It was certainly a pretty long night for everyone.

Because during the day, a terrifying beast conveyed a domineering declaration of "surrender or die" to all Blue Star creatures.

They faced an extremely difficult choice.

However, just when the nerves were so tense, something happened on Blue Star that shocked everyone.

Those flags are fluttering in the wind, floating over every inch of land that belongs to the United States.

White background.

Black lines.

One stroke after another, it is very simple, but it outlines a very vivid pattern.

It was a tiger head, a tiger head that was extremely majestic and domineering.

Just looking at it can give people the illusion that they are facing the Tiger King, and they can't help but feel timid.

Not only that, after watching for a long time, you can even hear the tiger roar that once spread throughout Blue Star:

"Surrender or die!"

Although there are many tigers in the world, such obvious features make people recognize that this is the tiger head belonging to the Tiger King at a glance.

Tiger King Flag, this is actually a Tiger King Flag!

Instead of the Stars and Stripes flying in every corner of America.

Looking at the flying King Tiger flag, MacArthur was also filled with emotion.

Etna not only completed the tasks assigned to him excellently, he even completed them extremely well.

Such an expressive Tiger King flag is simply made by a masterful hand.

Of course, what surprised MacArthur the most was the execution speed of this plan. The efficiency was simply terrifying.

The order to surrender was passed down from MacArthur level to level, but no reply of disobedience was received.

Even Shengcheng, who regarded the honor of the United States as his life, did not choose to refuse and immediately cooperated with MacArthur's plan.

This is also the reason why the entire United States can be so uniform, with the King Tiger flag flying in every corner.

It was such a smooth delivery of orders that made MacArthur break out in a cold sweat.

He never thought of the possibility that the power of the Tiger King had penetrated the entire United States.

Let no one in the entire United States have the desire to resist.

If you insist on having your own way, you must forcefully choose to fight the Tiger King.

What awaits you then may be an extremely miserable end.


If MacArthur hadn't had a brain convulsion, it would be impossible for him to do such a stupid thing.

Taking a deep breath, MacArthur picked up the microphone in his hand and shouted:

"I, MacArthur, on behalf of all of America, surrender to King Tiger."

"I beg the merciful Lord Tiger King to spare no effort in spreading his divine light to protect your new people."

MacArthur's calm voice spread throughout the United States along the microphone.

But the last bit of American dignity had been shattered by MacArthur himself.

What remains now is a new America, a new America that surrenders to Lin Tianwei.

Euro was immediately stunned when he heard the familiar voice that spread throughout the United States.

Isn't this the little brother who kept courting me yesterday and asked about Lord Tiger King's preferences?

He is actually the leader of the United States, and the entire United States has one thing to say and everyone to follow.

But Ouluo soon realized that he was no longer the same person he once was.

Now I don't need to look up to others, but have become a target for others to look up to.

Because he represents the supreme Tiger King!


Just as MacArthur wiped the sweat from his forehead and was about to end the surrender ceremony, he heard a deafening voice that resounded through his soul.

Full of majesty, familiar yet unfamiliar, it was Lin Tianwei's voice.

MacArthur never expected that his words would receive a reply from Lin Tianwei.

While MacArthur was surprised, there was a tiger power as vast as the sea that swept every inch of the United States.

But this time Lin Tianwei's terrifying tiger power did not have any impact on them, but gave them a feeling of peace of mind.

It was as if they had been protected by some powerful being.

This feeling of being blessed by a powerful feeling made MacArthur feel extremely at ease.

It was as if no matter how powerful a being was, it could not harm him.

MacArthur was stunned.

There was even some hesitation in my heart.

Is this the blessing of Lord Tiger King?

A blessing that can guarantee your absolute safety.

MacArthur lamented that it had been so long since he had felt this extremely reassuring feeling.

Since the world began to mutate, even MacArthur, who is in a high position, must face possible dangers at any time.

If he wasn't in a completely enclosed safe house, he wouldn't even dare to sleep at ease.

