Frightened by Lin Tianwei's powerful and terrifying power.

After losing a lot of troops, Ye Huo chose to pretend to be dead because he was afraid of his good neighbor, the tree spirit in the crazy forest.

Pretend it was as if it had never sent Karma Fire Ants to attack Lin Tianwei.

Although the karma is too angry, there is nothing that can be done.

It never expected that this farm would be so terrifying.

It sent a full thirty percent of its troops.

Not only did he not win over the opponent, but he was cannibalized by a wave of attacks and became a snack in the opponent's mouth.

At first, when he sensed that all the ants of Karma Fire had lost their ability to move, Karma Fire thought it was his own illusion.

My Karma Fire Ant army is extremely powerful, how could it be lost in a mere farm?

However, it soon discovered something was wrong.

Faced with his own inquiry, the ants who went to the farm did not give a reply.

Although there are still signs of life, it seems that he has lost the ability to control his body, leaving only the most basic instincts.

This situation made Ye Huo both angry and panicked.

How powerful is it that such a huge force can be destroyed instantly.

This is simply impossible.


For the first time, Karma Huo felt an emotion called fear.

This kind of emotion never appeared again after the Karma Fire Ant group completed its awakening.

After all, they are no longer the weak beings that can be manipulated by other creatures at will.

This kind of emotion did not appear in Yehuo's heart even when he was caught in the siege of the Ismail Institute.

But this time, this emotion really appeared in Ye Huo's heart.

Especially when he felt that Lin Tianwei was approaching it, this emotion reached its peak.

Although it is extremely powerful, it is still wary of Lin Tianwei who can kill millions of karma fire ants in an instant.

Maybe things can't be better today.

Ye Huo, who has a strong sense of territory, naturally knows that many beings value territory.

They will never let go of creatures that dare to invade their territory.

Cutting the grass and eradicating the roots is their style.

But then Karma became excited again.

How can we allow others to snore and sleep on the couch?

Is Lin Tianwei, this terrifying and distant neighbor, not Ye Huo's biggest problem?

In particular, the farm also has huge resources that make it extremely greedy.

Lin Tianwei may be very powerful, but Ye Huo doesn't think he has any chance of winning.

Especially in your own territory, your winning rate will be greatly improved.

Since the other party is seeking his own death and chooses to come to his door, I don't mind swallowing him up completely.

Such powerful flesh and blood may allow one to evolve further.

Thinking like this, Ye Huo felt his body begin to boil.

This is a long-lost excitement!

However, although Karma Fire is excited and excited, it is not brainless.

In front of the powerful Lin Tianwei, he didn't dare to be brainless.

The huge head began to work rapidly, and Ye Huo thought about a good strategy to deal with the situation at hand.

It's just that the more he thinks about it, the more he gets a headache, and the more he thinks about it, the more he gets a headache.

It really can't think of a perfect solution to the situation at hand.

After all, with Lin Tianwei's terrifying strength, Ye Huo didn't have a 100% chance of winning.

Especially if Lin Tianwei wants to escape, it will be difficult for Ye Huo to stop him.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Huo planned to make two preparations.

Not only should you use all your strength, but you should also leave enough room for yourself.

Don't blame it for being cowardly, just blame it for meeting the completely unreasonable Lin Tianwei.

It is simply incomprehensible that millions of ants of karmic fire are extinguished at the drop of a hat.

The ant community of Karma Fire once again faces an existential crisis.

This time, it is the turn of the queen ant behind her to do her best to continue the ants of karma.

Ready for both hands?

The first is to perpetuate future generations!

A bloody ant egg rolled down leisurely along the ovipositor of Karma Fire.

This is the offspring that embodies the rebirth hope of the Karma Fire Ant clan.

With the hard work of Ye Huo, it will have more powerful talents.

Under the command of Ye Huo, a pair of flying ants took the ant egg on the road to escape.

If the entire Karma Fire Ant colony is unfortunately defeated, this ant egg is the hope for the Karma Fire Ants to continue.

Looking at the ant eggs getting farther and farther away from him, Ye Huo also breathed a sigh of relief.

His eyes immediately became fierce.

Now that the task of continuation of future generations has been arranged, the next step is to make a desperate move and use all our strength to face the Tiger King.

Face this opponent who dares to challenge the entire Karma Fire Ant community alone.

With a thought, Ye Huo's talent targeted transformation is activated!

Its huge body began to undergo changes.

The body that was so obese that it could no longer move on its own began to shrink and condense rapidly.

It will transform itself into another form before Lin Tianwei arrives.

Another form more suitable for fighting!

As the energy shrinks and gathers, the appearance of Karma Fire gradually changes into a form more suitable for fighting.

It looks very much like it did when it just escaped from the virgin forest.

