Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 142 Hidden murderous intent

Deep in the ant nest, as if she felt something, the queen ant straightened her fat body and moved with difficulty.

At this time, it is almost the same as the former queen.

Apart from being fatter, she is basically a replica of the Queen.

The slender tentacles are constantly swinging, emitting pheromones, and it is unknown what message is being conveyed.

In fact, the moment Professor Stead and others got off the plane, the queen ant was already aware of their arrival.

Those all-pervasive ants of karmic fire are its best eyes.

As soon as he got off the plane, Professor Stead frowned.

Looking at the Karma Fire Ants that took off from time to time, he instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

He remembered that this kind of karma fire ant that could fly was only found in the queen's bodyguards.

Now that even the outermost layer can be seen, doesn't it mean that something has happened to the queen ant?

After hesitating for a moment, Professor Stead said: "Spray the No. 1 repellent around."

Repellent No. 1 is the least effective karma ant repellent.

It is also the most suitable repellent for testing the situation in Area C.

If a major change occurs in Area C, it is absolutely impossible for the No. 1 repellent to be effective.

In other words, the effect will be minimal.

Under Professor Stead's solemn gaze, as the No. 1 repellent was sprayed.

The nearby karma fire ants seemed to have seen their natural enemies.

Or maybe they started to flee as if they had received some kind of order.

In just ten seconds, an ant vacuum zone was left near Professor Stead and others.

It seems that the No. 1 repellent is very effective.

Seeing this, Professor Stead also breathed a sigh of relief.

This shows that these ants of karmic fire should still be under their control.

As for why there are karma fire ants that can fly here.

That's of course because the queen ant is afraid of death.

After all, as the second-generation queen ant, it grew by devouring the queen's body.

Of course I know it's not safe here.

Take photos of your personal guards and go out on patrol.

It is a very reasonable fear of death.

To be on the safe side, Professor Stead and others added a higher level of repellent to their special protective clothing.

Follow the passage that was detected in advance and walk towards the depths of the ant nest.

Along the way, what I saw was basically the same as what I saw before.

In other words, everything is under your control.

Professor Stead became more and more excited as he watched.

In this case, I might be able to reuse these karma fire ants.

And the deepest hidden queen.

It's just that Professor Stead probably never dreamed that everything he saw was the result of the ant queen's deliberate creation.

In other words, he was in the devil's cave at this time without knowing it.

I thought this was a harmless place completely under my control.

In fact, even without the appearance of the blood of the Black Evil, the second-generation queen ant is by no means a mutant beast that Professor Stead can control.

After all, it wasn't just the remains of the Queen that it devoured in the first place.

And the humans buried in the Queen's body.

And the most important thing.

Lin Tianwei's blood.

Although this blood contains terrifying toxins.

But the queen ant's physical fitness is also extremely strong and she can bear it.

Although Lin Tianwei's genes did not show any abnormalities.

But his powerful strength is not rootless, there is some basis for it.

Therefore, every part of his body contains powerful energy.

In other words, Lin Tianwei's blood is the best energy supplement.

This is why Heisha's flesh and blood was in an awakening state when it was fused with the Gamma gene and was about to fail.

The reason why Professor Janos happened to be able to bring the dead back to life after he took the blood from Lin Tianwei.

The powerful energy contained in it allowed Heisha to directly pass through the most dangerous period of awakening.

Successfully fused with the original gamma gene, awakened successfully in one fell swoop, and gained powerful power.

The queen ant is almost in a similar situation.

Under normal circumstances, if it eats the queen's body directly, it can barely become the second generation queen.

But it's different now. Lin Tianwei's blood played a vital role in it.

The originally ignorant and ignorant queen ant mutated after devouring the queen's body.

He has acquired an extremely terrifying intelligence that is comparable to that of a human being.

This kind of wisdom will be the most valuable asset for the queen ant.

Let it also gain the power to survive from human control.

The subsequent Blood of Black Evil and Source of Awakening are another opportunity.

Directly awakening the ant queen and gaining even more terrifying talents.

This talent is enough to make it an extremely formidable opponent.

However, Professor Stead did not know it at this time and took the initiative to send himself to the Queen Ant.

Just when Professor Stead successfully reached the depths of the anthill.

A trap net targeting him has been completely opened.

Professor Stead is observing the Queen Ant, and the remaining Awakeneds who closely protect him.

They didn't notice it at all, just when they were paying attention to the queen ant in front of them.

Some extremely small Karma Fire Ants had quietly crawled towards their direction.

Compared with those terrifying karma fire ants, this miniature karma fire ant, which is only the size of an ordinary ant, is even more terrifying.

They directly ignored the protective measures taken by Professor Stead and others in advance.

Climb up their bodies quietly.

Soon, these miniature karma fire ants crawled to a position near the spines of these people.

He opened his mouth wide and bit into their protective clothing.