Even MacArthur was walking on thin ice, and the lives of other ordinary people were even more difficult to describe.

Especially for those who want to leave the city and go to the wild to obtain resources, they have to face powerful awakened beasts that may suddenly appear at any time.

If you are not careful, you will be in a situation that is beyond redemption.


As the city in MacArthur's mind that was most likely to refuse to surrender, it indeed had a different atmosphere from other places.

Although the King Tiger flag is waving, it is obvious that the people here are not convinced.

Many people even hid the Stars and Stripes privately, trying to get rid of these King Tiger flags fluttering in the wind.

But before they could take action, they were completely enveloped by Lin Tianwei's power.


Huge pressure was pressing down on them like a mountain.

I have to say that mental power is really a very magical power, and can even sense the emotions of living things.

With Lin Tianwei's terrifying mental power, he was able to identify the target's reaction to the tiger's power at the moment the tiger's power came, and then adjust the function of the tiger's power.

In other words, the more docile Hu Wei is to people, the greater the kindness Hu Wei will release to them, which will only play a role in comforting and blessing.

The more resistant people are to Huwei, the greater the pressure Huwei will release on them.

This is why these people feel the weight of Mount Tai.

That is to say, Lin Tianwei is kinder and has not fully unleashed the power of the tiger.

Otherwise, Huwei's pressure alone would be enough to kill them instantly.

However, for the weak ones, this level of tiger power is enough to make them feel a lot of pressure.


With a dull sound, Torres couldn't hold it back anymore, and fell to his knees directly because he couldn't bear the huge pressure from Lin Tianwei.

His powerful physique caused him to knock out two big holes on the ground. The pressure brought by Lin Tianwei was evident.

Cold sweat continued to seep down Torres' forehead, and the tremendous pressure made him breathe heavily.

He never imagined that he would be hit by Lin Tianwei's interdimensional attack.

The terrible pressure left him almost unable to move.

Torres exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, roared, and said:

"I knew the Tiger King was unreliable. There must be some conspiracy to make us surrender to him."

"And now is the time for him to carry out his conspiracy."

"Everyone, cheer up and join me in resisting King Tiger's brutal rule."

However, Torres' words did not receive any response from anyone.

Looking around with his peripheral vision, he found that the people around him were looking at him with very strange eyes.

It's like looking at some kind of psychopath.

Only then did Torres realize that he was the only one feeling tremendous pressure.


Why target me?

Torres kept roaring in his heart.

But instead of getting less pressure, the pressure on him became more and more intense.

Sweat gradually soaked Torres's clothes, making him feel as uncomfortable as if he were soaked in water.

However, what was even more uncomfortable was his spirit.

The terrifying pressure from Lin Tianwei was corroding his spirit all the time.


This may be the best option right now.

However, Torres was horrified to find that he didn't even have a chance to fall unconscious.

I can only bear the pressure like Mount Tai little by little.

At this moment, a friend next to Torres said to Torres: "Torres, what's going on with you?"

"Why does he look so uncomfortable? It's as if he is going through the most terrifying battle."

"But I obviously didn't feel anything. I just felt very relieved."

"It seems like a powerful force is protecting me."

Torres was immediately stunned by his friend's words.

Why does my friend feel like a spring breeze, but I feel like the weight of a mountain?

Excluding the basically impossible possibility that he was targeted by the Tiger King, it could only be due to his own reasons.

Was it his own resistance to Tiger King that caused all this?

As for why Torres thinks Tiger King will not target him, the answer is very simple.

Because he doesn't deserve it.

He still has a little bit of self-awareness, and with his strength, he is not worthy of the Tiger King targeting him.

Besides, if King Tiger really wanted to cause trouble for him, Torres might be dead the moment the thought arose.

After thinking about everything, Torres's thinking also changed.

His tense body suddenly relaxed, as if he had given up struggling and had accepted death calmly.

However, he was pleased to find that the pressure on him not only did not become overwhelming as he relaxed.

Instead, a magical change occurred for some unknown reason.

