outside the farm.

The team led by Eliseo has surrounded this place.

From the sky, in a helicopter.

Overlooking this rich land.

Large tracts of farmland.

Herds of cattle and sheep.

Buildings of chicken, duck and goose houses.

There are also the outermost awakening roses and awakening bees.

And the crazy cow grazing leisurely on the hillside.

these things.

All of them were unparalleled in Eliseo's eyes.

As long as I can get this farm.

Let it provide itself with a steady stream of output.

Your own Las City can definitely become richer and more powerful.

Your own status will also be significantly improved.

Thinking of this, Eliseo's eyes became hot.


I must get this farm.

Thinking of this, he took out a huge loudspeaker and started his performance, saying to the creatures on the farm:

"People on the farm, you have been suffering from the Tiger King for a long time."

"I was oppressed and exploited by him and lived in dire straits."

"Don't be afraid, you have finally waited for the wise and powerful Lord Eliseo, that is, me."

"I will save you from hell."

"You just need to cooperate with me to take over this farm. I will make proper arrangements for you when the time comes."

Everyone on the farm:? ? ?

So how did those shameless words come out of Eliseo's mouth?

The hell he talks about is heaven that everyone truly recognizes.

Hearing this, Euro subconsciously looked at Barrios.

This Lord Tiger King specially told the young man to take care of him.

His thoughts are more important than everyone else's thoughts.

Unexpectedly, Euro saw a face full of indignation.

Angry, distorted face.

He suddenly realized that his worries were unnecessary.

As a low-level person who once lived in the city, how could Barrios be fooled by such nonsense?

This kind of nonsense can't even be deceived by people on the farm who have never been to the city.

Sure enough, Steven took the lead and started to retort, cursing:

"Your fucking bullshit stinks."

"Where is hell? Don't you have any idea?"

"You don't think our farm can't receive the signal from your city, do you?"

"For ordinary people, the city is the real hell."

"On the contrary, this vast farm is the real paradise in everyone's mind."

Barrios also yelled angrily: "Eliseo, you piece of shit."

"Las City is your paradise, but it is not a paradise for ordinary people like us."

"When you say this, you'd better ask your subordinates whether they are happy or not in Las City."


How could my men be unhappy?

Eliseo subconsciously looked at his men, but found that their eyes were evasive and they did not dare to look at him.

This behavior is undoubtedly a slap in his face.

Even Eliseo's men were like this, not to mention everyone else.

Others are more oppressed.

At this moment, Euro just picked up the microphone and spoke his own voice, saying:

"Brothers above, listen carefully."

"You should quickly abandon the darkness and turn to the light. Leave the so-called Las City and join our Tiger King Farm."

"Tiger King Farm will not treat anyone who joins sincerely."

“Here, we can eat delicious barbecue and freshly baked bread every day.”

“There’s even rich jam and sweet honey as toppings.”

"Milk, eggs, and various by-products made from them are all available."

"Pure wine can be guaranteed to be served once a week."

“There is also a carnival once a week, where everyone can eat to their heart’s content for free.”

"With such favorable conditions, what are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up and join the camp of our Tiger King Farm."

Under the influence of language talent, Euro's already very tempting words became even more tempting.

Delicious barbecue?

Freshly baked bread?

Rich jam?

Sweet honey?

Milk and eggs?

Dairy products, egg products?

Pure wine at least once a week?

And that once-a-week, all-you-can-eat celebration?

Is this paradise?

This question was answered instantly.

For a time, countless people were moved.

They looked longingly at the farm below.

It was as if I saw a living paradise in front of me.

Eliseo was no fool, and he clearly saw the desire in his men's eyes.

He knew he couldn't go on like this.

If this continues, the military morale will have been shaken before the battle even begins.

Thinking of this, Eliseo directly took out the pistol he carried.

Although this pistol is extremely delicate, it looks like a carefully crafted toy.

In fact, it is made of super alloy and has extremely terrifying strength.

Corresponding to this is a special armor-piercing bullet made of super alloy.

The seemingly small body of the missile hides terrifying lethality.

Even when faced with powerful flesh-type superpowers, they definitely have the power to kill instantly.


Eliseo pulled the trigger without hesitation and killed one of his men who was about to take action.

Justice is always within the range of gunfire, and Eliseo perfectly interprets this meaning.

This shot also successfully killed the chicken and frightened the monkeys, and frightened those who were ready to take action.

