Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 181 Digest and become stronger!

"Show me the way."

"Go to the next treasure house!"

Just when Lejisamon was wondering what else Lin Tianwei had to do, he heard Lin Tianwei's majestic voice.

A voice so majestic that he couldn't refuse!

Legisamon's eyes were full of shock.

He secretly said that the Lord Tiger King in front of him was really daring.

Having just taken away a treasure house from Las City, I still felt that it was not enough, so I set my sights on the second treasure house.

Then Legisamon became delighted again.

The armor on his body suddenly became unpleasant.

If there is a chance to break into the second treasure house and I choose it early, will I be able to get a set of armor that I dream of?

Although he is Eliseo's personal bodyguard, Legisamon does not have a very good armor.

It's not that Eliseo is unwilling to improve the strength of his men.

After all, Legisamon is his personal bodyguard.

His strength undoubtedly represents Eliseo's safety.

But for a superpower as powerful as Legisamon, the armor is basically useless.

It may even become a burden.

Eliseo naturally would not allow Legisamon to wear armor.

There is only one very simple reason why Legisamon is so persistent in his armor, and that is because he is handsome.

Anyway, he is not anyone's personal bodyguard now.

Lin Tianwei naturally doesn't need his protection.

Even as long as he is on the farm, he can still be protected by Lin Tianwei.

Therefore, in order to look handsome, it is acceptable to lower one's strength a little.

Thinking of this, he pointed towards the south with a big wave of his hand and said:

"Lord Tiger King, although there are enough treasures in every treasure house."

"But the focus is different."

"As far as I know, the Eastern Treasure House contains a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. It may be Lord Tiger King's favorite treasure house."

Although Legisamon is more greedy for the treasure house full of weapons and equipment.

But since he planned to hang out with Lin Tianwei, he naturally had to think about his new boss.

Judging from what happened just now in the Southern Treasure House, it is obvious that Lin Tianwei prefers heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Although I don’t know why Lin Tianwei only eats it selectively.

But Legisamon knew it was the right choice to choose Oriental Treasure House.

As expected, he soon received a positive reply from Lin Tianwei.

Without hesitation, Legisamon pointed directly at the location of the Eastern Treasure House.

Then a gust of wind blew, and one man and one tiger embarked on a lightning-fast journey again.

But this time, no one dared to ignore this combination.

The elite warriors responsible for defending the treasure trove couldn't even hold on for ten seconds.

This is a heavy blow to the entire United States.

Their elites were just like ants in front of the Tiger King.

That yellow figure was like a nightmare, pressing on everyone's chest.

It was so overwhelming that they couldn't even breathe.

This time, even the arrogant MacArthur learned his lesson and did not dare to speak out.

Cautiously asked Etna: "Etna, what do you think about the Tiger King going to the Eastern Treasure House?"

What do I think?

I sat and watched, how else could I watch.

If it weren't for MacArthur's power, Etna would have wanted to curse.

In this case, does he give a good answer or a bad answer?

Yes or no?

I can only bite the bullet and say: "The fighting power of King Tiger is beyond imagination."

"At least it's stronger than we imagined."

"However, due to terrain restrictions, King Tiger cannot use its speed advantage like when attacking the city wall."

"Without the run-up, his impact will be greatly reduced."

"As for the Eastern Treasure House?"

"Because Eliseo is made of the strongest alloy, its strength is even more exaggerated than the city wall."

Having said this, Etna immediately shut up.

No conclusion.

It was up to MacArthur to figure out the rest.

Say less and make less mistakes. This is his principle of conduct.

Thinking of this, Etna felt so tired.

There was a time when he was also an outspoken data analyst.

Able to accurately arrive at accurate answers.

And say it confidently.

However, all this changed completely after meeting Lin Tianwei.

It was like a lingering nightmare hanging over his mind.

He even learned to be cautious in his words and actions, and in the end he could only use this method of feinting to avoid being slapped in the face.

However, this was obviously not the answer MacArthur wanted.

He frowned and asked, "So what is your conclusion?"

"I want accurate and precise conclusions."

Otherwise, I'd better quit this job.

The grief was greater than the loss of heart, and Etna actually had the idea of ​​​​resigning.

But this is just imagination.

He couldn't bear to part with the extremely generous remuneration of this job.

What's more, his whole family depends on his meager salary to survive.

Thinking of this, he paused and said: "In view of the above situation, I think there is a half chance that King Tiger can break through Dongfang Treasure House's defense."

"At the same time, in order to avoid meaningless casualties, I recommend that all troops stationed in Dongfang Treasure House be evacuated."

