No wonder the water monster is so confident.

To be able to grow into the behemoth it is now, it does not rely on any powerful talent, but on bloody battles one after another.

There may have been many powerful awakened beasts in Suhui'an Lake, but they all eventually turned into food for water monsters.

The water monster believes that this time will definitely be no exception.

He could still be the final winner and make this strange creature that dared to offend him pay the price with his life.

His powerful flesh and blood will completely turn into nutrients for his growth!

However, just when Lin Tianwei was about to face off against the water monster, another battle was also going on.

The protagonist of this battle was none other than Ismail, who once reminded MacArthur and others to be careful.

This shameless heroine is encountering a huge trouble at this time.

It is true that Ismail has collected six secret keys and the treasure chest hiding the Alpha gene.

But this is just the beginning of trouble.

Although the United States tries its best to hide it, countless people still know about the cosmic beast.

Even the mysterious and powerful Alpha gene is no secret to many people.

How could such a secret treasure not arouse the covetousness of others?

The reason why they allowed Ismail to collect secret keys and treasure chests was to snatch the fruits of Ismail's victory at the most critical moment.

Even though Ismail is the head of the Bruno Institute and the main executor of Plan B, he has countless powerful transformers under his command.

But this does not affect her becoming a target that others covet.

Just like now, Ismail never imagined that he would be blocked by the enemy in his lair.

The seemingly iron-clad Bruno Institute has actually become a cage restricting her.

She never imagined that there were so many undercover agents hidden among her seemingly reliable subordinates.

After all, she is a woman. Although she has brains and courage, she underestimates the shamelessness of others.

Bang, bang, bang,…

There was a rapid knock on the door of the locked institute, followed by Pritzker's voice, saying:

"Ismail, I advise you to be wise and hand over the Alpha gene."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't be ruthless."

"You should know that this seemingly solid iron door in front of you cannot stop us at all."

It is true that the doors of the institute are made of super alloy.

But Pritzker is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

He is a powerful reformer!

Even before he became a Transformer, he was a powerful superpower, ranking among the top three superpowers in the United States!

When the two are superimposed on each other, Pritzker's strength is terrifying.

There are even vague rumors that Pritzker's strength has surpassed Nats.

It's just that Nast is better at hiding himself, and he can burst out with powerful power in an instant.

This powerful functionality makes him a well-deserved number one.

However, Nats is dead now, being swatted to death by Lin Tianwei like a fly.

Pritzker has naturally become the undoubted number one person with special abilities in the United States.

Ismail's face instantly turned pale.

She knew Pritzker's strength very well and knew that this iron door could not stop him at all.

How could she not know Pritzker's strength?

Pritzker is the security captain of the Bruno Institute.

Even his transformation plan was led by Ismail.

But she never imagined that it would be Pritzker who took the lead in betraying her.

If Ismail hadn't been smart enough to discover the clues early, the owner of the Alpha gene would have changed hands long ago.

After thinking for a moment, Ismail said calmly: "The alpha gene is not a simple strengthening potion."

"The conditions for its use are extremely strict. If you use it casually, you will only lose your life for no reason."

"Not only that, it may even have very serious consequences."

"Perhaps even more serious consequences than Tiger King wreaking havoc."

"You know, the Alpha gene is the core secret of the cosmic beast."

"Leave professional things to professionals."

"As the leader of Plan B, I am the most suitable person to lead alpha gene research."

"After all, I am the descendant of scientists who once studied the giant beasts of the universe."

"I know a lot more about the Alpha Gene than you think."

"Pritzker, I'm not too kind to you. If you step back now, I can forget about it."

"Even after the research results of Alpha Gene are achieved, I will be able to let you enjoy the benefits of Alpha Gene."

"After all, you are my most trusted security captain."

Ismail insisted on the three words "most trusted", and he didn't know whether he was mocking Pritzker or playing the emotional card.

Faced with such a desperate situation, Ismail tried to save it from various directions.

Unfortunately, once you choose to betray Pritzker, there is no turning back.

He looked at the white wall in front of him apologetically, and seemed to be able to see the panicked Ismail behind the wall.

Pritzker sighed and said, "Ms. Ismail, you are indeed very good to me."

"It's a pity that everyone is their own master, and I can't accept your conditions."

"Listen to me, hand over the Alpha gene, and I will ensure your safety."

"No matter how stubborn you are, I can't guarantee your safety."

Pritzker's words instantly made Ismail's face paler.

There are only a few people in America who can deal with themselves so unscrupulously.

After thinking for a moment, she settled on a target...Adolf.

This guy, at the most critical moment of the last meeting, handed the last secret key to himself as if it was a free gift.

I didn't expect this shameless guy to be so ungrateful.

He actually planned to take back the things he gave away so shamelessly.

Still get it back with interest.

If Adolf knew about Ismail, he would definitely burst into tears.

At this time, he had been beaten to the point of autism by Lin Tianwei and fell completely into a coma. How could he have time to seize the Alpha gene?

With all conscience, he really only chose to hand over the last secret key just to get Ismail to help him.

Ismail's mind was racing, thinking about how to deal with the desperate situation in front of him.

Looking at the people around her, she instantly felt that she had no hope of making a comeback.

Professor Janos?

Just a researcher, what role can he play at this time?

On the contrary, Legisamon on the side gave her a high look.

She never imagined that her ever-prepared "Tiger King undercover" Legisamon did not betray her.

Instead, his trusted confidants stabbed him in the back one by one.

This is really a big joke.


With Tiger King's headstrong character, how could he possibly think of an undercover method?

