In order to make this building very majestic and in line with Lin Tianwei's temperament.

Euro even contacted professional architects for design.

Although the farm is like a scourge to the main city.

But there must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

After offering a high enough price, the task was happily accepted by a master architect.

Just some of the simplest lines and designs though.

But under the influence of light and special paint, this building looks extremely majestic, making it very suitable for Lin Tianwei to live in.

Except for the residence belonging to Lin Tianwei at the core.

Another eye-catching object is a giant statue near the center of the farm.

A 28-meter-long statue is a one-to-one replica of Lin Tianwei's body during his heyday.

It is also all golden, shining in the sun.

It's just that this Lin Tianwei sculpture doesn't cut any corners, and is made entirely of gold.

It’s really hard for Euro.

It’s hard to imagine where he got so much gold.

In front of the statue is an extremely huge square.

This has replaced the previous Tiger King Square as a new place for daily prayers.

It is also where weekly celebrations are held.

Apart from these buildings, it is where everyone on the farm lives.

These buildings are much more plain and simple, with only the simplest and most basic structures.

Like a guard, they guard Lin Tianwei's residence at the core of the farm.

In addition, there is the banner that gives Lin Tianwei a huge headache.

Although Lin Tianwei personally removed these banners, instead of being canceled by Euro, these banners were intensified.

Not only has it become bigger and more substantial, but even the words above have become more exaggerated.

It seems to be only praising a true God who is stranded in the world.

Shaking his head, Lin Tianwei returned directly to his residence.

As long as his house is completed according to the requirements, other things, as long as Euro is happy.

Like a gust of wind, Lin Tianwei came to his house.

But I found that the ground here was extremely soft and had been carefully covered with a plant called tumbleweed.

This plant called tumbleweed is actually an awakened form of weed.

It has no use except being very soft and suitable as a cushion.

It can be regarded as an awakening plant with absolutely no economic value.

However, it was this awakening plant that looked like waste, but it was acquired by Euro at a high price.

It was spread on the ground and used as Lin Tianwei's mattress.

In addition, apart from some of the most basic facilities in the residence, they are the five cloned tigers of Lin Tianwei.

Under Euro's careful feeding, they showed no sign of being hungry.

At this time, he was snoring comfortably and sleeping soundly.

Not bad.

It seems that if there is a chance, Euro should be rewarded.

Thinking like this, Lin Tianwei came to No. 1.

During this trip, he collected a large number of genes, powerful genes.

Maybe it’s time to try the power of targeted transformation.

If possible, you can even add some powerful talents to others.

This can be regarded as some of the gifts I gave them.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei directly activated his directional transformation talent.

Under the radiation of its own directed transformation energy, No. 1's body quickly changed.

Coupled with the vitality provided by Lin Tianwei, No. 1's claws and teeth soon began to grow again.

Becoming sharper.

This is a gene Lin Tianwei plundered from certain creatures, which can make the target's teeth and claws sharper.

It is also more lethal.

Under the same circumstances, it can increase the lethality of No. 1 by at least 30%.

Weapons have been the best way to kill enemies by leapfrogging them from ancient times to the present.

But then Lin Tianwei frowned.

Although No. 1 gained the talent of sharp claws and sharp teeth, correspondingly, its genes also changed.

As we all know, genes are stable, and modifying genes does not mean forcing other genes into them.

Genetic robustness also needs to be considered.

Under normal circumstances.

Without Lin Tianwei's ability to make targeted modifications, just adding a small gene fragment would be extremely difficult.

However, although Lin Tianwei was able to perfectly add the gene to the target gene, he was unable to solve the repulsive nature of the gene itself.

The current tiger gene in No. 1 seems to be the foundation of the building.

Every gene added to No. 1 is worth countless layers.

Once the number of floors exceeds the bearing capacity of the foundation, the only result waiting for the building is collapse.

Of course, the optimal method can be found through continuous running-in and fusion experiments.

Let No. 1’s genes be compatible with more powerful genes.

But this requires a lot of time and resources.

Obviously, Lin Tianwei didn't have the time to waste on this.

And if too many resources are invested in No. 1, its significance as a clone will be lost.

Because if these resources are directly used on Lin Tianwei, they can play a greater role.

Perhaps it is for this reason.

Even humans with very mature genetic technology have not developed any powerful genetically modified beasts.