It is not a brainless machine that only reproduces like the average queen ant.

Advance to attack, retreat to defend!

Its huge body began to move quickly with unmatched agility.

Not long after, they arrived at the ground.

With a body size of fifteen meters, it looks very oppressive.

Despite his small size, Ye Huo seems to be barely half the size of Lin Tianwei.

But insects cannot follow the calculation of combat effectiveness of ordinary mammals.

They are born with countless powerful talents.

If it weren't for the limitation of size, Blue Star's owners might be these seemingly small insects.

Blessed by the ants' natural strength, every attack from Karma Fire will become extremely terrifying.

Even to the extent that he can compete with Lin Tianwei.

You know, ants are creatures that can easily lift objects hundreds of times their own weight.

This kind of creature possesses terrifying combat power that is completely inconsistent with its size.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is Ye Huo's pair of extremely huge wings.

With rapid fanning, he can easily form a tornado and let himself fly.

Get the advantage of the sky.


This is something Lin Tianwei has not been able to do for the time being.

Of course, it's not that Lin Tianwei can't do this, it's just that he doesn't think it's necessary.

For the ability to fly to affect one's combat effectiveness is putting the cart before the horse.

The reason why Yehuo chose to evolve a pair of wings was because its size had grown to its limit.

No more room to grow.

A little bigger.

If it were any bigger, its body would burst because it couldn't bear its own weight!

His ears swayed slightly, and Ye Huo felt the sound of Lin Tianwei's running footsteps.


Retreat from the edge of the forest of madness!

Yehuo gave the new order without hesitation.

At this time, it doesn't have time to play house with the dryads in the crazy forest.

Fighting Lin Tianwei with all his strength is what it needs to do.

It's just that although the ants of Karmic Fire retreated, those tree spirits did not.

The hatred between the two sides has reached an irreconcilable level.

Even though they knew that this might be Karma's conspiracy, none of the tree spirits flinched.

Taking heavy steps, they launched an attack on the Yehuo Forest without hesitation.

As the tree spirit entered, the Yehuo Forest instantly underwent horrific changes.

The tree spirit formed by countless plants tightly intertwined together.

The moment it came into contact with the unique sand of the Yehuo Forest, countless seeds were scattered.

These seeds are not afraid of the highly toxic substances contained in the soil of the Karma Fire Forest.

Under the catalysis of the tree spirit, it began to take root and sprout, and soon grew into tender seedlings.

As long as you give them some time, it is a simple matter to grow into a towering tree.

Under normal circumstances, these seedlings will be destroyed in the counterattack of Karma Fire Ants.

But this time, the Karmic Fire Ants obviously had no time to take care of these seedlings.

They gathered together and prepared to welcome Lin Tianwei's arrival.

And those dryads?

They did not pursue directly.

Instead, they continued to sow seeds and catalyze plant growth, bit by bit, eating away at the land of the Yehuo Forest.

Whether they can kill the Karmic Fire Ants is completely indifferent to them.

That's just some slightly more nutritious fertilizer.

The sunlight in the sky can also provide them with a lot of energy.

Spreading their compatriots or plant clones to a larger area is the goal they pursue.

It is precisely because of this idea of ​​the tree spirit that the decisive battle between Lin Tianwei and Ye Huo will not be disturbed.

They will have an unprecedented battle in the Yehuo Forest! ——

From a distance, Lin Tianwei saw the red sand over there.

Just like the scene I saw in Area C, it was covered with dense karma fire ants.

The difference is that the Karmic Fire Ants on this sand are even more powerful.

Especially the most eye-catching one among them, the Karmic Fire Ant, with its huge body, it is not an opponent that can be easily dealt with.

Faced with such a horrific scene.

A scene that is enough to instantly kill someone with trypophobia.

Lin Tianwei was not afraid at all.

The moment he arrived, he was ready to destroy everything.


The deafening roar of the tiger spreads into the Yehuo Forest with terrifying sound waves.

Lin Tianwei remembered that he used the same method when he first encountered these Karmic Fire Ants.

At that time, he allowed himself to kill countless Karma Fire Ants in an instant, which was a great harvest.

So this time, Lin Tianwei also planned to use sound waves to go first and meet these Karma Fire Ants.

It's just that Lin Tianwei's tiger roar seems loud and clear, but it can't cause any harm to these karma fire ants.

Under the command of Ye Huo, they relied on each other to conduct the energy in Lin Tianwei's roar.

No matter how terrifying the energy in the roar of the tiger is, it cannot make any waves if shared by countless Karma Fire Ants.

It was completely different from what it was like before on the farm.

See it.

Lin Tianwei narrowed his eyes and looked at Qiye Huo carefully.

This huge karma fire ant is the leader of the ant colony at first glance.

