Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 229 Open the champagne at halftime

In the battlefield.

Lin Tianwei, who abandoned Heisha, fought with Tiger Shi again.

But this time the two beasts fought in a more primitive way.

Landing on the ground with its hind legs, it uses its powerful palms to slap the opponent to initiate an attack.

This attack method is exactly the same as the attack method used by tigers in nature.

Bang, bang, bang,…

Every time the tiger palms hit each other, there would be a terrible collision sound, making the air tremble, which could not be heard without stopping.

The tiger style that turned on the mad mode actually had power no less than Lin Tianwei.

Every time the tiger palms struck each other, there was no winner or loser.

In other words, the Tiger Style already possesses as much power as Lin Tianwei, after all, it is larger than Lin Tianwei.

It also embodies various high technologies that the United States has finally developed.

It just lacks the courage to confront Lin Tianwei.

Once you have the courage to risk everything, you become invincible in Tiger Style.

At least in the eyes of the humans watching the battle, that's what happened, and hope gradually rose in their eyes.

They can win this battle!

As the roaring collision sounds continued, everyone realized that this was a dual contest of physical strength and strength.

The side with greater strength and stamina will gain a huge advantage.

Under normal circumstances, with the same strength, the Tiger will have a greater advantage.

Loaded with countless monster flesh and charged substances, the tiger's physical strength will be even more abundant.

After all, its body is larger than Lin Tianwei's, and the larger part is not made of scrap metal.

The United States dares to cut corners in other places, but it absolutely dares not to cut corners in core projects like Tiger.

In addition, although tigers in nature can also stand upright, they are limited by their body structure and cannot last long.

After standing for a period of time, the hind limbs will be unable to bear the strength of the body and return to the state of all fours.

Although the Tiger Style is a mecha with a tiger posture, it is a mecha after all and will not be subject to such restrictions at all.

This collision of forces may determine the winner at the moment when King Tiger's hind limbs cannot bear the weight of the body and he is about to fall.

This is what everyone thinks. After all, the situation on the field is like that now, and they think it is absolutely correct.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure that King Tiger put on them was so much that they almost couldn't breathe.

Now, I can finally breathe a little.

But will things really be as they imagined?

For half a minute, this close battle was still going on.

Everyone said that this was a normal thing. After all, King Tiger was so powerful that it was impossible to be defeated in just half a minute.

For a minute, this close battle was still going on.

Everyone was very calm, after all, even the tigers in the zoo could last that long.

As a terrifying behemoth, it is very normal for Tiger King to be able to persist for such a long time.

And Tiger style? The core mecha that the United States has devoted all its resources to build will only last longer.

Regardless of the high frequency of battles nowadays, the Tiger style can definitely last for more than ten minutes without panting.

For five minutes, this close battle was still going on.

King Tiger showed no sign of depression at all, nor did he show any sign of being unable to hold on.

Of course, the same is true for Tiger pose. Sufficient energy can allow its body to persist for a long time.

Eight minutes!

This battle finally saw a change in the collision of strength and physical strength.

With the continuous explosion of power, Lin Tianwei's body finally showed some changes.


The dense mist surrounded Lin Tianwei's body, which was a sign that his body was generating a lot of heat.

Not only that, Lin Tianwei's always smart attacks also frequently made mistakes.

If it weren't for the fact that the Ren Li state was not very convenient for pursuit, perhaps the Tiger would have taken the opportunity to expand the results of the battle.

It's toxin!

It was the toxins that had penetrated into Lin Tianwei's body that had begun to gradually show their power.

Under normal circumstances, these toxins are not enough to poison Lin Tianwei.

It only takes some time for him to slowly digest them and turn them into his own energy.

But now Lin Tianwei has no time to resolve these toxins.

On the contrary, due to the continuous fighting, these toxins gradually penetrated deep into the bone marrow, causing the patient to become terminally ill!



Adolf cheered, and immediately opened a bottle of champagne skillfully.

Everything indicates that the Tiger is about to win.

Not to mention that Heisha, who was thrown aside by Lin Tianwei, has a tendency to return to his soul.

The body is constantly shaking, and it seems that he will soon regain his fighting strength.

Two against one! How to lose?

Although this bottle of champagne left over from the old world can no longer bring the transcendence it once could to Adolf, who is an awakener.

But as an indispensable item for celebrating victory, even for the sake of ceremony, Adolf also brought a bottle of champagne.

When he saw victory right in front of him, Adolf finally couldn't hold back and opened the champagne and drank it.

Feeling the cold wine pouring into his throat, Adolf felt that his mood finally relaxed a little.