The genes of organisms modified by beta genes and gamma genes are extremely stable.

Just the transformation is already extremely difficult.

Not to mention creating a powerful genetically modified beast according to his own ideas.

Humanity eventually gave up on this unrealistic idea.

Perhaps after they rule Blue Star, they will take a long time to try.

But now, what they urgently need is a method that can be directly transformed into combat effectiveness.

Every bit of resource is precious and cannot be wasted on such a far-fetched project.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Tianwei had a new idea.

Since No. 1's genetic endurance is limited, there is no need for him to choose those junk enhancement genes.

Just add the most powerful strengthening gene to No. 1 for transformation, so that it can gain even more power.

Thinking of this, the light of directional transformation radiated out again. This time, Lin Tianwei will carry out a new transformation on No. 1.

The first is removal.

Removed the previous enhancements for claws and teeth.

Lin Tianwei naturally couldn't add these meaningless things before he was sure of No. 1's affordability.

A thought.

The extraordinary super-multiplier gene obtained from the polar bear king Tasca began to be infused into No. 1's body.

Number One's genes began to gradually change.

Contact, fusion, and then new genes are born.

Soon No. 1's face showed a look of pain.

Even though it has little instinctive consciousness left, the pain stemming from its genes makes it extremely uncomfortable.

However, under the control of Lin Tianwei's mental power, it could not move and could only barely let out bursts of wails.

Pain is actually the body’s self-protection mechanism.

It is the body’s instinctive warning of danger.

This situation also made Lin Tianwei hesitate.

Should we still carry out targeted transformation according to the original plan?

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Tianwei chose to continue the transformation.

If No. 1 cannot obtain extraordinary super multiplied power, its significance to him will become minimal.

Things that are not strong enough are destined to be eliminated.

On the contrary, it is better to carry out the final transformation directly before investing resources, and directly decide life or death.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei no longer hesitated.

While replenishing the vitality of No. 1, he began to carry out crazy targeted transformation.

If you can't get the power you need, then No. 1 has no need to live.

Waves of whines came from No. 1, but they could not affect Lin Tianwei's movements at all.

No. 1 can only be forced to be transformed bit by bit towards what Lin Tianwei wants.

As time went by, this transformation also reached its final moment.

The degree of fusion between No. 1 and the Extraordinary Super Multiplier Gene has reached 80%.


Number 1 is already dying.

If it hadn't been for Lin Tianwei's terrifying vitality infusion, it would have lost its life long ago.

Eighty-five percent!

Ninety percent!

Ninety-five percent!

One hundred percent!

Under Lin Tianwei's forcible transformation, No. 1 finally fully accepted the extraordinary super-doubling gene.

However, it is also at the end of its life, and its life is about to come to an end.

Lin Tianwei naturally couldn't let No. 1 die, so he used his life force like crazy to try to save No. 1's life.

success? fail?

Finally, half an hour later, No. 1's breath calmed down.

Life itself is a miracle.

He will try his best to survive.

The same goes for number one.

Its genes were eventually fused with the extraordinary super-multiplier gene, gaining new powers.

It's just that No. 1's genetic potential has been fully squeezed.

Now it cannot insert even the smallest fragment of genes in its body.

Like a program that is barely running and full of bugs, any genetic modification will cause its body to collapse directly.

But it doesn't matter.

It is enough to have extraordinary super-multiplying genes.

The polar bear king, Tasca, relies on this talent to dominate the far north.

Even it hasn't fully unleashed the full power of this talent.

As long as the power of the extraordinary super doubling gene can be fully unleashed.

As his clone, No. 1 is completely enough.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5.

As their clones, they will also undergo the same transformation.

Perhaps because of the experience of No. 1, Lin Tianwei's transformation in the next four games was completely familiar and all were successful.

If scientists outside knew about it, they would definitely be filled with jealousy.

Easily allowing the originally ordinary awakened beast to gain such terrifying power.

This is simply a miraculous power.

But then Lin Tianwei had a headache again.

The five clones have indeed gained the power of the extraordinary super-multiplying gene.

But this does not mean that they can directly develop into terrifying behemoths like Tasca.

An even bigger terrifying beast.

They also need the supply of countless food to allow them to grow into terrifying behemoths that are over 100 meters tall.

But in this case, the resources contained in this seemingly huge farm are obviously not enough.

Even though it has just expanded its territory by a full three times.