Eliseo roared loudly: "You idiots, do you believe what they say?"

“Even I don’t get to enjoy this kind of treatment every day.”

“It’s better to believe that a poor farm has such rich supplies than to believe that I am God.”

"Follow my command and capture this farm."

"When the time comes, 30% of the supplies will be used as rewards for everyone."

Thirty percent?

Looking at the rich resources on the farm, Eliseo's men's eyes showed desire.

With the help of Eliseo's sticks and dates, he successfully restored the morale of the army.

While morale was at its peak, Eliseo continued: "These ignorant people below must have been brainwashed by the Tiger King."

"The Tiger King is a demon that everyone can find and kill."

"Since they are stubborn, don't blame us for being ruthless and not caring about the friendship between our compatriots."

"Launch an indiscriminate attack below."

"It is not a pity to die as a minion who helps the tyranny."

Eliseo finally issued a ruthless order.

In the air, they occupy a favorable position and are able to complete many operations that cannot be completed on the ground.

Just like now.

They can attack targets on the ground without any scruples.

And this farm has almost no anti-aircraft measures.

In their eyes, conquering it is as simple as searching for something.

It's just that Eliseo is obviously naive.

Because a pair of blood-red eyes had already stared at it.

It is the Blood Wing that has been planned for a long time!

As Lin Tianwei stayed to guard the farm, his strength was not bad at all.

Even if the superpower is not activated, the strong wind brought by the wings alone is enough to make a helicopter fall involuntarily.

As for Bloodwing, now it is eyeing the helicopter where Eliseo is!

Arms waving.

With a wingspan of more than ten meters, Bloodwing possesses terrifying wind control abilities.

Coupled with the wind power, Bloodwing can easily create a huge storm.

Breathing wind!

The terrifying tornado flew toward the helicopter where Eliseo was at extremely fast speeds.

By the time Eliseo found out, it was too late.

The helicopter he was riding in had begun to shake involuntarily.

In less than three seconds, it will fall.

And underneath.

Those were the people on the farm who were eyeing him.

Once captured alive, his fate will never be much better.

However, at this moment, a soldier beside Eliseo moved.

He directly hugged Eliseo's body at extremely fast speeds.

Using his legs, he actually crossed a distance of more than ten meters and jumped to another helicopter.

This warrior is called Legisamon, Eliseo's confidant and his guardian.

He is an extremely powerful warrior.

A being who can fight a powerful awakened beast in hand-to-hand combat with just his body.

He also used his strength at a critical moment to save Eliseo in one fell swoop.

And the helicopter Eliseo was on just now?

It was carried downwards by the strong wind created by Blood Wings.

Not long after, it fell onto the farm.

And the warriors inside?

He was surrounded by everyone in the farm and instantly became a prisoner here.


Or maybe it’s a fight!

Eliseo was horrified to find that the air superiority he was proud of was instantly shattered by Blood Wings.

They are not capable of attacking farms in the air.

But Bloodwing's living target.

Especially the whistling sound in his ears told Eliseo that another storm was brewing.

Storm against him.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

"Attack from the ground."

With no choice but to give up his non-existent advantage, Eliseo launched an attack on the farm from the ground.

After spending five helicopters at a loss, Eliseo successfully escaped from the sky.

It's not that he doesn't want to send his men to die with everyone on the farm.

But everyone on the farm is also a thieves.

We have already found a bunker.

Bullets fired from high altitudes could not cause any substantial damage to them.

Weapons of mass destruction?

Under the shock of the Blood Wings, they were even more afraid that this kind of thing would hit them on the head.

So this time the air raid plan ended up being nothing.

Just one awakened beast, Bloodwing, shattered their plan for an aerial assault.

Here is the importance of flying units!

As for those downed helicopters?

Of course it became the trophy of the farm.

Under the intentional control of Bloodwing, although they crashed, they basically suffered no damage.

Plus a set of stance personnel that comes with Eliseo.

In the future, farms may be able to have their own air combat equipment!

On the other side, Eliseo's troops have landed around the farm.

Bloodwing let out a loud eagle call and returned to the sky.

The sky is its home field, and being too close to the ground can easily lead to an ambush.

So it also flew back into the sky in time.

Just leave the battle on the ground to the ground troops.

Looking at the rose bushes covered with thorns in front of him, Eliseo also turned pale.

Losing the opportunity to break through from the air, he could only attack from the ground.

