"God's punishment, that's God's punishment!"

Everyone who witnessed all this began to exclaim, and subconsciously said the adjectives in their minds that best fit the situation at hand.

Only divine punishment can sweep across the entire Blue Star and kill all the fools who resist the will of the true god in an instant.

For a time, countless people knelt down and prayed.

It is impossible to get their sincere faith just by blessing them.

On the contrary, this bloody divine punishment can cleanse their souls and make them completely believers of Lin Tianwei.

In the rainforest.

Countless powerful awakened beasts are fighting for survival.

There is no real safe zone here in this dangerous place.

Even the inconspicuous little mound under his feet is a crisis that can completely destroy the powerful awakened beast.

It is precisely because of this environment that the awakened beasts in the rain forest are all extremely powerful and possess terrifying strength.

This is also the capital that they are proud of, the capital that they think they can compete with Lin Tianwei.

The tiger's power passed by, like a sickle, instantly harvesting the life of the entire rain forest.

These awakened creatures with powerful intelligence not only refused to surrender to themselves, but even roared threatening warnings to themselves.

Since they have chosen a path of death, they will eventually face their ultimate death.

Outside Pent City.

As time passed by, the twenty-four hours mentioned by Lin Tianwei were getting closer and closer.

Natural trees also feel a great crisis.

It has to be said that plant-type awakened creatures have unique advantages over other awakened creatures.

The natural tree that was once only a few hundred meters high has now grown into a terrifying existence over a thousand meters high. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as covering the sky and the sun.

In this human restricted area belonging to natural trees, only natural trees have the qualification to enjoy the sun.

Not only is the natural tree itself extremely powerful, but the awakened beasts it enslaves are even more powerful.

I don’t know what special means the natural tree used to actually allow these fully developed awakened beasts to develop a second time and become even more powerful.

100 meters?

A body shape that may be rare in other places is standard among natural trees.

Upon closer inspection, this is actually a fighting force of three hundred terrifying beasts.

Each member is a powerful awakened beast with sharp claws, and their combat power is terrifying.

It is because of such a powerful force that the natural tree swells.

Inflated to the point where he thought he was already number one in the world.

Even so, Ziranshu still did not dare to attack Lin Tianwei's edge, and was still preparing to pay tribute to Lin Tianwei.

It is a plant after all and has inherent flaws.

If it is not necessary, there is really no need for it to be an enemy of the powerful land creature in its memory.

Anyway, the natural fruits that were once scarce, and even required the consumption of natural trees to condense, are now as common as street stalls.

For natural trees that are now more than a thousand meters tall, they can bear as many trees as they want.

Naturally, it has no need to offend Lin Tianwei, a powerful enemy.

It is acceptable to donate some insignificant resources, but it is absolutely impossible to surrender yourself.

I, the natural tree, have my own pride!

Naturally, he still did not decide to surrender to Lin Tianwei in the end.

Silence is its response to this incident.

But many times, silence often represents choice.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

Sighing slightly, Lin Tianwei secretly thought that he was kind enough and gave them enough time to make a choice.

But there are still so many awakened creatures that are unclear, so silence must be used instead of choice.

It was really hard for Lin Tianwei to understand why they would do such a stupid thing.

The tiger's power passed by, and the moment the time reached twenty-four hours, it turned from a gentle breeze to a biting cold.

This is Lin Tianwei's call to attack.

Horror, there is a great horror coming before us.

The perception of such a terrifying existence as a natural tree is extremely powerful.

Almost as soon as Lin Tianwei's attack arrived, Ziranshu felt it.

But its heart is extremely disdainful.

If Lin Tianwei himself came, it might pay a little more attention to it.

Now even the real body is not here, but who can be scared by just a threatening tiger power?

Thinking of this, Natural Numbers looked at the army of awakened beasts under his command.

Although they are not as powerful as the Tiger, Black Demon and Tianqing, they have unique abilities.

If they really want to fight, they are not afraid of death but can exert stronger fighting power.

Although natural numbers are plants, it is obvious that they possess super intelligence.