"This may be the best choice."

All troops withdraw?

What's the difference between this and opening the door to a thief?

There is not even a token resistance, it is simply cheaper than a girl in a brothel.

And this kind of thing is actually a priceless treasure trove belonging to the United States?

MacArthur felt very angry.

He felt that Etna was absolutely crazy to give such unreliable advice.

Immediately he said in a low voice: "Etna, I want you to find a way for me."

"Instead of making such ridiculous suggestions."

"Is there any way to completely eliminate the Tiger King?"

"That's what I need."

"Instead of your utterly stupid suggestion."

You are giving me a hard time, Etna.

If you are really capable, find a data analyst who can completely solve this problem for you.

Thinking of this, Etna simply put his foot down and said, "There is no way out."

"I just don't know if General MacArthur can afford this price."

"Just use all the nuclear weapons in the entire United States."

"I believe there is still more than a 90% chance that the Tiger King will be able to kill him."


There is only a 90% probability.

Etna originally wanted to say 100 percent.

But after considering the recent intensity of being slapped in the face by Lin Tianwei, I changed it to 90%.

This was his last bit of stubbornness.


nuclear weapon?

In order to eliminate a so-called Tiger King, dropping nuclear weapons on one's own country's territory is simply an extremely stupid idea.

MacArthur did not want the United States to become the second Sakura Island.

Sakura Island is full of monsters.


If Lin Tianwei appears on the land of other countries.

Preferably some land in the east.

MacArthur would never mind initiating a joint conference.

The co-owners want to pressure one party into agreeing to the use of nuclear weapons.

Thinking of this, MacArthur said angrily: "Just one Tiger King has made the entire United States so embarrassed."

"This is a disgrace to all of America."

"Notify me, I agree to Plan B."

"In order to deal with the big enemy like the Tiger King, it is acceptable to make some sacrifices."

Plan B?

Named by the initials of BEAST, the English word for beast.

The main focus is to cultivate powerful awakened beasts to restrain the powerful awakened beasts that already exist.

Since powerful awakened beasts can be born naturally.

There is no reason why the same effect cannot be achieved through human cultivation.

This is the core of this plan.

It's just that there was an incident where the Ismail Research Institute sent an unlimited army of cloned tigers.

Not only did it not have any effect, it actually enriched Lin Tianwei's farm.

That's why this plan came to nothing.

But after seeing Lin Tianwei running wild on his own territory.

Feeling humiliated, MacArthur finally decided to agree to the plan.


If Plan B wants to show its power, it will take a long time.

The cultivation of awakened beasts not only requires a lot of resources, but also a lot of time.

This is one of the main reasons why Plan B was shelved.

And in front of you?

Before Plan B came to fruition, MacArthur could only watch Lin Tianwei run wild in Las City.

Nothing can be done.

In the end, MacArthur agreed to Etna's humiliating suggestion.

The choice was made to evacuate all forces defending the treasure trove.

These defensive forces are America's elite and must not be meaninglessly compromised here.

This is a terrible loss for all of America.

Perhaps the treasury itself is strong enough to withstand Lin Tianwei's attack.

When issuing this order, MacArthur even went through this scenario.

It's also ridiculous to the extreme.

Lin Tianwei probably never expected it.

With just a little show of force, the entire United States lost the courage to resist.

The so-called extremely important treasure house is just a free place where he can enter and exit at will.

Lin Tianwei is very fast.

Not long after, he brought Legisamon to the Eastern Treasure House.

It has the same setting as the Southern Treasure House, and the Eastern Treasure House is also located deep underground.

But what was extremely amazing was that Lin Tianwei didn't find half a figure here.

Is it a conspiracy?

Or has the other party given up resistance?

Although Lin Tianwei prefers the first possibility.

But he was not Sima Yi and would be frightened by Zhuge Kongming's empty city plan.

Is there a conspiracy?

Then smash it for everyone to see!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei started digging a hole without hesitation.

It has to be said that sometimes these humble talents are also extremely useful.

For example, Lin Tianwei is currently using the hole-piercing talent.

Although it is a little less domineering, it is extremely easy to use.

It allows Lin Tianwei to reach the gate of the Oriental Treasure House while saving a lot of energy.

The undefended scenes along the way also made Lin Tianwei understand.

They gave up resistance.

All of America has given up resistance to itself.

They finally knew that they were completely untouchable.

On this trip, the goal of establishing prestige was finally achieved.

