world!

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