Finally, he felt that it was a bit unsafe and ordered Miloš: "Miloš, what are you waiting for?"

"Let the Silver Fox attack immediately."

"The King Tiger is now showing signs of decline. It is a good time for us to take advantage of the situation and pursue it."

"Perhaps we can completely eliminate the Tiger King before the Black Evil is resurrected."

However, Adolf never expected that his extremely correct order would be perfunctory by Milosh.

Milosh looked at the terrifying battle between the two tigers in front of him, with a trace of struggle flashing in his eyes.

It doesn't seem to be in his own interest to let the Tiger King be killed directly by the Tiger Style.

Although this may lose the interests of the entire United States, Milos finally made a difficult decision.

Just wait.

He must let go and give King Tiger a breath.

Otherwise, how could I become the contract owner of the Tiger King?

Even at the critical moment, Miloš felt that he could even order the silver fox to attack Tiger.

Although there is a thick mental shield as a mental protection barrier.

But Miloš believed that if the Silver Fox exploded with a blow that concentrated all its strength and even life, it would definitely have an impact on the Tiger Style.

Mental attacks are intangible and will basically leave no evidence of betrayal.

As long as he finally wins, he can conquer the Tiger King and become his contracted beast.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

No one will care about such a trivial matter.

Thinking of this, Milosh said perfunctorily: "Wait a minute, it's not the time yet."

"King Tiger seems to be showing signs of decline, but in fact his health is quite stable."

"The silver fox only has one chance to attack. He must kill him with one strike without giving King Tiger any time to breathe."

"Don't worry, Mr. Adolf, I will take action at the most critical moment and lead the entire United States to victory in this battle."

Lead the entire United States?

What face do you have, what qualifications do you have to say such things.

Where did you put me, the commander-in-chief?

Adolf felt himself furious.

Milosh, what the hell, how dare you point fingers at yourself.

He has repeatedly disobeyed his orders and even tried to usurp his own control.

After this war is over and the Tiger King's head is captured, he must deal with this stupid guy as soon as possible.

Let him know who is the absolute authority here.

One person is planning a backstab, another person is opening champagne during half-time, and he is even planning to eliminate dissidents.

If Lin Tianwei knew what they were thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud.

How naive do they have to be to think they will fail?

Are you going to wait until you are exhausted? Are you going to wait until you can't hold it any longer?

No problem, as long as you can wait and support your tiger posture, you may be able to see the dawn of victory.

ten minutes!

This is a very critical time point.

For more than ten minutes, maintaining such a high-intensity attack gradually showed signs of being unable to sustain the powerful Tiger Style.

On the contrary, Lin Tianwei, who seemed to be in danger, showed almost no signs of sluggishness in his attacks except for occasional flaws.

His hind limbs were obviously those of a tiger, but they possessed terrifying strength and could stably support his entire body weight.

Like an upright ape, it seems to have completely adapted to this way of walking.

Hold on, Tiger King must be holding on.

Oslo comforted himself in his heart.

How could a mere naturally evolved creature be as good as a Tiger made of countless core technologies from the United States?

Two minutes.

In another two minutes, Tiger King will definitely not be able to hold on anymore and will be slapped on the head by Tiger Style.

Another two minutes passed.

But the development of things was completely beyond Oslo's expectations.

It was not Lin Tianwei who was the first to weaken, but Tiger Style, who seemed to be the main attacker.


With the sound of a mecha exploding, the battle finally began to take a turn.

Although the power of the Tiger Style is very powerful, and the special armor made of the Karma Fire Ant's carapace is strong enough, it still cannot withstand such a high-intensity blow.

On the contrary, Lin Tianwei's seemingly weak flesh and blood body has very good toughness, at least it will not break the skin like the tiger pose.

The shattering of the armor also represents the winner of this battle.

The Tiger Style is still capable of fighting, but it is impossible to continue to fight against Lin Tianwei.

It is not as powerful as Lin Tianwei.

The armor can withstand the attack, but the flesh and blood of the monster as a power organization cannot withstand the attack.

In this situation, it may be the best choice to avoid the edge temporarily.

But Tiger Style, who has fallen into the mad mode, has no idea what it means to temporarily avoid the edge.

There is no concept of escape in its mind.

In order to protect the driver, the mecha's feelings will not be synchronized to the driver.

This resulted in Crazy Tiger not being able to feel pain at all and not getting any warning from his body.

He would just ignore it and continue to attack Lin Tianwei.

False courage gave Tiger the strength to face Lin Tianwei, but it also planted a terrible hidden danger, a hidden danger that could be fatal!

Flesh and blood flying!