However, they took a confident bite, but failed!

The teeth, which are as sharp as sickles, are unable to cut through the amazingly protective protective clothing worn by Professor Stead and others.

Seeing this, the queen ant quickly adjusted her strategy and chose the second plan.

The terrible strong acid spit out from the mouth of the miniature karma fire ant onto the protective suit.

Although it was not able to instantly corrode a big hole in the protective suit, it was able to significantly weaken the protective suit's defense.

At this time, it is combined with the sharp teeth of the miniature karma fire ants.

This time, the protective power of the protective clothing was finally broken!

The miniature karma fire ants passed through the protective clothing and approached the bodies of Professor Stead and others.


Mortal danger!

It's a pity that none of them realized that the danger was coming.

Let these miniature karma fire ants break through their clothes and reach near the spine.

The buttocks were raised high, and the tail needles on the tail shone with cold light, piercing the skin of these people fiercely.

Before Professor Stead and others had time to feel the sting.

A large amount of anesthetic fluid was injected into their bodies along the tail needles of the miniature Karma Fire Ants.

It instantly paralyzed the nerves in their area.

I don’t feel the pain of being invaded by microscopic fire ants at all.

Not only that, these miniature karma fire ants are just the vanguard.

More miniature karma fire ants swarmed towards the crowd like a tide.

Soon, he followed the openings of the protective clothing and approached the bodies of several people.

With large amounts of anesthetic fluid injected into their bodies.

Without their knowledge, all the nerves in their bodies had been paralyzed.

Only consciousness is still active.

They instantly became the captives of the queen ant!

By the time Professor Stead realized something was wrong, it was too late.

He was horrified to find that he could no longer move his whole body.

He couldn't even make a horrified expression, he could only watch the queen ant do whatever she wanted with him.

There is no doubt that the queen ant has rebelled!

Professor Stead finally discovered something was wrong.

The long-standing ominous premonition was confirmed.

Not only did he completely lose control of the queen.

He has become a prisoner of the queen ant.

Or rather food!

After thinking about all this, Professor Stead felt a pity in his heart.

He who does not respect life will eventually suffer the consequences and is about to face death.

But Professor Stead didn't know that sometimes, death may be the best relief.

In this world, there are many punishments that are worse than life.

Seeing that the micro-karma fire ants have taken control of the situation.

A blood-colored worm-like ant that is only slightly larger than a miniature Karma Fire Ant.

Carried by the miniature fire ants, it continued to move in the direction of Professor Stead.

Soon, their fat bodies were squeezed into the thick protective clothing.

With a quick twist, it quickly crawled to the nostrils of Professor Stead and others.

Where surveillance cameras can't see them, they begin to sneak into people's bodies along their nostrils.

It keeps squirming and finally reaches the vicinity of everyone's brain.

The buttocks were raised high, and the tail needle flashed with cold light, directly inserted into everyone's brain.


Biting chill.

The biting chill began to invade the consciousness of Professor Stead and others.

Life is worse than death!

I can't help myself!

Several people thought of these two adjectives instantly.

There was a sadness in my heart.

They had no idea what the queen had done to them.

All I know is that it must be a very scary thing.

After the blood-colored worm's tail needle completely penetrated everyone's brain, its three pairs of legs also tightly hugged everyone's brain.

It's just stuck on everyone's brain.

Then something extremely horrific happened.

The body of the blood-colored worm continued to change and dye, and finally, like a mimic, it completely transformed into something like a brain.

In other words, they have become parasites that are enough to confuse people and hide deep in the brain!

"Welcome, please introduce yourself. My name is Isha."

At this moment, an emotionless voice sounded in Professor Stead's mind.

The queen ant's superb intelligence allowed her to instantly discover the person in charge here...Professor Stead.

So after the parasitic ant successfully invaded Professor Stead's brain, it also began its first communication with humans.


Who is this?

Why does its voice ring in my head?

After a moment of confusion, Professor Stead suddenly remembered a terrible possibility and asked tentatively: "Are you the queen ant?"

Isha replied: "Queen Ant? Is this what you call me?"

"I don't like it. I prefer the name Isha."

"Please call me Isha!"

What followed was a scream that sounded like a banshee's wail, which stung Professor Stead's head.

I could only cheer up and say: "Isha, Isha, Isha!"

"You are Isha, I know it!"

This kind of pain that penetrated into the bone marrow made Professor Stead give in instantly, and he followed the other person's words and started speaking.

He seemed to be very satisfied with Professor Stead's attitude. After Professor Stead shouted in his head, the screams also subsided.

Only then did Professor Stead have time to breathe and asked: "Isha, what do you want to do?"

This is also the question that Professor Stead has always wanted to ask.

He wanted to know what the queen who kidnapped him wanted to do.

If the other party's request is simple, it's not that I can't satisfy it.