Without hesitation, Legisamon, who was put down by Lin Tianwei, went directly to the door and tried to open the door with Eliseo's eyes.

But it failed without a doubt.

MacArthur was no fool.

The time had already exceeded three minutes, and it was impossible to allow such a loophole to exist.

Next, we can only see who is stronger, Lin Tianwei's attack power or the gate of Dongfang Treasure House.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei popped out his extremely sharp claws.

Without hesitation, he slashed at Dongfang Treasure House.

The two collided, causing violent sparks to explode instantly due to friction.

The piercing noise even forced Leguisamon to cover his ears.

Soon, the winner was decided in the first confrontation between Lin Tianwei and Baokumen.

A semi-deep claw mark appeared on the treasure house door, hinting at the outcome of this confrontation.

And Lin Tianwei's claws?

There's some wear and tear, but nothing serious.

The most important thing is that Lin Tianwei's claws have the ability to regenerate.

As long as he has enough energy, he can grow new claws.

This leads to the result of this confrontation, the winner can only be Lin Tianwei!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei directly activated his strengthening talent.

Strengthened his tiger claws again.

He slashed hard at the treasure house door with his strengthened tiger claws.

But this time, Lin Tianwei didn't give the treasure house gate time to breathe.

One after another, a gorgeous firework was set off on the treasure house door.

Finally, after Lin Tianwei paid the price of five claws, he completely penetrated the defense of the treasure house gate.

Next, you only need to add some more attacks to easily break through the treasure house's door.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei lowered his head and bit off the extremely worn claws without hesitation.

Then he crazily activated the energy in his body, and soon grew a new pair of claws.

Although it is immature, it still shines with sharp light.

Following the same pattern, this terrible door finally fell under Lin Tianwei's claws.

The treasure hidden in it was revealed, and the extremely confusing treasure was revealed.

Those were countless treasures of heaven and earth, exactly what Lin Tianwei needed.

Thinking of this, he stepped into the Oriental Treasure House without hesitation.

Step into this land that is completely his.

With the assistance of danger perception talent.

Lin Tianwei can taste these natural treasures without risk.

The unscrupulous situation made Legisamon’s eyes a little straight, and he couldn’t help but remind:

"Lord Tiger King, the more natural resources and earthly treasures, the better."

"Many of them are produced by extremely strange awakened creatures."

"It is said that they are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing each other. If you eat them like this, you may cause problems."

"In fact, the reason why many natural and earthly treasures are placed here is not because they are useless."

"It's about natural treasures that haven't been tried enough and don't know the specific effects and dangers."

“Please taste with caution!”

With some natural resources and treasures, Lejisamon naturally does not have to worry about causing harm to Lin Tianwei.

But where is the point in front of me?

But the extremely terrifying billion points.

It is more than five times larger than the inventory of the Southern Treasure House.

However, Legisamon's reminder received no response at all.

Lin Tianwei was completely immersed in the refreshing feeling of enjoying delicious food and getting stronger.

I don't even bother to pay attention to this stupid person Legui Salmon.

How could I possibly eat food that is harmful to me?

It’s just that the inventory of Dongfang Treasure House is a bit too large.

Even Lin Tianwei is a bit picky about food.

After eating a third of it, I felt a little full.

What's even more frightening is that these heavenly materials and earthly treasures containing powerful energy began to react with each other in Lin Tianwei's body.

It turned into a terrifying torrent of energy.

Like a time bomb, there is a risk of exploding at any time.

At this time, the best choice is to run and vent the energy that is filled to the extreme.

But this was obviously not Lin Tianwei's choice.

Judging from the leisurely look on his face that he had already begun to pave the floor, it was obvious that he did not intend to move again.

Why consume energy?

Wouldn't it be nice to just accept the order?


Violent energy surged in Lin Tianwei's body, and finally exploded.

Even through Lin Tianwei's huge body, it was still extremely clear.

The terrifying energy exploded directly.

It is no less powerful than the simultaneous explosion of several missiles.

Trying to break free from the shackles of Lin Tianwei's body and return to heaven and earth.

However, such a terrifying explosion could not shake Lin Tianwei's body at all.

It exploded, and it seemed like it didn't explode at all.

This terrifying energy kept reverberating in Lin Tianwei's body.

In the end, he hesitated and couldn't break free from Lin Tianwei's body, and became completely quiet.

It was absorbed bit by bit, completely turning into the nutrients that made Lin Tianwei stronger.

"Strength +1!"

"Physique +1!"

"Agility +1!"

"Spiritual power +1!"