Attack from the ground?

Then he would have to face the hordes of terrifying awakened plants in front of him.

He was not an idiot and had done enough research on the farm before coming.

In front of me are rose bushes covering the entire farm.

And the looming awakened bees hidden in it are the farm's strongest defense.

Thinking of this, Eliseo ordered: "Legisamon, try the methods of these roses and bees."

Legisamon was Eliseo's most powerful warrior.

If he can't break through here physically, others can only worry.

As for the fire attack?

How could there be such an obvious weakness here?

Those water pipes hidden among the roses are the best fire prevention measures.

Coupled with the assistance of everyone in the farm, it is impossible for the fire attack to be effective here.

Therefore, the only way out is physical attack.

However, before Legisamon could take action, the farm had already taken the lead in sending its own troops to attack everyone.

It was a dense, dark mass of awakened bees that looked like a dark cloud.

They may not be powerful individually, but in the face of such terrifying numbers, anyone who sees them will feel numb.

Especially Legisamon, who was the first to leave the team, was the first to bear the brunt and was surrounded by awakened bees.

Although his power is very powerful, it cannot suppress the awakened bees with the ability to fly.

Soon he was surrounded by awakening bees.

It's like wearing a layer of black armor.

He was targeted by countless awakening bees!

Not only that, but the tail needles of countless awakened bees were aimed at his body.

Launched a crazy attack on him.

Ding dong.

The tail needle of the awakened bee stung Legisamon and made a sound like the collision of steel.

It's enough to prove how terrifying Legisamon's defense is.

His body burst out with terrifying power.

His body hit the ground, crushing the awakened bees near his fists into pulp.

However, such a powerful attack had no effect at all.

Because more awakened bees gathered around.

The huge force they gathered together even caused Lejisamon's body weighing several hundred kilograms to fly up involuntarily.

This scene made Eliseo's heart tremble.

Legisamon was his most powerful subordinate, yet he was so humiliated by these awakened bees.

Although there is no danger for the time being.

But it was only a matter of time before these awakened bees broke through his defenses.

For Legisamon had been carried to the rose bushes.

With the help of roses, Legisamon is certain to die.

Seeing this, Eliseo shouted an order: "Rescue Legisamon and retreat!"

The development of this war completely exceeded Eliseo's expectations.

Even without Lin Tianwei, the defense of Tiger King Farm far exceeds that of ordinary human restricted areas.

It can be classified as an intermediate human restricted area.

How terrifying this farm would be if King Tiger was added to the mix.

Thinking of this, Eliseo couldn't help but picture Ismail's face in his mind.

This damn woman knew that Tiger King Farm was so powerful, but she didn't remind herself.

After going back, I must ask her for an explanation.

He didn't think that Ismail had reminded him, but he just ignored it.

Of course, Ismail's reminder was just because he was afraid of Lin Tianwei's subsequent revenge.

She also had no idea that the strength of the farm itself would be so terrifying.

Just like her eyes widened at this moment.

Although she does not support Eliseo, she is undoubtedly very concerned about the development of this battle.

When she saw Blood Wing appear, she felt something was wrong.

Why is this bird so much stronger than I thought?

It is impossible for ordinary air units to be its opponents.

It's no wonder that there are basically no awakened birds and beasts over the farm.

Because this place has been marked by Bloodwing and is an area ruled by it.

Sure enough, things were just as Ismail imagined.

Not only was Blood Wing's strength greatly enhanced.

The same is true for the roses and awakening bees that guard the farm.

As soon as they met, he directly made Eliseo despair with his extremely terrifying strength.

After using a large number of fire-breathing equipment to drive away these awakened bees, they ran away without looking back.

This place is simply not something they can conquer.

Ordinary human restricted areas already require several cities to jointly encircle and suppress them in order to win.

What's more, this is a place that can be rated as an intermediate human forbidden zone.

In the end, the farm drove away these invaders at the speed of light after paying a little price for awakening bees.

At the same time, they also captured five helicopters and some people, which can be said to be a bloody profit.

After all, with just that little bit of awakened bee, the queen doesn’t even need a day to replenish it.

After this battle, no one will think that Tiger King Farm is easy to bully.

There is no doubt that it is also a forbidden area for humans!

Of course it's only a restricted area for people with bad intentions.


One battle has ended, and another has reached its end.

Fintara's face had long lost the original confidence at this time.

His courage.

His guts.