As long as it leaves itself alone.

At this moment, a voice sounded, making Professor Stead feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

Isha said without emotion: "I need you to help me control all living things."

"Be my slave forever and provide me with a steady stream of food."

Professor Stead immediately retorted: "There is no way I can help you do such a thing!"

A mere ant actually tries to rule the entire life on the Blue Star?

It's really off the mark.

I don’t know who gave it the courage to have such a daydream.

Then at the moment Professor Stead refused, the familiar pain arose again.

The tortured Professor Stead was in agony.

Isha said coldly: "I am ordering you, not discussing with you."

As soon as Isha finished speaking, Professor Stead found that his body began to move involuntarily.

It's like a money-raising puppet, mechanically terrifying.

Professor Stead instantly realized a possibility and said in horror: "Can you control my body?"

Isha did not answer Professor Stead's words, but continued to control his body and came to the vicinity of his ovipositor.

The controlled Professor Stead couldn't help but said: "The queen ant is so beautiful!"

"I think the name Isha fits it perfectly!"

"Isha's descendants are of great research value. I want to bring some back."

The extremely stiff movements and harsh words frightened Professor Stead.

He is still himself, but he is no longer himself.

The body couldn't help but start to cooperate with others to collect Isha's ant eggs.

Inside, there are terrifying demons that can control the brain.

Professor Stead was momentarily desperate.

This time, I really opened Pandora's box.

A demon that can control people's hearts and minds.

Just thinking about what a terrible disaster it can cause makes people feel numb.


I can't let Isha develop like that.

He must find ways to pass on Isha's message as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Professor Stead took the initiative to communicate with Isha and said, "Dear Lord Isha."

"I have seen your great power, and I am willing to cooperate with you to control the entire Blue Star."

"Blue Star will eventually surrender to Lord Isha."

Recalling Isha's previous idea of ​​asking him to cooperate, Professor Stead soon understood something.

Although Isha can control himself, he cannot guarantee that his control will not be discovered.

That's why he tried to communicate with himself and let himself actively work for it.

What a wisdom of fear!

At the same time, Professor Stead also realized that this would be his only chance.

Actively cooperate and take advantage of Isha's negligence to pass on the news.

Then completely destroy this terrifying demon!

Creating the devil with your own hands is what you should do.

Faced with Professor Stead's active surrender, Isha didn't seem surprised at all.

Although it is very smart, after comparing its combat power, it came to the conclusion that the person in front of it should surrender to itself.

Therefore, Isha didn't have much doubt about Professor Stead's initiative to join him.

This means that no matter how vigilant it is, sooner or later Professor Stead will find an opportunity to pass on the message.

"Wise choice."

"I need your cooperation to spread my descendants as much as possible."

"Complete my mission and I will give you endless rewards."

Isha's voice reached Professor Stead's mind at the right time, and he agreed to his surrender.

Not only that, Professor Stead suddenly felt an extremely pleasant feeling.

That was Isha commanding the bloody worm and controlling the happy part of Professor Stead's brain.

This can be regarded as the sweetness it gives Professor Stead.

It's just that it really doesn't understand people's hearts and doesn't understand what Professor Stead needs most.

If it were Lin Tianwei who did it, he might choose to embody a virtual Guerrero.

Use the virtual Guerrero to continue to confuse Professor Stead.

Guerrero is Professor Stead's late wife, the only concern and only weakness in his heart.

Perhaps for the sake of his wife, he would choose to betray the entire human race!


While Professor Janos was studying Lin Tianwei's clone, Professor Stead and Yi Xiaxu were fighting with Snake.

Another change is also taking place quietly.

Even with the entire United States on lockdown.

The blood of the Black Evil finally followed the flow of water and began to spread towards the entire world.

In the ocean.

Countless marine creatures have awakened after absorbing the blood of the Black Evil.

They begin to awaken and become more powerful.

Although the probability of awakening failure in this wild awakening method is very high.

But it can't hold the amount of marine life.

Especially those small fish and shrimps, which can be described as countless.

For a time, the ocean was filled with all kinds of awakened creatures.

Not just the ocean.

Even the land was affected and changed.

The ubiquitous water circulation is the best way for the blood of black evil to spread.

Its crazy infection ability can even go upstream and in the opposite direction, starting to infect the land.

The United States finally failed to cover up the source of awakening, allowing the entire world to receive the baptism of awakening.

This is also a much-anticipated awakening.

With the results of awakening researched in the United States.

Other places appear to be more resilient when faced with the invasion of the source of awakening.

The more powerful a country is, the more comprehensive the information it obtains.

The easier it becomes to deal with it.

I believe it won't be long.

This awakening storm brought by the blood of the Black Evil will sweep across the entire Blue Star.

Of course, this awakening storm is not without exceptions.

At least somewhere, somewhere called Sakura, the Awakening Storm is demonized!

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