From heavy pressure to softness, he also felt the feeling just like his friend said.

Warm and reassuring.

Torres was immediately stunned.

How could there be such a magical change in this world.

Intelligent things are not like things that should exist in nature at all.

Miracle, this is a miracle!

A flash of realization suddenly flashed in Torres's heart.

Only a miracle can explain what is happening in front of you.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and try to share his magical experience with everyone.

With the gradual recovery of the American economy and technology, mobile phones, once a communication and entertainment tool, have been used again.

Even the Internet is once again spreading to every corner of America.

Of course, it seems that we are in the 2G era at this time, and every bit of traffic is horribly expensive.

It's just that Torres doesn't care about these traffic, which is usually extremely expensive in his eyes.

The desire to share made him eager to post his feelings on the Internet.

But after he successfully sent it, he found that there were already many voices similar to his on the Internet.

Like themselves, they enjoyed two completely different experiences when their attitude towards Tiger King changed from resistance to acceptance.

A heaven, a hell.

This may be what I'm thinking at the moment.

A miracle, this is an undoubted miracle.

Nearly everyone who commented came to the same conclusion as Torres.

At the same time, this idea was recognized by everyone.

Even if they don't feel the cruel experience like hell, just this feeling that can make them feel at ease is a miraculous existence.

Just like the holy light of God in the legend, he mercifully protects every people who believe in him.

In an instant, countless people burst into tears and spontaneously fell to their knees.

Fulin was so excited that they felt the location of Tiger King Farm.

He abandoned his previous beliefs and began to pray to Lin Tianwei devoutly.

The true God is on earth!

The diversity of human beings means that not everyone is as enlightened as Torres.

But these people are miserable.

They will never feel the feeling of heaven while they are in hell.

You can feel the pressure on yourself gradually increasing every moment.

Little by little, trying to crush their bodies and minds.

Surrender or die, this question is not just for America's leaders.

Since you don't surrender to yourself, then die, die in confusion, and repent in hell.

Although Lin Tianwei is kind enough, he will not extend his kindness to his enemies.

Twenty-four hours is the last chance Lin Tianwei gives them.

When the time comes, the tiger's surge in power will completely crush them to pieces.

The reason why they are still struggling now is because the twenty-four hours declared by Lin Tianwei have not yet arrived.

At the end of the twenty-four hours, Lin Tianwei will transform into the God of Death and equally harvest all lives that resist him.

Only creatures that have expressed surrender to themselves are qualified to become their own tools.

Obedience is the best quality in a tool.

Lin Tianwei doesn't need disobedient tools.

Facing destruction will be their only option.

In a sense, the earlier a place expresses its surrender to Lin Tianwei, the more advantages it will have.

Because the people there will get more time to adapt to changes in the world.

To adapt to a world dominated by Lin Tianwei!



This was a sensation that swept the entire Blue Star.

After hearing MacArthur's powerful declaration, Topher felt so embarrassed that he could dig out a three-bedroom apartment from the ground.

Some time ago, he plausibly said that America would never be the first to surrender to the Tiger King.

But reality was like a slap in the face.

The slap made his face turn red from shame.

Did MacArthur really vote? Be the first to formally express surrender to the Tiger King?

Not only that, this surrender ceremony was made so earth-shattering by MacArthur that it seemed as exaggerated as a celebration.

The melodious flags are flying all over the land of the United States. This is a treatment that was only available when the United States was founded.

Toph even wiped his eyes and took in the situation.

Trying to find evidence that all this is an illusion created by Lin Tianwei.

However, no matter how many times he looked at it, even if his eyes popped out, it would not change the established fact.

The United States took the lead in expressing its surrender to Lin Tianwei.

The former overlord of Blue Star completely put down his figure and surrendered to Lin Tianwei, who was more powerful than himself and could rule the entire Blue Star.


Topher also saw a look of remorse in MacArthur's eyes.

It's not that I regret that I surrendered to the Tiger King, but it seems like...

I regret that I surrendered too slowly. (End of chapter)

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