After all, its huge body makes it stand out among the ants.

Especially the light in his eyes made Tiger feel that it was something special.

Lin Tianwei had a hunch that it was this seemingly inconspicuous guy in front of him who was ruining his good fortune.

Of course, Lin Tianwei's premonition was absolutely correct.

The reason why this happened is due to Karmic Fire.

In response to this close battle, Ye Huo also responded immediately.

Under its control, the ant colony made the most effective response to Lin Tianwei's attack.

Directly through the method of coordination, the damage of this tiger roar was reduced to the minimum.

This is the importance of command.

Even with the same number, the combat effectiveness of the ant colony directly commanded by Ye Huo will increase by at least half.

Lin Tianwei was not given a chance to attack again.

Ye Huo flapped his wings and flew towards Lin Tianwei.

It didn't intend to give Lin Tianwei a chance to unleash his ultimate move.

Otherwise, once the vast majority of the ant colony is eliminated in seconds, even if it wins, it is equivalent to failure.

He completely lost his ability to compete with the Crazy Forest.

In the end, it can only be cannibalized bit by bit by those pesky tree spirits and turned into material for their growth.

Looking at the karma fire flying towards him.

Lin Tianwei's eyes flashed with amusement.


It's really interesting.

This was the first time that a little kid actually dared to attack me.

Although Ye Huo's size is already large enough, Lin Tianwei's size is even larger.

The double gap made Ye Huo an undoubted little guy in Lin Tianwei's eyes.

However, it was this little guy who actually dared to attack Lin Tianwei.

How could this not make Lin Tianwei find it interesting?

Even so, Lin Tianwei didn't mean to look down on Ye Huo at all.

As we all know, ants have terrifying gifts of strength.

Able to carry food hundreds of times its own weight.

Perhaps it was this terrifying talent of strength that gave Ye Huo the confidence to challenge himself.

In this case, let the other party see who is the real king of power.

With countless powerful talents and steady development, Lin Tianwei is confident that his strength will never be worse than Ye Huo.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei stood up directly.

Use your strong legs to support your huge body.

Tiger Palm swung forward, intending to directly fan the Karma Fire away.

Such a simple attack mode made the flying Ye Huo worry.

Its original attack plan relied on its own ability to fly, its smaller size, and more agile movements.

Through continuous detours, he launched an attack on Lin Tianwei.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tianwei came up and was ready to compete with it.

A competition of strength?

My karma fire never carries fear!

These big men seemed to have more power, but there was no way they could defeat him.

Ye Huo looked at Lin Tianwei with a fierce look in his eyes and even gave up flying.

It has nowhere to rely on in the air, but it can exert its powerful power without having its feet on the ground.

Six legs exert force.

Ye Huo turned into the most terrifying steel chariot and slammed into Lin Tianwei.

The sharp sickle mouth was like a sharp blade, stabbing hard at Lin Tianwei's body.

War is about to break out!

Lin Tianwei's huge body began to press downward.

A pair of tiger palms suppressed Ye Huo's body at the moment of pressing down.

The terrifying power broke out, and Lin Tianwei planned to use his terrifying power to directly suppress Ye Huo.

Now that you've been caught by yourself, don't even think about escaping from your grasp.

It's a pity that the fire of karma is still an ant after all.

Excellent natural instinct allows it to exert extremely terrifying power.

The body being pinned down by Lin Tianwei began to exert force, trying to explode with all his strength and directly knock Lin Tianwei away.

Only this time, it miscalculated.

Lin Tianwei's power is not weaker than it at all.

Even slightly stronger.

As his body was suppressed bit by bit, Ye Huo discovered to his horror that he was the loser in this fight.

How could an ant lose in a duel?

Although Ye Huo finds it a bit ridiculous.

But the powerful power in Lin Tianwei's tiger palm is so real.

It was so heavy that it couldn't breathe.

The most important thing is that his body has been restrained by the tiger in front of him.

A squeaking sound from being squeezed.

If this continues, as the power explodes, your own carapace will definitely be the first to be unable to bear it.

Exploding your body is your own fate.

I am so silly.

Why should I give up the advantage of flying to wrestle this terrifying tiger?

This is simply asking for death!

Thinking of this, Ye Huo's body began to twist continuously, trying to escape from Lin Tianwei's tiger palm.

However, he discovered that its seemingly smooth carapace lost its original effect in front of Lin Tianwei's tiger palm.

There seems to be a special structure on the tiger's palm, like a suction cup, sucking its carapace tightly.

Unless you use the method of disintegration, you can't escape at all.

Have you become a turtle in a urn?

Ye Huo reacted without any panic.

You must know that you are not an ant.

Here is stationed its own army of Karmic Fire Ants.

While the two sides were wrestling and unable to move, his men happened to launch a sneak attack.