Without the protection of the armor, the monster's flesh and blood could not compete with Lin Tianwei's powerful power.

Like dominoes, the number of collisions continues to increase.

Lin Tianwei's terrifying power finally destroyed the Tiger Palm in Tiger Style.

As Lin Tianwei suddenly exerted force, he directly broke off the tiger palm of the tiger style and flew towards the distance.

It hit the ground with a dull sound.

Such a terrifying scene scared Adolf to the point of taking a few steps back involuntarily.

The champagne bottle held in his hand also fell to the ground and fell into pieces.


Doubly frightened, Adolf's legs weakened and he fell directly to the ground, extremely embarrassed.

No one can connect his current appearance with the high-spirited person he was just now.

It's just that this behavior of being frightened by the enemy and falling to the ground was a bit too stupid. Adolf blushed and looked aside in panic.

If this idiot Oslo sees his embarrassment, then he can only sacrifice his life for his own reputation.

Looking back, he found that Oslo stumbled and fell to the ground just like him.

He didn't even have time to come back to his senses. At this time, he was watching the live footage of this war with disbelief.

Oslo probably never imagined that his miserable appearance would allow him to avoid a fatal crisis.

Adolf, who regained consciousness, saw a black figure quickly flash across the screen when he looked at the live broadcast.

Approaching and crossing the Tiger at extremely fast speed, he launched an attack on Lin Tianwei.

Heisha, it’s Heisha!

After falling into suspended animation for a long time, it finally returned to a state where it could move and had the power to fight Lin Tianwei.

He also launched an attack on Lin Tianwei the moment he woke up, and just in time stopped Lin Tianwei's subsequent attack on the Tiger Style.

The tiger pose was saved like that.

See this.

Adolf's eyes showed hope.

He stumbled up from the ground.


There is still hope.

We still have hope of victory.

This time, Adolf almost used all his strength to yell at Miloš: "Miloš, you idiot, if you don't want to die, work quickly."

"If King Tiger wins this war, I will take your first operation as a sacrifice!"

Facing Adolf's roar, Milosh's expression suddenly changed.

He knew Adolf could do what he said.

For these big shots, their lives may be like grass and can be harvested at will.

Even if he possesses powerful power, even if he can contract with an awakened beast up to the ninth level.

In their eyes, I am just a useful tool.

However, Adolf never imagined that it was his crazy speech that made Milosh lose his mind.

He wants to climb up, he wants to get like Adolf, no, he wants to get more powerful rights than Adolf.

Treat Araf, who sees himself as nothing, as nothing more than nothing, and harvest him completely!

Thinking of this, Milosh became perfunctory with Adolf.

If you fail, you may die, but countless people here will also be buried with you.

But once he succeeds, he will gain rights and status that ordinary people cannot imagine.

This was a huge gamble, a gamble worthy of Milo's life.

There will be some disobedience to foreign military orders.

No matter how powerful Adolf was, he would never be able to rush in front of him and tell him what to do.

How to operate it depends on Milosh himself.

Thinking of this, Milosh calmed down and began to observe the battlefield quietly.

He will burst out his own power at the most critical moment and launch a fatal blow to both sides of the battle.

In the battlefield.

With the addition of Heisha, Tiger Style finally got some breathing time.

Although Tiger Palm was destroyed, the mecha was still a mecha after all and had an alternative recovery mode.

Although Tiger has gone crazy, this recovery mode can be controlled remotely by others.


The tiger-style palm deformed again.

Like liquid metal, under the reorganization of countless small metals, a new tiger paw of its own quickly grew.

Of course, the body in Tiger pose also inevitably shrinks a bit.

But compared to the huge size of the Tiger, it is almost insignificant.

Looking fearfully at Lin Tianwei who had destroyed his tiger palm, he launched another tiger attack.

Only this time, it became more cautious.

After all, it just can't feel pain, it's not that it's blind.

The tiger's paw was cut off, and such horrific injuries were enough to prove that the tiger in front of him was a very powerful opponent.

Even an opponent more powerful than it.

Therefore, Tiger Style had no intention of rejecting Heisha from joining the battlefield.

Under normal circumstances, tigers are solitary creatures and have no companions at all.

The same aura can only prevent it from attacking Heisha first, but it will never cooperate with Heisha.

However, under the pressure of Lin Tianwei's powerful strength, Tiger Style changed the tiger's habits, and actually launched an attack on Lin Tianwei with Heisha.

The fight once again became two against one.

Moreover, two crazy opponents faced Lin Tianwei two-on-one at the same time.

This may be another stalemate.

Of course, it could also be a crushing battle.

But it still depends on how strong Lin Tianwei is.