It's just that sometimes being too smart is not a good thing.

Being "stupid" can help you survive.

After all, the natural tree is a behemoth with a height of a thousand meters, and Lin Tianwei is countless meters away, so it is impossible to kill it directly.

The powerful power of the tiger began to erode the consciousness of the natural tree, and in just a moment, the natural tree felt tremendous pressure.

It has even begun to lose its consciousness.

Ziran Shu was shocked, how could the strength gap between the two be so big?

He shouted in horror: "Surrender, I surrender, let me go."

Ziranshu's panic at this time was in sharp contrast to his previous confidence.

It never imagined that it would not be able to withstand Lin Tianwei's attack from thousands of miles away.

But what frightened him even more was that even though he had already surrendered, Lin Tianwei's attack showed no sign of stopping.

On the contrary, because of the resistance, it became more invincible.

The fear of death began to spread, and the natural tree felt the breath of death and shouted: "Merciful Lord Tiger King, please forgive my ignorance."

"I am willing to surrender to you and be driven by you forever, even if it means sacrificing my soul for this."

As if feeling the mood of the natural tree, the powerful awakened beasts living under the natural tree also began to become restless.

Running around uneasily, trying to vent the fear in his heart.

But all this is in vain.

Having already given Natural Tree two chances, he has no intention of giving Natural Tree another chance.

Twenty-four hours is the first opportunity.

The kelpie's death is a second chance.

Even the most powerful awakened creature that cannot seize the opportunity is destined to be a monster under the power of Lin Tianwei.

The consciousness of Ziranshu began to struggle hard, and words of begging for mercy came out from its mind incessantly.

However, this cannot change its imminent fate.

Since it doesn't cherish the opportunity given by Lin Tianwei, there is no need for Lin Tianwei to protect it.

Although the natural tree looks very powerful, to Lin Tianwei it is just a powerful ant.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a new target."

"Ding, the talent extraction was successful, and the host obtained the talent: Parasitism (Extraordinary)."

"Ding, please host confirm whether to use this talent."

"Parasite (extraordinary): an extraordinary talent that differentiates one's own flesh and blood to parasitize the target."

"Remarks: Parasitism takes a certain amount of time to proceed. The stronger the body's own flesh and blood, the smaller the genetic structure gap with the target body, and the shorter the time required to complete the parasitism."

"If the source of infection is eliminated during the parasitization process, the parasitism will be judged as failed."

"After successful parasitism, the target will become a flesh and blood puppet controlled by itself (its sanity will be completely lost)."

"After successful parasitism, the target will be affected by the host's flesh and blood, resulting in a certain degree of mutation."

Three seconds!

In just three seconds, the natural tree lost its breath of life.

Even though it is powerful, it is a terrifying awakening plant that can hold up a whole sky.

But it only lasted less than three seconds in the face of Lin Tianwei's ultra-long-range attack.

Although the physical body of the natural tree has not died, it has long lost its spirituality.

It completely transformed from a powerful awakening plant into a slightly larger plant.

A plant that can be slaughtered by any creature at will.

At the same time, the awakened beasts parasitized by it also experienced mutations.

They seemed to have completely lost consciousness, no longer moving, just lying on the ground numbly.

The freeze-frame was completed in a very short period of time and transformed into the most realistic statues.

Surrounded by the foot of natural trees, it adds a strange beauty.

The kind Lin Tianwei did not take away their lives.

It's just that they were declared dead the moment they were successfully parasitized by natural trees.

What is left is nothing more than a flesh-and-blood puppet controlled by the natural tree and unable to control his will of life and death.

If you have the mental power strong enough to see through these flesh and blood puppets, you can discover something very strange.

Veins, stems, or roots.

These seemingly powerful flesh puppets are filled with various body tissues that should belong to plants.

Even the brain, which is the core of living things, is completely occupied by knotted vegetation.

Not like an animal, but closer to a plant.

This may be the talent: the powerful power contained in parasitism (extraordinary), which is powerful enough to transform awakened creatures.