A sneak attack on this seemingly powerful but actually extremely stupid tiger.

One tiger singled out the entire Yehuo Forest?

How could he have such naive ideas?

Your own huge army of Karmic Fire Ants will tell you what regret is!

Although he was retreating steadily, Ye Huo seemed calm and unhurried.

Start distributing pheromones and command your troops.


The Karma Fire Ant Troops took action.

Like a tide, it surged up.

Only this time, their target is Lin Tianwei!

Trying to swallow up the huge thing in front of him.

Although this kind of behavior is somewhat unethical.

But Yehuo said that ants are creatures that use more to defeat less, and this is its fighting style.

There will be no psychological burden at all.

Not only that, Karma Huo also wants to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Although his body was restrained by Lin Tianwei.

But the body structure of ants is different from humans after all.

Ye Huo was still able to attack Lin Tianwei in this situation.

Tail pin!

Yehuo's butt was raised high, and its sharp tail needle shone with a cold light.

He actually planned to launch a sneak attack on Lin Tianwei.

Not only that, its mouth also opened and closed, as if it was preparing some terrifying attack.

It was too late, but it was soon.

Ye Huo's tail needle stabbed Lin Tianwei's tiger palm with lightning speed.

Once Lin Tianwei's tiger skin is pierced, the toxin hidden in it will be instantly injected into Lin Tianwei's body.

Let Lin Tianwei taste it, it tastes as good as karma burning his body.

Ye Huo's mouth was not idle either, he quickly sprayed out a ball of venom and shot it towards Lin Tianwei's eyes.

No matter what kind of creature it is, its eyes are one of its weaknesses.

As long as he could hit the target, Ye Huo was confident that the toxin he had concocted could definitely seriously injure Lin Tianwei.

Even if he can't hit, as long as Lin Tianwei can dodge.

Ye Huo was able to take advantage of Lin Tianwei's distraction to escape from this terrifying tiger's palm.

Then take advantage of your natural advantage of being able to fly.

Taking advantage of the moment when Lin Tianwei and his younger brother were trembling and revealing their flaws, they launched a fatal attack on him.

On the other side, the Yehuo Ants, which were not far from Lin Tianwei, finally arrived on the battlefield.

It quickly spread around Lin Tianwei's body.

There were even Karmic Fire Ants that had raised their sharp fangs, ready to launch a fatal attack on Lin Tianwei at any time.

In just an instant, Lin Tianwei was reduced from the winner of the wrestling match to a "poor" tiger being attacked from three sides.

However, it was Lin Tianwei who seemed to be surrounded, but there was no look of panic in his eyes.

Instead, he looked like he was strategizing and had everything under control.

Since you take the lead in not practicing martial ethics, don't blame yourself for being even less disciplined in martial arts!

Facing Ye Huo who launched a sneak attack on him, Lin Tianwei felt extremely ridiculous.

Its little tricks can't make any trouble in front of itself.

Lin Tianwei opened his mouth slightly, and terrifying flames spurted out instantly, spreading to Ye Huo's entire body.

This blow not only instantly evaporated the venom sprayed by the Karma Fire, but also caused huge damage to the Karma Fire.

Although the fire pit was very high, it could not hold up Lin Tianwei's flames, which was even more terrifying.

And it is still a continuous and steady output of flames.

Turning into a roasted ant is its only fate.

As for that ridiculous tail pin?

It did break through Lin Tianwei's defense and made him feel a little sting.

It was like being accidentally bitten by a mosquito.

But the poison of Karma Fire, which Karma had high hopes for, had no effect at all.

Because Lin Tianwei just exerted a little force in his muscles, he instantly ejected the poison of Karmic Fire and the tail needle from his body.

These childish things are not qualified to move Lin Tianwei's face.

As for the remaining Karma Fire Ants, they are even more ridiculous.

How could they naively think that Lin Tianwei's body would allow them to get close so easily?

Just when they were about to come into contact with Lin Tianwei's body, an invisible wall blocked their way.

That was when Lin Tianwei's mental power began to show off, and he built an invisible wall for himself.

Although it is not invincible, it is more than enough to guard against these karma fire ants.

They could only stare at Lin Tianwei with wide eyes.

But he couldn't take a step beyond the thunder pool.

The crisis of ambushes on three sides was solved so easily by Lin Tianwei.

Not only that, under the scorching flames, Karma's body became red and became more and more uncomfortable.

Following this trend, today it has only a dead end.

Lin Tianwei never expected that this stupid ant would even think of trying to wrestle with him.

Otherwise, if you want to catch this flying and extremely powerful guy, you really have to waste a little effort.

But it's good now.

Lin Tianwei only needs to increase the power of the flame spray to quickly complete a delicious dish called grilled ants for himself!

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