Perhaps continuing to expand the territory is the best choice.

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Lin Tianwei's heart, and he immediately called Ou Luo.

On the farm.

At Tiger King Plaza.

Everyone is gathering here for a carnival.

Let’s celebrate Lin Tianwei’s return together.

After all, Lin Tianwei did not hide his whereabouts. As long as they were willing to explore, it was impossible not to know the time of Lin Tianwei's return.

However, just when everyone was having fun, Ouluo received a call from Lin Tianwei.

Immediately, he didn't care to continue participating in the carnival and hurriedly ran in the direction of Lin Tianwei.

Faced with Ou Luo's sudden break of the appointment, no one had any intention of blaming him.

Instead, he looked at Euro who was leaving in a hurry with extremely envious eyes.

Looking at the direction, Euro must have been summoned by Lord Tiger King.

What an honor it is, it makes me mad with jealousy.

How great it would be if the person summoned this time was themselves, they all thought this way.

But there is no way.

Because without Lin Tianwei's summons, they did not dare to disturb Lin Tianwei's rest.

I can only watch Ouluo leaving with eyes filled with envy and hatred.

After being summoned by Lin Tianwei, Ou Luo burst into laughter.

Even the steps became brisk.

Within a moment, he arrived in front of Lin Tianwei's new residence.

However, he did not choose to walk in directly, but knelt down and waited outside.

For the omnipotent Tiger King, he should maintain enough awe.

Keeping an appropriate distance is the most basic rule.

After all, the true God is invisible.

My Lord Tiger King is the master who will act whenever he disagrees.

You can never go wrong with being careful.

It is estimated that the ants of Karmic Fire never imagined that the so-called plan to drive away ants and swallow tigers would fall flat on their face.

It turned into a plan to drive away tigers and swallow ants.

Its good neighbor, the Crazy Forest, also suffered a disaster and was directly destroyed.

Thinking of this, Ouluo said: "Dear Lord Tiger King, please give me your instructions if necessary."

Lin Tianwei thought for a moment and expressed his needs in the simplest terms, saying:

"Food, I need more food."

"If necessary, the corpses of Karmic Fire Ants can be used for trade."

With Lin Tianwei's terrifying perception, he can even capture electromagnetic signals floating in the air.

Everything that happens in the entire American land, except for some relatively confidential places, is watched by Lin Tianwei.

Therefore, Lin Tianwei knows clearly the importance of Karmic Fire Ants.

Of course, even the so-called Plan B and Plan M are the same.

But Lin Tianwei didn't panic at all.

It's not that he's too promiscuous.

But he has confidence that he can defeat all enemies.

Just kidding, even with the talent extraction system, I can't conquer everything.

Then you deserve to die.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Lin Tianwei can obtain enough food to grow.

Therefore, we use resources that appear to be assets to our enemies to trade with the United States for resources that will allow us to grow.

This is simply a matter of making sure money without losing money.

Their technological development speed simply cannot be faster than Lin Tianwei's growth speed.

Mr. Tiger King thinks there is not enough food?

Use Karmic Fire Ants in exchange for resources?

Ou Luo instantly felt that as Lin Tianwei's servant, he had really failed.

Not only could it not meet Lin Tianwei’s most basic food requirements.

Lin Tianwei was also asked to use his trophies in exchange for the food that should have been provided by the servants.

After hesitating for a moment, Ouluo said: "Master Tiger King, please forgive me."

"Your servant Euro is so useless that he causes you such trouble."

"Don't worry, we will find a way to provide you with enough food."

"As for using Karmic Fire Ants to exchange resources, there is no need to do so."

"Mr. Tiger King, you may not know that America, or the entire Blue Star, is executing a mecha plan called Plan M."

"The purpose is to create a terrifying peerless mecha."

As for the purpose, Ou Luo did not state it clearly. He believed that Lord Tiger King knew it better than he did.

Saying it himself, it seemed like he was questioning Lin Tianwei's strength.

Faced with Euro's persuasion, Lin Tianwei said in an unquestionable tone: "Mecha? It's just a bigger toy."

"Do as I say."

“Providing me with enough food is what this farm is all about.”

Now that Lin Tianwei has reached this point, Ou Luo can no longer refuse.

If it cannot provide enough food, the farm will lose its purpose.

In other words, Lin Tianwei may leave the farm.

Without Lin Tianwei's blessing, this paradise-like farm will surely disappear.