It is precisely under the influence of this power that the semi-vegetative flesh and blood puppet can break through the original boundaries of life and grow to the present point without the super multiplication talent.

These powerful awakened creatures that covet the fruits of the natural tree never imagined that they would be parasitized by the natural tree and turned into flesh and blood puppets of the natural tree.

As for Lin Tianwei?

The natural tree in the past may have been a little careful, but in the end, it didn't have the ability to do harm in front of Lin Tianwei.

What is provided are natural fruits without any additives.

Of course, this is also its nature.

If it had thought of murdering Lin Tianwei in the first place, it would have been impossible for it to survive for a few more years.

Thinking back, Lin Tianwei looked at the talent he had just extracted and the very long notes and made a judgment:

Not a bad talent.

Being able to provide himself with a powerful talent, Zizishu deserves to die.

Lin Tianwei naturally couldn't let go of such a powerful talent, so he chose to use it without hesitation.

But now he has no plans to use this talent.

For no other reason than that there is no awakened creature in front of him that has the value to use this talent.

In a sense, this talent seems powerful but is actually a bit useless.

Beings more powerful than oneself are difficult to control using the parasitism talent.

It is completely useless to parasitize beings weaker than yourself.

In other words, this may be a very powerful skill for huge immovable plants like natural trees.

The death of countless people and the destruction of natural trees was just the beginning.

Lin Tianwei's Tiger King was as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, directly killing countless creatures that dared to resist him.

The one that lasted the longest was less than three seconds.

Of course, Lin Tianwei was kind enough to those awakened beasts who were chaotic and had no self-awareness, and did not kill them all.

They were too stupid to surrender to Lin Tianwei.

But Lin Tianwei had a good nature and did not choose to kill all the people in the end.

It's just that they don't want to enjoy Lin Tianwei's blessing, and their future destiny may not be very good.

There were only a few hidden monsters in the entire Blue Star that were not killed by Lin Tianwei.

Have to admit.

With the entire Blue Star experiencing mutations, and under the accumulation of countless small-probability events, a few powerful creatures were born on the Blue Star.

Sakurajima deserves its title as the first restricted area.

Not only was a powerful awakened lizard born on the island, but there was also a powerful monster lord.

A monster master that is more than 400 meters tall and even more terrifying than the Tianqing.

There are two horns on the forehead.

It was a pair of horns that resembled a goat's horn growing in reverse direction.

The tip of the horn flashed with cold light, and at first glance it looked like a very difficult creature to deal with.

Not only that, even the toenails and fingernails have also undergone changes.

The beasts grew into sharp claws, looking extremely ferocious.

Without even a piece of skin, the blood-red muscles were horribly and ferociously exposed in the air.

In order to provide this ability that is enough to allow this huge body to move freely, every cell in the body of the monster lord is burning at a high speed.

As a result, a terrifying high temperature was generated, making the monster lord's body as hot as a volcano.

In addition to being unable to fly and not growing bat-like fleshy wings, the Monster Lord's form has become closer and closer to that of the legendary demon.

Of course this is just a coincidence.

The destruction of the United States has proven that God's angels do not exist at all.

There is also the birdman played by a person with super powers.

In the deep sea.

Most of the awakened creatures were in chaos and became awakened beasts that were not protected by Lin Tianwei.

However, there is also a terrifying overlord hidden in the deep sea.

shark? whale?

This is a terrifying existence as huge as a giant island.

The image is somewhere between a shark and a whale, very similar to a tiger shark, with a body length of over a kilometer.

Activities in the deep sea area, constantly preying on marine life here.

To fill his huge stomach that is always full of food.

This giant killer whale seemed to have very high intelligence. The moment Lin Tianwei's declaration spread throughout the ocean, he swam out to express his opposition.

A leisurely whale call spread throughout almost the entire sea area, describing its dissatisfaction.

Under the dual constraints of distance and seawater, and Lin Tianwei not wanting to waste his energy, it finally managed to survive.

At this time, he was wandering leisurely on the bottom of the sea. (End of chapter)

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