Black Demon and Tiger Style have already demonstrated their great power.

On the contrary, it was Lin Tianwei.

Even though his body is riddled with holes, even though his body is poisoned, he still behaves very skillfully, making it difficult for people to see the depth.

Outside Tiger King Farm.

An army composed of modified people and standard mechas has arrived at this location.

Under Adolf's command, they swung their butcher knives here.

Trying to use this despicable and shameless method to disturb Lin Tianwei's mind and achieve the effect of affecting the situation of the main battlefield.

They don't have any psychological burden on this kind of thing.

War is a matter of life and death, and it is understandable to make any choice for victory.

But they never imagined that they were about to face a terrifying existence even more terrifying than the main battlefield.

It was impossible for such a huge movement to go undetected.

The role of the Fire Ants in detecting Karma is that Euro has already discovered their existence before the enemy starts taking action.

I wanted to quietly cheer for Mr. Tiger King and pray that he would win.

But these people seemed not to let them go.

In this case, let them know that Tiger King Farm is not an existence that can be manipulated by them.

Looking at the excited crowd, Ouluo was very satisfied, shouted loudly, and said:

"Lord Tiger King is working hard to protect the farm."

"In order to protect us, they even chose to give up their geographical location and take the initiative to launch an attack."

"We can't be ashamed. It's time for the outside world to know the power of Tiger King Farm."

"Under the leadership of Mr. Tiger King, even if there are not enough resources, even if there is not excellent scientific research technology."

"But, with our unity and courage to face everything, we still have the power to crush everything."

"Now that the United States has waved its butcher knife at us, we cannot hold back."

"This war can only be ended with blood donations!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ouluo directly stepped onto a huge Karma Fire Ant, preparing to welcome the intruder.

Ouluo's words, because the sound was very loud and there was no shielding, were naturally heard by everyone inside and outside the farm.

But when faced with the same words, their reactions were completely different.

Everyone in the Tiger King Farm seemed to be inspired and became crazy.

Equip your weapons and prepare for the final battle.

Off the farm? Those people almost laughed out loud.

Secretly, Euro, you also know that Tiger King Farm does not have an advantage anywhere, but it expects to win this war.

This stupid and naive idea is really not something that can be said by a person in charge.

Maybe Euro, who looks extremely serious, has already gone crazy.

Became a sane lunatic.

However, just as Adolf's troops prepared to cross the border of King Tiger Farm.

When he was about to start the battle with the Thorn clone, a pair of huge eyes opened at this moment.

Domineering, majestic, ruthless!

Those were Lin Tianwei's eyes.

Perhaps no one could have imagined that the behavior they thought they could control Lin Tianwei would lead them directly to the final boss.

Now that Lin Tianwei is here, who is that terrifying tiger wreaking havoc on the main battlefield?

That was naturally a clone created by Lin Tianwei through targeted transformation.

This is also the reason why the clone did not show Lin Tianwei's complex and changeable abilities.

Because it simply doesn't have that much talent.

A cloned tiger that has acquired extraordinary super-multiplied power can also grow into a terrifying giant beast when nourished with a large amount of food.

And this skill can improve the physical fitness of cloned tigers in all aspects.

Making them more powerful than imagined, under Lin Tianwei's precise control, they can explode with unparalleled power.


Although these clones have the same size as Lin Tianwei, their strength is much inferior to Lin Tianwei's.

After all, they don't have Lin Tianwei's terrifying talents in quantity and level.

Power is not in one dimension at all.

If people from the outside world knew that such a terrifying tiger was not Lin Tianwei's real body, I don't know what they would think.

One clone has such terrifying power, let alone four clones with the same power.

Not to mention Lin Tianwei's body, which is even more terrifying in power.

It was a terrifying existence that they didn't even have the courage to wake up to after facing it head-on.

As for why the clones are sent to fight instead of the main body, the reason is very simple, that is, the enemy is too weak.

Lin Tianwei really couldn't think of using his body to fight.

That's right.

Lin Tianwei thinks that the three major forces that embody the hopes of everyone in the United States are still too weak.

If they knew Lin Tianwei's thoughts, they might not know how desperate they would be.

In addition, he needed to test the performance of the clone, so Lin Tianwei naturally used the clone to fight.

And now?

These stupid guys actually came to the door and tried to extend their dog paws to Lin Tianwei's personal belongings again.

Lin Tianwei was angry.

Since these people don't want their dog paws anymore, I don't mind chopping them off all at once.

Chop it off forever.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei's eyes showed a dangerous light.

His anger is not something that these self-righteous people can bear. (End of chapter)

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