Legisamon should have sincerely surrendered to him, just a poor guy who was deceived by his false beliefs.

Thinking of this, Ismail looked at Legisamon with pity.

She decided that if she had a chance to escape, she must tell Legisamon the cruel truth and liberate this lost soul.

Shaking his head, Ismail dismissed this ridiculous idea from his mind.


This is simply impossible.

Legisamon may have fighting ability and is very powerful.

But he was not strong enough to defeat the powerful team outside the door.

Resisting stubbornly is just a waste of life.

Thinking of this, Ismail looked at the treasure box in his hand.

A treasure chest with an Eagle of Liberty engraved on it.

At this time, a dark golden key was inserted into the treasure box. It seemed that the treasure box could be easily opened with just a slight twist.

However, Ismail knew that this was just an illusion.

How could the alpha gene be obtained so easily?

Even if the key and the treasure chest are obtained at the same time, the alpha gene in the key and the treasure chest needs to be regenerated for enough time before the treasure chest can be opened.

Revealing the alpha gene hidden within.

Turn the key early?

Not only will you not get the Alpha gene hidden in it, but it will even cause the treasure chest to be locked in advance.

Opening this treasure chest requires more complicated and tedious steps.

This is also the reason why Ismail has not used the Alpha gene yet.

It's not that she doesn't want to use it, it's that she hasn't obtained the Alpha gene hidden in the treasure box yet.


Pritzker didn't seem to want to give Ismail too much time. He stretched out his right fist and punched the white iron door in front of him.

This punch carried a huge force, which was simply not something that this iron door could withstand.

As Pritzker continued to exert pressure, the iron gate even deformed and the shape of Pritzker's fist appeared.

Finally, the iron door couldn't resist Pritzker's powerful force, and with a loud clang, it fell heavily into the research room.

That loud noise caused the expressions of the two people hidden inside to change drastically.

Especially Ismail, she never imagined that she would fall short just before she was about to obtain the Alpha gene.

After looking at the treasure box in his hand, Ismail seemed to have given up and said, "You can take the treasure box."

"I have only one request, and that is that you do not turn the key to the treasure chest until it opens automatically."

"Otherwise, not only will you not get the Alpha gene, but you will also lock America's last hope into the abyss."

Since there is no guarantee that he will obtain the Alpha gene, Ismail can only guarantee that the Alpha gene can be successfully extracted and become a powerful force belonging to the United States.

Pritzker nodded and made a "bring it to you" gesture, and the meaning was self-evident.

Ismail sighed and planned to step forward and hand the treasure box to Pritzker.

However, at this moment, a huge body blocked her way.

It's Legisamon!

At this most critical moment, he finally stood up.

He would not sit back and watch what should belong to Lin Tianwei fall into the hands of others, and said:

"Ms. Ismail, there is absolutely no need for you to do such unnecessary things."

"Don't worry, it's just some soldiers and generals. I will take care of it for you."

"And you just need to take out the alpha gene at the most critical moment."

Ismail never expected that Legisamon would stand up at this time, and immediately shouted loudly:

"Lejisamon, don't do unnecessary things."

"Losing, we have lost, completely defeated."

"Handing over the Alpha gene is our chance of survival."

However, before Ismail could finish what he said, he found that Legisamon in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Fast as lightning!

Legisamon burst out with extremely fast speed and attacked Pritzker like lightning.

Legisamon's sudden attack caught everyone by surprise.

But they didn't take Legisamon seriously at all.

This once perhaps very powerful superpower has long been unable to keep up with the times.

How could he, who had only one eye in his body that had been transplanted and transformed, be able to defeat these powerful cybernetics whose entire bodies had been transformed?

Stupid, extremely stupid!

In this case, let you and your loyal followers go to God together!

A ruthless look flashed in Pritzker's eyes, and he raised his right fist and swung it in the direction of Legisamon's attack.

He believed that with just one blow, he could completely kill his enemy to pieces.

As a powerful psychic and the number one psychic in America, he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

It's just that his mysterious confidence led to him choosing the wrong opponent.

The opponent he is about to face is Legisamon from Tiger King Farm, who has received a gift from Lin Tianwei!

Explosion of speed!

This is Lin Tianwei's gift!

Legisamon's already extremely fast speed accelerated again and launched a fatal attack on Pritzker.

Pritzker's expression immediately changed as he swung out his right fist.

His naked eyes told him that he had attacked Legisamon.

But his right fist told him that he had not hit the target at all.

This feeling that his eyes and brain were not in tune with each other instantly caused his face to change drastically.

Afterimage, the figure of Legisamon in front of me is actually an afterimage.

This is a skill that only the very fast can master.

It achieves the effect of deceiving the target's eyes at an extremely fast speed.

The principle is very simple, but very few people can do it.

Because people now are completely different from people before.

All of them are powerful superpowers, and their eyesight is naturally outstanding, so they are not easily fooled.

Not to mention that the Pritzker in front of him was a superpower among superpowers, an extremely powerful being.

Unfortunately, he met Legisamon, who was gifted with powerful power by Lin Tianwei.

Legisamon's original powerful physical strengthening ability is coupled with the eyes of the six-eyed demon spider that can provide powerful dynamic vision.

Finally, coupled with the extremely terrifying speed, he can easily leave an afterimage in place that can deceive everyone.

Before Ismail could grieve because the afterimage of Legisamon was hit, his last man was in vain.

But he found that Pritzker, who was supposed to be the winner, suddenly changed his expression.

He suddenly realized that since the Legisamon he attacked was just an afterimage, where was his true body?

Could it be that he is hiding somewhere and preparing to attack him secretly? (End of chapter)

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