It had long been completely dissipated under Lin Tianwei’s endless killing.

He was shaking all over, and now he only had one thought in his mind, and that was to run away quickly.

Escape from the attacking range of this scary tiger.


The sound of the propeller turning sounded like a sound of nature to Fintara's ears.

As long as he is in the air, the Tiger King will not be able to do anything to him.

He is absolutely safe!

Thinking of this, Fintara used all her strength to climb up the rope suspended from the helicopter at an extremely fast speed.

That speed.

People who don't know think he also has some kind of acceleration power.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Fintara felt filled with a sense of joy for surviving the disaster, and ordered loudly: "Run, run!"

But he didn't realize that in a direction he couldn't see, a huge boulder was speeding towards him.

There is no doubt that this is Lin Tianwei's masterpiece.

Lin Tianwei still understood the principle of capturing the thief first.

How could he let Fintara run away like that.

The tiger's palm exerted force, and a just-right boulder came into Lin Tianwei's palm.

The gift of flexible limbs gives him a grasping ability that is no weaker than that of humans.

He grabbed the boulder, turned it into a cannonball and threw it towards the helicopter in the sky.

Lin Tianwei's powerful strength allowed him to ensure that this boulder had terrifying attack power.


Like a boulder hitting a bell, the helicopter was directly hit by the boulder, making a heavy impact.

The people on the helicopter, especially Fintara, felt a sweetness in their throats and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The powerful shock had seriously injured him.

This is not enough.

Another boulder flew towards the helicopter at extremely fast speeds.

After being hit again, the helicopter finally failed to withstand it and staggered towards the sky.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a new target."

"Ding, the talent extraction failed, and the host received one hundred and thirty-seven talent fragments."

"Ding, the talent extraction failed, and the host received one hundred and twenty-one talent fragments."

The sound of killing one after another showed that Lin Tianwei had completely killed his opponent.

It has to be said that the talent extraction system is truly incredible just because it can determine a kill.

Let Lin Tianwei never let go of anyone who wants to kill.

Let out another roar.

But this time, no one dared to get close to Lin Tianwei.

The land that was originally relatively clean has now turned into a hell like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Every attack by Lin Tianwei will take away countless lives.

These powerful superpowers were completely vulnerable to him.

Smelling the smell of blood that gradually became stronger in the air, Lin Tianwei decided to let these little minions go for now.

There are more important things to do at hand.

Someone actually dares to take away my Yin Yang bamboo shoots. It’s really a shame!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei directly activated his speed burst talent.

At an extremely fast speed, he rushed towards the Yin Yang Bamboo Forest.

In the bamboo forest.

A fight is breaking out.

But it's different than expected.

It was obviously a war between humans, Black and White and Yin Yang Bamboo, but it was strangely divided into three camps.

The extra camp naturally belongs to the human race.

The number of people in this camp is very small, but the goal is very clear.

The purpose is actually to help Black and White.

It is precisely because of the existence of these humans that Black and White was able to survive the encirclement and suppression by Fintara's men.

Even so, its body is already covered in scars.

If he continues like this, he will definitely die here.

However, at this critical moment, a strong vibration suddenly came from the earth.

There was even a roar of a tiger coming from a distance, which was heart-wrenching!

The most important thing is that these two sounds are approaching the core of the Yin Yang Bamboo Forest at an extremely fast speed.

Fintara's men changed instantly.

All this is undoubtedly a sign that the outside has been lost.

This powerful tiger king tore through the troops brought by Fintara and was running towards his direction.

Everyone looked into the distance in disbelief.

How could such a big change happen in less than ten minutes?

Could it be that Tiger King and this giant panda have a close brotherly relationship.

Do you have to break out to save your brother even at the cost of serious injury?

Thinking of this possibility, they finally felt relieved.

This is nothing less than the gap between heaven and hell.

This situation not only means that King Tiger has been injured.

It also shows that there are countless brothers of his outside.

It can form an encirclement force and directly encircle and suppress the Tiger King.

Thinking of this, they looked into the distance with expectant faces.

No matter what time of year, tiger hunting is an extremely glorious thing.

Otherwise, Wu Song would not have been talked about for so many years.

And today it was finally their turn to carry out such a glorious thing!

Little do they know that they are about to be visited by the God of Death!

Thank you to book friend 20201227225235931 for the 500 points reward, and thank you all for your monthly ticket recommendation support.

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