Thinking of this, Ouluo replied in an extremely firm tone: "Ouluo will definitely find enough food for Lord Tiger King."

"Please be patient, Lord Tiger King."

Confidentiality also needs to be respected.

If word got out that the farm was short of food, it would be blocked by the entire United States.

At that time, it will make the farm and even Lin Tianwei passive.

But just when Euro was about to leave, he found that his body became unable to move.

He understood that this was Lin Tianwei's divine power, and immediately gave up resistance, waiting for Lin Tianwei's divine power to come.

To be honest, as the enemy becomes stronger and stronger, Euro's strength is not enough.

It just so happened that Lin Tianwei had gained the ability of directional transformation, and it was also time to give Ouluo more powerful power.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Tianwei found the answer.

Mental power may be the most suitable talent for Euro.

Combined with his language talent, Euro has a terrifying ability to confuse people.

Although this may seem a bit unethical.

But Lin Tianwei's moral standards are not high to begin with.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei directly began to use directional transformation to bestow spiritual power talents on Euro.

At the same time, a large amount of vitality began to be poured into Euro's body to improve his physical condition.

This enhancement sounds complicated, but it actually took Lin Tianwei less than three minutes.

After all, Euro is just a human being, and his genetic endurance is not much higher.

Therefore, the level of mental talent that Lin Tianwei can give him is not too high, only intermediate level.

Such a simple operation does not require much time on Lin Tianwei's part.

Instead, he spends a lot of time using the power of life to strengthen Ouluo's body.


As well as increasing physical strength.

A two-pronged approach took some time.

When three minutes were up, Euro landed on time.

He looked at his body in disbelief, as young as an eighteen-year-old boy.

He even pinched it again and again, trying to make sure that he was not dreaming.

But he reacted immediately.

Such behavior is really blasphemy against Lin Tianwei.

Immediately he knelt down again and thanked Lin Tianwei profusely.

But Lin Tianwei didn't want to listen to his nonsense.

With a thought, Euro was directly ejected.

The terrifying force directly ejected him several thousand meters away, landing right on the Tiger King Square.

Falling into the crowd attending the celebration.

Fairy from heaven?

Such a magical thing will naturally attract everyone's attention.

Legisamon, in particular, put on a fighting stance, trying to attack possible enemies as soon as possible.

But when he saw the appearance of the person coming clearly, Legisamon was dumbfounded.

Familiar clothes, unfamiliar people.

He asked in disbelief: "Euro?"

Thanks to Lin Tianwei's skill, Europa stopped at Tiger King Square without any harm.

Faced with Legisamon's question, Euro responded: "It's me."

"Don't be surprised. The miracle in your eyes is actually very simple for Mr. Tiger King."

"Okay, let's continue the party."

"After the carnival, there are big things waiting for us to do."

"This is the order of Lord Tiger King."

"By the way, Legisamon, you were once a member of Las City, and even held a high position."

"I may need your help in this matter."


Legisamon immediately saluted Euro in an aggressive manner and said, "It is an honor for me to be able to help Mr. Tiger King."

"No matter what you are told, just tell me that you will risk your life and I will complete it."

Although the person giving the orders was Ou Luo, he represented Lin Tianwei.

Naturally, Legisamon did not dare to slack off at all.

That respectful expression was like that of a warrior who was always ready to sacrifice for the true God.

In fact, not only Legisamon, but everyone looked at Euro with expectant expressions.

It is their honor to be able to work for Lin Tianwei.

What's more, there is still the miracle that happened to Euro.

If this thing is done beautifully, maybe they can also enjoy the miracle of rejuvenation.

However, Euro simply glanced at the crowd, and then said to Barrios:

"Barrios, I might need your help."

This operation may be extremely dangerous, so bringing Barrios, who has the ability to teleport, is the best choice whether he is advancing or retreating.

It is naturally impossible for Barrios to refuse Euro's call-up.

Because this represents Lin Tianwei's recruitment.

He immediately saluted Ouluo respectfully and said, "Master Ouluo, please do as you please."

In this case, the staff is considered to have arrived.

Thinking of this, Euro said to the others: "You continue to party, we still have important things to do."

After saying that, he took Barrios and Legisamon to his villa.

The next things still need to be discussed carefully, so that Lin Tianwei's instructions can be completed at the minimum cost.

Get enough food for him.

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