As the energy contained in these heavenly materials and earthly treasures was continuously absorbed by Lin Tianwei.

His strength also began to grow rapidly.

The most intuitive manifestation is the growth of attributes.

The fourth dimension began to expand crazily.

This is much more cost-effective than simply relying on food supplements.

Especially Lin Tianwei's low mental power attribute.

With the support of a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it began to grow rapidly.

Although there is still a big gap with other attributes.

But it’s definitely a promising future.

This situation made Lin Tianwei couldn't help but sigh, it was indeed a gold belt of murder and arson.

Robbery is the fastest way to grow.

Maybe you should visit your neighbors more often?

Once this idea came up, it lingered in Lin Tianwei's mind.


But the most urgent task is to digest the energy that has not been fully absorbed by the body.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei gathered up his divergent consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

Sleep has always been the most conducive way to growth.

Lin Tianwei was asleep, but his behavior frightened Legisamon next to him.

Relying on the physical body to resist the energy burst of Tiancai Dibao?

Leguisamon simply couldn't even think of such an outrageous operation.

Even just the residual power of the explosion of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Although 99% of it was consumed by Lin Tianwei's huge body, it also made him feel an extremely terrifying shock.

This kind of shock was something that even his extremely strong body could not completely resist.

He stumbled and fell to the ground.

Not to mention Lin Tianwei's body at the center of the outbreak.

How could the relatively fragile internal organs withstand such horrific injuries?

Legisamon's mind was filled with questions.

He never thought that there could be a creature that could resist the explosion of countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures just by relying on its own body.

These natural treasures, which usually look peaceful and quiet, are just the simplest food.

But when it really breaks out, you know how terrifying it will be.

There was once a flesh-type superpower ranked thirty-fifth who suffered a loss because of this.

Relying on his strong physical fitness, he also possesses extremely terrifying self-healing ability.

He did not follow professional advice when consuming a dragon plant.

Choose gentler methods with fewer side effects.

Eat little by little, in several portions.

Instead, in order to completely absorb the energy of this fire dragon grass, he chose to swallow it alive.

Unexpectedly, he paid a terrible price.

The violent energy of the Fire Dragon Grass exploded instantly.

Starting from his stomach, extremely terrifying energy erupted.


A raging fire began to burn.

Burning throughout his entire body.

From the inside to the outside, his entire body was instantly ignited.

Even he found the water in the shortest possible time.

The simplest physical methods of cooling down, such as drinking water and soaking in water, could not withstand the outbreak of fire dragon grass.

Instead, he suffered more serious injuries due to the fusion of water and fire.

In the end, because his brain was roasted, there was no hope of survival.

It was after this incident that everyone began to realize.

While these heavenly materials and earthly treasures have extremely terrifying effects, they also contain huge risks.

I would rather give up the opportunity to become stronger directly than try to swallow the treasures of heaven and earth.

This is already the consensus of everyone.

However, Lin Tianwei is obviously able to break this consensus.

He has swallowed countless treasures of heaven and earth, but nothing happened.

Not only that, he also relied on his physical body to resist the explosion of countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Such terrifying physical strength is simply unbelievable.

Thinking of this, Legisa's eyes flashed with gold.

He subconsciously put down the armor he had just selected.

This is a set of silk threads made from a fusion of sky silk and blood spider silk.

A battle armor made with the scales of a serrated crocodile and a large number of super alloys.

Not only does it have excellent defense, but its red and white color scheme is extremely gorgeous.

What’s even more frightening is that, with the support of excellent design concepts, this armor will hardly affect Legisamon’s performance.

It will only affect about 5% of Legisamon's combat effectiveness.

However, this suit of armor that he was so passionate about just now has become a burden.

Items that can be discarded at will.

Lin Tianwei is powerful.

The power of the physical body suddenly awakened Lejisamon.

I'm still a bit rubbish.

It is extremely ridiculous to be able to float with only this ridiculous amount of strength.

He should not be obsessed with these external objects, but should continue to temper his body like Lord Tiger King.

He tempered his body to an extremely terrifying level.

The body is the foundation of one's strength.

Maybe by then, he will also become an extremely terrifying superpower.

Although he can't compete with Lord Tiger King.

But at least he won't lose the face of Lord Tiger King.

Thinking of this, Legisamon's eyes became hot.

He looked at the remaining heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the treasure house.

These genius treasures can directly increase the physical strength of a physical superpower like him.

The body is his foundation.

Compared to those flashy armors, this is what he needs most.


Then absorb the violent energy hidden in it, and you will become stronger!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone

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